Tsuneo Arakawa, Kazuo Ohara, Masako Fujii, Keiichi Hirata, Yoshihiko T ...
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Serum L. casei folate activity and urinary formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU) following an oral dose of L-histidine were estimated on 80 children and 14 infants. In children serum L. casei folate activity of less than 6.0mγ/ml seemed to be suggestive of folic acid deficiency from view point of the urinary FIGLU test.
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Masayoshi Yamazaki
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Light and electron microscopical examinations were performed on kidney specimens obtained from 52 cases with toxemia of pregnancy by means of needle biopsy. The main renal injuries were found in glomeruli. Glomerular lesions were initiated by precipitation of plasmal elements in lamina rara interna and followed by invasion of mesangial cells which formed membranous structures resembling lamina densa. The structures were recognized in histological sections as the characteristic reduplication of capillary basement membrane.
Distinct correlation was confirmed between the intensity of glomerular involvement and proteinuria. In cases with conspicuous glomerular lesions immediately after delivery, protracted proteinuria over months was generally observed. Glomerular lesions had, however, no bearing on the development of persisting hypertension after toxemia of pregnancy. The development of chronic glomerulonephritis on the basis of toxemia of pregnancy was not confirmed.
In cases with prolonged hypertension after delivery, the second biopsies revealed more or less pronounced fibroelastic hyperplasia of arteriolar intima. The lesions were regarded to belong to results, not to causes, of hypertension.
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Koresada Seki
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Histometrical determinations of volume ratio of splenic sinus, the mean breadth of splenic cords and the mean sectional area of sinuses were described. The above quantities were estimated of spleens in Banti's syndrome in comparison to other conditions of the organ. Banti spleens could be characterized by small values of the mean sinus sectional area. The total sinus length was increased. The condition corresponded to sinus hyperplasia. Distinct correlations were con-firmed between the mean sectional area of splenic sinus and hepatic lesions, portal pressure, splenic weight, esophageal varices, leukocyte and platelet counts of peripheral blood. The development of Banti spleens was discussed on the basis of the histometrical results.
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Sadayuki Sakuma, Shinji Takahashi
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The principle and the actual procedure for imaging the beam focus on the film are described in this paper.
A radiation source, the rotation table A on which a patient is placed and the rotation table B on which an X-ray film is placed, are arranged in this order so that the radiation source and the axis of the tables A and B are contained in a vertical plane. When two rotation tables are rotated synchronously during irradiation, the axial transverse cross section of the beam focus is imaged on the film on the table B.
In practice the patient is placed stationarily on the therapy table with the radiation source rotating around the patient.
The construction of the attachment of the beam focus radiograph is also described in detail.
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Keiichi Hirata, Tsuneo Arakawa
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Folic acid clearance curves, using both Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus faecalis, following an intravenous injection of pteroylglutamic acid (PGA) (15γ per kg of bodyweight) was examined upon 29 children with various diseases. The result revealed that there was a close relation between the initial serum folate activity and the serum folate 240 minutes after the intravenous dose of PGA, and that there were 4 cases with abnormally high levels of serum folate before and after the intravenous injection of PGA.
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Tatuzi Suzuki, Sennosuke Ohukuzi, Hideo Matsui, Kensaku Otsuka
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Adrenal 17-hydroxycorticosteroid (17-OHCS) secretion was followed after injection of tetramethylammonium or potassium chloride. In unanesthetized dogs the adrenal venous blood was collected by a modification of the method of Satake and his co-workers and was analyzed for 17-OHCS by the method of Nelson and Samuels. The 17-OHCS secretion rate before injection was 0.03-0.29μg/kg/min. After injection of tetramethylammonium it increased markedly in all of 3 dogs and attained to 1.10-1.43μg/kg/min. After injection of potassium chloride it increased definitely in 2 of 3 dogs and attained to 1.14-1.73μg/kg/min.
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Kimito Sawada
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Total 17-OHCS in urine was determined in 30 out of 53 neurosurgical cases, and ADS in serum was measured in the remaining 23. Measurements were carried out one day before operation, on the day of operation and for a post-operative period of 5 days. The cases were divided into the normothermic and hypothermic groups. Each group was further divided into the diencephalon and non-diencephalon groups. The alterations in total urinary 17-OHCS and serum ADS following brain operations performed under normothermia or hypothermia were analyzed.
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Sadayuki Sakuma
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The cassette, interspacer and film to be used for beam focus radiography were checked whether the existing one would bear to use for this new type of radiography or not.
After having examined those, the author reaches the conclusion that the industrial X-ray film (Fuji, type 80) is the most suitable, because the adequate density is obtainable during the course of therapy of 200-250 R. The edge of the cassette made of aluminum of round 1mm thick and the interspacer of mortopren are adequate for routine use, though slight increase of the scattering makes worse the contrast of the radiogram.
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A. Kulcsär, J. Kulcsar-Gergely
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
During our earlier investigations we have observed changes in the estrogen metabolism as a result of hypothyrosis. The genital cycles are lengthened and the sensitivity of the organism towards exogenous estrogens is reduced. We performed experiments to determine whether a reduction of sensitivity to follicle hormone in the target organ, that is, in the vaginal epithelia, is produced by thyroidectomy.
For experimental purposes we have used partly animals with intact endo-crine system and partly those which had been thyroidectomized and ovar-iectomized at the same time. We have performed hormonal treatments intra-vaginally with 4 I. U. of estrous. This dosage given intramuscularly did not produce estrus in hypothyrotic animals. On the other hand, when administered locally, it effected the cornification of the vaginal epithelia. The raising of the dosage lengthened the duration of the reaction.
Our experiments show that estrogen administered locally produces estrus in hypothyrotic animals. This reaction is effected even with the dosages which are ineffective intramuscularly. By raising the doses the time necessary to produce estrus diminishes, whereas its duration is lengthened. This phenomenon is common in the hypothyrotic as well as in the control animals. The changes of estrogen metabolism in hypothyrosis do not affect the sensitivity of the vaginal epithelia to estrogen.
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Tsuneo Arakawa, Keiichi Hirata, Kazuo Ohara, Masako Fujii, Yoshihiko T ...
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
A 3-year-8-month-old boy with phonylketonuria who had been placed on a low-phenylalanine diet (“Lofemilk”) developed folic acid deficiency due to a low content of folate in this diet. An oral administration of synthetic pteroylglutamic acid in an amount of 100γ per day was found to be sufficient to meet needs of folic acid for this patient.
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Mitsuo Segi, Yasuo Tsukahara
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
As Japan, Iceland is known as a country having a high incidence of cancer of the stomach. Most inhabitants in Iceland and Norway are considered to have the same ancestors. Taking advantage of the data of mortality statistics from “Population and Vital Statistics in Iceland, 1951-60”, we calculated the age-adjusted death rates for cancer in different sites in Iceland, and compared the rates with those of some other countries. The age-adjusted death rates for cancer of the stomach in Iceland are only a little lower than those in Japan in both sexes. The rates in Iceland for cancer of the esophagus among males and females, stomach among males and females, lung among females, and thyroid gland in both sexes are higher than those in Norway, but it is observed that the rates for cancers of the rectum and the prostate among males are lower than those in Norway.
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Sadayuki Sakuma
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The actual dose distribution of the beam focus in the body and that of the result obtained by the densitometry of the beam focus image at the position of the turn table was studied. When the fixed field therapy was conducted with the same arrangement of the phantom and film as the beam focus radiography, the patterns of the isodose curves in the phantom and that at the position of the turn table were different each other. The edges of the beam in the body as well as at the turn table, however, diverged and went continuously.
In full rotation therapy with coincidence of the rotation center of the source with center of the phantom, the beam focus image showed nearly the same figure of the actual beam focus delineated by the 80% curve of the isodose curves. If the rotation center was made eccentric from the center of the phantom, the dose distribution at the turn table became less homogeneous than that in the phantom. But, the loss of homogeneity counted 10% at the largest, when the rotation center shifted less than 4cm from the center of the axial transverse cross section of normal sized human body.
Beam focus image increased in size with the increase of the exposure dose. It was concluded to be desirable to employ an exposure dose of from 6 to 12 R for the deduction of the actual beam focus from the beam focus image.
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Yoshiro Wada
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Abnormally high and delayed clearance curves of serum valine with the absence of an accumulation of alpha keto-acids in blood following an oral dose of valine were demonstrated in idiopathic hypervalinemia. Normal clearance curves were obtained in the case of oral loading with leucine, isoleucine or methionine. These findings lead us to speculate a possible block in the transamination reaction of valine in this disorder.
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Hideo Matsui
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The dorsal parts of the medulla oblongata in cats were stimulated electrically and the adrenal medullary response was directly evaluated. Adrenal venous blood was collected from cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and was analyzed for noradrenaline and adrenaline by the fluorimetric method. Following stimulation of the inferior fovea a definite increase in noradrenaline secretion without any definite increase in adrenaline secretion was observed. Stimulation of some other parts of the floor of the fourth ventricle produced a definite increase in adrenaline secretion with or without an increase in noradrenaline secretion. In some cases a decrease in noradrenaline secretion was found. A rise of blood pressure producible by myelencephalic stimulation was not always accompanied with an increase in adrenal medullary secretion.
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Iwao Yamaguchi, Toshio Takahashi, Tomio Narisawa, Teiichi Hiroki
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
This paper provides an experimental evidence to show that the susceptibility of regional lymph nodes to metastasis of tumor is significantly modified by the reticuloendothelial function of the host. When untreated C3H mice were inocu-lated with ascites hepatoma MH 134 and the tail amputated after 10 days, 46.4 per cent of the animals died of recurrence of the tumor, the site of recurrence being the sciatic nodes that are regional to the tail. However, the rate of recurrence was lowered to 16.1 per cent when RES of the animals was activated by treatment with typhoid vaccine. The rate in the animals with their RES depressed by prednisolone was 58.3 per cent, a little higher than the control level. Hyperplasia of reticuloendothelial cells of the sciatic nodes was common in animals that escaped recurrence of the tumor, and such was particularly prominent in those treated by typhoid vaccine, suggesting that this pattern of lymph nodal reaction represents RES activity of the host and is an indication of host resistance.
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Tsuneo Arakawa, Mitsuko Sato, Fumio Chiba, Hisako Shioura, Ryo Chiba
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
An impaired intestinal absorption of
12 in vitamin B
2 deficient rats, as reported in a preceding report of ours, was confirmed. In addition, atrophy and a decrease in number of gastric chief cells of the vitamin B
2 deficient rats were demonstrated.
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Toshio Sato, Susumu Uchiyama, Tokutaro Hayama, Kenji Koyama
1965 Volume 87 Issue 3-4 Pages
Published: December 25, 1965
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
As a part of their clinico-pathological studies on Banti's syndrome, the authors examined the concentration and fractional pattern of plasma proteins in 77 patients. Hypoproteinemia was predominant in this series; the total protein concentration was less than 7.1g/dl in 53.2 per cent of the cases, while it exceeded 8.5g/dl only in 3.9 per cent. Among the fractions of plasma proteins, albumin was lower than the normal limit in the majority of the cases. On the other hand, globulins, especially α- and γ-fractions, usually tended to increase in this syndrome. Consequently, the albumin-globulin ratio was lower than normal in most cases of this series, the overall average being 1.12. The fibrinogen content showed quite a large variation.
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