The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 97, Issue 1
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Atsuo Suzuki, Akira Shibata, Seiju Onodera, Akira B. Miura, Shinobu Sa ...
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 17, 2010
    Histochemical observations of plasma cells and lymphoid cells were carried out the bone marrow smears from 39 patients with non-hematological disorders, polyclonal gammopathies of various causes, multiple myeloma, and macroglobulinemia Waldenstrom. The techniques applied were: May-Giemsa, peroxidase, PAS, black B, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, β-glucuronidase, nonspecific esterase, LDH, SDH and GDH stainings.
    Plasma cells showed intense staining reactions to acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase and non-specific esterase, but lacked peroxidase, sudan black B and alkaline phosphatase reactions. LDH, SDH and GDH were positive. PAS reaction was diffusely and weakly positive or negative.
    Plasma cells of multiple myeloma disclosed more intense acid phosphatase activity than those of polyclonal gammopathies. There was no difference in acid phosphatase activity of plasma cells among γG, γA, γD and Bence-Jones myeloma. The relationship between this enzyme activity of plasma cells serum paraprotein concentration could not be clarified.
    The lymphoid cells of macroglobulinemia Waldenstrom were negative for peroxidase, sudan black B, alkaline phosphatase, and ASD-chloroacetate esterase.A considerable variability was found in PAS reaction: from intense granular positive to negative reaction. Except for a case of moderately intense phosphatase and β-glucuronidase activities, no difference in histochemical reactions was found from normal lymphocytes.
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  • Yoichiro Sasai
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 11-19
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The effect of glycogen and glycogen metabolites on the histochemical reaction of a-glucan phosphorylase was examined. The addition of glycogen, dextrin, amylopectin or dextran with a higher molecular weight to the substrate solution was scarcely effective in shortening incubation time necessary for the appearance of a positive reaction. In contrast, when dextran with a lower molecular weight was introduced into the substrate solution, the incubation time necessary for the appearance of the reaction was shortened. By the use of dextran-containing substrate solution, the activity of a-glucan phosphorylase in the human axillary apocrine sweat gland could be demonstrated.
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  • Hisashi Itoh
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 21-33
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Rhythmic photic stimulation ranging from 1 to 24c/sec was presented in-dependently to both eyes or to a single eye of five subjects with unilateral optic nerve affection, and the effect of monocular stimulation upon photic driving was studied. Simultaneous recordings were taken from bilateral occipital electrodes referred to a central vertex electrode. The visually evoked response (VER) to a single flash was obtained with the summation technique and discussed in relation to the mechanism of photic driving. In all subjects, driving responses were detected over two hemispheres at a wide range of stimulus frequency, when both eyes were simultaneously stimulated. The trend of the appearance of photic driving was also almost identical when the eye with intact optic nerve was independently stimulated. On the other hand, complete disappearance or marked suppression of driving was found when the eye of the side of the affected optic nerve was independently stimulated. In some cases, the primary response or the early response of the VER was markedly suppressed, while the secondary response or the late response was not changed in the response quantity. The results gave the suggestion that the primary response was essen-tial for the generation of photic driving.
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  • Hiroshi Kudo
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 35-46
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1) A modification of Van Handel and Zilversmit's method was found to be suitable for routine clinical analysis of serum triglycerides because of its simplicity and sufficient accuracy.
    2) The serum triglyceride levels in the fasting state of 263 normal subjects from 2 to 79 years of age were measured and examined in relation to age, sex and obesity.
    a) The normal range of serum triglyceride levels was found to be 70±40mg% (mean±1.96 S. D.) with the mean of 70±1.3mg% (mean±S. E.). Therefore, the levels over 120mg% might be regarded as indicating hypertriglyceridemia.
    b) The serum triglyceride levels of both sexes rose with increasing age and reached the maximum in the forties. Thereafter, the levels decreased with age. The mean levels were significantly different between every two successive age groups.
    c) No significant sex difference was found with the exception of significantly higher triglyceride levels of females in the fifties and sixties. The levels of females were significantly higher after than before menopause.
    d) Serum triglycerides tended to be higher in obese subjects than in subjects with normal body weight, and the lowest triglyceride levels were found in lean subjects. There was found a good positive correlation between relative body weight and serum triglycerides.
    3) The serum triglyceride levels of 32 subjects of advanced ages over 90 years were also studied.
    a) The mean triglyceride level of the subjects at 90 to 113 years of age had no significant difference as compared with that of the normal seventies.
    b) Sex difference was not found in these aged subjects.
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  • Hiroshi Kudo
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 47-56
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The serum triglyceride levels of 211 untreated diabetics in the fasting state were studied in relation to vascular lesions, obesity and age of onset of diabetes.
    1) Diabetics had significantly higher triglyceride levels than the normal subjects, and those with vascular lesions had significantly higher triglyceride levels than those without vascular lesions, excepting the patients with diabetic micro-angiopathy alone, no significantly higher triglyceride levels being found in them. The most marked increase of serum triglycerides was observed in diabetics with coronary sclerosis, who showed the highest prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia.
    2) Diabetics with fasting blood sugar levels over 140mg% had much higher triglyceride levels than those with the levels under 140mg%, and the former had much higher percentage of hypectriglycerideniia than the latter.
    3) A high degree of positive correlation between relative body weight and serum triglycerides was observed. In the diabetics without vascular lesions an overweight of 10kg corresponded to an increase of 31mg% of triglycerides, whereas in those with vascular lesions the same overweight corresponded to an increase of 49mg% of triglycerides.
    4) Diabetics with vascular lesions whose ages at the onset of diabetes were over 30 had significantly higher triglyceride levels and higher prevalence of obesity when compared with those who developed the disease at ages under 30. However, in diabetics without vascular lesions the age of disease onset had no influence on serum triglyceride levels.
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  • Hiroshi Kudo
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 57-62
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The expansibility of arterial wall in diabetics treated over one year was measured by determining the pulse wave velocity from the origin of the aorta to the radial artery at the wrist and evaluated in relation to the fasting serum triglyceride levels. A good negative correlation between the expansibility of arterial wall and the serum triglyceride levels was found in both well- and poorly controlled diabetics. A similar correlation was also found with the total serum cholesterol levels only in well-controlled diabetics. These findings indicate a close relationship of serum triglycerides and serum cholesterol to the degree of arteriosclerosis in the examined arterial region.
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  • Masahiro Maki, Takuichi Sato, Masataka Nagayama
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 63-66
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Although certain estrogens involving Premarin, a mixed preparation of natural conjugated estrogens, have been widely used for years as hemostatic agents, the mechanism of their activity has never been completely clarified. Control studies recently completed by us revealed that this hemostatic activity was due to the ability of estrogens to inhibit kallikrein-induced enhancement of capillary permeability and thus to restore normal capillary physiology.
    Our tests indicatedd that most estrogens were able to inhibit enhancement of capillary permeability to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon the chemical structure of individual estrogen. Of tested estrogen preparations, Premarin had the greatest activity.
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  • Minoru Hirata, Atsushi Hioki, Koroku Hashimoto
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 67-73
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Toxicological study on carbon monoxide was carried out with special consideration to eliminate the effect of carbon dioxide expired by animals in the atmosphere. When 0.6% carbon monoxide in air was inhaled, mice did not manifest any toxic symptom. When 1.0% carbon monoxide-air mixture was inhaled, about 30% of mice died from respiratory failure following violent con-vulsion within a period of the first 30 minutes. Another 30% were alive at the end of 3 hours' observation, while the remainders died with almost even death rate in the course of the observation time. At a concentration of 1.5% carbon monoxide all the mice were killed within 30 minutes. Thus minimum lethal concentration was around 1.0%, but a normal distribution curve could not be obtained for the death rate of mice by the inhalation of this concentration of carbon monoxide.
    Effect of coenzyme Q7, premedication was studied in the expectation that it may protect mice from acute carbon monoxide poisoning, because it plays a role in biological electron carrier systems. In doses of 20 and 100mg/kg intraperito-neally, however, coenzyme Q7 could not influence the susceptibility of mice to carbon monoxide.
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  • Taeko Hirose
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 75-80
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A simple fluorimetric procedure which permits the simultaneous estimation of corticosterone and cortisol is described. This method depends on the fact that the fluorescence intensity ratio of corticosterone to cortisol in 6:4 (v/v) sulphuric acid-ethanol reagent is much higher than that in 9:1 (v/v) sulphuric acid-ethanol reagent. Evaluation of the method has been made in examining its accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity. Some data supporting the reliability of the method are presented. Application of this method to the estimation of resting secretion rate of corticosterone and cortisol in conscious dogs was done. The mean value of the resting secretion rate in 11 conscious dogs was 0.02μg/kg/min for corticosterone and 0.06μg/kg/min for cortisol.
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  • Sigetosi Kamiyama, Fumio Yamada, Satoru Kobayashi, Eiji Takahashi
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 81-94
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the Tohoku region of Japan, the mortality from cerebrovascular disease is lower in the Pacific coast than in the inland farm area. The inhabitants in a farm- and a fishing-village consisting of 1, 714 and 967 persons respectively of age 40 and over were surveyed for their physical condition and blood chemistry.
    The farm villagers had shorter stature, lower serum levels of cholesterol, carbon dioxide and calcium, but higher serum level of total base than the fishing villagers. As to body weight, skinfold thickness (in males) and specific gravity of blood (in males), the farm villagers were inferior to the fishing villagers. No significant difference was found in blood pressure level and upper arm circumference between the two villages.
    Low calcium intake is epidemiologically suspected to be an important cause of high incidence of cerebrovascular disease in the farm villages of the Tohoku region of Japan.
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  • Mitsuo Miyahara, Osamu Iimura, Minoru Yokoyama, Koki Hoshikawa
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 95-96
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Norio Taira, Makiko Yamamoto, Susumu Satoh, Koroku Hashimoto
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 97-98
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Perfused saphenous vascular bed of dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital responded with vasoconstriction to electrical stimulation of the saphenous nerve and to intra-arterial injections of tyramine and noradrenaline. Since the vasoconstriction caused by stimulation of the saphenous nerve was greatly diminished by phenoxybenzamine, it is evident that the response was elicited by excitation of postganglionic adrenergic fibers in that nerve. The vasocon-striction produced by nerve stimulation was readily abolished by tetrodoxotin. In contrast, like the response to noradrenaline, the vasoconstriction elicited by ty ramine was not reduced at all by tetrodotoxin, and instead rather augmented in some experiments. These results demonstrate clearly that the action of tryamine, i.e., the release of endogenous noradrenaline from postganglionic adren-ergic nerve endings, is not mediated by excitation of those fibers.
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  • Keiya Tada, Toshio Yoshida, Tasuke Konno, Yoshiro Wada, Yoshimasa Yoko ...
    1969 Volume 97 Issue 1 Pages 99-100
    Published: 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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