Stream flow within watersheds underlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in Japan, tend to be characterized by sparse baseflow and significant peak flow. This flow regime can be attributed to subsurface flow processes within the weathered bedrock layers, which are well indurated and highly jointed. However, during storm runoff, these weathered layers were not considered to have a major effect on water movement due to their low permeability. This study analyses ground structure and moisture fluctuation at a steep hill slope that has no surface channels. The hill slope was located within a topographic hollow underlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, in the Minami-dani catchment, within the Tatsunokuchi-yama Experimental Watershed, Japan. Borehole cores indicated that macroscopic water movement (through clayey material and joints) from the soil to the underlying relatively fresh bedrock basically conformed to Darcy’s Law. Therefore, it was assumed that hydrologic anisotropy, due to alternating sandstoneclay slate formation, could be ignored, and the weathered bed rock layers reaching the relatively fresh bedrock comprised the vadose zone, despite being permeable to 10−8-10−7 m/s. Therefore, at the mid-slope, the vertical extent of the vadose zone was greater than 18 m. This zone is characterized by a constant high water content, and low effective porosity. Therefore, rapid, vertical propagation of rainfall pulses, and large fluctuations of groundwater flow, were inferred for the mid and lower slopes. Occasionally, this also affected the upper slope depending upon the wetting degree of the hill slope vadose zone. During storm events, rapid and simultaneous responses were observed in groundwater stage and runoff. Direct runoff ratios became more than 50% when groundwater was observed in a 10 m deep well at the upper slope. At the mid-slope, when groundwater rose higher than 8.5 m in an 18 m deep well, the permeability of the weathered bedrock increased to 10−5 m/s (during earlier period of the recession limb of the groundwater). This permeability value is 100-1000 times greater than that during drier conditions, and is comparable to that of the surface soil layer. Therefore, the results from this study suggest that thick, weathered bedrock layers are functional on rainfall-runoff response during significant storm events.