Helium leak tests utilized in automotive components are described in this paper. First, the method for determining the leak thresholds for automotive components that use fuel liquids or hydrogen gas is described. An overview of the helium leak tester used for in-line testing is then provided. The leak test method for resin parts with high gas permeability, and check valves that generate leaks when tracer gas is introduced are then described, as a leak test method tailored to the characteristics of the unit under test. Finally, authors development of a leak tester. The following topics are introduced : Helium gas recovery and purification system to solve the problem of helium gas depletion, the development of leak tester using alternative helium gases (N2, Ar, Air, etc.), and the development of high-pressure liquid leak tester for high-pressure automotive parts to avoid the risk of rupture of high-pressure components due to high-pressure gases.