Estimation of C-CH
3 by Karrer's method with hydrochloride of deoxynupharidine and hydiodride of dihydro-deoxynupharidine gave results of 1.786mol. and 1.783mol. CH
3COOH, respectively, which proves that there are 2 C-CH
3 radicals in these compds. Similar measurment of C-CH
3 with hydriodide of N-methyl-tetrahydrodeoxynupharidine, obtained by the cleavage of B-ring at C-N bond, gave 1.770mol. CH
3COOH, showing the presence of 2 C-CH
3 radicals. In the previous report, it was reported that isovaleric acid was obtained by ozonic oxidation of C
26O, obtained by denitrogenation of deoxynupharidine. At the same time, a monobasic acid, C
15O⋅COOH (methyl ester, b.p.
0·5 100° (bath temp.); p-phenylphenacyl ester, m.p. 55.5-56.5°) had been obtained. Oxidation of this monobasic acid gave succinic acid. The structure of deoxnu-pharidine proposed by Kotake, et al. (
Proc. Imp. Acad., Tokyo. 19, 490) cannot explain the results of various experiments carried out by the author and, therefor, the author herewith proposes following formulae for nupharidine and deoxpnupharidine.