In experiments to observe the effect of three principles of fertilizers on the alkaloid formation of
Datura Tatula L., it had been found that the effect of nitrogen wes very great, especially the fact that of NH
4-N being greater than that of NO
3-N. As a result of further experiments on the relationship between the alkaloid formation or absorptive power of various nitrogen and the effect of the addition of NO
3-N and NH
4-N, under various acidity of soil, it was found that the soil of pH 5.3-5.9 seemed to be best suited both for growth and crop yield. In the area given NO
3-N, the effect of soil acidity seemed to be comparatively small, the growth being approximately uniform, whereas the area provided with NH
4-N, the effect was remarkable, the growth being seen only on the soil of pH 5.3 and 5.9. The componental yields of the alkaloid, total nitrogen, pure protein nitrogen, water-soluble protein nitrogen, and non-protein nitrogen were higher in the area provided with NH
4-N than with NO
3-N, the highest being in the area of pH 5.3 [Ca(OH)
2 25g./pot], where about one-half of the nitrogen supplied had been absorbed by the leaves. The nitrogen that forms alkaloid is only 0.07-0.09% of NH
4-N supplied, or 0.04-0.07% of NO