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クエリ検索: "めざまし新聞"
14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • 木村 吉次
    2004年 55 巻 015K10104
    発行日: 2004/09/01
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 牧 あけり, 沢畑 敏洋, 伊藤 涼祐, 松井 大輔
    2018年 24 巻 58 号 1217-1220
    発行日: 2018/10/20
    公開日: 2018/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study is aim to clarify the process of urban landscape formation at the district of Kurobe River coast in Unazuki hot spring town, Kurobe City. The landscape of this district is characteristic because it is composed by Japanese-style hotels which are pushing out over the cliff of Kurobe River. The results are as follows: (1) Construction of Japanese-style hotels in this district started from the negotiation between hotel operators and electric company. (2) It is inferred that the building type which is pushing out over the cliff is inherited from before WWII through the analysis of old photos.

  • 一九六〇年代前半の団地における「市民」と市民運動
    和田 悠
    2012年 15 巻 63-88
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2020/04/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 和田 悠
    2011年 7 巻 25-43
    発行日: 2011/09/10
    公開日: 2018/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This report investigates the movement to build a day nursery in Kori-Danchi at Hirakata, Osaka in the 1960s. Through this movement, the participants, both male and female, have come to recognize that "the private is social". This awareness reassesses the idea and the logic behind the gender division of labor, quickly gaining acknowledgement at that time, which emphasized housework as being the responsibility of women. For the male, the movement has provided an opportunity to question what it is to be a "man". Women's history tends to consider movements of establishing day nurseries in postwar Japan as those for working mothers'. However, this case study, written from the standpoints of Gender Studies, clarifies the fact that fathers had played important roles in this undertaking. Men and women have cooperated equally in the neighborhood by bringing up children together. This paper documents the above points by referring to the archives of the era and from the interview of Yoshiko Hashimoto, who has taken part in the movement along with her husband.
  • 高橋 晴子
    2005年 12 巻 3-15
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2018/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Now, the Costume Image database in modern Japan is under construction by using a still picture as a data source. This paper aims at the data evaluation of the newspaper serial novel illustration of Meiji Era which is one of the data sources. The target age is from the second half of the 1880s to the end of the 1890s. The advantages and important points which use a serial story with the style "Etoki-explanation by illustration" of Kusazoshi of the Edo era are described.
  • 木内 信藏
    1937年 13 巻 12 号 1108-1125
    発行日: 1937/12/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -その時期区分を中心に-
    中瀬 寿一
    1966年 1 巻 3 号 28-55,i
    発行日: 1966/12/20
    公開日: 2009/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    No previous analysis has been made of Japanese advertising (advertising industry and capital) from a social scientific point of view. The study of the history of advertising has also been limited to discussions of custom and fashion.
    This paper outlines the history of Japanese advertising in relation to the growth, development and crises of Japanese capitalism, by considering the functions of advertising in several periods of history. It also shows how and when the advertising agency came about and has continued to develop in Japan.
  • 田村 紀雄
    1966年 15 巻 48-61
    発行日: 1966/03/01
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 徐 東帝, 宮﨑 涼子, 川嵜 陽, 水野 直樹, 西垣 安比古
    2013年 78 巻 687 号 1179-1186
    発行日: 2013/05/30
    公開日: 2013/06/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This article examines the Illustrated Plan for Keijo (Seoul) City discovered in materials previously held by Kuratomi Yuzaburo, in terms of its designer, period of production, and significance in the context of urban planning. Based on an examination of the illustrated buildings, it can be inferred that the plan was drafted sometime between November 1912 and August 1913. Furthermore, based on the design of the new Government-General building and the signature, it is possible to confirm that the German architect Georg de Lalande drafted the plans. Much like the plans concentrating Tokyo government buildings in one area, this plan took as its main axis the line running from the palace to Nandaemun station, and planned for the government offices belonging to the Government-General, city hall, and the post office to run along this axis. In line with the trends of contemporaneous Keijo city plans, this design laid out a road grid that utilized existing roads and waterfront spaces utilizing existing water systems.
  • 武井 謙悟
    2018年 24 巻 17-31
    発行日: 2018/06/09
    公開日: 2020/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    施餓鬼は、報われない死者を弔う仏教儀礼の一つであり、日本では中世より現在まで継続している。本研究は、近代日本における施餓鬼事例を同時代の新聞、仏教系雑誌から検証し、近代仏教儀礼の意義を再検討するものである。具体的には、時系列順に以下の諸相に注目し、多様な展開を紹介する。1. 言論統制に対する反政府運動とも結びついた「新聞供養大施餓鬼」。2. 仏教者の孤児救済事業団体福田会から東京市が運営する養育院へと伝播した施餓鬼。3. メディアにより被害状況が伝わり、全国で実施された2つの震災後の施餓鬼。4. 日清戦争時に従軍僧の演説とともになされ、日露戦争時に怨親平等の論理が適用された戦争時の施餓鬼。5. 場所と対象を拡張した、鉄道と動物に関連する施餓鬼。本稿では中世・近世を通じて豊かな潜在力を保ってきた施餓鬼が、近代においても高い汎用性を発揮しえた諸相を明らかにし、その存在感が衰微に向かう過程にも着目する。

  • 文献目録係
    1991年 1991 巻 81 号 12-36
    発行日: 1991/08/20
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 西南戦争をめぐる報道からの考察
    加藤 裕治
    1998年 49 巻 2 号 270-285
    発行日: 1998/09/30
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は明治初期に活躍した二人の新聞記者, 成島柳北と福地源一郎の西南戦争をめぐる報道態度と (新聞) 報道言説に着目し, 「中立的 (ニュートラル) な視点」に基づいて事実を伝達すると想定されている「客観的報道言説」が, 「文学的定型 (物語) に基づく言説」を拒絶する地点で可能になったことを指摘する。その上で, そうした報道言説に含まれているパラドックスの可能性と隠蔽の問題を, タックマンによる「枠組」の概念に基づきながら検討し, こうした「中立的な視点に基づく事実によって出来事を知らせること」を指向しつつ誕生した「客観的報道言説」が, 実際には不可能であることを指摘する。
  • 樋口 謹一
    1976年 27 巻 45-62,en3
    発行日: 1977/03/31
    公開日: 2009/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    An Event is an Encounter in human life.
    Social Science, according to what Edgar Morin says in his pioneering article on the Sociology of Event (“Evénement-Sphinx, ” in Communication, No. 18), has been oppressed by obsolete schemes for it relies on only two items of analysis: static Structure and dynamic History. With these archaic schemes, social science is no longer able to analyze the complexities of present-day society. To re-vitalize social science, two mediate items, System and Event, should be added.
    System is self-regulating, controlled by information-apparatus or culture, existing as it does within a larger Eco-system or Environment.Interactions between System and Eco-system are potential Events. So, Event may be considered the response to challenge, in Toynbee's terms. Responses can be of three types: 1) System is so closed that it shuts out any challenge, or if a challenge filters in, the System is unresponsive. In this case, System is stagnant. 2) If the response proves to be unsuccessful, System is destroyed. 3) Lastly, if System succeeds in achieving a creative response, Learning, Evolution and Development can result. In short, durable change or transformation is brought to the System.
    Another French theorist, Louis Althusser (“Pour Marx”) writes that the creative response, which can be achieved only by exploring our “collective unconsciousness of depth, ” enables us to solve the problem of “realizing the necessariness of History in our accidentalness.” Here the creative response can be construed as the significant Event in politics, and so we may, to present a hypothesis, apply this idea in exploring the implications of Japanese political tradition.
    What is the “collective unconsciousness of depth” of Japanese people? Shuzo Kuki, a philosopher who analyzed the implications of Japanese culture in “Ori-ni-Fure-te (Accidental Sayings), ” feels that the essence of Event is an Accidental Encounter between two things and/or persons that gives birth to something new. The Chinese characters are shown because they have the same pronunciation and associated meaning.
    Furthermore, in our own language, politics is literally called the Festival-Event (matsurigoto). According to sociologist, Kazuko Tsurumi, who explores the modernizing capacities of Kunio Yanagita's study of Japanese folklore in her “Hyohaku-to-Teiju-to (Vagrancy and Settlement), ” the festival (matsuri) is an Encounter between the settled people and the vagrants. This Event has a vitalizing effect on an otherwise static social life.
    In Japan, one of the most conspicuous recent phenomena is the increased population of Danchi, collective housing areas. Here the temporary inhabitants of Danchi once again embody the idea of an Encounter between the settled and the vagrant, as seen in the Matsuri concept above. Again, this form of temporary residence is expressed with the Chinese character, which has the same pronunciation as and.
    Moreover, these Danchi residents are assuming a large part of the responsibility for the “citizens” or “tenants” campaigns in Japanese politics. These campaigns are sowing seeds which could grow to have a long-range effect on maintaining and improving the quality of human life in post-industrial Japan.
    If this hypothesis or expectation is justified, the Encounter embodied by the political role of Danchi residents could result in the most significant Event in human history.
  • ―電通創業者光永星郎が構想したパーパス経営―
    片山 郁夫
    2024年 21 巻 15-34
    発行日: 2024/03/31
    公開日: 2024/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー HTML



