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6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 鬼松 幸子, 氏家 知佳, 塩田 知里, 山本 直子, 舩本 康申, 鎌田 壽夫, 内田 立身, 小河 敏伸, 中橋 祥隆, 本田 豊彦
    2012年 58 巻 3 号 473-478
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/07/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    輸血により急性呼吸障害が生じ,当初,輸血関連急性肺障害(transfusion-related acute lung injury:TRALI)を疑ったが,精査の結果輸血関連循環過負荷(transfusion-associated circulatory overload:TACO)と診断された症例を経験した.症例は75歳男性,自宅にてタール便を認め当院の救急外来を受診,Hb4.3g/dlであったため照射赤血球濃厚液(Red Cell Concentrates:RCC)6単位の輸血を施行した.輸血開始3時間後に呼吸苦が出現,酸素飽和度(SpO2)が88%に低下した.酸素マスクを装着したが呼吸状態は改善せず,胸部X線検査で肺水腫の像を認めた.輸血開始から5時間後に挿管し,人工呼吸にしたところSpO2は99~100%に安定したため輸血を続行し,約13時間後にRCCの輸血を終了し,Hb値は7.8g/dlに回復した.輸血後の心エコー検査で駆出率は31.31%に低下,NT-proBNPは9,200pg/mlに上昇しており心不全状態であった.輸血3製剤の検索で,抗顆粒球抗体および抗HLA抗体は全製剤陰性,患者血清中の抗体は,抗顆粒球,抗HLA,抗血漿蛋白抗体は全て陰性,また先天性の欠損蛋白もなくTRALIは否定された.TRALIとTACOは呼吸困難や肺水腫などの症候が共通し,両者が共存する可能性もあることから鑑別診断が非常に困難である場合が多い.本症例では定型的なTACOの経過をとっていた.
  • 山田 博胤, 和田 靖明
    2020年 47 巻 6 号 255-261
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/11
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/09/29
    ジャーナル 認証あり


  • 菊池 真孝, 柳沢 香絵, 奥本 正, 徳山 薫平, 勝田 茂
    2005年 63 巻 4 号 221-226
    発行日: 2005/08/01
    公開日: 2010/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Aging is a highly individualized process, resulting in large differences in health and function. The importance of physical activity for maintaining health and successful aging is gaining recognition, and an increasing number of elderly people are now engaged in recreational physical activity. Although very limited, some are involved in sports and competitive athletic events.
    The present study examines the nutritional status of elite elderly Japanese athletes aged between 74 and 90 years (8 females 80.4±3.6 years; 7 males 84.7±2.2 years), including four world record holders in their age category. Dietitians recorded the diets of the subjects for three consecutive days at their homes, and the nutritional contents of their diets were estimated according to the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan. Compared with age-matched individuals in the 2001 National Nutritional Survey of Japan (NNSJ), all nutrient intake, except for vitamin A by the females, was more than that of the sedentary individuals. Large individual differences were apparent in the intake in terms of food groups. However, the nutrient intake per 1, 000 kcal by the elderly athletes was similar to that by the age-matched individuals obtained by NNSJ. These results indicate that an enhanced energy intake enables the elderly athletes to achieve a high level of nutrient intake.
  • 薦田 智久, 吉良 徹, 南方 量二, 中井 清人, 中村 恒夫, 出口 治彦, 岡本 直子
    1992年 16 巻 73 号 7-12
    発行日: 1992/11/13
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 生方 謙, 田中 靖久, 浜野 学
    2011年 17 巻 1 号 123-128
    発行日: 2011/12/30
    公開日: 2022/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    At Japanese colleges and universities there are hardly any intervention programs designed for student-athletes preparing for their life after graduation. Given that student-athletes are different from non-athlete students in many ways, it is reasonable to say that it is time to start paying special attention to student-athletes at Japanese universities. Some studies support that it is essential that universities in Japan should develop career planning programs specifically designed for student-athletes. However, few universities and colleges in Japan have programs to help student-athletes in various areas during their academic and athletic careers at university or after graduation unlike universities in America.

    This study investigated whether special support programs for Japanese university student-athletes are needed to help them make the transition from academic and athletic goals to career goals, and to assist them in making decisions about their career paths. The Career Decision Scale (CDS) was used to examine the career making decision of university student-athletes in Japan and investigate the differences between student-athletes and non-athlete students in career making decisions. The CDS which provides an estimate of career indecision and its antecedents, as well as an outcome measure to determine the effects of relevant interventions was used to compare the career indecision between the collegiate student-athletes and general students. The subjects were 190 college students (student-athletes: 96, non-athlete students: 94) in Japan.

    The results indicated no significant differences among four factors between collegiate student-athletes and non-athlete students. Even though the large differences were not found between them, based on this survey, it implies that Japanese universities should develop an intervention program designed for student-athletes so that they can look ahead to their future after college considering the psychological difficulties they face on retirement.

  • 大庭 伸也, 村上 陵, 渡辺 黎也, 全 炳徳
    2019年 63 巻 4 号 163-173
    発行日: 2019/11/25
    公開日: 2019/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    Aquatic insects colonize the swimming pools of schools during the off-season. The present study aimed to investigate 30 swimming pools in southern Nagasaki Prefecture in spring(middle April to middle May)and autumn(late October to early November)2014. We found 11 families of aquatic insects including 9 Heteroptera, and 9 Coleoptera. Appasus japonicus(Heteroptera: Belostomatidae), Hesperocorixa kolthoffi(Heteroptera: Corixidae), and Cybister tripunctatus lateralis(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)designated as “Red Data List” species(red list species)were collected from the school pools. The community composition of aquatic insects was divided into spring and autumn, and its variance was related to the water temperature and organic matter. The major environmental factor related to the number of red list species was considered to be location near the potential natural habitat of the species. The organic matter falling into the pools affected the existence of Orthetrum species nymphs(Orthoptera: Libellulidae). Odonata nymphs, Notonecta triguttata(Heteroptera: Notonectidae), Anisops ogasawaraensis(Heteroptera: Notonectidae), Aquarius paludum paludum(Heteroptera: Gerridae), and Eretes griseus(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)were found from most of the pools studied, indicating that these species may be used as teaching materials for science in most schools irrespective of their location.
