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クエリ検索: "アン・ルイス"
14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • 久保田 剛史
    2010年 96 巻 117-129
    発行日: 2010/03/20
    公開日: 2017/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dans la litterature de la Renaissance, le commentaire apparait comme un des genres qui ont attire un grand nombre de lecteurs. Montaigne s'interesse egalement au genre du commentaire : tout en montrant son attitude mefiante envers la glose des Anciens, il pratique la lecture des commentaires, notamment celle des <<Commentaires de la Cite de Dieu>> de Jean-Louis Vives, humaniste espagnol. Notre travail porte sur l'etude de la composition des Essais lus a travers les commentaires de Vives. A la Renaissance ou les gloses sont plethore dans les domaines theologiques, juridiques et artistiques, Vives illustre au mieux cet essor du genre du commentaire dans sa theorie et sa pratique litteraires : en definissant la nature et la fonction du commentaire dans De Ratione dicendi (III-50), ceuvre consacree a la rhetorique, il annote lui-meme plusieurs textes des Anciens. Et c'est surtout dans ses <<Commentaires de la Cite de Dieu>>, publies dans l'edition erasmienne des Opera omnia Augustini, que Vives exploite la capacite de ce genre litteraire, au risque de s'eloigner de la simple explication de texte. Pour lui, le commentateur n'est pas un simple explicateur du passage ; tout comme l'auteur, il est present dans le texte, et il participe a une sorte de production de sens, visant a offrir aux lecteurs du plaisir litteraire. Montaigne a egalement profite de la desinvolture des commentaires de Vives dans sa composition des Essais, comme le montrent certains passages qu'il a empruntes aux <<Commentaires de la Cite de Dieu>>. Du commentaire aux Essais, tel est le lien possible pour expliquer la creation litteraire de Montaigne : en expliquant une citation a sa propre maniere, ou en se contredisant, ou bien en mettant son texte en parallele avec celui des autres, il produit un nouveau genre que Ton appellera l'essai. On pourrait ainsi considerer les Essais de Montaigne comme une metamorphose du genre du commentaire.
  • 野村 竜仁
    2001年 2001 巻 45 号 60-70
    発行日: 2001/12/01
    公開日: 2010/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nuestro objetivo es, a pesar de la opinión de Marcel Bataillon, pretender encontrar alguna clave para poder enlazar El Crotalón con la literatura profana erasmista. Bataillon, en su Erasmo y España, divide la literatura erasmista en dos grupos: la espiritual y la profana, y refiriéndose a los comentarios de los llamados erasmistas como Juan Luis Vives o Juan de Valdés, insiste en la postura realista como una de las caracteristicas fundamentales de la literatura profana erasmista. Basándose en esta idea, Bataillon presenta el Viaje de Turquía como el prototipo de esa literatura, por su caracter altamente realista y por su contenido verosimil. Aunque no trata los hechos reales, esta obra nos presenta unas historias verosimiles e incluso puede dar la sensación de toda una autobiografia. Por otro lado, Bataillon no se inclina a catalogar El Crotalón dentro del género realista sino del fantástico, por su carácter: el narrador es un gallo; aparecen las brujas; la obra habla de la transmigración de las almas, etc.
    El autor de El Crotalón indica en su Prólogo que esta obra consta de imitaciones y citas de algunas obras tanto clásicas como contemporáneas del autor, y creemos que está basada en la aceptación gratuita de los modelos y el acatamiento hacia ellos. Además no se cuestiona la postura epistemológica muy caracteristica de la obra como el Viaje de Turquia y del llamado humanismo médico. ¿En ese respeto hacia las normas ya dadas y en esa indiferencia al problema epistemológico, no podriamos ver la similitud que El Crotalón comparte con algunas obras de los llamados erasmistas como Alfonso de Valdés y las del propio Erasmo? Creemos que El Crotalón puede esclarecer otra caracteristica con que la literatura erasmista profana puede contar junto con las otras ya indicadas por Bataillon y otros teoricos de la literatura.
  • JICST検索課
    1962年 5 巻 1 号 37-39
    発行日: 1962/01/20
    公開日: 2016/03/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鉄と鋼
    1963年 49 巻 8 号 1135-1138
    発行日: 1963/08/01
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――日米比較文化論――
    横山 孝一
    2022年 40 巻 13-24
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/03/25
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    In Japan, some people believe that RoboCop (1987), one of America's finest sci-fi films, was inspired by Robot Detective (1973), Japanese superhero TV drama comprised of 26 episodes now available at Prime Video. Is it true? Although some advertisements affirm it, both the author Shotaro ISHINOMORI (1939-98) himself and his son Jo ONODERA have actually denied the direct influence on the American counterpart. The truth is, ISHINOMORI, not only the King of Manga whose Cyborg 009 series remains popular, but also the giant creator of Japan's superheroes such as Masked Rider and of course Go-Rangers, the progenitors of Power Rangers, was extremely irritated by the sheer fact that he was NOT internationally acknowledged as the first to come up with the idea of a robot police officer as a superhero. In other words, he was disappointed that Robot Detective had been almost forgotten even in his own homeland, obviously thinking that the quality of the children's program did not meet his satisfaction and preferring his own manga version for young adult readers.
    However, the TV original of Robot Detective is truly worth watching, deserving reevaluation among people all over the world. In the drama, Robot Detective K (often called just "K") learns how to get along with his human colleague SHINJO (played passionately by Jiro CHIBA, younger brother of Sonny CHIBA) and his irascible but humane boss Daizo SHIBA, not to mention that he, using both martial arts and powerful weapons, fights a variety of villain robots. Just as charmed by RoboCop Murphy and his partner Anne Lewis, you will be also fascinated by the good example of Japan's male relationships which were to help achieve the "Japan as Number One" position from the late 1970s to the early 90s, whose dominant influence can be seen in RoboCop 3 (1993), the worst in the series because the very American essence of Paul Verhoeven's masterpiece was damaged by the completely different values. While it is not unusual that Robot Detective K is helped spiritually by Japanese women including his "Mother," the huge female robot resembling Buddhist deity of mercy, it is really discouraging to see the once invincible RoboCop saved by a nine-year-old American girl at the climax of the movie.
    Having seen the culmination of Japan's economic power, Kaku TAKASHINA (1919-94), the actor who played older detective SHIBA, passed away in the following year. He had made his debut in the 1938 war movie Mud and Soldiers as the First Class Private who is killed in action, saying "For the sake of His Majesty the Emperor." I rediscovered Robot Detective as a drama of Japan's high economic growth by paying more attention to TAKASHINA's marvelous acting which undoubtedly contributes to the immortal merit of this TV program for children as if he had left his secret message of encouragement to the future generations of his country.
  • 高橋 清徳
    2002年 68 巻 4 号 482-484
    発行日: 2002/11/25
    公開日: 2017/08/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 柳 光男
    1990年 735 巻 557-565
    発行日: 1990/09/25
    公開日: 2018/04/05
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • べルデホ J.R. ヒメネス, 布野 修司, 山田 協太
    2008年 73 巻 626 号 781-787
    発行日: 2008/04/30
    公開日: 2008/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Authors have been conducting the field research under the title ‘Origin, Transformation, Alteration and Conservation of Urban Space of Colonial cities’ since 1999. This paper discusses the characteristics of the Spanish colonial cities established in Cuba focusing on Cienfuegos as a typical urban model. This study has been accomplished based on the analysis of old maps corresponding to colonial Spanish period and field survey.
    As cartographic database, the maps of Cienfuegos city from AGI(The Archive of the Indies in Seville- Archivo de Indias de Sevilla), Museo Naval (Naval Museum of Spain) and Historical Museum of Cienfuegos. Through the analysis of maps is possible to follow the urban process of the Cienfuegos city, from 20 years before of the foundation (1820) until the present. We clarified the original model and transformation of Cienfuegos based on the analysis of block size, block division, and plot subdivision.
  • 佐竹 謙一
    演劇学論集 日本演劇学会紀要
    1997年 35 巻 47-63
    発行日: 1997/04/01
    公開日: 2019/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー

    Traditionally, most critics', interpretations of Alarcón's La verdad sospechosa has focused on the question of whether the play stresses moral worth, social criticism or mere aesthetic principles because of García's behavior which goes against the grain of social morality, and leads to the undesired marriage of the denouement.

    It is clear that Alarcón constructed his dramatic plot according to the demands of the Spanish Baroque drama as we witness the unfolding of the action, which relies on the principal character's scheming, and the moral, social and aesthetic elements revealed therein.

    The purpose of this paper is to suggest, in addition, that Alarcón's original plan was possibly to insist on the primacy of the main theme as the character's lies over action, and simultaneously to emphasize social criticism and moral meaning in order both to offer a social environment and to attract the spectators' attention. However, shortly after the play commences, García's initial unintentional error—his mistake over a name—constitutes a cardinal stratagem to tangle the plot of the drama instead of García's lies, which would verge on mere dramatic components for entertainment, and that in the ending, Alarcón elucidated moral and social meaning as a main theme again. It would thus seem that the spectators enjoyed the justicia poétiica alarconiana, but it is unclear if Alarcón's intentions toward the public were specifically didactic.

  • 国民教育システムへの取込みとしての質保証
    大森 不二雄
    2005年 76 巻 225-244
    発行日: 2005/05/30
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The growth of “transnational universities, ” including offshore branch campuses and degree programs provided in partnership with local institutions, is a major factor that made higher education a target of WTO/GATS negotiations. Quality assurance for transnational universities, including approval and evaluation, is a newly emerging issue for national higher education systems in the face of globalization.
    This paper analyzes Australia's policy on quality assurance for transnational universities, since Australian universities are extremely active as transnational universities, and because the Commonwealth and State governments of Australia have developed an explicit quality assurance framework for transnational higher education.
    The analytical viewpoint adopted in the paper is that for nation states, assuring the quality of transnational universities is a control measure for embracing those universities into their national education system, as a part of their strategic adaptation to globalization. The paper examines whether or not this viewpoint is valid by analyzing quality assurance policies in Australia, a leading country in this regard.
    The results of the analysis confirm the validity of the viewpoint, and demonstrate that Australia, as both a supplier and recipient country, is utilizing quality assurance as a control measure for incorporating transnational universities into its national education system. The quality assurance policy of Australia, as a supplier country, is to implement external quality assurance of Australian universities' offshore programs through overseas audit visits by the Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), while calling upon the universities to develop their own internal quality assurance mechanisms, in order to sustain the brand image of Australian higher education. Its policy as a recipient country is to manage the approval process for foreign universities to operate in Australia, requiring them to have equivalent quality and standards to Australian universities. While there is a difference between the former policy, which is supportive in nature, and the latter, which involves legal regulation in the form of licensing, both policies are instruments that aim to incorporate transnational universities into the national education system, and place them under the nation state's control.
    Australia's policies will have significant implications for Japan as it begins to recognize foreign university branch programs, and authorize moves by Japanese universities to open offshore branches, opening up its national borders to transnational universities both into Japan and outwards from Japan.
  • 眞壁 宏幹
    2020年 29 巻 72-83
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/09/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―植民地末期におけるペニンスラールとクリオーリョの対立に関する一考察―
    立岩 礼子
    1995年 15 巻 53-79
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2022/05/18
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 地元民と米軍人の関係性を通して
    澤田 聖也
    2021年 9 巻 43-70
    発行日: 2021/06/30
    公開日: 2023/07/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    本論文では、オーラルヒストリーの手法と統計資料を用いることで、基地依存度の高い 沖縄市が基地経済脱却を目標にどのような政策をとりながら観光経済にシフトしようとし たのかを捉え、その上でどのような問題点と課題があるのかを考察する。また、こうした 観光地化を行う上での現実的な問題点を通して、歴史的に地元民と軍人・軍属の関係性がどのように変化してきたのかをミクロに捉えることも目的としている。その際に戦後から復帰前まで軍人・軍属の娯楽施設だった「A サインクラブ」とそのクラブの要素を多く踏襲した復帰から現在にかけて存在している「ポストA サインクラブ」という演奏空間を通して、上記の内容について考察する。
    また、沖縄市は「基地の街」とともに「音楽の街」としても認識されている。軍人・軍属の歓楽街では地元民が彼らのために海外のポピュラー音楽を演奏し、「沖縄ロック」や「沖縄ジャズ」と呼ばれる沖縄独自の音楽ジャンルが誕生した。しかし、本土復帰に伴って基地経済は衰退し、軍人・軍属の歓楽街も徐々に衰退していった。沖縄市はこうした状況から基地経済脱却を掲げて、市の音楽資源を活用した地域活性化と観光誘致に取り組み始め、その際に軍人・軍属の娯楽施設だったA サインクラブやポストA サインクラブも観光資源の一つとして活用するようになった。
  • 浜田 久之
    2023年 54 巻 Supplement 号 1-453
    発行日: 2023/07/01
    公開日: 2023/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー