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62件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 斎藤 功, 矢ヶ崎 典隆
    2001年 110 巻 3 号 Plate6
    発行日: 2001/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • カナディアン川流域を中心として
    斎藤 功, 矢ヶ暗 典隆
    2001年 110 巻 3 号 293-313
    発行日: 2001/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Covered with short grass and bushes and called llano estacado by Spanish explorers, the Texas Panhandle constitutes the southern part of the American High Plains. Following the decline of the open range cattle industry in the late nineteenth century, large-scale cattle ranches appeared, such as LIT, LS, and XIT. Irrigation has rapidly expanded in the region during the past fifty years. It supports production of corn and grain sorghum (milo) in the flat plains of the northern Panhandle and wheat and cotton in the southern Panhandle. Cattle ranches still dominate in the undulating and sloping country of the Canadian River valley. This paper examines the nature of cattle ranching in the Texas Panhandle during the age of irrigation that promoted differentiation of land use.
    Hartley and Oldham counties are chosen for our intensive field study. Large-scale ranches are identified on the map using farm plats, topographic maps, and aerial photographs. They vary in size, from family-operated ranches of 2, 000 hectares to corporate ranches exceeding 40, 000 hectares. Historic ranch names such as LIT and LS are still maintained by contemporary owners. The cow-calf operation is still the basic method in this region, while some beef cattle ranches, not owning cows, depend on purchased yearlings. Others combine cow-calf operations with raising yearlings. As a single animal is given 12 hectares of pasture, 150 to 200 head are grazed on a 4, 000 hectares ranch. Calves born on the ranch during the spring are sold at livestock auctions in Dalhart and Amarillo to farmers, who graze them in wheat fields during the winter. In March, farmers sell their yearlings weighing around 200 kilograms at livestock auctions to ranchers. After being grazed on pasture and reaching 300 kilograms in the fall, they are finally sold to the neighboring feedlots for finishing. Therefore, cattle transactions at the Dalhart livestock auction have peak periods in March and October.
    The Texas Panhandle has a concentration of feedlots. They fatten two-year old cattle weighing 300 kilograms for four months until they reach 570 kilograms. They are large-scale commercial feeders, with the largest raising 85, 000 head. Agribusiness companies such as Continental Grain and Cargill operate large feedlots. Some local feedlot owners operate large ranches in order to secure a supply of cattle. Large beef packing plants are also concentrated in the Texas Panhandle for processing locally finished beef cattle.
    Beef packers, feedlots, ranches and wheat growers of the Texas Panhandle are interrelated, taking advantage of the groundwater resources of Ogallala Aquifer. Cattle ranches are the basis of the feedlot and beef-packing industries, while they depend on local wheat growers for winter grazing. Unlike the cattle industry in the late nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century, contemporary cattle-ranching industry in the Texas Panhandle represents a regional change that took place in the American High Plains in response to the opportunities offered by groundwater exploitation.
  • 酒谷 幸彦
    1994年 47 巻 1 号 56-58_2
    発行日: 1994/05/15
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 北村 四郎
    1958年 17 巻 3 号 93-
    発行日: 1958/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 青坂 優志, 田渕 貴久, 村上 嘉謙, 筒井 勝治
    2019年 29 巻 4 号 252-260
    発行日: 2019/12/15
    公開日: 2019/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー

    ラオス国ナムニアップ1水力発電所(NNP1)の約90 km上流にある建設中のダムが破堤し,高濃度の濁水が下流に流された。これにより一時的に下流域の水生生物の生育環境が阻害されるとともに,NNP1の逆調整ダム貯水池に大量の粘土・シルトが堆積した。この堆積した粘土・シルトが嫌気化し,逆調整発電所の運転開始に伴い下流へ恒常的に流下することが懸念されたため,逆調整ダム貯水池内に堆積した土砂の排砂を実施した。本稿では,上流ダムの破堤による下流のNNP1への影響とその緩和策について報告するものである。

  • 東 さやか, Nasroden PAGAYAO, Maria Antonia N. TANCHULING, 日比野 忠史
    2017年 73 巻 2 号 I_929-I_934
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 上堂薗 明, 石田 英子, ダルマワン, 増永 二之, 若月 利之
    2002年 73 巻 6 号 741-753
    発行日: 2002/12/05
    公開日: 2017/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    地球環境問題の解決や健全で持続可能な農村開発のためには,地域住民の生態環境に関する在地の知恵や技術が成功のカギになると思われる.このことをふまえ, Barrera-Bassols and Zinckによる総説を引用しながら試論的ながら民族土壌学的研究を提案し,研究領域の定義,および研究方法を提起した.民族土壌学的研究へのアプローチとして,本報告では,1. 地域住民の在地の土壌評価・管理・利用・認識を解明することと,2. それらの野外経験的評価を実験室における土壌の理化学分析による肥沃度評価で検証することを試みた.現地野外調査は,インドネシア共和国,西スマトラ州,アナイ川中流部に位置するシピサン村において実施した.西スマトラ州の人口は,その大半が母系制で知られるミナンカバウ族で占められている.ミナンカバウは,水田耕作,クブン,森林を背景に,持続的でしかも安定な農耕体系を造り上げてきた.地域住民は,特徴土層の土色,土性,その分布と地形に着目し,世代を超えて受け継がれた経験も加味しながら,土壌肥沃度評価や土地評価を行っていた.また,地域住民は村丘陵部土地利用形態別にそこの土壌肥沃度評価,土地評価を行っており,水田土壌に関しても河川流域別,地域別や問題土壌Tanah Tahinagan として肥沃度の評価を行っていた.地域住民の野外経験に基づき構築された土壌と土地の肥沃度評価は,実験室における土壌の理化学分析結果と比較して,整合性が示された.
  • 加藤 正隆
    1969年 12 巻 65-68
    発行日: 1969/12/15
    公開日: 2017/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 八戸 英喜
    1985年 02 巻 40-
    発行日: 1985/01/25
    公開日: 2022/06/08
    解説誌・一般情報誌 オープンアクセス
  • 斎藤 功
    2006年 79 巻 2 号 53-81
    発行日: 2006/02/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    ロサンゼルスの近郊酪農は都市の拡大とともに,南東部のアルテジア地域に集中し,1940年頃には搾乳型専業酪農drylot dairyが確立した.酪農家はこのアルテジア地域からチノバレーへ,さらにチノバレーからサンホワキンバレーへという3段階の立地移動を繰り返した.この延長線上に北部諸州やハイプレーンズへの立地移動がある.本稿は3段階にわたる酪農家の立地移動の実態と要因を解明し,その民族的背景を探ったものである.1960年代のアルテジア地域からチノバレーへの立地移動で,搾乳型専業酪農の規模は2倍の700頭に拡大した.1980年代,特に1990年代にチノバレーからサンホワキンバレーに移転した酪農場は搾乳規模が2,000~3,000頭になる大規模な工業型酪農に変身した.その際,兄弟や息子が独立する複数移動や連鎖移動が存在した.サンホワキンバレーでは移動時期と酪農規模に明確な差があるので,チノバレーの30年間が規模拡大のゆりかごになった.また,大規模酪農家の転入によりオランダ系酪農家がポルトガル系酪農家と肩を並べるまでになった.さらに,チノバレーなどから北部諸州やハイプレーンズに移転した大規模酪農家は,そこでも悪臭などの大気汚染や硝酸塩濃度の上昇という環境汚染を引き起こしつつあり,集団畜産肥育経営(CAFO)をめぐる規制が強化されつつある.
  • 岡部 麻菜香, John Andrew A. Tiria, 高田 大貴, Augustus C. Resurreccion, 日比野 忠史
    2018年 74 巻 5 号 I_547-I_552
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 保坂 勝文
    1954年 13 巻 39-
    発行日: 1954/05/03
    公開日: 2018/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 桜井 克年
    1986年 30 巻 1 号 13-22
    発行日: 1986/06/30
    公開日: 2018/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Geology of North Banten, West Java is characterized by the clustal movement accompanied by active volcanism during the Plio-Pleistocene epoch, and acid tuff prevails throughout the study area. Besides, andesitic/basaltic lava covers the earth surface in some parts of the area. The physiographic division shows good correspondence to the soils, which are classified into four soil units according to the FAO/Unesco World Soil Map Legend. Eutric Fluvisols are distributed on the natural levee and alluvial plains, and Eutric Gleysols are also distributed on the alluvium adjacent to the Eutric Fluvisols and valley bottoms. Orthic Acrisols develop in the river terrace region, where transported weathered tuff with variable depths often covers the surface. Dystric Nitosols are derived from tuff and lava on the plateau. Slightly to moderately weathered tuffaceous rock locally called cadas is distributed mainly in the high terrace region. Small quartz grains are most abundant at the elevations higher than 20m m. s. 1., and gradually decrease in size and number toward the alluvial plain. It is concluded that land use in this area is closely related with water, and poor drainage caused by the presence of cadas at shallow depths which often regulates the soill and vegetation.
  • 原 義之
    1965年 30 巻 5 号 245-254
    発行日: 1965/09/30
    公開日: 2008/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橋本 亘, 小池 敏夫
    1974年 83 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 1974/02/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Southeast Kalimantan of Borneo, the Martapura Cretaceous System is widely distributed. The stratigraphical and paleontological studies of the system were carried. out by mostly Dutch geologists during the end of the 19 th to the begining of this century. According to the workers, the Martapura System yields rich fossils such as pelecypods, gastropods, cephalopods and foraminiferas and the age of the system is Cenomanian to Senonian.
    In June of 1972 the present authors visited Southeast Kalimantan to establish the detail stratigraphy and collect useful fossils from the Cretaceous rocks along the upper stream of the Riam Kanan River, east of Bobalis mountainlands, where was already sank under the water after the completion of the Riam Kanan Dam in July of the year. As a result of the survey, they divided the Cretaceous strata called the Manunggul Formation into five units, Kalaän, Benuariam, Tabatan, Rantaulajon Formations, in ascending order. The Kalaän Formation unconformably overlies the schist and consists of conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones and contains Turonian ammonids, Reesidites sp., Inoceramus teraokai MATSUMOTO and NODA I. latus SOWERBY. The Benuariam Formation is composed of porphyritic lavas, agglomerates and tuffs, and conglomerates. The Tabatan Formation consists of sandstones and conglomerates. Orbitolina of Apto-Albian form is obtained from the limestone pebbles in the conglomerates of this and the Benuariam Formations. The Rantaulajon Formation is composed of fissil shale which contains rich estheriids, Pseudocyclograpta hashimotoi KOBAYASHI n. sp. and Lioestheria sp. These estheriids indicate that the formation is nonmarine origin and probable Senonian.
    The authors also survey Cretaceous strata distributed along the Riam Kiwa River and in Batotiris and its vicinity, west of Bobalis mountainlands. The Cretaceous strata exposed along the Riam Kiwa River were subdivided into four formations Buntutriam, Rantau Lingitan, Riam Lingitan and Atiin Formations, in ascending order. The Buntutriam Formation is composed of conglomerates of porhyrite cobbles and thin sandstone and mudstone layers. The Rantau Lingitan Formation comprises mudstone which yields late Turonian ammonoids, Subprionocyclus neptuni (GEINITZ). The Riam Lingitan Formation is made up of sandstone which contains many pelecypods. The Atiin Formation consists of purple colored tuffs and sandstones. The Rantau Lingitan and Riam Lingitan Formations are correlated with the Kalaän Formation and the Atiin Formation with the Benuariam Formation along the Riam Kanan River.
    Eocene to Miocene strata exposed along the Riam Kiwa River were also surveyed in detail. Based on the study of larger foraminiferas, the authors found that Td stage of Oligocene seems to be lacked in this area.
  • 神品 芳孝
    地理学評論 Series A
    2022年 95 巻 1 号 75-88
    発行日: 2022/01/01
    公開日: 2024/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 田中 耕司
    2021年 58 巻 2 号 271-274
    発行日: 2021/01/31
    公開日: 2021/01/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • パラオ共和国バベルダオブ島の農地開拓とボーキサイト採掘の事例
    飯田 晶子, 大澤 啓志, 石川 幹子
    2011年 46 巻 3 号 319-324
    発行日: 2011/10/25
    公開日: 2011/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本研究では、南洋群島の旧日本委任統治領、パラオ共和国バベルダオブ島の3つの流域で行われた農地開拓とボーキサイト採掘を事例に、開拓の実態と現代への影響を分析した。農地開拓では、島内に4つの指定開拓村が設置され、1940年には合計1671人が2255町歩の土地に暮らし、主にパイナップルやキャッサバが栽培された。一方で、日本人が撤退した後65年を経た現代においても、当時の森林伐採と土地収奪的な営農による植生への影響、および、移入種Falcataria moluccanaによる固有種への影響が見られる。ボーキサイト採掘地は、島内2カ所に合計106ha設置され、島の一大産業であった。開拓面積は小さいものの、表土を剥がしとったために、採掘当時は多量の土砂が流出し、湿地と沿岸域に堆積した。また、パラオ人集落でも、土砂の埋立てと集落移転、インフラ設備の再利用、産業遺産の観光化など、少なからず日本の影響が見られる。開拓はいずれも水系を軸として流域を単位に進められており、開拓の影響は沿岸の生態系やパラオ人集落など、流域内の自然や社会に対して広域、かつ長期にわたる影響を与えている。
  • 橋本 亘
    1974年 39 巻 2 号 79-94
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2008/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    K. MASATANI (1967) presented the oil geology of East Kalimantan on this journal. This short note is supplement to his paper. From the oil geologic point of view, the geologic development of the Meratus Range and the eastern rim of the Barito Basin is discussed herein.
    Newly revised stratigraphy of the pre-Tertiary rocks encountered in the region drained by the Riam Kanan and Riam Kiwa Rivers is introduced and also geologic age of Koolhoven's Manunggul Formation is emended. The discovery of Esteriids from the base of the Rantaulajung Formation occupied at the top of the Manunggul Group which begins with the basal conglomerate and is overlain by the Turonian fossil-bearing formation and others strongly suggest that the necessity of reconsideration of Senonian age of the fauna described by K. MARTIN. The Cenomanian species of Orbitolina, namely O. concava reported by L.H. Krol is considered to be other species, such as Orbitolina lenticularis. Judging from the foraminiferal fauna of the Hantakan Limestone, geologic age of the Orbitolina-bearing formation exposed as the longitudinal strip along the west side of the Meratus Range is considered to be Aptian or so.
    The Tertiary stratigraphy of the lower reaches of the Riam Kiwa River and the Tandjung oilfield is described. The boundary between the stages Tc and Tab is settled at the base of the C Sandstone which contains reworked Tab foraminifers in the northern part of the Tandjung anticline. The C Sandstone forming the Tandjung anticline unconformably overlies the Tab Formation which is already suffered slightly from folding occurred prior to the deposition of the C Sandstone. However, the Tc formation in the Pengaron area, more than 100km south of Tand-jung, overlies the Tab formation with an apparent conformity. The thickness of the Tc formation in the Tandjung area is 118m, while it is 20-90m in the Pengaron area. An unconformable relation between the Td and Tc formations is presumed in the Tandjung area, but MOHLER stated that "the B.P.M. field geologist took Tertiary c and d togcther, calling "Tcd"… the Tertiary every ofted begins with a slight unconformity". On the contrary, the Te formation in the Tand-jung area conformably overlies the Td formation. On the other hand, HASHIMOTO and KOIKE did not recognize any of the marine Td formation below the marine Te limestone, the Mataraman Formation, in their reconnaissance route along the Riam Kiwa River. A probable nonmarine formation, the Bumirata, is underlain conformably below the Mataraman.
    It was recorded in the Kahajan test well drilled at Kahajan, about 120km southwest of Pengaron, that the Tcd limestone directly rests on the Tab formation. Thus, the "Te" reduces its thickness toward south and becomes absent, but it increases its thickness toward north and becomes 1, 800m thick in the Upper Mahakam region.
  • 大竹 一彦
    1967年 6 巻 1 号 18-23
    発行日: 1967/03/25
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Canada is divided into 6 physiographic regions which are the Canadian Shield, the Appalachian Region, the Hudson Bay Lowland and the Arctic Archipelago, the St, Lawrence Lowland, the Interior Lowland, and the Cordilleran Region.
    Five aerial photographs of the St. Lawrence Lowland, the Interior Lowland and the Cordilleran Region are taken to show physiography and land use.