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クエリ検索: "エリクソン"
2,187件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • ―ケアの検討を通して―
    藤岡 裕美
    2003年 39 巻 73-82
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2021/02/05
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

      The purpose of this paper is to clarify that care, as a frame of reference, is necessary to the lifelong learning framework. I focus on the concept of care used by Carol Gilligan, a psychologist, and Erik H. Erikson.

      The lifelong learning framework makes it possible to discuss education and learning over the whole of the life-span and of society. Lifelong learning has been expected to contribute both to personal development and economic growth. Today, in addition, social cohesion has become one of the fundamental objectives, by learning to live together with different people. In the framework, however, the self is defined through separation, and development through independence. So, the relationship with others is an inactive one, defined by concepts such as respect and non-interference.

      Gilligan calls such a framework an ‘ethic of justice’ and shows another, an ‘ethic of care’. In this, the self is delinated through the communication, and responsibility plays an important part. Care is active concern and involvement, brought out by another one's weakness As Erikson argues, care supports generativity, a sense of productivity and maintenance of the world. The concept of care helps the lifelong learning framework discuss other aspects of life, as vital involvement, mutuality, generation-cycle and so on.

  • 藤岡 雅宣
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティマガジン
    2014年 8 巻 1 号 59-61
    発行日: 2014/06/01
    公開日: 2014/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 藤岡 雅宣
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティマガジン
    2014年 8 巻 2 号 127-132
    発行日: 2014/09/01
    公開日: 2014/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Virtue概念を基軸に
    鬢櫛 久美子
    1992年 1992 巻 66 号 15-28
    発行日: 1992/11/10
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this article is to read and interpret the writings of Erikson as a theory of development. This attempt implies, while filling in some missing points on research on Erikson, to arrive at a comprehensive and new interpretation of Erikson's theory.
    In this paper, in order to understand Erikson's thought, the method was applied to analyzing his 'Epigenetic Chart' which forms through out the undercurrent of the basis of his theory, and thus to re-read Erikson's writings as development theory.
    As a result, important concepts are discussed separately which were coined to explain his 'epigenetic chart', and in order to rectify the over-all meaning of development as understood by Erikson, furthermore, in order to rectify the fact that the meaning of sinister terms has been de-emphasized because these terms were loaded with energy, hence difficult to handle, it is my understanding that the concept of virtue should be introduced.
    When the epigenetic chart is examined with a focus on the concept of virtue, it becomes clear that its terminology and methodology were constantly revised. When I started to examine the virtue concept, the ritualization etc., newly added concepts and terms, while considering the development of Erikson's theory and its relation to education, I reached the conclusion that it can be re-stated as development theory opening up new horizons.
  • 2事例をもとに
    花輪 祐司
    2006年 43 巻 1 号 52-54
    発行日: 2006/01/25
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 遊びと「コンフィギュレーション」の児童分析に着目して
    濵本 潤毅
    2023年 90 巻 2 号 311-322
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 関根 正美
    2003年 25 巻 1 号 37-46
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Though many theories concerning life-long sport have been proposed, the question of the conceptual structure and theory of life-long sport have still been remained open. In the discipline of philosophy of sport, Ohashi presents a structural clarification of the concept of life-long sport. However, the question remains as to what is a life-long sport. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to show the concept of life-long sport and propose a model for discussion. The procedure of this study is as follows: 1. The author examines the meaning of life-long sport in terms of both political and social points. 2. The author examines critically a life-span developmental theory from the viewpoint of the body and its life cycles. 3. The author considers the concept of life-long sport and a theory for life-long sport that discusses a life-long sport itself. The consequences of discussion are summarized as below:
    1. Even if, one says, that life-long sport is socially important, the question of what the values are among individuals still remains.
    2. E. Erikson's life-span developmental theory lacks the body as a factor.
    3. Life-span developmental theory is seen as the idea of life-long sport. Such a hypothesis makes possible that one can interpret a structure of life-long sport threefold, idea, principle and practice. The principle of life-long sport should not be constituted by the life-span developmental theory, but by the results of physical education or sport science because the body is a very important factor to be considered.
  • 赤津 玲子
    2017年 25 巻 1-2 号 1-11
    発行日: 2017/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    ジャーナル 認証あり


  • エリクソン
    2004年 8 巻 1 号 7-8
    発行日: 2004/04/30
    公開日: 2017/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ホーマー
    1992年 2 巻 1 号 74
    発行日: 1992/04/30
    公開日: 2010/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橘 弘志, 外山 義, 高橋 鷹志, 古賀 紀江
    1997年 62 巻 500 号 133-138
    発行日: 1997/10/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to clarify the process of post-relocational adaptation of elderly relocatees who move to nursing home. In this study the notion of environmental personalization was introduced, and a role of private room of whole dwelling institution in adaptation process was discussed. Methods used were mapping and counting of private furniture and possessions, behavior observation and deep interview of the residents about meaning of the possessions. The survey was repeated five times in order to follow longitudinal change. Findings are as follows. 1) Number of possessions placed in resident's private room has been increased. 2) Four aspects of process of personalization in private room by means of bringing possessions in were observed, those were spatial aspect, personal aspect, social aspect, and temporal aspect. 3) Each resident could confirm identity by sense of subjectivity and relationship in private room. 4) Private room played very important role in diverse adaptation processes that reflect diverse relation between each resident and environment around him/her.
  • 藤岡 雅宣
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティマガジン
    2012年 5 巻 4 号 281-283
    発行日: 2012/03/01
    公開日: 2012/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 本多 美雄
    2015年 14 巻 3 号 159-168
    発行日: 2015/03/25
    公開日: 2016/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    LTE (Long Term Evolution) に代表される、世界的な移動通信システムの急速な発展を受けて、2020 年を目標とした第5世代移動通信システム (5G システム) の検討が進められている。
  • 自然感情を中心とした試み
    山岸 裕美子
    2000年 53 巻 6 号 P237-P243
    発行日: 2000/06/25
    公開日: 2009/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ライフ・サイクル論の意義をめぐって
    片瀬 一男
    1983年 34 巻 3 号 254-269
    発行日: 1983/12/31
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――主観的視点から斉一性と連続性に焦点を当てて――
    小沢 一仁
    2020年 31 巻 2 号 91-108
    発行日: 2020/03/13
    公開日: 2020/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study reconsidered Erikson’s concept of identity from the subjective perspective to enhance self-understanding. Those experiences Erikson labeled as “identity crisis” elicited self-questioning in two instances: at times of memory loss and adolescence. Self-questioning in memory loss was comparable to the loss of personal identity, according to Erikson. Self-questioning during adolescence was comparable to the loss of ego identity. The concept of identity is regarded as “sameness and continuity,” given Erikson’s description of personal identity and ego identity. In this paper, Tatara’s view of “sameness and continuity” was reconsidered from the subjective perspective; leading to the idea that identity is “I am Me as an individual living in society, from birth to death.” Recognizing oneself according to the above definition due to the loss of personal identity proved impossible. Moreover, accepting oneself due to the loss of ego identity also proved to be impossible. This study’s notion of identity could provide ground for Erikson’s concept of identity from the subjective perspective. Further studies could address issues, including the theoretical clarification of existential considerations arising from identity crisis, the theoretical clarification of identity crisis that may shake the grounds of identity through various changes, and developing a theoretical methodology on phenomenological grounds examining the first two endeavors. Key words: identity, sameness, continuity, self-understanding

  • 坂戸 省三, 河内 あゆ, 東野 アドリアナ
    2016年 81 巻 723 号 1227-1237
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study utilizes sandplay experiments as a means to analyze the development of 4 and 5 year old kindergarten children's creative spatial organization of toys. The children were asked to arrange several toys in a box filled with sand, and they were told to play in the sand box and with the toys freely.
     Fifty-one children, 25 boys and 26 girls between 4 and 5 years old, participated in the sandplay experiments. By analyzing the displacement of the toys in the box, the researchers were able to identify and classify the children's developmental steps in the creation and recognition of their spatial organization of the toys ranging from simple toy arrangements to more complex ones. “Enumeration” was the simplest example of toy arrangement, where the children enjoyed placing the toys in the box one after the other, and they did not establish any meaningful relationship between the toys. Some children placed the toys in a disorderly fashion, while others placed the toys in rows. When the toys were arranged in rows, they showed an emphasis in a certain direction. As an example, some children had all the toys facing right, other children made rows of toys parallel to the box sides. The “chaotic” classification is another example of a simple toy arrangement, where the children randomly and sometimes unstoppably stuffed toys in the box. Consequently, this resulted in a box that was completely packed with toys.
     The toy arrangement classified as “structured arrangement” refers to examples where the children gave meaning and a clear spatial relationship to the toys and how the toys were displayed in the box. Two archetypical spatial images were identified in those structured arrangements. Boys had a tendency to show what is described hereafter as “spatial plurality,” while girls, in contrast, presented a different tendency toward “female spatial singularity.”
     Spatial plurality appeared when the toys were arranged in a way that incorporated motion (cars, trains, boats) or intrusion and expanding spaces outside of the box. On the other hand, female spatial singularity was seen when the toys were arranged in an enclosed area; and, the relationship between the toys was one of inclusion, and the toys were restrained to the box. The girls placed the toys in a manner that created these internal spaces. For example, they used furniture toys and simulated the inside of a house, or they used toy figures of people and animals to suggest that they were living happily together.
     These archetypical spatial images have already been identified in former sandplay experiments with older subjects. In this study with kindergarten age children the differences between boys and girls spatial images were identified in all of the structured arrangements. However, in the experiments herein, structured arrangements were fewer than the enumeration or chaotic arrangements. Some children showed the characteristics of spatial plurality or female spatial singularity, when they started placing the toys; but, at the end, they finished by filling all of the empty spaces with toys. Other children would place the toys in rows; but, in a corner of the box, they would place a table and a chair or a hospital and an ambulance, showing a start on giving meaning and spatial relationships to the toys.
     These examples of arrangements between simple and structured showed the first steps towards spatial recognition. The children's intellectual capacity for recognizing and interacting with spatial organization appears in the form of this structural arrangement schema - spatial plurality or female spatial singularity.
  • エリクソンの自我発達論の体育実践への読み替え
    林 修, 梅野 圭史
    2005年 27 巻 1 号 17-33
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Personality development or character building has been regarded as one of the important objectives in educational practice. This paper examine the relationship between personality development and physical education based on Erik H. Erikson's theory of ego development.
    First of all, the pedagogical significance of “virtue” and “ground plan, ” both of which are main concepts in Erikson's theory of ego development, was examined. Findings are as follows; “Ground plan” exercises “virtue” to overcome psychological and social conflicts, “ground plan” and reincorporating “virtue” into itself to expand and deepen itself at the same time. Therefore manner, the “ground plan” widens a new horizon for the next life stage. This indicates that “ground plan” can be interpreted as “body” itself where “virtue” is exercised in “figure-ground” relationship. From the above, it is possible to reinterpret Erikson's theory of ego development as a theory of physical education, in which development of “zest for living” is pursued.
    Next the following, new perspective in physical education was deduced from Erikson's theory of ego development; It is necessary to place greater emphasis on the process of “can-do→can-understand” rather than on the process of “can-understand→can-do in order to develop physical quality.” In other words, the technical knowledge obtained in the “can-understand→can-do” process is reincorporated into the body (i. e., updating one's personality) in the “can-do→can-understand” process. This process strengthens “body” as the ground, and enables physical education practice to develop physical quality that can challenge newer and more difficult conflicts in the pursuit of a better ego. This is the learning process based on the concept of proficiency attainment characterized by the “learning→proficiency→mastery” sequence, and was recognized to be identical with the personalization process observed in physical education.
    Therefore, the idea of attaining proficiency through the “learning→proficiency→mastery” process is believed to be highly likely to serve human development of identity through physical sensation accompanied by physical load and hard work.
  • 遊びにおける対物的主体感を中心に
    山岸 明子
    1988年 55 巻 4 号 329-337
    発行日: 1988/12/30
    公開日: 2009/01/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小田 稔周, 青山 泰忠
    2009年 63 巻 5 号 622-625
    発行日: 2009/05/01
    公開日: 2011/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー