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クエリ検索: "エーゲ海諸島"
21件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 福井 英一郎
    1927年 3 巻 6 号 844-645
    発行日: 1927/06/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地学雑誌
    1914年 26 巻 2 号 169a-172
    発行日: 1914/02/15
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡 道男
    1957年 5 巻 193-197
    発行日: 1957/03/30
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 定形 衛
    1987年 1987 巻 84 号 167-171
    発行日: 1987/02/20
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 濃辺 正平
    1987年 82 巻 12 号 861-869
    発行日: 1987/12/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    ギリシャにおけるワイン釀造は, ブドウとワインの神“ディオニソス (バッカス)”に守られて, 有史以前から現代にかけて営々と続いている。しかしながら, その現状については今までほとんど日本に紹介されていないだけに, 本稿はきわめて貴重な資料といえよう。
  • 吉田 達矢
    2005年 20 巻 2 号 245-268
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda nufus bakimindan Muslumanlardan sonra ikinci sirayi alan Rumlar, ozerklik icinde yasayarak devlete sadakatle hizmet ediyorlardi. Bu durum 1821'de Mora'da ortaya cikan ve 1829'a kadar suren Rum Ihtilaliyle degisti. 1830'da Yunan Devleti(1833'ten sonra Kralligi)'nin bagimsizligi, Buyuk Gucler tarafindan kabul edildi. 1832'de Yunanistan'in sinirlari tespit edildi. O zamanki Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda yasayan Rumlarin nufusu, bagimsizlik elde eden Yunanistan'daki Rum nufusundan yaklasik uc kat fazlaydi. Osmanli Imparatorlugu ile Yunanistan Kralligi arasindaki halkin hareketleri hakkinda simdiye kadar yapilan arastirmalarin tartismasi, ozetle "goclerin hangi taraftan hangi tarafa goclerin daha fazla oldugu" merkezinde idi. Fakat, bu arastirmalarda gocmenlerin niceligi belirtilmiyordu. Ayrica, "gocmek" ile "gurbete gitmek" kavramlarinin farkliligi belirtilmeyip, bolge ve tarih sinirlamasi da olmadigindan, halkin hareketlerinin durumu acikca anlasilamamaktadir. Zaten, halkin 1821'den sonraki hareketlerinin tam bir istatistiki durumunu cikarmak mumkun gorunmuyor. Buna ragmen hususi bir bolge ve donemin incelenmesi, gelecek arastirmalar icin faydali olacaktir. Bundan dolayi bu makale Yunanistan'in kurulusundan, yani 1830'dan Islahat Fermani'nin ilan edildigi 1856'ya kadarki surede, -ozellikle 1832'den sonra bir sinir bolgesi olan-Tesalya Bolgesi'ndeki halkin hareketlerini incelemektedir. Osmanli-Yunanistan arasindaki sinir bolgesinde, sadece Osmanli Rumlari ve Yunanistan Rumlari degil, Muslumanlar ve diger gruplar(Ulah, Arnavut) da bu hareketlere katilarak hududu gecmekte idiler. Sinir bolgesinde yasayanlar, 1830'dan onceki hareketlerine buyuk oranda devam etmektelerdi. Tesalya Bolgesindeki bu karsilikli gidip gelmeler, ticaret, hizmetkarlik, ciftliklerde calismak ve akrabalar ile gorusmek gibi sebeplerden kaynaklanmaktaydi. Hatta bazi Yunanli askerler ile suclularin Osmanli topragina, bazi Osmanli askerler ve suclularin da Yunanistan'a firar ettikleri bilinmektedir. Osmanli topragina firar eden Yunanlilar, bolgedeki Osmanli memurlari tarafindan sorusturulduktan sonra, sinirdan uzak olan ve Rumeli ordusunun bulundugu Manastir'da iskan edildiler. Yunanistan'a firar ettikten bir sure sonra geri donen Osmanli askerleri ise, Anadolu veya Arabistan'daki ordulara gonderildiler veyahut Ergiri'deki komur madenlerinde calistirildilar. Aslinda Osmanli tebaasindan olan, fakat Rum Ihtilali donemlerinde veya ondan sonraki donemlerde Yunanistan'a firar edip, bir sure sonra Tesalya ve Epir Bolgelerine donen ve tekrar Osmanli tabiiyetini kabul eden en az 1000 kisi oldugu bilinmektedir. Onlarin disinda, donmek isteyenlerin sayisi yaklasik 8500 hane ve 43 kisi idi. Ama belgelerde bu iki durum hakkinda fazla bilgi yoktur. Bundan dolayi, bu kisilerin ne zaman ve neden firar ettikleri ve geri donmelerindeki sebepler tam olarak belli degildir. Donenlere Osmanli Devleti iki veya uc senelik cizye muafiyeti verdi ve diger vergilerini de hafifletti. Ama geri donenlerin kefil bulmasi zorunluydu. Bunlarin geri donusu cogunlukla 1841'den sonra olmustur. Ozellikle 1848'de geri donus artmistir. Donus sebeplerinin, Yunanistan'daki kotu durum(isyan, haydut hareketleri, ve dogal afetler vb), Tesalya ve Epir Bolgelerinin sinir bolgesi olmalarindan dolayi Osmanli hukumetinin buralari daha hassas bir sekilde idare etmesi ve Gulhane Hatt-i Humayununa ve islahatlara baglanan umitler oldugu tahmin edilmektedir. Yunan tabiiyetinde olanlar Osmanli topraginda esnaf olabiliyorlarsa da kethudalik ve Osmanli tebaasindan birinin mirascisi olamazlardi. Bundan dolayi, geri donenler tekrar Osmanli tabiiyetini kabul etmistir.
  • 杉村 貞臣
    1976年 19 巻 1 号 67-76
    発行日: 1976/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今村 智也
    1986年 70 巻 3 号 114-119
    発行日: 1986/03/01
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日野 真紀子
    2018年 84 巻 1 号 95-120
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/05/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • マルチメディア時代の国際政治
    西 和彦
    1996年 1996 巻 113 号 90-102,L12
    発行日: 1996/12/30
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to present a historical and geographic macroperspective on the changes in global politics and economics being brought about by communications networks. The Internet is playing a major role in this revolution. We are in the midst of an momentous age, in which two cultures, which began in ancient Egypt about 6, 600 years ago and spread around the globe, are meeting again in the Asia-Pacific region, which includes Japan. The information revolution is making this possible.
    We can use the Venetian civilization as the dividing line between the Middle Ages and the modern industrial world. Since then, the phases of global prosperity were punctuated by the industrial, manufacturing, and commercial revolutions made possible by the development of the steam engine, and later the internal combustion engine. The fourth phase of global prosperity began when the American-invented transistor was reborn as the microprocessor.
    A key aspect of the information revolution is the migration of publishing onto online services, and making those resources available in real time. This is being made possible by the microprocessor. In turn, this provides us with the ability to use communications networks to improve dialogue among nations, access to education and health care, and solutions for the planet's ecology.
    The roots of this information revolution lie in the US's attempt to deal with such problems as its budget deficit, trade deficit, and increasing difficulties with its systems of education and health care. But as the US makes the transition from a National Information Infrastructure to a Global Information Infrastructure, this information revolution also offers opportunities for solving East-West and North-South problems. Communications networks are now linking not only the world's major economic powers, but also post-Soviet Eastern Europe, the Asian-Pacific region, South America, and Africa. From the standpoint of this information revolution, the major power in the twenty-first century—in terms of human resources, language, economic strength, military ability, and communications technology—will not be China or India, it will be the US. The US is the only nation with sufficient resources to leverage communications networks as a means toward peace and prosperity in the twenty-first century. The US can use the information revolution to extend its dominance and prosperity for another hundred years. Rather than compete against the US, Japan should choose to support the cause of world peace by contributing to the expansion of information networks.
  • 村田 數之亮
    1948年 1 巻 86-
    発行日: 1948年
    公開日: 2022/10/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ― 主要関連基金を対象に ―
    石本 東生, 宮崎 裕二, 中嶋 真美, 武田 淳
    2021年 28 巻 101-110
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/05/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    In recent years, the author conducted a survey on the three agritourism facilities in Crete Island, which is located on the southern tip of the Aegean Sea in Greece. What surprised then in relation to the difference between Japan and Europe was the EUʼs financial support system for private businesses that operate these agritourism facilities. Each of the three facilities surveyed so far had received a financial grant, which is called “LEADER”, from the EU. This LEADER programme has currently been taken over by another programme. Also, each facility is still operating effectively after its opening. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of employment and supply chain in the local community as well, it contributes considerably to the local economy.
    Therefore, this research plans to proceed to the following studies for the next five years: 1) Grasping the outline of the financial support system related to the tourism sector in the region of EU. 2) Broadly defining tourism business support systems of EU, such as the European Regional Development Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development etc., in addition, the characteristics and operational status of their preceding systems, also, the business effects and problems of the beneficiaries. 3) Case studies for tourism promotion utilizing this support system (for Greece / South Aegean Islands and Crete)
    In this study, as the initial stage, the research team will clarify, as above mentioned 1) stage, the outline of the financial support system related to the tourism sector in the region of EU, especially for the six major related funds.
  • 西洋史学
    1976年 102 巻 49-
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2023/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1993 年大統領令の規定内容と運用実態の分析
    石本 東生, 岡村 祐, 江口 久美
    2020年 55 巻 2 号 137-146
    発行日: 2020/10/25
    公開日: 2020/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 斎藤 寛海
    1981年 30 巻 122-148
    発行日: 1981/03/31
    公開日: 2017/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Il commercio veneziano e sostenuto non soltanto da galee, ma anche da navi rotonde. Nei secoli 14゜ e 15゜, i due tipi, cioe la galea da mercato e la coccha erano particolarmente attivi. L'articolo presente e limitato a questo periodo. Possiamo trarre un'immagine quanto alla composizione della flotta veneziana dal racconto famosissimo del doge T.Mocenigo : ca.20 galee da mercato con una portata totale di ca. 7000t ; almeno 30-35 grandi navi rotonde (cocche) con 15,000t ; ca. 270 medie navi rotonde con 50,000t ; 3,000 piccole navi con 150,000t! Qui si osserva una portata assolutamente piu grande per le navi rotonde, specialmente di grandezze media e piccola. E da questa composizione si comprende anche il carattere della flotta veneziana. Secondo lo studio di F.Melis, i noli avevano finito con il corrispondere al valore del bene, allargando il volume di trasporto delle merci povere. Questa tendenza si sviluppava fin dall'ultimo quarto del Trecento. Dunque, le merci che porta la flotta veneziana si possono dividere in tre gruppi. Nel primo sono compresi seta, metalli preziosi, spezierie sottili ecc.. Nel secondo, cotone, zucchero, allume-spezierie grosse. Nel terzo, cereali, sale, vino-non spezierie. Generalmente si puo dire che il primo gruppo e adatto ad essere trasportato dalle galee da mercato, il secondo dalle grandi navi rotonde, e il terzo dalle navi medie e piccole. Si possono anche distinguere tra categorie quanto al modo della navigazione veneziana. Il primo e la "muda" delle galee da mercato, che deve navigare in gruppo sotto la direzione minuziosa dello Stato. Il secondo e la "muda dei cotoni" delle grandi navi rotonde, che, non dovendo navigare in gruppo, deve caricare le merci prescritte durante il periodo prescritto dallo Stato per recarle regolarmente al mercato veneziano. Il terzo e la navigazione libera, che comprende la portata piu grande. E si puo pensare che, fino a certo punto, i tre modi di navigazione corrispondono ai tre gruppi di merci. Comunque le mude creavano il ritmo di Rialto. C'erano due "tempi di fiera", cioe in inverno e in estate. Ma nello stesso tempo, Rialto funzionava sempre tutto l'anno come mercato attivissimo, ricevendo le innumerevoli navi della navigazione libera.
  • 井上 文則
    2001年 202 巻 1-
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2022/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地理学評論
    1927年 3 巻 7 号 614-636,653
    発行日: 1927/07/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 深沢 克己
    1985年 28 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 1985/10/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Import trade of cotton fabrics from the Ottoman Empire was one of the most original and the most important branches of French Levant trade in the eighteenth century. Original, because the other European countries such as England, Holland and Venice scarcely imported this article, and France herself imported mainly raw materials, foodstuffs and drugs. Cotton fabrics were almost the only manufactured goods that came from the Middle-East to Europe. Important, because this article occupied one-fifteenth to one-tenth of the Levant cargoes brought to Marseilles. Concentrated in Aleppo and secondarily in Egypt, cotton fabrics trading developed considerably and became one of the bases of the growth of French Levant trade. This development was owing to a growing demand for piece goods used for cotton printing in European countries. The vogue of "painted calicoes" had been provoked by import of Indian chintz, and English, Dutch and French East India Companies developed their trade of Indian cotton fabrics, which played a leading part in the rise of European cotton printing industry. However, this new industry had another origin in the Mediterranean regions where technics as well as merchandise were transported from east to west. Marseilles had introduced cotton printing as early as the first half of the seventeenth century by the help of Armenian technicians, and Levant piece goods were used there in large quantities for printing during the following century. In spite of the prohibition of printed and painted calicoes the government of Louis XIV had proclaimed in 1686 in order to protect old industries, Marseilles could develop printing industry thanks to her free port. Printed goods of Marseilles were exported not only to Spain, Italy and Balearic Islands, but also to African coasts for slave trade, as well as to French colonies in America. When the prohibition was abolished in 1759, her products pushed into the French market, especially to the southern provinces of Provence and Languedoc. The growth of Levant piece goods trading was nothing but an aspect of the general movement in eighteenth-century European economy where cotton industry was going to predominate in the formation of modern capitalism. Thus import of raw cotton from the Levant also increased strikingly, more quickly than that of piece goods. Raw cotton, cotton yarn and cotton fabrics occupied more than half of the Levant cargoes at the port of Marseilles on the eve of the French Revolution. After Indian pepper of the Middle Ages and of the sixteenth century, after Persian silk of the seventeenth, it was Levant cotton, raw or manufactured, that created the dynamics of Mediterranean trade in an age preceding directly the Industrial Revolution.
  • 斉藤 寛海
    1972年 38 巻 1 号 32-64,109
    発行日: 1972/05/30
    公開日: 2017/12/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Although we have many studies on the Florentine woolen industry, there still remain questions about its substance. Trying to approach to its substance, we investigated the outline of the conditions of the existence of the Florentine woolen industry in the time of its prosperity. Various studies were made on the inner system of the "Arte della Lana", and recently we have some precious studies on the managements of some enterprises of this gild. But, in order to approach to its substance, it is also necessary to investigate the outside system, of this industry. We know that most of its capital was furnished by merchants (including land owners turned from merchants), part of whom devoted themselves to the import and export of woolen materials and products. They, hired technicians of woolen production and left the producting process to their hands. It could to be said that this industry was under the direction of the Florentine merchant capital. The period of prosperity of this industry was the first half of the 14th century when Oriental world had been governed by "Pax tatarica" which stimulated trade between Europe and Orient. Woolen product was one of the most important merchandises which Europe could export. And from earlier time, Florentine merchants (of "Arte di Calimala") had traded "panni franceschi" to export it to the Oriental market utilizing the ships of the sea-powers. At the beginning of the 14th century, while many difficulties occurred in the trade of these "panni franceschi" (severe troubles in its producting centers in Frandre, and the closing of the Fair of Champagne, Florentine merchants were able to import English wool which they used to obtain in compensation for their loan to the King, ctc.. And here came the prosperity of the Florentine woolen industry. The fall of the markets in materials and products in the succeeding period caused its decline. The conditions for the existence of this industry were the international markets in its materials and products and the capacity of the Florentine merchant capital which could utilize this international situation.
  • 北野 雅弘, 山口 遥子, わたなべ まり, 松鵜 功記, 綾田 將一, 沖渡 崇史, 川渕 優子, 山下 純照, 塩田 典子, 稲山 玲, 松尾 ひかり, 大崎 さやの, 鈴木 国男, 根岸 理子
    2023年 22 巻 1 号 46-80
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス