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クエリ検索: "オホーツク海気団"
54件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 荒川 秀俊, 田原 壽一
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1948年 26 巻 8 号 201-202
    発行日: 1948年
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Climate of Japan has been studied from the view of the air-mass calendar. In the cold season (September to June), Japan is decidedly under the influence of the Siberian Air Mass. In the mid-summer (July to August), the North Pacific tropical air controlls the weather of Japan. Sometimes in the early summer, the North Pacific polar air comes from the northeast and results the gloomy weather. Monthly percentage frequencies for each air mass type were tabulated in the Table for 4 representative stations (Fukuoka and Takamatsu for W-Japan, Tokyo for E-Japan and Sapporo for N-Japan.)
  • 岡上 正夫, 市川 正夫
    1952年 7 巻 3-4 号 79-82
    発行日: 1952/11/01
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    When the harvest of rice in the North-Eastern Japan is very poor, the harvest in the Western Japan often seems to become also poor, and similarly for good harvest. This may be considered to be caused by some macroscopic weather. Thus the distribution of air masses in summer is investigated and following results connected with rice-physiology are obtained.
    In good harvest year, the ogasawara air mass (mT) prevails almost whole July and August, but in poor harvest year the Okhotsk air mass (mP) or the Siberian air mass (cP) prevails freaquently in summer which generally produces cold, cloudy and wet weather;
    Owing to this bad weather the harvest o rice becomes poor not only in the North-Eastern Japan but also in the Western Japan. Therefore, in case that the poor harvest is forecasted in the North-East we should also be anxious about it in the West.
  • 新氣象要素としての宇宙線, I
    仁科 芳雄, 荒川 秀俊, 關戸 彌太郎, 島村 福太郎
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1940年 18 巻 5 号 160-161
    発行日: 1940年
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Blackett(1) has suggested that the “temperature effect” of cosmic rays is due to the vertical shift of the layer in which mesotrons are formed, and he has further suggested that it may be possible to correlate cosmic-ray data with the structure of depressions. Loughridge and Gast(2) have pointed out that cosmic-ray data in America indicate a noticeable change in intensity at the fronts which separate different air-masses.
    The polar continental (Pc) air-mass(3) originates in Manchuria and Siberia and comes to Japan proper as the northwest monsoon in the colder half of the year. The tropical maritime (Tm) air-mass flowing from the North Pacific subtropical high pressure belt comes to Japan proper as the southerly tropical air mainly in the warmer half of the year. The polar maritime (Pm) air-mass originates in the Okhotsk Sea and sea to the east of Japan and comes to Japan proper as the mild northeast wind in the rainy season. The Pm air-mass found in Japan is shallow, but plays an important weather rôle. The Pm air-mass is seldom thicker than 2000 m and is usually overrun by a Tm air-mass; the interaction of these two air-masses results in forming a stationary front and is responsible for the gloomy, rainy weather during the Bai-u period of Japan. There are two other modified polar continental air-masses, which lose their original coldness and dryness in the lower layers. One comes to Japan proper by the sea route from the northwest, and the air-mass type is transformed from the fresh one into the modified one (NPc 1). The other arrives in North and Central China by the land route and then comes to us by the sea route, with the general westerly wind (NPc 2).
    These air-masses were identified, using the synoptic charts analysed by the Forecasting Division of the Central Meteorological Observatory, Tõkyõ. Cosmic-ray intensities measured with a Steinke cosmic-ray meter and their barometer effects under various air-ma s conditions prevailing in Tokyo during the year 1937 are shown in the annexed table. We find thus: (1) both the correlation coefficient and the barometric coefficient are relatively high in the fresh Pc air-mass and Tm air-mass, and show a gradual decrease as the air-mass type is transformed from the fresh one into the modified one; (2) the correlation coefficient and the barometric coefficient are very low in a Pm air-mass which is shallow and is overrun by a Tm air-mass; (3) the reduced cosmic-ray intensity is relatively low in warm air (Tm and Pm), but is high in cold air (Pc).
  • 鈴木 力英, 河村 武
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1995年 68 巻 12 号 779-791
    発行日: 1995/12/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 下村 正美
    1959年 5 巻 6 号 400-406
    発行日: 1959/12/12
    公開日: 2014/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author intended to study how the contraction of the puerperal uterus varies with the climatometeorological changes. For this purpose, the climate and the weather of Japanese Islands (especially Tokyo district) were classified into 4groups by Arakawa's method : namely, Siberian, Yangtze, Okhotsk, and Ogasawara air masses, and each group was further divided into 4 parts, namely under the influences of High, Low, stagnant Front and others. Among all parturitions at San-iku Kai Hospital (Tokyo) in 1950-1951, 2466 primiparae and 2484 multiparae who had normal puerperal courses were selected. The degree of the contraction was represented by the length of the uterus fundus. The contraction of puerperal uterus under each climato meteorological condition was investigatedstochastically. The result obstained is summarised as follows : 1. Under the influences of Low the contraction is fast. 2. Under the influences of High the contraction is generally slow. As to the seasonal differences, it is faster in winter (Siberian air mass), slower in summer (Ogasawara air mass) and moderate in spring, autumn and the rainy season (Yangtze and Okhotsk air masses). This finding indicates the essential and representative seasonal variations of the puerperal uterus contraction. 3. Under the influences of stagnant Front the contraction is moderate. 4. When the air masses were compared with each other by disregarding meteorological conditions, the contraction is fast in spring and autumn (Yangtze air mass), slow in summer (Ogasawara air mass) and moderate in winter and rainy season (Siberian and Okhotsk air masses). Here, the finding indicates the average seasoaal variation of the puerperal uterus contraction. Finally, the influences of climato-meterological changes on the contraction of puerperal uterus were discussed in relation with the autonomic nervous system and posterior pituitary hormones.
  • 關口 武
    1943年 19 巻 2 号 78-88
    発行日: 1943/02/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 卜蔵 建治
    1986年 41 巻 4 号 321-329
    発行日: 1986/03/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is found that high lands in the areas where Yamase winds are predominant are recommended as grasslands after analysing the vertical profiles of atmosphere in Tohoku district.
    Being based on the temperature lapse rates and the screen temperatures, the vertical profiles of atmosphere in the summer in Tohoku district are classified in ten types:
    When Yamase blows, the vertical profile is complex and one or two inversion layers often exist and Misawa and Sendai which are located in pacific sea side. On the other hand, the vertical profile does have no or one inversion layer at Akita which is located in Japan sea side.
    It is difficult to estimate the air temperatures at 1400m height in Misawa from the temperature lapse rate, because of the existence of the temperature inversion layer.
    But the air temperature of Misawa at 1400m height is in rather good agreement with the measured air temperature at the top of Hakkoda mountain whose altitude is 1400m, and it is clear that there is very little temperature difference according to altitude.
    When Yamase blows, there is very little temperature difference according to altitude, therefore it is considered that similar biomass production can be expected at high lands to that plain.
    In August, high land in Yamase region are often covered by mountain clouds which decrease solar radiation and bring high humidity, therefore summer depression of vegetation is considered to be little.
  • 菅野 洋光
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1991年 64 巻 4 号 225-243
    発行日: 1991/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    北極域からユーラシア大陸東部中高緯度における気団の成層状態・分布,およびその季節変化を明らかにした・月平均気温平年値を用い・北極域 (A気団)・ユーラシア大陸東部, (Pc気団)・オホーツク海 (Pm気団)・ベーリング海 (Pm気団)の4つの気団発現域を判別した.それぞれの気団発現域での成層状態はほぼ同時期に変化する傾向があり,その結果に基づいて,1985年を,ステージ1(10.月21日~2月28日)・II (3月1日~4月15日)・皿 (4月16日~6月10日)・IV (6月11日~8月31日)・V (9月1日~10月20日)の5つのステージに区分した.ステージごとに気温と相当温位の鉛直分布を検討したところ, A気団は年間をとおして成層が安定であり,その上限は700~850mbに認められた. Pc気団は,ステージI・II・Vでは成層が安定, III・IVでは不安定であり,その上限は700~850mbに認められた.オホーツク海のPm気団は,ステージIII・IVで形成され,その上限は850mbであった.気団の境界はステージの変わり目の時期とほぼ同じ時期に南北に変位しており,気団の成層状態と分布には対応が認められた.
  • 關戸 彌太郎
    1942年 16 巻 1 号 78a
    発行日: 1942年
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 荒川 秀俊
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1940年 18 巻 7 号 213-216
    発行日: 1940年
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Siberian High is of a relatively shallow vertical structure, whose excess of pressure is due to the excess of density in the lower troposphere. The North-Pacific High extends into the stratosphere, in which region it is colder than the normal for the latitude and the time of the year. General westerly winds prevailing over Japan and the west-east tendencies of barometric centres clearly show that the Siberian High is a cold anticyclone and the North-Pacific High is a warm one. The cold migratory anticyclones are mainly generated by the cold outbursts from the Siberian High brought southward in the rear of depressions and are amalgamated into the warm North-Pacific High.
  • 藤原 咲平, 荒川 秀俊, 大間 俊二
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1940年 18 巻 11 号 347-354
    発行日: 1940年
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    In summer 1939, Southern part of Tyosen and Western and Central parts of Japan experienced a great drought which is one of the heaviest ever recorded since the routine of meteorological services was established in this country. The present note explains the main results of the investigation on this drought. carried out by the staff of Central Meteorological Observatory of Japan. The details will appear in the Report of the Observatory. It is shown that the direct cause of this drought was the persistence of high pressure belt over Japan and her neighbourhood, which hindered the visit of depressions to the drought regions. Here is also shown the effect of relatively low surface temperature and small temperature gradient over Western North Pacific on the persistence of the pressure anomaly. Some considerations on sunspots relation were also alluded.
  • *松本 健吾, 加藤 内藏進, 大谷 和男
    2017年 2017s 巻 P039
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/05/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    梅雨最盛期の東日本では,50 mm/日を超えるような「大雨日」の出現頻度は西日本ほど高くはないが,梅雨降水の将来予測などの際には,東日本のように大雨の少ない地域についても知見を整理する必要がある。また,長期間の「気候システムの平均像」としての「広いパラメータレンジでの種々の現象の振れ方」の把握の足がかりともなると考え,40年間の梅雨最盛期と盛夏期の東京を例とする東日本の大雨日について,解析を行ってきた。本講演では,降水特性や大気場について,降水域の南北の広がりも参照しながら吟味した。
    ミニチュア版天気図が手元にある1971 ~2010年の6月16日~7月15日(梅雨最盛期)の東京での「大雨日」の日数は計31回であった(長崎よりかなり少ない)。これらの各事例における気圧配置の違いをパターン毎に分類した。  東日本では,梅雨最盛期の「大雨日」の約半分は台風が直接関連した事例(パターンA,B)であり,また,西日本の集中豪雨と違い,10 mm/h未満の「普通の雨」が持続することにより大雨日となる事例(パターンB,C)が少なくなかった。
      パターンAでは,暖気移流の大きい領域が北海道東方までのびていたが,まとまった降水域はその南西方の暖気移流の小さい領域(宇都宮~八丈島,約380 km)だった。さらに,そこでの10 mm/h以上の強雨の寄与率は大きかった。パターンBでは大きい暖気移流域の中で多降水域は南北に広く分布していた(宇都宮~八丈島)。その南半分(館山以南)では10 mm/h以上の寄与率も大きかったが,北半分(横浜以北)では10 mm/h未満の「普通の雨」の寄与率が大きかった。
    盛夏期(8月1日~31日)でも東京について,同様に大雨日を抽出した結果,2/3以上が台風に関わる事例であった。梅雨最盛期の東京での大雨日のうち半数近くは,10 mm/h未満の「普通の雨」によるものだったが,盛夏期の東京の大雨日では全体的に,10 mm/h 以上の降水による寄与が非常に大きかった。この結果は,梅雨最盛期から盛夏期への季節経過の中,
  • 鈴木 力英, 河村 武
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1989年 62 巻 5 号 375-388
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    中部日本の地上にはさまざまな気流パターンが現われるが,その季節性には不明の点が多い.本研究では,この点を明らかにするために対象期間を通年とし,その3・9・15・21時の気流パターン(合計1, 464枚)をクラスター分析により分類し,各気流型の出現頻度を統計することにより,季節性を明らかにした.資料にはアメダスを用いた.さらに,分類された各気流型と総観規模の気圧配置との関連を調べた.また,定量的に計算された総観規模の気圧傾度との関係も調べた.その結果, 15時にはいわゆる大規模な海風が,夏季のみならず全季節において,気圧傾度の小さい場合にかなりの頻度 (1月は約25%)で出現することがわかった.しかし,総観規模の気圧傾度のわずかな違いで,その出現領域や風向が左右されることがわかった.また, 3時には風速が小さくなるが,冬季は西風成分を多く含むような気流パターンとなることが多く,暖候季は陸風が発達することが多いことなどがわかった.
  • 菅野 洋光, 岡 秀一, 前島 郁雄
    1991年 43 巻 3 号 181-187
    発行日: 1991/08/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    1989年7月25日に下北丘陵で小気候観測を行なった。係留気球を用いた観測により, 高さ約200m以下で気温約20℃の海風が捉えられた。海風の鉛直構造を解析したところ, 高さ約100m以下の海からの風に対応した層 (水蒸気量が相対的に小さいことで特徴づけられる) と, 100~200mの反流が認められた。アメダスデータから, この海風は, 太平洋側に局限されたものであることがわかった。
  • 2. 昭和55年東北地方に発生した冷害時への適用例
    卜蔵 建治, 山下 洋, 鈴木 哲夫
    1982年 37 巻 4 号 309-315
    発行日: 1982/03/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using the original infrared digital data of GMS, we obtained the distribution of equivalent black body temperature of the land surface of Tohoku District in the cold summer in 1980 and examined the locality of rice-plant damage caused by cool air mass in that summer.
    Obtained results are as follows:
    1. There is a close relationship between the distribution of paddy rice index and the trajectory of cold maritime air mass, what we call “Yamase”, in the northern Tohoku District.
    2. Inspection of the data derived from the extensive observations without discontinuity make clear the relation between the low temperature area caused by “Yamase” and the damaged area as well as the relation between the trajectory of “Yamase” and orographic features.
    3. During the prevailing period of “Yamase”, the sensible heat supply from ground surface in daytime is too small to bring about the upward motion in cloud layer, while the increase in horizontal momentum is significant in the cloud layer.
    4. It is confirmed that the clouds caused by “Yamase” attain the coastal region of the Sea of Japan crossing over the Oou Mountains. The accurate prediction of this phenomenon is likely to be of great importance so as to prevent the cold summer damage.
    5. In the southern Tohoku District, cloud formation due to Baiu-front activity makes it insufficient to detect the low-level “Yamase” current using the data of the observation from space.
    6. The data of vertical temperature profile radiometer are needed to analyze “Yamase” advecting in lower layer.
    7. This is the first time for the area damaged owing to “Yamase” in cold summer to be investigated using the GMS data. Accumulation of the case studies like this will hopefully help us to make out more accurately what the relation between the damaged area and the trajectory of “Yamase” is all about.
  • 菅野 洋光
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1988年 61 巻 8 号 615-631
    発行日: 1988/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 林 陽生, 鳥谷 均, 後藤 慎吉, 菅野 洋光, 鄭 英祥, 黄 水鎮, 金 海東
    1999年 55 巻 2 号 117-125
    発行日: 1999/06/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Agricultural activities and crop production will be affected if and when climate deviates from the normal. In the eastern part of Asia, i.e. the region including Japan and Korea, effects of climate variations on the yield of paddy rice were demonstrated dramatically by a climatic regime known as a Blocking High. In 1993 the Tohoku district of Japan and Korea were affected by a severely low temperature anomaly ranging from -2.8°C to -3.7°C in monthly averages. This caused reductions of rice yield of -45% and -9% in the Tohoku district and Korea respectively. The spatial distribution of the yield anomaly indicated that a cold current derived from the Okhotsk High simultaneously attacked the east part of both countries. This event showed that a similar depression in rice production should appear in both countries when cool summers occur. Fortunately, these negative anomalies were balanced by high production in the hot summer of 1994.
    To project the influence of the temperature anomaly on the production of paddy rice, correlation analyses were carried out. A curve, ΔY=-0.89×exp (-0.34×ΔT)+1, was obtained with r=0.698. Here, ΔY is the anomaly of rice yield, ΔT is that of averaged temperature through July to September. Using this relationship, changes of rice production were projected against temperature anomaly and ranged from +13% with ΔT=+3°C to -39% with ΔT=-3°C.
    Variations of paddy rice production, over the regions of Tohoku district and Kore, coincided with a penetration of cold-NE-current into their eastern zones along the coast. This event will trigger a food problem in East Asia under possible fluctuations of summer temperature. In addition, arable lands have been devastated and population will grow up to 1.5 times the present population by the middle of the next century. Evaluation of the vulnerability of agriculture in East Asia, where paddy rice is a main crop, will be an important subject for scientists and for policy makers.
  • 岩切 敏
    1993年 49 巻 3 号 177-181
    発行日: 1993/12/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Long-term change and variability of monthly or seasonal precipitation at Tsu were analysed with data for 101 years. Coefficient of variation of monthly precipitation is very large and ranges 39 to 72%. Spectrum analysis method was applied to detect periodicity of monthly or seasonal precipitation, indicating the existence of 10-year period for August and December and 20-year period for July and November. An empirical relation was obtained for predicting the probability of exceedance of occurrence of continuous drought for summer months.
  • 卜蔵 建治, 山下 洋
    1983年 38 巻 4 号 409-414
    発行日: 1983/03/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高橋 浩一郎
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1948年 26 巻 8 号 202-205
    発行日: 1948年
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Let equations of an air be Where U east component, V north component of velocity, _??_ density of the air, P pressure, l Coriolis factor. By putting and averaging on cirtain time interval and space, (1) becomes where U, V are velocity components of mean motion. The third and fourth term of the rlant. hand side of the above equation are so called Reynold's stresses force, which the author proposed here.
    Driving equation (2), the Coriolis fäctor l is thought generally independent of y, but exactly it is the function of latltude and hence l is dependent of y Following analogous consideration for the eddy viscosity, the magnitude of the fifth term is estimated to be Where _??_y is mixing length, and _??_ eddy kinematic viscosity.
    Thus the equations of atmospheric motion are Next, the equation of general circulation of atmosphere are deduced as follows by assuming consevation of angular momentum and following analogous ideas as above.
    Where U westerly winds, _??_ latitude, R radiu_??_ of the earth, ω angular velocity of earths rotation, _??_ cirtain constant. approximately, except at the immediafe neighbourhood of the pole where the equation becomes Numerical example which calculated by equation (6) and (7) is shown in Figure. Easterlies at tropics are about 10m/sec, Position of middle latitude high is 35.2°, westerlies of high latitude are 16m/sec, easterlies at the pole and discontinuity must exist between easterlies of pole and the westerlies.
    These natures agree with actual circulation at least qualitatively.