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クエリ検索: "ガンダ語"
17件中 1-17の結果を表示しています
  • 大谷 琢磨
    2023年 23 巻 1 号 1-25
    発行日: 2023/09/30
    公開日: 2023/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper clarifies the practices of motorcycle taxi drivers in urban Uganda to create norms and acquire customers at their customer waiting area. In Uganda, motorcycle taxis are the main means of transport. They are used in everyday life and business settings. Motorcycle taxi drivers wait for customers in a specific area called a “stage.” They form voluntary organizations at their stage and set up committees called “lukiikos,” which have many roles including providing mutual aid and regulating admission. The committees set up rules, and members monitor drivers’ behavior in and around each stage. Under the committee’s control, drivers maintain the quality of service. Therefore, each stage is premised on a system by which the committee members guide drivers in line with customary group values and norms. Through this system, drivers provide accurate and quick transport and build trust with people around their stage. This has led to the motorcycle taxi becoming an important mode of transport for citizens in these areas.

  • アジア・アフリカ地域研究
    2010年 10 巻 1 号 79-97
    発行日: 2010/09/30
    公開日: 2018/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー


    鈴木  遥



    大門  碧



    日向 伸介



    井戸 雄大

  • 浅田 静香
    2017年 31 巻 1-14
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2021/05/14
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper discusses the influence of local culture on the choice of cooking fuel at the household level by describing food culture and cooking habits in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. It has been suggested that when socio-economic status improves, households generally upgrade their cooking fuel, shifting from woodfuel to LPG or electricity. Although Uganda’s economy has grown since the 2000s, over 80 percent of the households in Kampala still use charcoal as their main cooking fuel. The food culture and cooking habits in central Uganda are unique. Bananas have high cultural value in the area as staple food and are planted and consumed in large quantities. Observations of the cooking process show that bananas are often steamed for 2–4 hours over a very low heat, which cannot be achieved using modern fuels such as LPG. Even in high-income households, charcoal is still the main source of fuel despite modern alternatives being available and affordable. Thus, residents of Kampala positively choose charcoal over other sources of fuel for reasons inherent to local cooking traditions. Not only socioeconomic status but local food culture also has an important impact on the choice of cooking fuel.

  • ウガンダの首都カンパラにおける若者文化「カリオキ」の大衆化の過程
    大門 碧
    2016年 2016 巻 89 号 15-27
    発行日: 2016/05/31
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ベナンにおける「意見する人」の語りとデモクラシー
    *田中 正隆
    2022年 2022 巻
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/09/13
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 浅田 静香
    2018年 33 巻 63
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2023/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 渡邊 久吉
    1922年 34 巻 9 号 490-500
    発行日: 1922/09/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―現代アフリカのサブカルチャー「カリオキ」を事例にして―
    大門 碧
    2011年 10 巻 2 号 144-175
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2018/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    In Kampala, the capital city in Uganda, people enjoy popular entertainment show called karioki, which is performed on stage in restaurants and bars with popular music at night. It has become a craze during the last 10 years. It is performed by groups of about 15 men and women in their mid-teens to mid-20s.

    This article attempts to characterize the social relationships among Kampala youth through karioki. First, it examines the social backgrounds of karioki performers and shows how a variety of youth participate in karioki. Second, it makes clear how they form groups in order to perform karioki shows. Third, it describes how a particular day's performers are determined, and how they make their program.

    It was found that karioki performers do not form exclusive groups. They move easily from one group to another, and sometimes they quit karioki itself, later returning without any difficulty. Their grouping is ‘open' and temporary, and they take it for granted that they will not develop strong feelings of identity and discipline. They are able to adjust themselves impromptu to abrupt changes in membership of the day's performers, as well as unrehearsed alterations in their program.

    This article discusses these features of Kampala youth's social relationships in the light of contemporary subculture studies. It concludes that Kampala youth form highly fluid groups, and their social relationships are always “unsettled” and instantly created without the participants having identity and/or attributes.

  • ―カンパラ首都圏におけるバイオマス・ブリケットの生産を事例に―
    浅田 静香
    2018年 18 巻 1 号 41-60
    発行日: 2018/09/30
    公開日: 2018/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper examines biomass briquette production in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, as a case study of practical use of municipal solid waste as cooking fuel. In the 2000s, people in Kampala started to produce biomass briquettes from kitchen waste, such as banana peel, as alternative cooking fuel to charcoal. Briquettes were introduced in Africa in the 1980s, but production did not continue, reportedly due to high production costs and the ready availability of woodfuel. While considering waste generation, material collection, and briquette production, I have found that raw materials such as banana peel are available throughout the year, and producers can make briquettes without advanced technology or knowledge. The number of briquette producers has been increasing since the late 2000s, and individual producers have developed their production processes with the assistance of environmental organizations. Since the producers can acquire the raw materials in the city, they are able to set a low price for briquettes and make a profit from briquette production. Various background factors such as the availability of raw materials, the simple production process, and the involvement of local/international environmental aid organizations enable briquette producers in Kampala to manage organic waste and to continue their business in a sustainable manner.

  • 有本 純, 池浦 貞彦, 泉 マス子, 木下 正義
    Language Laboratory
    1989年 26 巻 41-51
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The actual conditions in classifying A.V. materials have not been standardized among Japanese schools and universities. It is, however, necessary to devise a unified classification system, not only because A.V. materials have been continually increasing in number and kind, but because the amount of information exchanged among schools is likely to increase in the future. Based on the response to a questionnaire, a standard classification system is presented in this paper. The contents are as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Results of the questionnaire 3. New classification system (1) language of the materials (2) aim and field of the materials (3) form of the materials 4. Items necessary for the input 5. Conclusion It is hoped that this new classification system will be revised and adapted by every school, university and library.
  • カンパラのバーガールのシティズンシップとその「主体性」への再考
    森口 岳
    2018年 83 巻 2 号 213-232
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー


    カンパラの郊外・スラムにおいて、女性の貧困問題はその社会の「シティズンシップ」の構成要素と密接に関連している。なぜならば、国家の社会保障が確立されていないウガンダの都市社会においては、親族・家族などの関係性に女性は大きく依存し、経済活動も独身か既婚かなどの女性の社会的地位に左右されるからである。そのような女性たちのシティズンシップは家族的なもの(familial citizenship)を通して、社会的発言や保障が実現されるが、その一方でその状況は独身女性(途中で学校教育をドロップアウトした十代の女性も含む)や離婚女性などに特に抑圧的に働き、女性を家族的なシティズンシップ内でどうしても従属的なものとする。だが、その一方でカンパラの貧困女性たちはその性的なプレゼンスを(性を家庭内のみに封じこめようとするパターナルな抑圧に対抗しながらも)発揮し、ある種の性的なシティズンシップ(sexual citizenship)の領域を創り上げている。


  • 平田 浩司
    1999年 1999 巻 55 号 67-79
    発行日: 1999/12/20
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this note, we firstly trace the changes in the land system mainly in the Buganda kingdom in Uganda since the begining of British colonization in the late ninteenth century till the abolition of kingships by establishment of the (Republican) Constisution in September 1967. Secondly, we consider the significance and the role of the land system of the Buganda kingdom during the colonial period. The Uganda Agreement which was signed in 1900 was the earliest one and had become the foundation of other agreements between the Buganda kingdom and the British colonial government until the abolition of kingship. The first aim of this agreement was to define the relation between the two governments and the political and the legal roles of the kingdom. The second aim was to decide the basic land policy on the Buganda kingdom. The intention of Johnston who made this land policy would have been to remove the confusion and the complexity which the ‘communal’ or ‘tribal’ land tenure system had. In a ‘traditional’ African society, the land tenure system was interwoven with the political system. The colonial government, however, codified the land ordinances or the land agreements and systematized the land ownership. It was a conversion from the ‘traditional’ political system of the kingdom of which power based upon the ambiguous and illusory myths to the ‘modern’ political system of a state of which power laid down law. Throughout the colonial piriod, the land system which closely related to the ordinances or the agreements which guaranteed the existence of the kingdom and the Native Court were the origin of the power of the king and the Native Government. These two political institutions were the most important institutions for the both governments of the kingdom of Buganda and of the British colonial authority which wanted to rule ‘indirectly’ through the government of the kingdom.
  • 米田 信子, 若狭 基道, 塩田 勝彦, 小森 淳子, 亀井 伸孝
    2011年 2011 巻 78 号 43-60
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2013/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宇野 賀津子, 内海 眞, 沢田 貴志, 岩木 エリーザ, 吉崎 和幸
    2001年 3 巻 2 号 72-81
    発行日: 2001/05/20
    公開日: 2010/07/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    目的: 我が国では外国人HIV感染者の比率が高いにも関わらず, 感染者の分布, 言語の多様性等の実態は全く不明で診療体制は十分でない. 今回我が国で初めて全国のHIV拠点病院を対象として外国人診療状況を調査し, 外国人診療体制確立に必要な基礎資料を得ることを目的とした.
    方法: 全国のエイズ拠点病院に外国人受診者と外国人HIV感染者の治療状況の調査を行った後, 外国人HIV感染者の診療経験のある病院には, さらに詳しい言語圏別調査を実施した.
    結果と考察: 過去5年間にエイズ拠点病院で診察を受けたHIV感染者数はタイ語圏, 英語圏, ポルトガル語圏の順で, タイ語圏ではうち31%が同一病院で継続診療中, 38%が帰国, ポルトガル語圏ではそれぞれ, 50%, 25%, 英語圏では42%, 34%であった. タイ語圏では71%が健康保険をもたず, ポルトガル語圏では80%が保険を取得していた. 健康保険を持たない患者の診療経験のある医者の多くは診療費の支払い困難な事例を経験していた. 従って外国人HIV感染者への対策は健康保険取得状況等患者を取りまく状況, 国別の背景を理解した上での対策が必要である. さらに英語以外の言語, タイ語, ポルトガル語等では通訳は必須であり, 家族や友人が通訳を務めた場合には, 第三者による通訳より混乱が生じるケースが多く, 専門の通訳育成が強く望まれていた.
  • ─品種多様性との関係から
    佐藤 靖明
    2022年 2022 巻 101 号 35-47
    発行日: 2022/05/31
    公開日: 2023/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー





  • 中林 伸浩
    1991年 1991 巻 38 号 115-131
    発行日: 1991/03/31
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • アジア・アフリカ地域研究
    2017年 16 巻 2 号 198-226
    発行日: 2017/03/31
    公開日: 2017/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    双子を希望する女性たち ―『ガールズトーク』にみるウガンダ女性の結婚・出産観―
    中澤 芽衣

    ネパール山間医療の過去と現在 ―村人と生きる,パルパ郡タンセン病院―
    中村 友香

    中野 真備

    鶴田 星子

    宮園 琢也

    ‘Moderate’ Fatness is Desirable: Beliefs Related to Body Size in Mukono, Central Uganda
    Seera Georgina

    広西壮族自治区のトン族集落における居住空間 ―風水と「政策移動」―
    黄   潔
