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クエリ検索: "クルク島"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • 吉野 正敏, 三井 嘉都夫, 吉野 みどり, 吉村 稔, 漆原 和子, 上田 茂春, 大和田 道雄, 中村 圭三
    1974年 47 巻 3 号 155-164
    発行日: 1974/03/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    ユーゴスラヴィアのアドリア海岸において,偏形樹を指標として,ボラ地域の範囲を調査した.調査地域は北はイストリア半島から南はドブロフニクまで,クルク・ツレス・ロッシー二・ラブ・パグの島を含む.海岸に沿うディナールアルプスでは,峠を越して内陸まで横断観測を行なった.その結果,わかったことは次の通りである. (i) NEのボラが最も強いのはセーニ付近で,背後のヴラトニック峠から吹きだした強い気流は海上50~60kmにまで達する. (ii) これに接する北側と南側の地域では,海上数kmないし20kmにまで達する. (iii) ザダルから南は, NEの風はごく局地的に強いだけで,南部に近づくほどSEの風(ユーゴ)が卓越するようになる. (iv) アドリア海に面する斜面上では,海抜800mまでは強く, 1,000m付近で急に強さを減じる. 700~800mの峠の部分は局地的に強い. (v) 島では風上斜面と風下斜面のコントラストが極めて明らかである.また,鞍部になっている部分は非常に強い. (vi) 偏形樹が示す卓越風向の1月の平均風速と偏形度とは極めて高い相関がある.
  • 吉野 みどり
    1974年 47 巻 3 号 165-180
    発行日: 1974/03/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石田 信一
    2003年 2003 巻 32 号 63-75
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2010/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this article, the author investigates the Croatian problem in Istria during the interwar period, focusing on the minority policy by the Italian government and the situation of the Croatian minority there.
    The Slavic inhabitants in Istria, the Croats in particular, were not given a right as minority at all during the interwar period. They were exposed to the Italianization by the forced transformation of the Slavic place names and family names and by the prohibition of the Slavic language in school education and publication activity under the fascist rule.
    While the Slavic cultural and political societies were forced to dissolve, the secret societies as the TIGR were organized. They developed resistance movement against the fascists, and they also contributed much to the preservation of the Slavic national identity through their activities.
    About 100, 000 of the Slavic inhabitants in Istria emigrated during the interwar period because of the long-term economic difficulty and social discrimination including purge from public service or the land requisition. Most of them immigrated to Yugoslavia and advocated the annexation of Istria with Yugoslavia, but were not able to obtain satisfactory results.
    The Croatian problem in Istria could be settled only within a broader framework of international relationship, as this problem had its origin in World War I. However, the significance of persistent resistance by the Istrian people should not be underestimated, especially for the improvement of their status during and after World War II.
  • 吉野 正敏
    1969年 42 巻 12 号 747-761
    発行日: 1969/12/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    ユーゴースラヴィアのアドリア海沿岸に吹く局地風「ボラ」は,黒海沿岸のノボロシスクの「ボラ」,あるいは日本の太平洋岸に吹く「おろし」とともに,大気候的にはユーラシア高気圧の周縁あるいは500mb面の気圧の谷の位置で,寒気が吹きだしやすい地域に起る現象である.「ボラ」の統計的調査結果では, 15mls以上の強いものは冬によく起り,夜間に強くなり,特に早朝に極大に達することが多い. 1~2月には気温は0°C, 高気圧性ボラの場合は湿度が40%くらいになることもまれでない.通常は12~20時間くらい吹走し,まれには10日間以上も連続して強く吹くことがある.
  • 渡辺 一夫
    1974年 47 巻 3 号 202-208
    発行日: 1974/03/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Local names of the winds from various directions such as sjeverac, oštro, levante and burg (widely known as bora) and their characteristics are mentioned here. The description of this article is based on neither the meteorological nor the climatological measurement, but on the summarization and induction of the local people's experiences, which have a close connection to their occupations—agriculture and fishery. The followings are the major results obtained :(1) The main signs of bores wind are : i) Mountain clouds called “brv”, which look like a form of foehn wall, are formed at the cols at first, then gradually covers all over the ridges of Dinar Alps forming kapa clouds. ii) In the case that the whole sky is covered by low clouds, the relatively high and bright clouds are to be seen in the northwest direction and the dark clouds in the south. (2) The bora wind blows with striking gustiness (na mahove) with a cycle of 3-4 minutes. The bora wind falls down on the coast as if “hard things were thrown on the ground”. The tops of the sea waves turn to sprays by the strong wind, causing a thick, hazy visibility over the sea. This phenomenon is called fumaria at Trieste. (3) Calm after the bora wind, called bonaca in this region, generally continues 2 or 3 days. Then the southerly wind, jugo, begins to blow. (4) There are two types of bora wind recognized widely by native fishermen because of their distinct characteristics. One is jasna bura (literally, bright bora) which means an anticyclonic bora, and the other is mra_??_na bura (dark bora), a cyclonic bora, respectively. The former prevails in the whole region of Adriatic Coast in the Croatian territory, but the latter limits itself to the northern part of the region. The border line may be located between Šibenik and Split.
    Some shelters from the bora wind are used among the fishermen, who have a good knowledge of the local peculiarities of land and sea, and also of the sequential phenomena by their long experiences.