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クエリ検索: "ゲニウス・ロキ"
60件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 千代 章一郎, 加藤 邦男
    1997年 62 巻 494 号 269-276
    発行日: 1997/04/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to elucidate the process of prototype generation in Le Corbusier's architectural work for La Tourette. He projects universal architectural forms on various sites, strategically adapting these general patterns to each particular site. To analyze his viewpoint concerning site-prototype relationship, this research investigates the vault, loggia, roof-terrace and sculptural elements as meaningful prototypes in La Tourette. Visiting the site, Le Corbusier felt a need to orientate the building to the west. The prototype-site adaptation was not an instantaneous solution, but Le Corbusier's process of the realization of an architectural scenery to the west was influenced by the place.
  • 豊福 明, 梅本 丈二, 斎木 正純, 喜久田 利弘, 都 温彦
    2002年 17 巻 1 号 33-37
    発行日: 2002/06/25
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    This paper reports the case of a 19-year old female halitophobic patient treated by the description of impressions using e-mail, and discusses the therapeutic significance of this method.
    It is generally difficult to communicate with patients of this kind because of their poor verbalization ability. We have often found that use of the description of impressions makes it easier for halitophobic patients to express their feelings.
    In this case, the patient was excessively afraid of her reports being revealed to others. Her written descriptions of her impressions were full of self-reproach and did not work therapeutically.
    We then tried to exchange descriptions by e-mail instead. Using this media, she came to express her experiences and emotions more vividly than in writing.
    It is concluded that the use of description of impressions by e-mail may be suitable for some halitophobic patients, as in this case. This method may have a wide range of applications for halitophobic patient, especially those who are under long-term follow-up or live in distant places.
  • 安松 みゆき
    1993年 452 巻 213-221
    発行日: 1993/10/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many critics have already pointed out baroque characteristics inherent in the buildings of Otto Wagner. Based on this, in this article, L tried to explore his view, about baroque architecture, considering its relations with the evaluation by Vienna art-historians and neo-baroque architecture. I drew Wagner's view about baroque architecture from his 'book "Modern Architecture". Then, the connection between Wagner and art-historians at his time, A. Ilg and A. Riegl, over baroque architecture was studied. Further, through examined Wagner's writings, I discussed his opinion about the regional characteristics and the relations to baroque.
  • 明土 真也
    2011年 58 巻 2 号 65-74
    発行日: 2011/07/31
    公開日: 2017/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 武田 重昭
    2021年 85 巻 3 号 234-237
    発行日: 2021/10/29
    公開日: 2022/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高木 清江, 瀬尾 文彰, 松本 直司
    1997年 62 巻 502 号 117-123
    発行日: 1997/12/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The condition of a high-quality environment is showed by a cultural factor which consists of four elements : place, history, climate and poetic-imagery. In poetic-imagery, not only is comfort given, but delight and pleasure as well. Poetic-imagery means a special and environmental element which gives rise to a strong impression and activation of consciousness. It is thought that poetic-imagery is obtained by making the best use of place, history, and climate. In order to create an ideal urban environment, it is necessary to find the way to realize the environment of poetic-imagery.
  • 藤森 照信
    2006年 46 巻 128-130
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2018/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 歴史的市街地における街区内空隙の「開放性」の類型と変容特性について
    木多 道宏
    2012年 77 巻 679 号 2063-2072
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2013/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Spatial structure of the voids in inner blocks is investigated by recording the physical condition and interviewing to residents or owners of buildings to obtain the memories about transformation of passage and passing ways in the central area of Prague. Outline of the findings are as followings;
    1. The unit of space voids and its system are identified due to difference in the height and width. Openness of the system has depends on the shape of passing ways.
    2. Typology of Openness is classified to ten degrees by combination of possibility for walking through and accessibility to the tenants beside the voids. Surrounding sites of inner open spaces tend to be opened by reorganizing passing ways, while other voids are linked by small improvements and usage of the doors.
    3. Period's transition from Communism to velvet revolution, openness used to be adjusted by doors in easy way, while buildings are reconstructed in order to improve the linkage to adjacent site without flexible way at present.
  • 墨田・木母寺を事例として
    北川 順也
    2014年 1 巻 34-43
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2021/05/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    「聖地巡礼」は、本来宗教的な聖地を信者が巡礼することを指しているが、現代は、アニメ、マンガの読者が、コンテンツ作品に興味を抱いて、その舞台となる場所等を巡るコンテンツツーリズムが盛況である。このような場合にも「聖地巡礼」といわれる言葉が使われている。このような使われかたについいて、日常的な場所が聖地となり趣味の延長で巡礼することで聖性を高めていく過程は異例であるとする意見もある。 しかし、「聖地巡礼」については、純粋な祈り・鎮魂のための宗教的な聖地巡礼と大衆文化に支えられた聖地巡礼という二面性をもっており、いずれの聖地巡礼も敏感に時代の世相を反映しているものだといえる。後者の場合も、現在に始まったものではなく、江戸時代の大衆文化が醸成された時代から見られる傾向である。そして、それは大衆の支持がなくなれば聖地としての価値は急激に低下し、訪れる人びとも激減してしまう。これらの点に関して、歴史的な視点から、梅若伝説の墨田・木母寺を事例として、四国遍路と比較しながら考察を加える。 そして、「聖地巡礼」として訪れる場所・地域を永続性のあるものとするには、聖地としてのストーリーが信仰にも似たカリスマ性を持ち、
  • 門内 輝行
    2005年 12 巻 4 号 53-66
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2017/11/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 菱田 一仁
    2017年 29 巻 3 号 27-37
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/04/19
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    日本において,Sand Play Therapyは伝統的な「箱庭遊び」の名から,箱庭療法と呼ばれている。それは,江戸時代に流行した箱庭遊びとSand Play Therapyの様式が似ていることから,河合隼雄がSand Play Therapyを日本に導入するにあたって,「箱庭」という名を使ったためである。つまり,今日行われている箱庭療法とは,心理療法のみならず,伝統的な遊びとも関連していると考えられるのだ。そして,日本で伝統的に遊びと称されてきたものを見ていくと,それらが神や霊と関わる行為として,つまりヌミノース的な行為として考えられてきたという共通点を持っていることが分かる。つまり,日本の伝統的な遊びという観点から考えると,現代の箱庭療法もまた,その基礎としてヌミノース的な側面を持ったものとして考えることができるのだ。

  • 松政 貞治
    2001年 66 巻 543 号 289-296
    発行日: 2001/05/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a study on the inter-textual movement of meaning-historicity in urban architecture, through a critique of the notion of analogy of Aldo ROSSI 1931-97 who is Italian architect and theoretician. In his opinion, the History appears through the typological permanence and the structure of meanings in the urban architecture. Through the collective memory, it is revealed with the urban traces and the sedimented meanings. In that time, it embodies the "place" of the collective memory. It appears that the memory of architecture can be inscribed in the "analogical city".
  • - アーティスト・イン・レジデンスが開く可能性-
    *小野 環
    2021年 49 巻 T3-3
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/31
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
  • 市川 秀和
    1998年 63 巻 505 号 227-234
    発行日: 1998/03/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this second paper about "A study on the trend of architectural thought through Weimar's spirit", I make clear the development of architectural classicism in Weimar. Generally, the development is divided into three periods. In the short, the first period is early classicism (1775-86), the second is mid (1788-1805) and the third is late (1816-45). After all importantly, architectural classicism in Weimar, that is one of the variety of classicism in Germany, is connected with thought of Humanism. The most important architect is Clemens Wenzeslaus Coudray, who was respected by that great poet J.W.v.Goethe.
  • 小野田 泰明, 西田 浩二, 小野寺 望, 氏原 茂将
    2007年 72 巻 619 号 55-60
    発行日: 2007/09/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Even though there are new approaches to create space has been discussing among outstanding architects recently, the basic method to grasp the relationship between human behavior and space remains an exisiting style. This paper investigates three featured spaces to draw the activity vector field from movement of people to explore the concept of the function of space or spacial charateristic. The findings are followings; The activities caused a program influenced surrounding space in new universal space but in ordinary space did not. We develop a new method to draw the activity vector field based on probability of each movement. With the method we succeed to grasp a couple of act, which might express the redundancy of space.
  • リチャード・ノイトラの【時代認識】における《環境》と《文明》
    末包 伸吾
    2017年 82 巻 738 号 2113-2122
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper is intended to comprehensively and relatively grasp the content and its position of the book Survival Through Design, as a discourse on Neutra's 【Age Recognition】. The keywords of the subjects were sorted out as a number of items and examined from the viewpoint of the hierarchical composition of the meaning, by extracting the thesis which becomes the subject from his thesis, which leads to the policy and method. 【Age Recognition】 shown in Neutra's book is consisted of the second level of five items of "environment", "civilization", "style", "construction", and "beauty". "Environment" consists of [natural environment] and [artificial environment]. "Civilization" is [technology], [technology / machine], [standardization], [product / material], [performance], [maintenance], and [user / client]. In this paper I mainly focus on the items of the second level, from the items, which are particularly mentioned and exhaustively examined in each chapter.
     First, concerning Neutra 's concept of "Environment", he shows concern about human beings being separated from "nature", and the necessity of "finding" the interrelationship of natural phenomena from "nature". In particular, it will be distinguished by the uniqueness of the collaborative "Genius Loci" in California. At the same time, Neutra shows the necessity of gazing at the individuality to each of the "nature" components according to the growth and function of "nature", "to find" harmony between growth and function in the "natural environment". In [artificial environment], he looked at production (growth) and discordance of function, and contrast with [natural environment]. Neutra raises "found out" "function founded" from "natural environment", which is different from the general modern functional theory, he said "function" to his own "biology" As a matter of fact, we have identified the "adjustment", "change" of the environment by ourselves.
     Then, as a concept about his "Civilization", although [technology] itself shows the expectation for the transformation that life brings to life and the interest in adaptation of its design, [technology] is only a means, at the same time, its progress is obviously an opportunity to lose human nature. Among them, he finds a clear difference between "standardization" by [technology] and the "unity" that responds to the characteristics of the region, that is, it leads to the authenticity of regionalism. This "unity" is a concern for altering the way of making towns and buildings by "standardization" and the act of daily life itself, he was conscious of that. And he presented consistency created by form, material, scale etc. as his own "useful scale". In other words, it can be said that Neutra positions [technology] under the interaction of nature and humanity. This is also in agreement with the second phase of Walter Benjamin's technology two stages (the first stage of which is to conquer nature).
     From the perspective of such civilization, Neutra is a necessary condition for "Survival" that Neutra is the subject, positive standardization of materials, and improvement of construction technology by the standardization taking into account the characteristics of the region. He acquired a viewpoint on harmony of both with the universality of recruitment and the individuality of the importance of the material of "raw" for the "Survival" of humanity for his architectural design.
  • 中川 理
    1996年 26 巻 54-63
    発行日: 1996年
    公開日: 2018/08/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 建築史学
    2001年 36 巻 86-93
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2018/08/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田崎 祐生
    1999年 64 巻 522 号 329-336
    発行日: 1999/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the Architecturo-logy as the logic that asks architects for reflection on poiesis, "dwelling" and "building" are the most basic problems. In our daily life such problems are concealed behind the success of modern sciences. In this paper, I explain the traditional dwellings of Kikuyu tribe in Kenya and illustrate the dual centrality of their imago mundi concerned deeply with their religion. The round huts of Kikuyu represent both the center of their family life and the Kikuyuland rounded by sacred mountains like Mount Kenya and illuminate the architecture-logical problems on "place" .
  • 西村 清和
    2009年 60 巻 1 号 2-15
    発行日: 2009/06/30
    公開日: 2017/05/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ruins are places in which memories have been accumulated. For understanding the aesthetic phenomenon of ruins, we must make it clear what places really are. M. de Certeau considers a place as a configuration of the elements distributed within the relations of coexistence and a space as a crossing of historical subjects and 'a practiced place'. This conception of place is close to Gibson's 'ground theory' of space perception. The environment we perceive is, first of all, not an empty space but a place as a surface of the earth on which we are standing. The perception of the environment as the persisting structure of surfaces accompanies the perception of an instantaneous self, including the head, body, arms, and hands. And the nonperceptual awareness such as memory or expectation is made possible by the fact that the concurrent perception of the persistence of place and that of the change of a moving self are concurrent. Memory and expectation open a space of history. Yet the space turns back to the persisting place of a ruin when the history has come to be forgotten. The poetics of ruins consists not in retelling a history but in the awareness of the persistent linkage between us and the past.