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クエリ検索: "サリ族"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 水津 一朗
    1968年 41 巻 3 号 151-179
    発行日: 1968/03/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    まずライン地溝帯とその周辺にフィールドをかぎり,古代ローマ時代の文化景観の一部を復原する.つぎにその復原の内容を,古代ガリアや日本・中国などの既往の研究成果と比較対照することによって,古代における地域一般の秩序を追求してみたい.とくに本稿では,古代のガウ(Gau)や郷クラスの「基礎地域」を包む,より上位の単位たる部族領域や,それを母胎として画定されたキヴィタス (civitas) や国,さらにより広域の諸領域1)に視点をすえる.これは「基礎地域」の上部構造に関する研究というべきものであるが,以下のように,東西の古代世界に共通する地域的秩序が摘出できた.
  • ―食老,殺老,棄老,隠居,老人福祉―
    須田 圭三
    1987年 53 巻 3 号 102-122
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously, I have discussed the changes within the life cycle, or turning-points in life and their interrelationships and changes from the Tenpo era to the present. In another paper, the attention is focussed on the last phase of the life cycle, specifically upon the custom of abandonment of the elderly as reflected in various traditions and works of classical literature. Numerous sources exist, however reliable sources are limited ; thus the studies were limited from the Tenpo era to the present. During the research, I discovered the massive work "on Retirement" by Professor Muneshige Hozumi of the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo which examines numerous works of ancient Western, Chinese and Japanese literature. This work is the result of diligent effort and examines the handling of the elderly from a legal viewpoint. According to Professor Hozumi, Indian Holy Scriptures state, "Human life is divided into a student period, a "head of the family" period and a retirement period". This classification agrees with my model of the life cycle in some respects. The first edition of this book was published 95 years ago and already belongs to the historical literature. In order to provide a reference for the continued study of the senescence period of the life cycle, I have confirmed portions of the references cited in Professor Hozumi book at the National Diet Library, University of Tokyo General Library, University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics Library and Faculty of Culture Library. Using the materials obtained from this book as a foundation (references at the end), an overall treatise on the handling of the elderly was written using the custom of cannibalism which probably originated from victimization of the elderly as well as the custom of abandoning of the elderly with final supplement by my own opinion. The range of studies on the life cycle is extensive beyond the limit of any one science. What I have unearthed is only a shallow outline. Discovery of a basal structure of cultural and social life persisting through a long time span may be a contribution to the study of human ecology.