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クエリ検索: "ジャン" ギーズ公
11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 高沢 紀恵
    1987年 96 巻 10 号 1561-1594,1704-
    発行日: 1987/10/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Le but de cet article est de comprendre le mouvement des Seize a Paris (1585-1594) dans le contexte des transformations de la structure municipale parisienne au XVI^e siecle. La premiere partie de cet article analyse le processus du mouvement des Seize dans ses trois phases et etablit les trois points suivants. Premierement, bien que des motifs d'ordre religieux aient continuellement joue un role tres important des la creation du mouvement des Seize, ils ne suffisent pas a expliquer son extention. Il faudrait rechercher d'autres motifs susceptibles d'expliquer l'emprise des Seize sur toute la ville. Deuxiemement, c'est sur la base du quartier-systeme que les Seize organiserent les reseaux de sociabilite et ce choix leur permit de remporter la victoire lors de la "Journee des Barricades" et de saisir le pouvoir a l'Hotel de Ville. Troisiemement, la periode pendant laquelle les Seize ont dirige Paris parait se limiter aux annees 1588 et 1589. Pourquoi le mouvement des Seize a-t-il pu, pendant cette periode, faire de l'Hotel de Ville le centre du pouvoir et etendre sa domination sur tout Paris? Quelle relation y a-t-il entre le succes des Seize et le quartier-systeme? C'est le theme de la seconde partie de cet article. La structure municipale parisienne et sa transformation au cours de cette periode 1588-1589 ont ete analysees a trois points de vue : les remontrances soumises a Henri III apres la "Journee des Barricades" par le nouvel echevinage et le Cardinal de Bourbon ; la conduite des affaires municipales ; le probleme des couches sociales. Cela nous a permis d'aboutir aux resultats suivants. D'abord, l'analyse des remontrances revele la situation de Paris dans la seconde moitie du XVI^e siecle, a une epoque ou le quartier-systeme etait en crise a la fois parce que l'heredite supplantait peu a peu l'election comme processus de nomination aux offices municipaux et parce que l'autonomie municipale etait battue en breche par le Parlement et le Chatelet. Autrement dit, les deux principes se disputaient alors le controle de la ville : le principe de la monarchie et celui du corps municipal. Au point de vue de la composition sociale, les Seize se recrutaient parmi les couches moyennes qui se trouvaient exclues de la municipalite par le monopole des officiers royaux. Ainsi ils se fixerent pour but de conserver les traditions autonomes et communautaires du corps municipal. Pour ce faire, le corps municipal, une fois pris en main par les Seize, projetait de maintenir les elections aux charges municipales et de renforcer son pouvoir contre le Chatelet, surtout dans le domaine du maintien de l'ordre public. En fait, ni le personnel ni l'organisation de la municipalite existante ne furent renoves totalement : cependant le Comite des neuf, etabli dans chaque quartier, ainsi que les milices ont pu ranimer le quartier-systeme et elargir l'acces a la participation aux affaires de la ville. C'est la raison par laquelle les mouvements de quartier ont pu entrainer l'Hotel de Ville et etablir son emprise sur toute la ville, au moins pendant les annees 1588-1589. La desagregation de cette structure municipale serait liee au declin des Seize. Mais, c'est la matiere a recherches ulterieures.
  • 石橋 敬太郎
    英文学研究 支部統合号
    2011年 3 巻 87-97
    発行日: 2011/01/20
    公開日: 2017/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    While Henry of Navarre's combination of militancy and Protestant faith is depicted from the providential vision, causes of the Duke of Guise's rebellions are ascribed to his personal nature in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris. Guise abandons the providential conception of history and acts like the Machiavellian tyrant. Much like Guise, the Duke of Anjou (afterwards Henry III) has also earned the status of tyrant since the Saint Bartholomew murders. As seen in the massacre and the battle of Coutras, important political events are subordinated to their personal lives. In particular, the dramatist's treatment of Guise differs from the accounts of Francois Hotman's A True and Plain Report of the Furious Outrages of France and Simon Goulart's Memoires de letat de France sous Charles neuvieme, primary sources for the play. In Hotman's and Goulart's accounts, the Duke of Guise appears to be a tool manipulated by the French queen, Catherine de Medici. The duke is transformed into a villain in the play. He is shown committing murders of which history does not accuse him. What is the nature of the element that made Marlowe embody Guise's Machiavellian manouevers in a contrast with Navarre's acceptance of the divine order? To examine this problem, I would like to focus on Tacitus's historical approach, which became popular in the last years of the Elizabethan reign. In the time when providential vision was dominant, Tacitus's penetrating analysis of causes and motives offered a new approach to looking at the past. In his Annals, he tries to explain history by representing human nature hidden behind historical events. Strongly aware of the new type of historiography, Marlowe seems to have illustrated the conflict between the two orders of the divine and the human in The Massacre at Paris. In the play Navarre emerges victorious in the decisive struggle-the battle of Coutras-with Guise. The play culminates in regicide. Through the mutual destruction of Guise and Henry III, the retributive forces bring events full circle, and establish a new order in harmony with the divine will with the ascendance of Navarre as Henry IV. But there is an odd moment in the play where Navarre does not positively solve the massacre and leaves his two schoolmasters to be stabbed by the Guise. And the Protestant hero has thirsted for the French crown. To survive and get the kingship, he has struggled with Guise. In this struggle, his rhetoric is infused with the words of an ambitious man of action, which convey the image of a Machiavellian leader. The effect is too unheroic and too detached to praise his actions, as Clifford Leech pointed out. French disorder demarcates France as a historical topos distanced historiographically from the providential conception of history, a topos that allowed the exploration of human actions as causes of stability and instability. Marlowe wrote his play based upon the new historical approach, which moved from providential to Tacitean explanations of historical causation. Influenced by the historical view of Tacitus, Ben Jonson wrote Sejanus his Fall in 1603. He designed his play to teach statesmen what men do, and not what they ought to do. The Stuart English playwrights wrote their plays under the influence of Jonson's historical view. In this sense, Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris seems to have contributed to the viability of the new type of historiography.
  • 秋元 陽平
    2016年 109 巻 55-69
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2017/07/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 剣持 久木
    2018年 33 巻 40-46
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―マキァヴェッリ政治学における近世性の解明のための予備的諸考察―
    村田 玲
    2010年 61 巻 2 号 2_212-2_232
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2016/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
      Today, Machiavellism is generally regarded as a specific rule of political action stemming from the necessity and autonomy of politics. In other words, the problem of Machiavellism is raised as one related to the tragic antinomy between politics and ethics. However, such an interpretation has its roots in 19th-century German Historicism. Here, it should be noted that the term Machiavellism itself was generated and spread in the mid-16th century. The word has its genesis in the old interpretation of Machiavelli's political science, which accused Machiavelli of being a teacher of evil. The purpose of this paper is to rediscover the essence of Machiavellism in terms of its original meaning. First, the fundamental character of the present-day interpretation of Machiavellism must be articulated by analyzing German Historicism. Then, intentionally avoiding ideas that are related to German Historicism, the original meaning of Machiavellism must be grasped by analyzing the interpretation of Machiavelli's political science as raised by his first readers in the 16th century.
  • ルイ・ヤンセンの「音楽・映画同期化」システムをめぐって
    大傍 正規
    2008年 3 巻 4-25
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2019/12/02
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • フランス王国の転換を導くものたち
    上田 耕造
    2010年 238 巻 20-
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2022/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • フランス · パテ社・蓄音機 = 映画・フィルム · ダール
    大傍 正規
    2010年 5 巻 4-19
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2019/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 駒井 政貴
    2019年 102 巻 155-173
    発行日: 2019/07/25
    公開日: 2019/11/19
    ジャーナル フリー

    フランスでは 1908 年にフィルム・ダール社が映画の製作を開始して以降、映画の芸術化を標榜してきた。しかしながら、ルイ・ドゥリュック等がアメリカやスウェーデン映画と比べ自国映画の後進性を映画批評において指摘した時、何が欠けていると考えたのだろうか。ドゥリュックが自ら監督をした時に、どのような要素を、フランス映画に導入しようと考えたのかということを、ここではドゥリュックの戯曲や、第一次大戦中から書き始めた小説を分析しながら考察した。



  • 近世フランス王国における外国人の処遇をめぐる言説
    見瀬 悠
    2022年 131 巻 8 号 1-36
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ダンジヴィレの「奨励制作」(1777-1789)を事例として
    田中 佳
    2011年 242 巻 38-
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2022/04/22
    ジャーナル フリー