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14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • *城所 収二
    2018年 69 巻
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/01/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


    (90km/h)の3球種とした。これらの3球種に対し、(a)事前に球種を伝え、同一球種を5球続ける連続条件、(b)球種を事前に伝えず、3球種を投げ分けるランダム条件、(c)次に投じる球種を事前に伝えて投げ分ける開示条件、の3条件で打撃させた。測定中の運動を、モーションキャプチャにより記録した。インパクトの前後位置からタイミング誤差を算出し、打撃条件×当該試技の球種×1球前の球種の3要因で、タイミング誤差が異なるのかを検定した。その結果、タイミング誤差は、いずれの球種でもランダム条件が開示条件よりも有意に大きかったが(p < 0.05)、1 球前の球種には差が認められなかった(p > 0.05)。また、
    はカーブよりもタイミング誤差が大きく(p < 0.05)、球種の判別を遅らせる有効な球種であることが示された。以上より、打者のタイミングは1球前の球種によらず、当該試技の球種と球種を事前に把握しているかどうかに左右されることが示された。

  • 伊藤 博一, 園部 豊, 原田 長, 砂川 憲彦, 増島 篤
    2023年 31 巻 1 号 238-243
    発行日: 2023/01/31
    公開日: 2024/03/13
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究の目的は,中3 日という短い登板間隔が投球フォームや球速の乱れに与える影響を分析することであった.

    対象は,学童野球公式戦の準決勝において先発完投(99 球)をし,中3 日の登板間隔で決勝においても先発完投(110 球)をした投手1 名であった.方法は,ハイスピードカメラ1 台による2 次元動作分析であった.

    その結果,準決勝では投球フォームや球速の乱れは点在する程度であったが,決勝では50 球を超えたあたりから投球フォームや球速が大きく乱れ始め,これらの乱れが相手打線に捕まるきっかけになったと考えられた.

    投球フォームや球速の乱れの観点から,準決勝での投球過多による疲労は,中3 日の登板間隔では十分に回復しないことが示唆された.

  • 東 隆史, 池野 昌弘, 伊東 太郎, 西島 吉典, 徳山 廣
    1988年 39B 巻 091Q14
    発行日: 1988/08/20
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 吉村 正
    1982年 9 巻 2 号 21-25
    発行日: 1982/11/20
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 舩田 優
    2004年 18 巻 6 号 63-68
    発行日: 2004/06/12
    公開日: 2017/11/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 第1報準定常論による飛翔解析とフラッター実験
    Taketo MIZOTA, Hiroyuki KUBA, Atsushi OKAJIMA
    1995年 1995 巻 62 号 3-13
    発行日: 1995/01/31
    公開日: 2010/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Erratic behaviour of knuckleball is studied by quasi- steady aerodynamic theory. On TV, We observed ball trajectory, spin rate and its axes of knuckleball pitched by Tim Wakefield who belongs to Pittsburg Pirates of national league. The dependence of Reynolds number for aerodynamic forces of drag, lift and side force are measured with change of seam position by wind tunnel testing. Three dimensional equations for the force equilibrium are shown and solved under quasi-steady approximation of aerodynamic forces acting on the ball. Various types of knuckleball trajectory which were commented by major league batters with fuzzy expressions are shown on the computer screen. Flutter experiments were conducted using wind tunnel. Oscillation amplitude of knuckleball by flutter analysis corresponded well with the results of flutter experiment. We conclude that the erratic behaviour of knuckleball is a flutter phenomenon such as unstable one of bluff body immersed in a fluid flow.
  • 日本風工学会誌
    1993年 1993 巻 55 号 43-50
    発行日: 1993/05/20
    公開日: 2010/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野本 尭希, 奈良 隆章, 金堀 哲也, 小倉 圭, 川村 卓
    2016年 29 巻 2 号 181-192
    発行日: 2016/03/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー

        The purposes of this study were to examine a model of practical wisdom for individual tactics in baseball batting and also gain knowledge contributing to a batting training. The study conducted a semi-structured interview with 7 batting experts who could tell us about their batting experience in the past. Modified-Grounded Theory Approach was used as an analysis method for the interview data. As the analysis results, 4 categories and 12 concepts were generated. The generated categories were (1) Formation of competing image, (2) Sophistication of competing image, (3) Selection of tactics, and (4) Formation of batting view. The following 4 items were revealed by the generated models. (1) A batter can reduce a burden to consider tactics when maintaining a wide range of basic tactics. (2) A batter selectively gains a necessary technique for carrying out tactics. (3) A batter selectively gains useful information for carrying out individual tactics by understanding information through a batting experience in the past. (4) A batter develops a practical wisdom of individual tactics by reflecting on batting experience. The following 3 items were presented as a suggestion to a batting training. (1) Understand a feature for a wide range of techniques and use basic tactics as taking advantage of the feature. (2) Engage in purposefulness practice by securing tactics used in game and technical issues required in tactical execution. (3) Competing image with pitcher should always be updated by reflecting on batting experience in terms of between pitches, after at-bat, and after the game.

  • *坂口 正道, 澤田 祐輝
    2021年 2021 巻 1P2-E06
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/12/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    We approach from the two viewpoints of spatial accuracy and temporal accuracy, and our main goal is to improve the batting ability of beginners and to enable batting in actual battles. It is considered difficult for beginners to improve their abilities for environmental reasons. If a training method using a VR system is established, this can be resolved and sports can be enjoyed more easily. In addition, since visual sports training using a VR system has not been sufficiently researched, we believe that it can be used as a new sports vision training by verifying its effects and finding its usefulness. Based on these facts, this research focuses on spatial accuracy from the two perspectives of temporal accuracy and spatial accuracy, and aims to develop a system that improves the ability of the batting eye using VR technology. To do.

  • 野球のインパクトシミュレーション
    志村 芽衣, 宮澤 隆, 矢内 利政
    2018年 63 巻 1 号 65-75
    発行日: 2018/06/10
    公開日: 2018/06/20
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/12/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact conditions that enable a batter to hit a pitched ball toward the opposite field. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was used to construct a model for the impact between a baseball and a wooden baseball bat, and a series of simulations were conducted with various bat angles and under-cut distances. The bat angle at ball impact was set in a horizontal range from -31 to 20° and a vertical range from 0 to 51° with a 3° interval. The under-cut distance was altered by changing the vertical angle of the line of impact in a range from 0 to 30° with a 5° interval. The velocity and angle of projection of the batted ball were determined for each simulated condition. The simulation model was validated by comparing the simulation outcome with the corresponding experimental data obtained from opposite-field hitting practice performed by collegiate baseball players. The results showed that when a batter intends to hit a ball toward a given horizontal angle in the opposite field with the highest speed, the batter should impact the ball with the bat facing about 60% of the horizontal angle toward which to launch the ball and with the line of impact angled upward at 5~10° from the horizontal plane. In addition, the horizontal angle of the batted ball and the velocity of the batted ball were found to change systematically when the vertical angle of the line of impact and the vertical bat angle were altered: For a given horizontal angle toward which to launch the batted ball, there was a trade-off relationship between the vertical angle of the line of impact and the vertical bat angle.

  • 黒岩 千恵子
    2008年 2007 巻 9 号 53-72
    発行日: 2008/07/31
    公開日: 2011/06/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the present condition of daily life for children in Bhutan, comparing the differences between districts, especially between a capital city and neighboring village or eastern Bhutan, and examining the influence of societal changes. The paper will report and consider, in detail, home education, children's play and work and how these facets of life are affected by the progress and change of the social economy and sense of values. Date for this paper was collated by conducting surveys and interviews.
    Results : Education is still fundamentally acquired through home education in Bhutan. On the other hand, it includes curriculum on environmental education, which reflects the communities, classes on religion and tradition. However these are simply set as policy to re-establish cultural identity, in the anticipation that young people 's mindset will change in the modernization. Children's play is almost always the basis of their work, where a part of work is changed into games or sports. The modern sports are in these years. Play, from an educational point of view is necessary for children's growth and advancement, and develop through the influence of the surroundings and human relations. Particularly, in local place, the belongings of children increased than before owing to the establishment of money economy, and have an effect on the way time is spent after school. According to work, children spending more time at school and in their house, in stead of in the fields and mountains, child labour in the 3rd world is still prevalent, and the in stances of which occur in greater numbers the further out of the city they live.
    Children provide an indirect means of studying an ethnic group, as their activities and daily life reflect the adult culture they live in. It is important to keep on an eyes on the influence of cultural and moral values on the changes in daily life, exposed in television programs. In doing so, one can compare such foreign cultures with those much closer to home.
  • プレイセラピーにおける音声表現の相互交流に注目して
    原田 宗忠
    2012年 25 巻 1 号 65-76
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/12/14
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    本研究では, 児童養護施設に入所する, チックを持つ子どもの事例から, チックに含まれる心理的な意味と対人関係上の役割について, クライエントとセラピストとの音声表現の相互交流に注目して検討を行った。その結果, チックには迫害不安などの苦痛を伴う情動が含まれていると思われた。また, チックには苦痛を伴う情動を排出する役割や, 心理的苦痛を感じていることを示すことによってセラピストとクライエントとの相互交流を調整する役割があると考えられた。さらに, チックの心理療法では, クライエントのチックや言動の強さやテンポだけでなく, セラピスト自身の声や言動の強さやテンポにも注意することや, 音やリズムが前景に表れたクライエントの表現に対してセラピストが音声表現の形式を用いて返すことが重要であると思われた。そして, クライエントが排出した情動をセラピストが和らげて返すという関わりが, セラピーの進展に有効である可能性が考えられた。
  • 木下 芳一, 泉 博子, 尾髙 健夫, 中島 淳
    2019年 108 巻 1 号 63-80
    発行日: 2019/01/10
    公開日: 2020/01/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 臨床神経生理学
    2015年 43 巻 5 号 281-474
    発行日: 2015/10/01
    公開日: 2016/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー