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7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 徳田 進平, 中野 優子
    2014年 13 巻 55-68
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2021/04/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 成岡 道男, 大泉 暢章, 佐伯 保則, 藤本 直也
    2014年 82 巻 3 号 235-240,a2
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2020/01/10
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 宮木 和
    2017年 2017 巻 91 号 47-54
    発行日: 2017/05/31
    公開日: 2018/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー



  • *岩田 有史
    霊長類研究 Supplement
    2011年 27 巻 A-04
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/10/08
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     低地熱帯雨林に生息するニシゴリラ(Gorilla gorilla)は山地林に生息するヒガシゴリラ(Gorilla beringei)と異なり、季節的に多量の果実を採食することが知られている。しかし、その食性の相違にも関わらず、ニシゴリラの社会構造はヒガシゴリラのそれと変わらず、一頭のシルバーバック(オトナオス)と複数のオトナメス並びにそのこどもとから成り立っている。また、グループサイズにおいても、ヒガシゴリラとニシゴリラの間で差はない。ゴリラの体サイズの性/年齢間での相違は非常に大きく、シルバーバックはオトナメスと比較して、その体サイズはほぼ倍である。同種の間でも、体サイズによって栄養要求が異なると考えられるが、常に群れのまとまりを維持しつつ遊動する中で、各個体はどのように栄養要求を満たしているのであろうか。
  • 杉山 隆彦
    1980年 1980 巻 19 号 97-108
    発行日: 1980/03/30
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is unfortunately true that many people in Tanzania are still suffering from malnutrition despite of the vast expenditure of time, money and effort in attempts to improve the nutritional status. Today, to eradicate malnutrition is, therefore, recognized as one of major aims to be urgently achieved in the national development plan in Tanzania. Thus it could be worthwhile to review the nutritional status and its influential factors in Tanzania in order to understand the entire problem correctly.
    Various clinical and dietary survey data clearly show that the nutritional status of Tanzanian people is generally considerably low as compared to that of those in developed countries and that the incidence of various types of malnutrition is high in the country. Among different nutritional disorders existing in Tanzania, Protein-Calorie Malnutrition (PCM) appears to be the most important disorder because of its wide distribution, its vulnerable group which is mainly children who are the future capital, and its complexity of causation.
    Influential factors on nutrition discussed in this paper are summerized as follows.
    From the demographic point of view, as commonly seen in developing countries, the rapid increase of population is a considerable problem especially in relation to the demand and supply of food. High dependency ratio in the population undoubtedly affects the nutritional status particularly of children under five years and, pregnant and lactating women owing to their low social status.
    With regard to dietary factors, it is noticed that Tanzanian diet is not necessarily less nutritive but insufficient in amount. It is, therefore, thought that the nutritional status could be substantially improved by simply increasing the daily food intake of individuals. The dietary improvement not only in quantity but also in quality, is, however, certainly desirable to improve the nutritional status particularly for those whose staple foods are banana and starchy roots.
    In connection with the population increase, the per capita food production of Tanzania tends to decline in recent years despite of the increase of gross food production. Taking this fact and population increase into consideration, it is obvious that paying more effort to increase the yield per unit area under cultivation of food crops is inevitable in the long run. In addition to raising the food production, the proper conservation of food currently produced is considered to be of great help to increase the amount of food available resulting better nutritional status. Concerning the food production, it should be added that the land tenure system of Tanzania which enable people to obtain farming land readily is acting an important role to increase the food availability of individuals.
    From the socio-economical point of view, though there is not a remarkable gap between the rich and the poor, the presence of unequal intra-family distribution of income tends to create the malnourishment of dependent group in a family. It is also noticed that with economic development people do not always improve their nutrition. Food habit based on long established cultural patterns is often limiting the food availability of a certain group of the population in Tanzania. As a matter of fact, that socio-economic factors, particularly poverty and ignorance as primary causes of malnutrition, underlie most other causal factors makes the improvement of nutritional status difficult.
    In view of environmental factors, it is observed that inadequate water supply in quality and quantity is highly related to lowering the nutritional status. The availability of water in Tanzania is actually one of the most important factors to limit agricultural production as well as human life. It is noticed that as a result of “villagisation”, the social environment in rural area has been considerably improved particularly in terms of the access to medical and educational facilities. The
  • 此較の視点から
    ハイデン ゴラン, 鶴田 格, 黒田 真
    2007年 2007 巻 70 号 35-50
    発行日: 2007/03/31
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    本論文の目的は, アフリカ・モラル・エコノミー研究プロジェクト (2003-2006年) で得られた成果を, 比較の観点から検討することである。そこでは, アフリカの事例を, アジアやヨーロッパに関する事例や論考と比較しながら論じることによって, モラル・エコノミー的な現象は普遍的なものだが, 歴史的な時間・空間に応じて異なる様式をもって現れてくることが示される。本論文ではまずモラル・エコノミーの概念と (アフリカ的文脈における) 情の経済の概念の共通点と差異について理論的な考察を行った後に, 実際の事例に基づいて, こうした経済形態のインフォーマルな性質に注目して分析を進める。最後に, 本プロジェクトの成果を踏まえて, こうした研究を今後進めていく上で有用と思われるいくつかの仮説を提示する。
  • アジア・アフリカ地域研究
    2020年 19 巻 2 号 235-273
    発行日: 2020/03/31
    公開日: 2020/04/29
    ジャーナル フリー



    藤田 翔



    野田 健太郎


    向田 公輝


    依田 ひかり


    工藤 太地



    奥野 衣莉香


    髙村(井上) 満衣


    泉 向日葵

    A Tale of Three Feral Dogs in the Annapurna Base Camp Trail, Nepal

    Sese Ma


    土田 亮
