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40件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 江藤 隆之
    2023年 38 巻 15-56
    発行日: 2023/02/27
    公開日: 2023/03/01
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 島野 安雄, 利部 慎
    2017年 59 巻 1 号 29-45
    発行日: 2017/02/28
    公開日: 2017/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地学雑誌
    1913年 25 巻 3 号 232a-234
    発行日: 1913/03/15
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • サン=ジャン=ド=リューズとシブールの近代建築
    三田村 哲哉
    2018年 70 巻 67-79
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹岡 敬温
    1971年 37 巻 1 号 53-79
    発行日: 1971/06/30
    公開日: 2017/08/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    If one emphasizes the influx of American precious metals, one can say that, to some extent, the commercial activities in Europe throughout the 16th century were subject to the rhythm of the amount of trade between Seville and Spanish America. An upward trend of the volume of this trade (tonnage) is cut off by a depression at the middle of the 16th century. Hamilton's curve of the importation of American precious metals to Spain shows the depression from 1556 to 1560. On the ascending price movement in Spain, the period from 1550 to 1560 constitutes a landing. The price indices in France also mark a depression from the latter half of the fifteen-forties to the fifteen-fifties, and it corresponds almost exactly to the sluggish coinage of this period. At the same time, the bankruptcy of the Habsbourgs and the French monarchy dragged many merchants including the Fuggers into the trouble. What influence did this financial crisis of 1557-1559 have on the French economy? The judgements are opposed among Doucet, Hauser and Mousnier. Meanwhile, the trade activities at the ports of the Atlantic coast (La Rochelle, Nantes and Bordeaux) did not slacken in this period. When the state was seriously exhausted, these ports were in full activity. How is it that these ports did not share the financial crisis with the state and rather met a rush of trade? We think this is due to the following : firstly, those engaged in the commercial activity were small merchants (Nantes); and secondly, the merchants enjoyed the practically perfect right of duty-free (La Rochelle). For these reasons, the trade activities at the Atlantic ports were relatively kept apart from the sovereign powers and they did not share the trouble with the state. In addition, the following fact is more important. About the middle of the 16th century there occurred a conjunctural change in French monetary structure, which affected the region of the Atlantic coast more markedly than other regions. As the change took place earlier there, the silver coinage was growing rapidly instead of gold, which was insufficient or almost disappeared, in many cities of the Atlantic coast in the latter half of the fifeen-fifies. Consequently, these Atlantic ports suffered less from the monetary famine.
  • ──各地で設立される「労働参加型生協」の店舗──
    鈴木 岳
    2019年 526 巻 62-64
    発行日: 2019/11/05
    公開日: 2023/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中村 幸子
    2006年 27 巻 279-291
    発行日: 2006/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    本考察は,百武兼行(1842-1884)のパリでの絵画研究を明確に示すことを目的としたものである。そこで,時期は異なるが百武と同じくレオン・ボナ(Leon BONNAT,1833-1922)に学んだ五姓田義松(1855-1915)を取り上げた。考察の結果,百武の絵画研究は,ボナとの出会いによって人物習作を中心に展開され,その内容は充実したものとなった。百武にとってのパリ留学は,後に滞在することとなるローマにおける積極的な制作へとつながったといえる。
  • 君塚 弘恭
    2009年 118 巻 12 号 2132-2156
    発行日: 2009/12/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this article is to show the connection that existed between state organization and merchant society and describe the commercial strategy of elite merchants in early modern France, by focusing on the Chamber of Commerce of Guyenne, Bordeaux. The C of C was formed by a decision of the State Council in 1705. The French government at the end of the reign of Louis XIV allowed bourgeois merchants to participate in state political institutions, where they could engage in discussions concerning national and regional economic policy. According to one American historian, D. K. Smith, the activity of the C of C was an example of the new political culture of the time. The city of Bordeaux during this period was experiencing initial development through the colonial trade; and the city's merchants would at times need to negotiate with the government in order to achieve commercial success in their enterprises. This article investigates the questions of how the merchants of Bordeaux participated in the C of C and what function the institution performed within the city's merchant society. To begin with, the elite merchants of Bordeaux, who had been old members of the Tribunal of Commerce, were supportive of the C of C and decided to govern it by themselves until 1704. Then from 1705 on, they undertook to elect the directors of the Chamber from among their own and consequently monopolized the directorship throughout the eighteenth century. Although the C of C's directors were limited to the bourgeois merchants who were natives of Bordeaux, they maintained their links with both protestant and foreign merchants. Within this process, the elite merchants of Bordeaux took control of the C of C, as the, institution took root within the city's merchant society. Secondly, the Chamber of Commerce was the space not only where merchants could formulate and juxtapose their opinions against state policy, but also where merchants could acquire advice regarding their own problems. It is true that the directors were linked in a political network with the Council of Commerce of Paris, which they provided with commercial information; but when merchants in Bordeaux made inquiries about commercial affairs to the Chamber, the directors did discuss them and offered their expert opinions. Therefore, the Chamber was also an institution for promoting the activities of the bourse, forcing the researcher to reconsider this institution in the context of the long-term history of the bourse in the Western world. Finally, the Chamber of Commerce was the centre of commercial strategy in Bordeaux. Under state policy formulated to deal with the War of the Spanish Succession, the directors allowed the Dutch and ships of neutral countries entry into the port to purchase wine, while they, monopolized the colonial trade. As for regional commerce, the directors concentrated their attention to the route between Bordeaux and Agde of Languedoc, in addition to transportation along the Garonne and Dordogne Rivers. While considering the problems and the demands of the city's merchants, there is no doubt that the Chamber governed the merchant society of Bordeaux.
  • 深澤 安博
    2000年 109 巻 5 号 1015-1019
    発行日: 2000/05/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 水野 絅子
    1974年 40 巻 2 号 107-128,202-20
    発行日: 1974/08/10
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Cet article fait suite a une etude precedente sur les rapports des communes francaises et dos couches gouvernantes dans la societe feodale; nous essayons maintenant de mettre davantage en lumiere la ville medievale dauas la societe feodale, selon les documents rouennais allant du XI^e au premier quart du Xlll^e siele. Nous savons que les Etablissements de Rouen (Stabilimentum communie Rothomagi), concedes entre 1174 et 1183 par Henri II, roi d'Angleterre, representent l'etape la plus monumentale dans l'evolution du droit urbain a Rouen. Si nous examinons les differents articles, nous constatons que cette loi est loin d'etre liberale en ce qui concerne la concession des privileges a la commune: d'une part, l'autonomie judiciaire communale se limite a la juridiction civile d'autre part, des differents organes de la magistrature communale, da'finis minutieusement dans les Etablissements de Rouen, sont consideres comme les dernieres instances de l'admimaistration royale. Cette loi est un octroi qui favorise principalement le patriciat, compose de riches marchands specialises dans le commerce a longue distanace et dont l'existence a Rouen est par ailleurs attestee par quelques sources narratives anterieures; ces marchands ont en effet besoin d'une juridiction civile autonome pour proteger leurs transactions comunerciales et immobilieres. Il faut noter aussi que les Etablissements de Rouen, en precisant les obligations dues par la commune et reparties d'ailleurs sur tous les bourgeois, garantissent au roi anglais certains profits. Les Etablissements de Rouen presentent donc le meme caractere que les chartes octroyees jusqu'a la premiere moitie du XII siele et qui ont gratifie le patriciat rouennais de larges privileges commerciaux, en particulier la charte de 1144 concedee par Geoffroi d'Anjou; ces Etablissements de Rouen et ces clnartes demeurent cependant reservees a la concession de l'autonomie communale. On pourrait dire qu'il s'agit la d'une expressiona des interets communs des classes gouvernantes feodales et du patriciat urbain qui reste nettement separe du Commun. La prise de Rouero par Philippe Auguste en 1204 semble changer profondement la situation. Dans une conventio de cette annee-la en effect, dans laquelle le roi capetien definit les conditions de la capitulation, ce ne sont pas la noblesse, ni le clerge qui sont acceptee en tant que vrais representants de la ville, mais la commune de bourgeois. Philippe Auguste, ayant reconnu les Etablissements de Rouen peu apres la capitulation de la ville, elargit en 1207 l'autonomie judiciaire communale, par la concession d'une juridiction criminelle etendue et affranchit les bourgeois de la mainmorte: ce sont la les privileges dont peuvent beneficier tous les habitants urbain. Il est facile de deceler sous cet acte de Philippe Auguste, applique aussi a plusieures villes arrachees alors a la domination anglaise, un but precis, celui de lever un service militaire important. L'originalite de la politique communale de ce roi consiste, comme nous l'avons souligne dans notre article precite, a creer une relation "synallagmatique" entre la royaute et les communes: la royaute accorde en effet une large liberte et une grande autonomie a ces dernieres, qui, de leur cote, consentent au service militaire au meme titre que les vassaux directs du roi. Rouen, par sa nature meme de centre tres important de commerce et de strategie, attire beaucoup l'attention des classes dominantes et, partant, doit montrer une disposition a s'associer aux interets royaux plus marquee que les autres villes ordinaires. Cependant, c'est bien cette particularite rouennaise, qui nous permet de voir combien la ville medievale, qualifiee d' "anti-feodale" ou de "a-feodale" par certains auteurs est integree

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 教育システム情報学会誌
    2018年 35 巻 1 号 54-58
    発行日: 2018/01/01
    公開日: 2018/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 岳
    2020年 529 巻 49-54
    発行日: 2020/02/05
    公開日: 2023/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 江藤 隆之
    2021年 34 巻 311-323
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/08/10
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 堀田 英夫
    2013年 2013 巻 57 号 49-67
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2016/05/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • セクシュアル・デモクラシー、「ノン・ミクシテ」と カラー・ブレイヴな普遍主義
    森 千香子
    2020年 14 巻 19-30
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/08/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 岡部 遊志
    2009年 55 巻 3 号 253-266
    発行日: 2009/09/30
    公開日: 2017/05/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹谷 和之
    2002年 47 巻 3 号 195-207
    発行日: 2002/05/10
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents a historical overview of studies on Basque sport culture. The author argues that it is necessary for Basque sport studies to be analyzed separately from the colonialist viewpoint in order to construct new theories. Basque sports have scarcely been regarded by researchers as an important study topic. This is partly due to geographical reasons; the Basque provinces are located at the periphery of Europe and have failed to attract attention from other countries. On the other hand, the neglect may be attributed to biased thinking by researchers, who have treated the Basques as rather primitive. In fact, to previous rulers of the Basque people, they have been no more than a country supporting the wealth of Europe during the era of colonization. However, the Basque identity became intensified after the Carlista War and the American-Spanish War in the 19th century. Furthermore, the Basque defeat in the Spanish Civil War and the resulting political oppression by Franco had a decisive effect on accelerating Basque studies. The Society of Basque Studies was established in Onate in 1918, right after the first Meeting for Basque Studies. Under the leadership of the Society, research and investigations were gradually conducted. Early researchers included Barandiaran, Eguren, and more notably Aranzadi, who characterized some of the features of betting, and suggested a possible classification of the subject. With regard to pelota vasca, Pena y Goni, Blazy, and Abbadie were prominent researchers who focused their attention on the game. Abbadie also integrated various feasts, which had been scattered throughout the Basque region, as a whole entity. At the present time, a leading researcher of Basque sports is Aguirre Franco, who has gathered and provided much information and material. His achievements include the publication of three books dealing with the details of Basque sports other than pelota. On the other hand, Fernandez and Bozas-Urrutia are noted for a number of works on pelota, although they have failed to explain the difference between the history of ordinary ball games and that of pelota. With regard to infant play in general, Etniker, as part of a research group on Basque Studies, has conducted ethnological studies using originally compiled questionnaires. The results of these studies helped Etxebste to write his doctoral thesis dealing with themes such as socialization and enculturation in Basque society. In the field of dancing, attention has been focused to a great extent on its history and the theory of movement. Various works are already published in this domain, notably that of Martin Bosch, who wrote a doctoral dissertation discussing Basque dancing in terms of cultural interpretation. He emphasizes that the Basque dances express wishes and prayers to Nature. Recently, Basque studies have been conducted on a global scale. MacClancy, an British researcher, is conducting studies mainly on ethnic sports and Basque nationalism. Guildhall University has set up an institute for Basque studies. In the United States, Nevada University has an outstanding institute for Basque studies which plays an important role as a center of research. Regrettably, however, it has not yet done any original sports research. In Japan, Taketani has been engaged in Basque studies for many years. He criticizes current studies for being based on the western way of thinking, i.e., culturally biased. He also points out some transformed aspects of Basque sport culture.
  • 渡辺 一夫
    1969年 27 巻 2 号 85-101
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2007/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Tomoyosi Akiba, Kiyoaki Aikawa, Yoshiaki Itoh, Tatsuya Kawahara, Hiroaki Nanjo, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Norihito Yasuda, Yoichi Yamashita, Katunobu Itou
    Information and Media Technologies
    2009年 4 巻 2 号 485-497
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The lecture is one of the most valuable genres of audiovisual data. Though spoken document processing is a promising technology for utilizing the lecture in various ways, it is difficult to evaluate because the evaluation require a subjective judgment and/or the verification of large quantities of evaluation data. In this paper, a test collection for the evaluation of spoken lecture retrieval is reported. The test collection consists of the target spoken documents of about 2, 700 lectures (604 hours) taken from the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ), 39 retrieval queries, the relevant passages in the target documents for each query, and the automatic transcription of the target speech data. This paper also reports the retrieval performance targeting the constructed test collection by applying a standard spoken document retrieval (SDR) method, which serves as a baseline for the forthcoming SDR studies using the test collection.
  • Tomoyosi Akiba, Kiyoaki Aikawa, Yoshiaki Itoh, Tatsuya Kawahara, Hiroaki Nanjo, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Norihito Yasuda, Yoichi Yamashita, Katunobu Itou
    Journal of Information Processing
    2009年 17 巻 82-94
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The lecture is one of the most valuable genres of audiovisual data. Though spoken document processing is a promising technology for utilizing the lecture in various ways, it is difficult to evaluate because the evaluation require a subjective judgment and/or the verification of large quantities of evaluation data. In this paper, a test collection for the evaluation of spoken lecture retrieval is reported. The test collection consists of the target spoken documents of about 2, 700 lectures (604 hours) taken from the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ), 39 retrieval queries, the relevant passages in the target documents for each query, and the automatic transcription of the target speech data. This paper also reports the retrieval performance targeting the constructed test collection by applying a standard spoken document retrieval (SDR) method, which serves as a baseline for the forthcoming SDR studies using the test collection.