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26件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 大塚 尚実, 其田 一, 山崎 裕, 北 飛鳥, 宇留野 修一
    2008年 19 巻 7 号 424-427
    発行日: 2008/07/15
    公開日: 2009/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    の試合中,相手のシュートで放たれた硬質ゴム製パック(重量約160g)が左耳後部に当たり,意識消失した。直後は自発呼吸があったがまもなく消失し,救急車内収容後に心静止となった。当院に搬入された際は心肺停止状態であり,瞳孔は散大し対光反射は消失していた。CPRを継続し,エピネフリン 1 mg投与後,自己心拍が再開した。左乳様突起尾側部に打撲痕が認められた。CT及びMRIを撮影したところ,くも膜下出血及び脳幹周囲血腫を認めた。自発呼吸,意識は回復しなかった。集中治療室に入室し,脳保護目的で低体温療法を行ったが,第 5 病日のCTでは低酸素脳症の所見であり,脳波・聴性脳幹反応ともに平坦であった。遠征中の事故であったため第 7 病日に地元病院に転院搬送となったが,搬送 7 日後に肺炎による呼吸不全を主とする多臓器不全により死亡した。
    では身体接触による外傷のほか,スケート,スティックやパックなどによる外傷も多数報告されている。そのため若年者ではより厳重に防具で身体保護を行っているが,シュートは成人で120-150 km/hにもなる。今回は防具の隙間に衝撃が加わり,脳幹周囲出血及びくも膜下出血を呈し,脳圧上昇によって脳幹が圧迫され,呼吸停止から心停止に至ったと推測される。同様の事故による複数の剖検例も報告されており,今後防具等の改善を検討する必要がある。
  • 高橋 仁, 中里 浩一, 小山 浩司, 青柳 徹, 櫻井 規子, 平沼 憲治
    2014年 20 巻 1 号 93-98
    発行日: 2014/12/30
    公開日: 2022/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study was to determine the association between low back pain (LBP) and physical characteristics in male university ice hockey players. The subjects were 29 male university ice hockey players. Based on the results of Osaka City University (OCU) Test Survey that we conducted for all players, they were divided into 2 groups: the Low Back Pain Group (LBP) (n=9) and the Non-Low Back Pain Group (non-LBP) (n=20).

    We surveyed body height, body weight, BMI, age, years of experience, range of motion, joint flexibility, muscle tightness, and hip abductor muscle strength.

    In ice hockey players, the results indicated significantly lower hip abductor muscle strength (P<0.05), and higher range of motion of right hip abduction (P<0.05), right knee extension (P<0.05), and finger floor distance( FFD) in the LBP group than in the non-LBP group (P<0.01). In the right knee extension range of motion left-right difference of the opposite side was observed as significant (P<0.05). We considered that relative right hip abductor muscle strength, and range of motion of right hip abduction, right knee extension, and FFD have a certain effect on LBP in male university ice hockey players.

  • 三浦 喬晴
    2003年 57 巻 6 号 918-921
    発行日: 2003/06/01
    公開日: 2010/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 束原 昌郎
    1990年 16 巻 3 号 18-20
    発行日: 1990/03/20
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 順蔵
    1985年 11 巻 3 号 49-50
    発行日: 1985/03/15
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 選手からの意見を基にしたスタッフへのアンケート調査
    早間 雄貴, 上吉原 美紗, 鴇 威典, 大藤 雅史, 星 裕章, 松本 拓郎, 佐藤 和幸, 河原崎 慎也, 福田 瑞恵, 中口 和彦
    2020年 47S1 巻 P-1-2
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • ~FWとBKの身体的特徴と傷害特性の比較~
    黒木 康輔, 片桐 悠介, 佐田 正二郎
    2020年 47S1 巻 P-1-1
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 千葉 直樹
    1999年 50 巻 20C20703
    発行日: 1999/09/15
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 桑原 一良
    2001年 14 巻 25-37
    発行日: 2001/02/20
    公開日: 2017/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I conclude that the basic number of team members in team sport is 8.I draw the number 8 marked in traditions and ceremonies in England and connected to farming, land area in the Middle Ages from various kinds of literature.Then I consider the time when the number of team members in modern sport was established, especially when it was 8, and point out that the time coincides with the revival of contemporary ceremonies and traditions in England.By using the historical overview on the Anglo-Saxon(Germanic)Mentalite <Mentality>, I present a hypothesis that the number 8, the basic number of team members in team sport was the number originated from the Anglo-Saxon(Germanic)Mentalite of power. The Anglo-Saxons who started most modern sport have unconsciously kept the sign of 8 as the symbol of the power since the Middle Ages.In the process of modernization of sport, the number of team members in team sport turned to change, based on the basic number 8, the Anglo-Saxon(Germanic)Mentalite of power.In my hypothesis the number is contant 8±α. It seems that this number 8, the Mentalite of power is adopted prevalently and has influenced on various modern sport.
  • *大塚 智文, 宮下 智, 村上 貴秦
    2005年 2004 巻 416
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/04/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    リーグ1部に所属する部員、男子28名 平均年齢19.5±1.0。
    2.MRシステム(Index社製MR Low Back Extension IP-M4000)による体幹伸展運動の筋協調テストを行い、求心性および遠心性収縮で、視覚入力に対する運動出力の誤差を測定した。
  • *中川 哲朗, 中島 あつこ, 田川 維之, 石元 泰子, 竹田 俊也, 有木 隆太郎, 冨岡 貞治, 小林 裕和, 福山 支伸
    2005年 2004 巻 415
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/04/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【対象及び方法】対象は某高校硬式野球部に所属している高校生9名(右投手6名,左投手3名,全例オーバースロー)とした.被験者には3回の投球を行わせ,そのフォームを2台のビデオカメラ(60Hz)を用いて撮影した.球種はストレートのみとし,最も理想的なフォームに近かったと思われる投球を投手本人に選ばせ,解析を行った.撮影した映像は三次元動作解析システム(America PEAK社製)にて解析し,投球初速度(km/h),コッキング期及び加速期における頚部傾斜角度平均値(deg)及び体幹回旋速度最大値(deg/sec)を算出し,危険率5%における相関関係の有無を調べた.
  • 川和田 毅
    1983年 10 巻 2 号 25-28
    発行日: 1983/10/20
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小川 新吉, 浅見 高明, 古田 善伯
    1972年 21 巻 2 号 107-117
    発行日: 1972/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The oxygen consumption during physical exercise is necessarily dependent upon the load on the muscle and also on the mass of muscles at work. In the present study maximal work has been performed by legs and arms plus legs in pedaling bicycle ergometer.
    Thirteen healty male students were studied. Group A consisted of eight Judoists, aged 18-21 years. Mean maximal oxygen uptake and max O2 uptake/kg for this group were obtained 3.41/min and 44.7 ml/kg/min respectively in legs bicycle exercise. Group B consisted of five long distance runners, aged 19 years, with mean max. O2-uptake of 3.31/min and max. O2-uptake/kg of 57.2 ml/kg/min.
    In arms plus legs bicycle exercise, max. VO2 and max. VO2/kg were an average value of 3.81/min and 49.8 ml/kg/min respectively for group A. For group B max. VO2 and max. VO2/kg averaged 3.61/min and 62.6 ml/kg/min respectively.
    Group A 12% significantly higher values for max. VO2 was attained in arms plus legs cycling (P<0.01), but group B 9% higher max. VO2 when arms plus legs cycling than when legs cycling was actually not a regular finding in the group. Max. VO2/kg in legs cycling was an average 9-11% lower than that on arms plus legs cycling. The differences were statistically significant for group A and group B.
    Only in group A was max. VO2 a little higher than in group B for legs cycling, but the differences was not statistically significant. Max. VO2/kg was statistically significantly higher in arms plus legs cycling with both group. In group A max. heart rate, tidal volume and O2-pulse were higher in arms plus legs cycling. Then max. heart rate and tidal volume were significantly higher in group A than on group B.
  • 吉野 貴順
    1998年 25 巻 2 号 45-49
    発行日: 1998/12/15
    公開日: 2017/07/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 一秀, 永井 英
    2017年 41 巻 2 号 438-441
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/09/20
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 笠間 秀一, 坂木 晴世, 遠藤 英子
    論文ID: 23074
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/04/16
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開
  • ―皮肉エラーと過補償エラーの実証とメカニズム―
    田中 美吏, 柄木田 健太
    2019年 46 巻 1 号 27-39
    発行日: 2019/03/31
    公開日: 2019/03/31
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/02/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Wegner (1987) demonstrated that thoughts about white bears are facilitated by instructions not to think about white bears. This phenomenon is widely known as the ironic process theory, and it applies to cognitive tasks as well as motor tasks. Many studies have been conducted on ironic errors in the domain of motor performance. However, there are only a few old reviews providing a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. In this review of selected 17 articles, we classified these articles into experimental verification of ironic errors in motor performance, ironic errors when performing motor tasks under pressure, and mechanisms of ironic errors in motor performance in the viewpoints of attentional capacity and eye movement. We also reviewed articles reporting experimental verification of errors in the opposite direction (overcompensation), including the mechanisms of such errors. Finally, based on the results of the review, we have suggested the implications of ironic errors for future studies in sport psychology. This review is expected to provide a systematic understanding of applications of ironic processing theory in the domain of motor performance and contribute to future studies on this topic.
  • 小川 宏
    1995年 17 巻 2 号 3-12
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to try to present a classified language model of sports in order to analyze and understand the language of sports. The relationship between language and sports seems to have a tendency to be treated in restricted fields such as the words in a teaching situation. So, in this study, I tried to classify and analysis the language in sports by approaching not from separate words in sports but from the totality of the words in sports.
    As a method of this study, two categories were adopted in order to classify the language in sports as follows:
    1) Denotational language or Metaphorical language. (distinction of language)
    2) Structure of sport or phenomenon of sports. (distinction of sports) And then, the language of sports can be classified into four groups by combining these categories as follows:
    A group: structure-denotational C group: structure-metaphorical
    B group: phenomenon-denotational D group: phenomenon-metaphorical
    As a result of this study, it has become clear that the languages in sports are widely concerned not only with the teaching situation but also with various aspects of sports. In the language of sports, there are some ambiguous words which don't work properly. But this problem could not be solved by a method such as providing simply a strict prescription for those all words. Whenever speaking about the matter of a language in sports, it must be considered that language in sports has multi-dimensional and varied characteristics and roles.
  • 中川 昭
    1985年 30 巻 2 号 105-115
    発行日: 1985/09/01
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study the results of preceding research works on decision making in ball games were rearranged into five sub-domains and reviewed. The summary is as follows. 1) Decision making behavior in ball games: The researches on this sub-subject were classified into the descriptive ones which describe the actual descision making behavior of the player in ball games by using mathematical concepts and normative ones which formulate mathematically the optimum decisions to be made in specific game situations, and reviewed. As a result it was found that both of them still remain at the stage of pilot/introductory research. 2) Relation of decision making ability to game performance in ball games: Examination of this sub-subject is so significant that it may be comparable with rec6nfirming the importance of the whole body of the study on decision making in another view. However, sufficient proof Corroborating the positive relation hypothesis between them was not found to be presented as yet. 3) Content analysis of decision making ability in ball games: It is hypothesized that the relative superiority of the perceptual abilities such as the abilities to attend selectively; recognize, and anticipate game situations part1y determine the relative superiority of the expressed decisions. However, on this hypothesis very few researches which are focussed on the relation between the perceptual abilities and the decision making ability were found to have been pursued. Next, on the problem of what causes the relative superiority of the decision making ability, two lines to solve it, i.e., the approaches from general ability traits and from knowledge structure, were mentioned, and related researches were reviewed. 4) Measurement of decision making ability in ball games: The methods of player observation and of testing were mentioned as the method of measuring the decision making ability, the former being classified into three methods in which the degree of systematization of used observation is different, the latter into the methods of laboratory testing and field testing. The strong and weak points for each method were discussed and some related researches were reviewed. Any standardized measuring tools for the decision making ability have not been developed for the present. 5) Decision making ability training in ball games: The researches on tactical training in ball games and on decision making ability training in other fields as well as some researches focussed on this sub-subject were reviewed and some suggestions were given to the future research on the decision making ability training in ball games. As mentioned above, it was found that even the fundamental problems had not been examined in full and many problems had been left unsolved in the field of the study on decision making in ball games. It is hoped that many researchers concerned in ball games will proceed more research activities to solve such assignments in the future.
  • ―情報価値ネットワークアプローチ―
    佐々木 康
    2023年 18 巻 30-41
    発行日: 2023/02/28
    公開日: 2023/07/01
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー