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クエリ検索: "ブリティッシュ・レイランド"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 清水 耕一
    2005年 42 巻 2 号 28-37
    発行日: 2005/07/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Neglected for a long time the firm's behaviors even though its five institutional forms include the form of competition, the French theory of "regulation" has begun to analyze the competitive edges of firms under the notion of "productive model." Different from the One-best-way thinking, and based on the GERPISA's empirical studies on the carmakers' evolution, R. Boyer and M. Freyssenet show, in their recent work, the variety of productive models as well as macroeconomic conditions for their viability and profitability. The most important fact-findings reside in the fact that there exist three productive models, profitable and viable for a long run, and not the only one best-way model such as the "Lean production", in the world automobile industry, and that several productive models are observed in the same country. These fact-findings give rise to a theoretical challenge for the institutional schools such as the comparative institutional analysis, the "varieties of capitalism" school, and the "regulation" school. So, this paper presents the essential of their discussions: the notion of productive model, the profit strategies, the corporate governance compromise, and the macroeconomic conditions that are the growth and distribution mode. It discusses also a possible way to construct the "regulationist" or institutionalist theory of firms, which has to take in consideration the so-called micro-macro loop. In fact, their discussions give only a start point for this difficult work
  • バーミンガム(英)の事例
    小林 世治
    2004年 2004 巻 19 号 1-15,117
    発行日: 2004/03/31
    公開日: 2009/10/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    The paper will address the premises of current Industrial Cluster Plans, that is, cluster specialization, and their accompanying risks to point out the necessity of diversification in industrial agglomeration, including local-market industry.
    The case of Birmingham shows how the region lost its competitiveness owing to the current specialized agglomeration of automotive industry even though the region used to have a diversified engineering agglomeration. The government's unsuccessful industrial policy and the region's deep dependency on inward investment so far have accelerated the decline of manufacturing in Britain as a whole. International or regional competitiveness alone cannot dissolve the instability of regional economy caused by contemporary rapid globalization. Regional development that depends on outside investment shows little long-term future, since capital moves freely between regions.
    Diversity in industrial agglomeration should include local industries, which balance the globalizing export industries. The industrial cluster plan in Birmingham, although reflecting in some ways a comprehensive regional economy, resembles a high-tech-oriented one seen in many other regions. Regional industrial policy should be designed more comprehensively in Japan too, taking into account the costs and risks involved in this strategy.
  • 木村 牧郎
    2015年 6 巻 3 号 122-133
    発行日: 2015/03/30
    公開日: 2018/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―自由貿易路線への回帰をもたらした日系企業誘致交渉一九七三年―八六年―
    鈴木 均
    2013年 2013 巻 173 号 173_98-173_111
    発行日: 2013/06/25
    公開日: 2015/06/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Due to Japan’s flood of export during the 1970s and 80s, Japan and the EC (European Community) member states faced trade conflict. Because the common foreign trade policy was launched in January 1970, member states were to abolish bilateral safe-guard measures and agree with Japan on a common foreign tariff. Negotiation between MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan) and the European Commission, however, faced a deadlock. The Federal Republic claimed free trade and condemned France and Italy for keeping protectionist measures against Japan.
    Britain, however, took a unique position by both criticising Japan’s aggressive export as “abuse of free (trade) rules” on one hand, but also inviting Japanese companies, especially Nissan, to build a factory in Britain on the other. Margaret Thatcher decided to invite Nissan from the first day of her office. The British automobile industry, which had been heavily penetrated by car imports from Germany, France and Italy after Britain had entered into the EC in 1973, could export to the EC market vigorously and therefore reduce Britain’s trade deficit. A new Nissan factory would also reduce unemployment and boost economy in developing areas: Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Due to its ambition to overtake its impeccable rival Toyota, Nissan agreed to Thatcher’s invitation, regardless of the costs and risks: the overall investment cost of 200 million Pounds, required high local contents of cars produced in the new factory, reliability of Britishmade parts, and frequent labour disputes. Nissan’s advance into Britain made Thatcher’s administration into a fore-runner of EC common policies of welcoming foreign investment into the EC, acquiring Japanese management techniques, and furthering free trade. For such sudden and drastic change of Britain’s EC diplomacy, Thatcher and her office was condemned not only by France and Italy but also by Germany as a “Trojan horse of Japan.”
  • 友澤 和夫
    1994年 46 巻 2 号 85-106
    発行日: 1994/07/15
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    1980年代中頃以降, ECの中ではイギリスにおいて日系自動車工場の立地が進展した。本稿は, それらの立地過程と生産の現状を捉え, 現地に構築した生産体制や労働力編成を明らかにすることを目的とした。イギリスへの進出は, 政府の政策, 低賃金性, 文化的特性等に加えて, 既存のメーカーがヨーロッパ事業を再編成する中で, 同国の生産拠点としての地位が低下した結果, 自動車産業が衰退・停滞状態にあったことを背景とする。これによって, 日系企業が進出する政治的・経済的な条件が形成された。立地地点の決定は, 取得可能な用地面積規模によって, 限られた候補地の中から行われた。日系3工場は, 各々百数十社の部品サプライヤーと取引を行っている。それらは, 品質, 価格, 安定性, 納期等を基準にEC内から選定された。国内のサプライヤーは, JIT方式による部品配送を行っている。工場立地は大きな雇用機会を地元にもたらしたが, 実際には日本的な労働慣行に適応しやすい若年層主体の採用であった。他方, 生産機能に留まらず, 研究開発機能の設立や, 販売体制の強化も進められている。
  • ─自動車MINIをめぐる意味創造を事例にして
    大竹 光寿
    2010年 16 巻 2 号 2_51-2_74
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2018/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー

