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551件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 鳥巣 諒, 木村 茂信, 田代 克己
    1980年 42 巻 1 号 135-140
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    牛ふんの急速堆肥化過程の初期段階において, 仕込み含水率と通風量が, 発酵温度に与える影響の大きさとそれらの適正範囲を明らかにするため, 実験計画法を適用して回分実験を行った。通風量は発酵温度に対して初期含水率の倍の影響を与えしかも, 両者の交互作用が存在することが確かめられた。したがって, 適正な通風量と含水率の範囲は, 各要因について独立に定めることはできない。今回の実験の範囲では最適水準の組み合わせは (120l/min・m3, 60~65%) であった。
  • 岩井 重久
    1978年 7 巻 3 号 242-247
    発行日: 1978/03/18
    公開日: 2010/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *名古屋 友紀, 三澤 直加, 和田 あずみ, 小野 奈津美
    2019年 66 巻 PA-11
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/06/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー






  • 第1報 循環通水方式による熱抽出・蓄熱実験
    関 平和, 小森 友明
    1985年 41 巻 3 号 257-264
    発行日: 1985/12/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments for extraction and accumulation of the heat generated in composting process were performed using a buried-tube-type heat exchanger and an accumulator. Water was circulated between the heat exchanger and the accumulator as a heat transfer medium. The following results were obtained.
    1) The compost bed maintained its average temperature at 50°C or higher for about 60 days of the whole period of composting reaction in the first stage (72 days). During this high temperature period, the experiments for heat extraction and accumulation were made by circulating water intermittently or continuously. In the case of the intermittent water-circulation, the water temperature of the accumulator attained to a designed temperature, 30°C, when the room temperature was higher than 10°C, but never did the water temperature when the room temperature was lower than 5°C. With the continuous water-circulation, the water temperature at the steady state condition was in average of 16 through 24°C.
    2) The apparent rate of heat generation in the compost bed was 200 through 300kcal/m3hr during an early period of about 40 days, which included a turning of the compost bed. The composting reaction was therefore not likely to be inhibited by extracting heat from the bed during the period of intermittent water-circulation experiments.
    3) The efficiency of heat extraction was 17-26% in the intermittent water-circulation, while the efficiency of heat collection at the steady state condition was 27-32% in the continuous water-circulation. These efficiencies could increase by the well designed arrangement and the increased number of the buried tubes.
    4) It is necessary to investigate the method for deciding the optimum scale or size of the container for the compost and the heat accumulator on the basis of the theoretical analysis of heat transfer processes.
  • 牛ふんの比重の測定
    鳥巣 諒, 木村 茂信, 田代 克己
    1979年 9 巻 2 号 34-38
    発行日: 1979/06/20
    公開日: 2011/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dairy and Beef manure samples of various conditions were analyzed to determine their specific gravity, substantial density and void ratio.
    The important conclusions which may be drown from this experiment are summarized as follows.
    (1) There was no significant difference in the values of specific gravity between raw dairy and beef manure. The mean value ranged between 1.4 and 1.6.
    (2) The specificg ravity of composting of cattle manure was slightly larger than that of fresh manure and the mean value was 1.6.
    (3) In the process of aerobic composting the apparent specific gravity (Gam) of loosely filled was the function of moisture content (m) and could be expressed as following equation.
    Gam (m)=0.00023m2-0.00870m+0.31162
    (4) The results revealed that the specific gravity should be applicable to estimate void ratio and to measure specific heat.
  • 関 平和, 小森 友明
    1984年 40 巻 1 号 37-45
    発行日: 1984/06/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Several experiments for heat generation in composting process with livestock and farmyard wastes had been made by using a compost container in laboratory scale. Following the previously proposed procedure for estimation, the apparent rate of heat generation was calculated by applying the observed value of temperature in a compost bed to the analytical solution of temperature derived from a three dimensional model for heat conduction problem. The true (or total) rate of heat generation was also calculated by adding the latent heat loss due to vaporization of water to the apparent rate of heat generation. The following results were obtained.
    1) Since the initial moisture content was relatively small, the increasing rate of temperature became large and the attainable maximum temperature was high in the early stage of the composting process. Because of the leakage of heat from the side walls of the compost container to the atmosphere, however, temperature decreased within a comparatively short period.
    2) During the composting process, the effective region of heat generation moved gradually downward from the surface of the compost bed, so that the apparent rate of heat generation was varied remarkably with both the time and the vertical location in the compost bed.
    3) As for some results of the experiments used relatively large contents of rice bran and chicken manure (Runs 3, 4), the steady high-temperature period became longer and the local maximum value of the apparent rate of heat generation was larger than the results of the other experiments (Runs 1, 2). Even in the latter experiments, in the limited region of the effective duration of heat generation, the average value of the apparent rate of heat generation in the compost bed was approximately 150kcal/m3hr, and this value was not so different from the results of the former experiments.
    4) The above-mentioned results on the average value of the apparent rate of heat generation were also similar to the results of the previous experiments under the considerably larger moisture conditions. As for a natural composting process, the average of the apparent rate of heat generation in the effective region of heat generation seemed to be almost independent of the moisture content and to fall within the range from 150 to 200kcal/m3hr.
    5) The calculated results of the true (or total) rate of heat generation agreed well with the values estimated from the consumption rate of carbon in the compost bed, and were almost equal to the results which had been obtained previously.
  • 常温通気での発酵限界と物性改良材の効果について
    木村 俊範, 清水 浩
    1981年 43 巻 3 号 475-480
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    堆肥化過程の本質的な理解および最適条件の検索という目的のもとに, 小容積実験装置を開発したが, その装置で通気量と試料条件とを変化させて実験した。その結果, 試料の温度上昇を指標とした発酵の良否に, 通気量, 含水率および物性改良用の混合材の種類や混合割合などが影響する度合を究明した。とりわけ通気量の影響が大きく通気量が過大になると品温を低下してほとんど発酵しなくなるという限界通気量の存在を明らかにし, かつ, 発酵に対する最適通気量の値を明らかにした。
  • 三上 卓
    2014年 70 巻 4 号 I_908-I_915
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/07/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    調査を行い,山田町で74名,石巻市で1, 012名の犠牲者の方に関する情報を得た.その結果,犠牲者の約1/2(山田町)~約2/3(石巻市)が「自宅にいた」もしくは「自宅に立ち寄っていた」こと,約1/5が避難途中で犠牲となり,徒歩避難での多くは女性の高齢者であったことが判明した.
  • *山川 肇
    2011年 22 巻 A1-2
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/11/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     本研究では、広告物の2Rの現状と2R行動のさらなる受容可能性を把握するため、インターネット調査を実施し、以下の結果を得た。 ・DMの発生抑制行動は8割以上の人がまったく実施しておらず改善余地が大きい。明細書の郵送は約2割の人がほぼすべて断っているが、まったく断っていない人も約5割ある。
    広告物に対する「チラシ投入禁止」のステッカーを貼っている人は5%と少ない。 ・不要なDMの受け取り数は平均週3.1通/人、クレジットカード等の明細書の受取数は月平均3.3通/人となった。ただしやや過大評価の可能性もある。 ・DM、明細書の発生抑制行動を8割以上実施してもよい人は現状より2割多く、DM約7億通、明細書約2.6億通の発生抑制が可能と推定された。街頭チラシの選択的受け取りも約2割増加の可能性があり、
  • 関 平和, 小森 友明
    1984年 40 巻 3 号 219-228
    発行日: 1984/12/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    As a method of extraction of heat generated in composting process, an operation of heat extraction from a compost bed by water flowing through the pipe buried in the bed had been investigated. The analytical solutions of the water temperature in the pipe and the temperature in the bed were derived from heat conduction and heat balance equations with suitable boundary conditions and several assumptions. These calculated results from the proposed solutions were compared with the results of the experiments which had been made intermittently under the unsteady-state conditions.
    1) The calculated results of the water temperature at the outlet of the pipe and the temperature profile in the compost bed were in good agreement with the experimental results, so that the proposed mathematical treatment for the heat transfer mechanism would be approximately available for this unsteady-state heat extraction process.
    2) The water temperature at the outlet of the pipe did not varied significantly with time during the unsteady-state heat extraction process, except for the extremely early stage immediately after supplying water into the pipe. Therefore, it seems that this operation for heat extraction which had been carried out under the unsteady-state condition would be appropriate to obtain approximately constant water temperature at the outlet of the pipe.
    3) In these experiments, a water temperature at the outlet of the pipe depended upon only two terms because the water temperature at the inlet of the pipe was controlled at a constant value. One of the terms is a driving force of the initial temperature difference between the compost bed and the water in the pipe, and the other is the apparent rate of heat generation in the compost bed. The effect of the former term on the water temperature at the outlet of the pipe was considered to be much greater than that of the latter term.
    4) To obtain a similar value of the water temperature at the outlet of the pipe to the value given in the unsteady-state operation under the same condition of the flow rate of water in the steady-state operation of heat extraction, the volume of the container for the compost was estimated to be about 10 times larger than that required for the unsteady-state operation, because the apparent rate of heat generation is usually comparatively small. Thus, the steady-state operation seems to be inconvenient in practical use in comparison with the unsteady-state operation.
    5) Mathematical manipulation in the analytical solutions is so complicated that it requires the simplification of the physical description of the problem by considering the above-mentioned items 1)-4) for the practical application of them.
    6) It would be also advisable to investigate the maximum amount of heat possibly can to be extracted from the compost bed throughout a series of the intermittently unsteady-state operations, by taking account of both the time interval employed for heat extraction by water and the time required for the recovery of temperature in the compost bed.
  • (2) 微視的収支式の妥当性
    関 平和, 小森 友明
    1993年 31 巻 4 号 205-215
    発行日: 1993/12/30
    公開日: 2010/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The validity of the microscopic balance equations proposed in Part 1 is discussed, based on the experimental results of heat recovery from a composting heat generator using a trial heat exchanger.
    The calculated result of the final apparent density of compost materials packed in the generator is about 10% larger than the experimental result, because there was a gravitational leakage of water from the bottom of the generator in this experiment. However, the calculated results of temperature in the generator, temperature of medium fluid at the outlet of the heat exchanger, and distributions of the generated heat and exergy show relatively good agreement with the experimental results of them. Therefore, the theoretical treatment based on the microscopic balance equations seems likely to be valid to simulate the heat recovery system from the composting heat generator.
    In this experiment, maximum amount of exergy possible to be recovered is about 4%, which is smaller than the value previously estimated under the assumption of perfect mixing of compost materials. It is due to heat conduction occurring in the generator during heat recovery.
    On the other hand, the amount of exergy actually recovered by medium fluid is merely 0.3% of the whole amount of exergy generated in composting, and almost all the amount of generated exergy is lost out of the heat generator or dissipated due to irreversibility of the process.
    To make larger the enthalpy and exergy efficiencies, the following methods will be advantageous, that is, 1) Introduction of external heat recovery system from exhaust air out of heat generator, and 2) Change of the medium fluid in the heat exchanger from water to air.
  • 関 平和
    2006年 37 巻 2 号 51-60
    発行日: 2006/09/25
    公開日: 2011/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    無攪拌状態で進行する容器内コンポスト化プロセスを対象に, 有機物量, 水分, 温度の3変数の不均一性に着目した確率論モデルを作成した。実験による温度Tの空間的不均一性を基にして算出した確率論的量子 (濃度の離散的変化の単位量)εの値を用いて, モデルシミュレーションによって見積もられた有機物と水分の標準偏差は実験結果とほぼ一致し, モデルの妥当性が確かめられた。また, モデル計算により, 攪拌なしのコンポスト化プロセスでは, 容器の断熱が十分なとき, プロセスが成立する範囲内であれば通気量はできるだけ小さい方がεの値が小さくなり, 状態変数の空間的不均一性は小さくなるものと思われた。一方,εが大きく不均一性が過大な場合はコンポスト化が良好に進まない可能性が高くなることが理論的に予測された。
  • 後藤 洋三, 池田 浩敬, 市古 太郎, 小川 雄二郎, 北浦 勝, 佐藤 誠一, 鈴木 光, 田中 努, 仲村 成貴, 三上 卓, 村上 ひとみ, 柳原 純夫, 山本 一敏
    2015年 15 巻 5 号 5_118-5_143
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関 平和, 小森 友明
    1983年 39 巻 3 号 173-179
    発行日: 1983/12/10
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the purpose of utilization of heat generated in composting process to the protected cultivation as a supplementary energy source for agriculture, the mechanism of heat transfer in composting process of mixed organic materials mainly consist of livestock wastes and farmyard wastes was investigated and the rate of heat generation within a compost bed was estimated based on the experimental results of composting process performed in a styrofoam container. Main results obtained in this paper were as follows.
    1) The method for estimation of the rate of heat generation presented here would be convenient to investigate physically the mechanism of heat transfer in a compost bed.
    2) In these experiments, it has become known that heat was generated almost in the aerobic region between the surface of the compost bed contacting to the atmosphere and the position 0.4m below the surface, and that the average value of the apparent rate of heat generation in the above region would be about 200kcal/m3hr and the true value of the rate of heat generation would be 300kcal/m3hr.
    3) Oxygen concentration distributions in the gaseous phase of the compost bed were estimated, and it was shown that the aerobic region would be varied with the dry density (or the porosity) and the volumetric air content (or the volumetric moisture content) of the compost bed.
    Hereafter, it will be needed to investigate the availability of the above stated method in detail by relating to the amount of consumption of the substrate.
  • 井関 明生
    2011年 31 巻 4 号 595-604
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/08/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 海のエネルギーを電気に変える
    中村 昌彦, 木村 元
    日本船舶海洋工学会誌 KANRIN(咸臨)
    2017年 71 巻 49
    発行日: 2017/03/10
    公開日: 2022/11/04
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • MM参加率の効果的向上方策についての基礎的検討
    萩原 剛, 太田 裕之, 藤井 聡
    2006年 23 巻 117-123
    発行日: 2006/09/30
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柳原 純夫, 村上 ひとみ
    2013年 69 巻 4 号 I_1013-I_1020
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/06/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    アンケート結果から本庁地区についての各避難者の避難手段と津波が到達するまでの移動距離を抽出し整理した.そのデータを元に避難経路,移動パターンについて検討した.その結果次のことが明らかとなった.1)自動車避難が半数を占める 2)徒歩避難,自動車避難ともに近隣の避難場所に移動したケースが多い 3)自動車避難の1/4は一度自宅に戻っている4)自動車避難の2/5は渋滞に巻き込まれている 5)自動車避難で一度自宅に戻った場合,平均的な避難可能時間は約17分であった.
  • 氏家 豊
    2010年 37 巻 1 号 77-91
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/07/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    This article discusses two important problems of area sampling in public opinion surveys.
    The first revolves around the weighting that should be done to obtain unbiased estimates by correcting for the unequal selection probabilities in households of different size. In practice, many Japanese surveys omit such weighting. When the response rate is low, analyses showed that weighted data had an effect on the proportions of other demographics.
    The second revolves around the residential map itself. The currency of the residential map is extremely important because of its effect on the response rate and survey quality. Despite the relatively low population mobility in the area of the present survey, there were some changes due to persons moving in and out. Therefore, the residential map must be updated with current information prior to the fieldwork.
  • *常光 俊行, 矢野 順也, 片岡 蘭人, 阪本 芳大, 水原 詞治, 奥田 哲士, 酒井 伸一, 浅利 美鈴
    2018年 29 巻 A2-8
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/12/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー