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19件中 1-19の結果を表示しています
  • イギリスの工業村を考える
    高橋 哲雄
    1996年 1996 巻 11 号 1-14,95
    発行日: 1996/03/30
    公開日: 2009/10/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    From the mid-19th Century there appeared successive attempts at Utopian experiments of “Industrial Villages” by reformist factory-owners in northern and middle part of England. Take notable examples-Copley and Akroydon near Halifax, Saltaire near Bradford, Port Sunlight near Liverpool, Bournville near Birmingham and New Earswick near York. They were all run by successful non-conformist industriarists and two of them by Quakers (Bournville and New Earswick).
    They were sometimes also called as “Company Towns” and some of them deserved the name. Yet, generally speaking, they did not for some reasons.
    Above all, those industrialists did not adopt the tied housing policy like that of Japanese “Syataku.” In other words, some part of industrial villages were supplied to the local people nothing to do with the firm.
    Chief reason for this policy can be found, I think, in their mental attitudes, or rather mental climate around them towards business. There is a natural tendency for bourgeois class in any country to change their target in life from business to status. But here in Britain, this tendency was strengthened by the fact that Britain was taking a strong lead in economic and industrial development and consequentry, once getting wealthy, they were unable to have a proper target in their way of life. So many of them were seeking value in getting higher status and behaving like big landowners, rather than like factory-owners. This was partly reflected in the styles adopted in building houses in industrial villages-Tudor Gothic, maybe a symbol of the past great age and also of the strong aristocracy, and also in accepting local people other than their employees to their villages.
    Some other industriarists were eager to improve the position of their people in accordance with their religeous creed. But we should not miss the side trend of industrial scenes which, paradoxically enough for the age of progress, was imbued with medievalism.
  • 橋詰 直道
    2004年 67 巻 5 号 799-802
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2005/12/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I discussed the question of the first Garden Suburb in UK and to make clear the characteristics of greenery landscape of Merton Park near Wimbledon in London. The results obtained from these studies are summarized as follows. Merton Park's first houses were five years earlier than Bedford Park 1875. Merton Park claims the title of 'the original garden suburb'. However Bedford Park and also Merton Park were speculative development, which lacked any real social aim in its foundations therefore; the garden suburb concept had not yet emerged at the end of the 19th centuries. So, we can say that both are the Victorian railway suburbs, but not the garden suburb. Merton Park was to become a rich and attractive greenery landscape community which consist of some varied housing set grass, trees and shrubs, especially the holly hedges were all selected by John Innes who was founder of Merton Park.
  • 英国の住宅地における地域のプロパティマネジメントに関する研究
    齊藤 広子, 中城 康彦
    2006年 41.3 巻 647-652
    発行日: 2006/10/25
    公開日: 2018/06/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • -URBACTプロジェクトを対象に-
    和泉 汐里, 阿部 大輔
    2019年 17 巻 21-24
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/22
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    都市計画理論の中には、都市問題の解決とより良いコミュニティの形成を目的とした計画理論が存在する。そのような計画理論は、コミュニティの新たな計画から、既存都市のコミュニティの再生へ潮流が変化しており、現在のコミュニティ計画理論としては、欧州の都市再生事業であるURBACTが挙げられる。  URBACTは3期に渡って、様々なテーマに沿った都市再生プログラムが実施されている。現在、テーマは多様化しており、多面的なコミュニティの再生が目指されている。例えば団地再生事業であるRE-Blockは、公共空間の創出の他に、団地での広報活動やウェブサイトの運営によるコミュニティの再生計画が行われている。
  • 高等商業学校教授時代から大阪市助役時代まで
    河野 康治
    2016年 81 巻 727 号 1949-1957
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study aims at clearing that the change of Seki's interpretation of Garden City Theory from his period of professor to the period of deputy mayor of Osaka city. Seki was interested in the Garden City movement in European countries from the aspect of labor issues when he was the professor of public policy at the higher commercial school. He interpreted that there were three types of Garden City Theories, which were “Garden City”, “Garden Suburb” and “Industrial Village”, from the period of the professor. However he didn't have clear images for each type of theories. Since he became the deputy mayor of Osaka city, his interpretation of Garden City Theory had been changed through his continuous study of Garden City Theory and through his position, which he had to practice his public policy at Osaka city.
     In 1919 and in 1921, He wrote some newspaper articles about Garden City. He mentioned “Garden City” and “Garden Suburb”, and he equated “Garden City” with “Garden Suburb” in his articles. However, in 1922, he published three articles and mentioned “Garden City” and “Garden Suburb”, he tried to differentiate “Garden City” and “Garden Suburb” in his articles. He explained the difference between “Garden City” and “Garden Suburb” as follows the points are the necessity of agricultural area and the necessity of self-sustainability. In fact, he insisted that “Garden City” meant self-sustained city, which held the agricultural area for serving the inhabitants living in the city. On the other hand, “Garden Suburb” meant dependent city on the big city, which did not hold the agricultural area. In addition, he insisted that “Garden City” theory was based on Ebenezer Howard's theory and “Garden Suburb” theory was based on Raymond Unwin's theory.
     From this study, it becomes clear that he suggested the importance of “Garden Suburb” theory and “Industrial Village” theory to Osaka city since 1922. The reason of this, his idea of urban extension plan for Osaka city aimed not at creating another city but at extending Osaka city for taking in the population that had been growing and for supplying especially working classes and lower classes with sanitary houses. His both ideas of “Garden Suburb” theory and “Industrial Village” theory were built up and were connected to the theory of “Satellite City”, which he meant the decentralization of industry, population and housing.
  • —三トラストの活動を中心に—
    岡村 東洋光
    2012年 78 巻 1 号 2-15
    発行日: 2012/04/01
    公開日: 2024/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橋詰 直道, 磯谷 有紀
    2007年 70 巻 5 号 669-672
    発行日: 2007/03/30
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the greenery landscape at Omiya Bonsai-cho residential area in Saitama City. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows. Omiya Bonsai village was built in 1925 by the groups of Bonsai planters who suffered serious damage by the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, moved from Hongo, a part of Tokyo city center. We can say that Bonsai-cho (Bonsai village) is one of the first Japanese 'garden village' because the model of Bonsai village was Yamato-mura in Tokyo and the community of the village was composed mainly by Bonsai specialists. A high quality greenery landscapes at Bonsai-cho residential area consist of mature pine and cherry trees and various hedges today. The remaining red pine trees and coppice which are the original landscape of Musashino region have been conserved by Bonsai-cho residents. Also, residents have planted and grown many trees for their hedge.
  • 橋爪 紳也
    1988年 23 巻 493-498
    発行日: 1988/10/25
    公開日: 2020/08/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    From the late Meiji to the Taisho period, ideas of the garden-city was introduced to Japan, and based on those, many Japanese types of garden-city images were made. This study is about Reijo Ohya, a pioneer of planning parks in Japan, and about his planning of the garden-city named "Kaen Toshi". Here we will summarize his plans of some garden-cities with ball parks as a core facility, and also make clear the relation between the image of the "Kaen Toshi" and the problem of the working-class leisure.

  • 岡村 東洋光
    2004年 46 巻 46 号 31-47
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2010/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate Joseph Rowntree's philanthropy, and in particular, the Garden Village he founded, and then to clarify the importance of it as the model of a community that was like a neighbourhood unit, and as the inspiration behind the creation of the Welfare State in Britain.
    In the late 19th century, two successful entrepreneurs, T. Salt and E. Akroyd, had founded the villages of Saltaire and Akroydon, respectively. They were located very close to the big mills that employed their workers. These villages somewhat improved the living conditions of their employees. In London, some funding was invested in improving housing conditions and received a 5per cent commercial return. Subsequently, the setting up of the Peabody Trust in 1862 led the way for others to follow, and the endowment of trusts by philanthropic individuals developed through the Guinness Trust which was started in 1889, the Sutton Housing Trust, founded in 1900, and the Samuel Lewis Trust, foundes in 1906.
    But the great estate William Sutton left gave rise to fundamental social and political issues, in particular the role of charity in the provision of housing and relief of poverty. The size of his bequest raised fears that the trust could monopolise housing for the poor, disrupting local housing markets and undermining the rateable base of local authority income. Finally, the High Court of Chancery retained the direction of the Sutton Trust's affairs, exercising control over the initial funds and all surpluses generated.
    Around the same time, in Birmingham, the Cadbury family moved their factory from the city centre to the countryside, to a site later renamed Bournville. While the factory was under construction, some attractive cottages were erected nearby. An experimental housing estate followed a few years later, which in 1900 became the Bournville Village Trust, a product of the age that created the Garden Cities' movement. In a sense, it was the philanthropic ideal that created this community.
    In 1904, Joseph Rowntree, using approximately half his fortune, set up three separate Trusts. One of those was the JR Village Trust, which was concerned with living conditions and in particular with the houses at New Earswick, known as Garden Village. Through this Trust, an effort was made to provide houses that were artistic in appearance, sanitary, and thoroughly well-built yet within the means of working men earning about 25s. a week (i. e., the lowest incomegroup). In short, this project aimed to improve the housing of Rowntree's workers. Rowntree simultaneously intended to create a community that functioned like a neighbourhood unit. And so, for the inhabitants, the new village would mean something more than bricks and mortar.
    Through the founding Garden Village and the providing of houses for his workers, the middle-class Rowntree philanthropically pursued social reform for the public good as he saw it. We can say that the Garden Village still lives on, and continues to play the role for which Rowntree intended it, of providing welfare for the poor.
  • イギリスの実例の分析‐ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブを中心にして‐
    香山 壽夫, 片木 篤
    1986年 12 巻 231-242
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     本研究は,19世紀後半から20世紀初頭にかけて建設され,その後の近代都市計画や建築に大きな影響を与えたと考えられる郊外住宅地計画とその住宅建築を研究するものである。本年度は,イギリスにおける事例を取り上げるが,その中でも特に田園郊外の傑作,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブの都市計画と建築を詳細に分析する。本年度研究報告は5章から成る。第1章では,ハムステッド・ザーデン・サバーブの開発経緯を論ずる。まず開発の背景,契機,諸組織の活動について,創設者たるバーネット夫人の活動を中心に見てゆき,次にアンウィンの全体計画とラッチェンスのセントラル・スクエアのデザイン・プロセスを追跡する。 第2章では,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブに至るまでのアンウィンの都市計画例とアンウィンの主著『都市計画の実践』(1909)を分析することにより,彼の都市計画の特質を明らかにし,それを近代都市計画史に位置付けることが試みられた。第3章では,パーカーとアンウィンの住宅建築を論ずる。1870年代以降の「住宅復興」(Domestic Revival)において,住宅に対する新しい理論と実践が展開された。ここではそれがパーカーとアンウィンに及ぼした影響を分析し,彼等の住宅理論や作品における平面,立面構成の特色を明らかにしている。第4章では,パーカーとアンウィンの住棟配置計画を,経済性,社会性,芸術性の観点から論ずる。その内,芸術的観点から見た住棟配置計画については,1)直線,あるいは曲線道路に沿った住棟配置,2)クルドサック道路とクアドラングル型住棟配置,3)道路交差点を囲むバタフライ型住棟配置の3つの場合を分析する。第5章では,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブにおけるクルドサック道路とクアドラングル型住棟配置及び道路交差点を囲むバタフライ型住棟配置の実例を詳細に分析している。
  • 深海 隆恒
    1992年 8 巻 1 号 81-89
    発行日: 1992/10/31
    公開日: 2011/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • イギリスの場合
    西山 康雄, 沢柳 達男, 松村 憲一, 今枝 忠彦
    1985年 11 巻 261-272
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 近代日本の大都市郊外住宅地形成過程
    坂本 勝比古, 鈴木 成文, 日色 真帆
    1994年 20 巻 147-157
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 西山 康雄, 前川 克敏, 岩田 武久, 藤木 恭長
    1992年 18 巻 277-287
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     この『「協同のハウジング」に関する比較研究』の目的は,まず「協同のハウジング」の概念を明確にすること,つぎに,「協同のハウジング」の実践的事例を分析し,協同の実態,協同の契機を明らかにすることにある。キーワーズは,「協同」と「ハウジング」である。まず,「協同」では,各国の住宅地計画を,歴史的に,また相互に比較しながらながめた時,ある社会・経済的条件の下では,「公」でも「私」でもない「協同」の力による建設が強くあらわれ,「公」と「私」を補完していることに注目した。貧しい時代のコ・パートナーシップ・ハウジング(協同出資型住宅),豊かな時代のコープ住宅などである。そして各国の住宅地計画を「協同」の系譜として捉えようと努めた。 また「ハウジング」概念は,第三世界の都市現実に学んだターナーの理論に依拠した。住宅地の計画・建設・管理のプロセスに,いかに住み手が主体的に関与しうるかが,いい住宅地の条件であるという捉え方である。取り上げた事例は,今世紀はじめのイギリスのブレンサム田園都市郊外,同じく今世紀はじめのフランスのドラビエル田園都市郊外である。ことに前者は,新たに資料を発掘することができ,細かに分析できた。そして,よりよい住まいをもとめる「住み手」と慈恵家,住み手の間の協同の努力,富をなしたものの協力,すさまじいばかりの「自助の努力」などを発掘することができた。「相互扶助,自助,土地の共同経営」である。こうした努力の背景には「繁栄の共有」という考え方があった。いかにして取り残された人びとに,その豊かさを分かち与えることができるか,という点である。効率を求め達成された豊かさを,公平,平等にいかに振り向け得るか。その問いかけは意味深い。
  • 湯沢 威
    1991年 26 巻 2 号 28-56
    発行日: 1991/07/30
    公開日: 2009/11/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper analyzes business ethics both in the period of the Industrial Revolution and during the decline of the British economy in the late nineteenth century. It begins by discussing the social strata from which businessmen emerged and the kind of opportunities which they made use of in doing their business. There have been lots of arguments on the origin of entrepreneurs and their business performance, but according to recent studies, entreprenuers tended to come not from the bottom but from the middle of society.
    The motives of entrepreneurs in the Industrial Revolution were described in the works of Samuel Smiles. His most popular book was Self-Help, published in 1859. His idea derived from Adam Smith's concept of laissez-faire. Smiles worked in railway companies as a secretary for more than twenty years, while he wrote various books and articles. It is interesting to compare his ideas as set out in his books with his actual performance, as the companies became larger and their organization more bureaucratic.
    The question is why businessmen's spirits flagged at the end of the nineteenth century. I analyze first the social structure in the late nineteenth century and then the changing patterns of business ideas, recently well summarized by M. J. Wiener. Indeed his viewpoint is widely accepted in Japan as well, but I criticize it with the help of the arguments of P. Payne and W. D. Rubinstein which pay attention to historical factors neglected by Wiener.
    This paper examines critically current discussions on the topic of British business ethics, and reconsiders the stereotype of the British businessman which has become a handed-down orthodoxy in the Japanese academic world.
  • ─1909年住宅・都市計画等法成立前史─
    馬場 哲
    2018年 82 巻 2 号 2-22
    発行日: 2018/04/01
    公開日: 2019/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 馬場 哲
    2019年 85 巻 1 号 3-26
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/02/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 馬場 哲
    2007年 72 巻 6 号 651-672
    発行日: 2007/03/25
    公開日: 2017/08/09
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This paper aims to demonstrate the activities and ideas of J.S. Nettlefold in the areas of housing policy and town planning, and his role in the British town planning movement at the beginning of the 20th century. As chairman of the Housing Committee of Birmingham City Council, Nettlefold took a stance against slum clearance and municipal house building, and repaired unsanitary houses in the city centre under Part II of the Housing of Working Classes Act, 1890. At the same time, Nettlefold advocated the introduction of a German-style town extension plan under the influence of T.C. Horsfall's book and from his own experience from visits to German towns. In the report to the city council in 1906, Nettlefold proposed town planning and municipal land purchase in the suburbs to prevent the creation of future slums, and the city council approved his motion for a national legislation. It was Nettlefold who popularised the term 'town planning' in Britain. Thus Nettlefold, in collaboration with the garden city movement, played a unique role in the British town planning movement until the enactment of the Housing and Town Planning etc. Act, 1909.
  • 田中 俊宏, 杉崎 京太, 榎本 悟, 〓沢 歩
    1993年 28 巻 1 号 59-85
    発行日: 1993/04/30
    公開日: 2009/11/06
    ジャーナル フリー