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クエリ検索: "万有内在神論"
8件中 1-8の結果を表示しています
  • 井上 克人
    2017年 14 巻 115-118
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2020/03/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ペレス・ガルドスの「初期小説」を中心に
    高橋 早代
    1995年 1995 巻 39 号 245-258
    発行日: 1995/12/01
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    El krausismo, sistema filosófico ideado por K.C.F. Krause (1781-1832), fue adaptado en España por J. Sanz del Río (1814-69), ejerciendo aqui más influencia que en Alemania. El krausismo español no es estrictamente un movimiento filosófico, científíco pedagógico, sino preferentemente una actitud humana integral que se enfrenta con la compleja realidad de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en todas las facetas, desde la política y social hasta la cultural y religiosa.
    López-Morillas, primer investigador clasico del krausismo español, admite hoy sus más profundas huellas en el campo literario. Este articulo tiene por objeto revelar sus cualidades analizando “las novelas de la primera época” de B. Perez Galdos: La Fontana de Oro (1867-68), EL Audaz (71), Doña Perfecta (76), Gloria (76-77), La Familia de León Roch (78). Son las llamadas novelas tendenciosas en las que aparece el enfrentamiento de las dos Españas a través de la intolerancia religiosa, y sus caracteristícas principales son las siguientes; a) idealismo, b) personajes esteleotipados, c) simbolismo. En cuanto a la postura del autor, es liberal moderado políticamente, y en su punto de vista religioso es católico anticlerical.
    Al publicarse estas obras se mezclaban grandes aplausos y tajantes críticas, puesto que los krausistas como Giner y Clarin dieron sus maximos aplausos mientras por otro lado Menéndez Pelayo, abanderado del tradicionalismo español, dirigió críticas sobre la tendencia de las novelas. Pero, qué es lo que significa aqui la “tendencia”? Literariamente tiene un sentido peyorativo aplicado a ciertas novelas ideologicas. Son tendenciosas las novelas de P. Galdós? Pueden serlo en alguna medida, aunque lo más tendencioso y lo que más problemas presenta es la realidad de la sociedad española en los fines del siglo XIX. Y justamente esto es el punto de vista que ha heredado la generación del noventa y ocho.
  • 渡邉 満
    2015年 82 巻 4 号 596-598
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/05/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――佛教とゲーテ(最終回) ――
    小谷 幸雄
    2011年 59 巻 3 号 1281-1284
    発行日: 2011/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    に着目しながら,ゲーテの相對的一元性はヘーゲル,シェリング,さらには空假中の天台の絶對一元論の前段階とする高昇至上的な形而上學を堅持する.他方,富永はゲーテの形態學的発生史の発想で梵本原典から「根本法華(甲斐蓮華展方・梵和對譯)」を取り出しながら,昭和十二年初夏より釋尊末語のvayadhamma samkharaを念稱,其のあって,戦後『正覺に就いて』でガヤー正覺の,『釋迦佛陀本紀』で最晩年のチャーパーラー正覺の心理過程を文學的に創作した.ゲーテ最晩年の一年半の不安と『ファウスト第二部』の行詰りを「ある神秘的な心理學的轉換」で打開,その経緯を『釋迦佛陀本紀余論』に記す.それこそ最高度の佛陀現象で,釋迦のayu-samkharo ossattho(永壽追求の我執が既喝した)がメフィストフェレスの「この馬鹿さは容易なもンぢゃない」に比定される下りで,この詩人ゲーテ最深の心境は,アリストテレス如き散文的徒輩なら「狂気の沙汰」と見做すだらうと,自らW.v.フムボルトに書き送った底のものである.
  • 田代 尚弘
    1988年 1988 巻 58 号 1-14
    発行日: 1988/11/10
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the problem of Spranger's 'view of man'. The clarification of this problem is de facto connected with Spranger's value theory, his ethical and religious ideas. It is noteworthy that Spranger deducts two ethical models from religion. These are the 'expanded ethics' (die erweiternde Ethik) and the 'limiting ethics' (die beschränkende Ethik); both stand in contradiction to each other, hence man experiences an ethical contradiction. But man's character matures by overcoming this ethical contradiction and he becomes the appropriate subject of value judgment and action and thus is able to lead a meaningful life. According to Spranger man realizes that he is protected by God when he listens to the voice of God speaking to him through the conscience. I have characterised this interpretation of the nature of man by Spranger as his religious view of man. This religious view of man forms also one characteristic attribute of Spranger's educational theory.
    At the background of this religious view of man rests the idea of 'world piety' (Weltfrommigkeit); this implies a salvation from secular worldliness and approaching the Holy, by overcoming the worldly sufferings through living in the world. In my mind, Spranger's religious view of man can make an important contribution to the ethical foundations of contemporary education and to the ethos of the educator.
  • 池田 全之
    1999年 1999 巻 80 号 81-88
    発行日: 1999/11/10
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―ユーラシア主義に見られる全一的理想社会の探求―
    安岡 治子
    2005年 2005 巻 34 号 26-36
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2010/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russians, in search of an identity to unify their still vast country, are reevaluating a movement of the 1920s, Eurasianism. Why is Eurasianism attracting Russian attention again today? The main reason may be that Eurasianism, in designing an idealistic State system, took into account the unique spiritual, cultural and psychological factors of Russian history. This paper aims to make clear the spiritual foundations of Eurasianist thought.
    Eurasianism views the Orthodox Church as a spiritual foundation able to unite the whole Eurasian world. However, could the Orthodox Church really provide a common spiritual foundation for the vast cultural range of the various Ural-Altaic ethnics? To this question Eurasianists answer: “The ideal of Orthodoxy is a symphonic, organic and sobor-like unity of various religions.” The expression sobor-like unity derives from the Russian theological term sobornost, which signifies the central concept of the Orthodox Church, whereby the individual shares corporate life and unity, while retaining personal freedom.
    With this concept of sobornost they insist that the aim of Orthodoxy is not to erase the individuality of each pagan religion and Russianize it, but to create a symphonic world made up of various sounds. In support for this position, they say that there exists some similarity between the spirituality of Orthodoxy and some Eurasian pagan religions, including Buddhism.
    This similarity could be summed up in terms of the contiguity of the pantheism of religions such as Buddhism and the panentheistic tendency of Orthodoxy. Panentheism is the belief that the Being of God includes and penetrates the entire universe. The Orthodox Church, which does not draw a sharp boundary between Nature and Grace, (a characteristic marvelously described in the words of Elder Zosima in the The Brothers Karamazov, ) is indeed panentheistic.
    When Eurasianists explain the peculiarity of their own culture and of the State system plan based on it, they use the key-concept symphonic personality (lichnost) . Lichnost is often translated as personality or individual, but this notion, which is obviously influenced by Orthodox ideas, is quite different from the usual Western meaning of individual. In Orthodoxy lichnost (the real personal Self) can be achieved only when it is opened to the whole, so it does not oppose the whole, rather it is enriched by it.
    The society of symphonic personalities is an idealistic organic united whole of plurality. However, Eurasianists also insist that it is a society where various levels of symphonic personalities are hierarchically united. This suggests that the smallest unit of lichnost, which is individual, might have the least autonomic value of itself. Berdyaev severely criticized the idea of symphonic personality, considering it a metaphysical foundation for human slavery.
    When we read the Eurasian project of a new State governing system named“iheocracy, ”we have to agree with Berdyaev's criticism of the“utopian etatism.”This is because“iheocracy”reminds us of theocracy on the one hand, and of the Soviet totalitarian system on the other.
    The idea of the symphonic personality comes from the idealism of sobornost and the tradition of philosophy of Unitotality. Eurasianists, in order to overcome the defects of both individualism and totalitarianism, eagerly searched for the symphonic unitotal community, but we have to say that the too hasty attempt to realize it“here and now”on earth, without due consideration of the moral cultivation of each individual, generates a serious danger of Utopianism.
  • 訳と注解
    笠松 和也
    2022年 2 巻 7 号 117-154
    発行日: 2022/09/15
    公開日: 2022/09/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス