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54件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 高橋 学
    1982年 34 巻 3 号 138-150
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The development of the landforms in the Mihara Alluvial Plain is summarized as follows:
    STAGE 0 (before about 22, 000y. B. P.)
    The coarse materials were deposited in the valley of dissected Terrace I.
    STAGE I (about 18, 000y. B. P.)
    The alluvial fans were dissected by the rivers, and then Terrace II was formed.
    STAGE II (about 7, 500y. B. P.)
    When the sea invaded landward and it passed the location immediately below the present shoreline, the sea-level rose to -13m (T. P.).
    STAGE III (about 6, 400y. B. P.)
    The sea-level rose still more, and the sea invaded landward further. In this time, four main rivers did not join each other but flowed separately into the sea. Consequently, from this stage to the following stages, several characteristic landforms correspoding to the environmert of each river basin were formed.
    STAGE IV (about 2, 600y. B. P.)
    The inner bay changed into a lagoon because the sea-level fell and sandbars were formed. As the humic silt deposited in the fresh water environment existed about -60cm (T. P.) at point o, the author estimates that the sea-level fell below -60cm (T. P.).
    STAGE V (Recent Age)
    After the “early Kofun era” (the 4th C. A. D.), the occurrence of floods became more frequent, and the floodloam was deposited rapidly. Then, present landforms were completed. The landform classification map is drawn based on the development of landforms (Fig. 9). Each landform unit is arranged according to the time necessary for each landforming process and the geomorphological dendrogram is completed (Fig. 10). Finally, the Mihara Alluvial Plain is classified as follows: 3 surfaces in the order of 104 years, 7 zones are in the order of 103 years and 16 units in the order of 102 years or lers.
  • 江原 眞伍
    1921年 28 巻 331 号 157-160
    発行日: 1921/04/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉田 国光
    2013年 20 巻 1 号 35-46
    発行日: 2013/10/25
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
       This study reveals interactions between agricultural production and actor’s relations in Kamihata settlements in Minami-Awaji City, Mihara Plain. Farm management in farm households is examined to determine whether farm activities, such as lending equipment, supplying compost, and establishing delivery routines develop the relationships among farmers or between farmers and other stakeholders, while identifying the kind of relationships formed. Moreover, the contribution of multi-layered network formed through relations between and among such stakeholders is considered.
       The research method adopts social network analysis. This approach allows a quantitative stand in analyzing human relations based on the presence or strength of ties between nodes, the distance between such nodes, and the node parameters. Economic activity and social life are inseparable in rural areas and villages, and ties among farm households are characterized by various roles existing in a multilayered structure. This study focuses on the extent and width of social ties among certain nodes.
       Results show that in Mihara Plain, the “ three crop” rotation system―a combination of paddy rice, onions,and cabbages or paddy rice, lettuce, or Chinese cabbages―has been widely promoted. The study area practiced intensive farming. The production of leafy vegetables served as an economic activity that could augment the income of farm households. Farm management, as practiced by every farmer household, progressed within the range of social groups such as settlements and districts, and did not become completely independent albeit done individually. Various territorial relations became a conforming frame, as seen in the sharing of equipment and supplying of compost. The network was selectively formed according to the purpose. In addition to the abovementioned relations, networks based on the delivery of crops was observed. These networks extended in various ways, according to every farmer household's management policy, and had various influences on every farmer's management practices.
  • 機械共有と堆肥調達,出荷を取り上げて
    *吉田 国光
    2013年 2013s 巻 520
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    の農業生産は,水稲やタマネギ,キャベツ,レタス,ハクサイなどを組み合わせた「三毛作」と呼ばれる年2~3作の輪作体系による集約的農業が周年的に展開し,耕作放棄地は少ない。主産品であるタマネギやキャベツ,レタス,ハクサイは秋から春にかけて市場で一定の地位を保っている。出荷については,市内に青果物卸業者が80社あり,農協外出荷の割合も高くなっている。畜産農業については,耕種農業と畜産の分化がさらに進み,一部の大規模酪農農家や肉用牛繁殖農家によって行われている。集落内に畜産農家がいない場合は,何らかの社会関係を有する他集落の堆肥供給農家から堆肥を調達するようになっている。様々な地域単位をもとにして農業生産が展開しており,様々な性格を有する主体間関係を分析するうえで好適な研究対象地域と考えられる。2.研究方法 研究方法は社会ネットワーク分析の枠組みを援用し,新しいものから既存のものまで様々な位相で展開する複相ネットワークを,それぞれの位相の相互関係に留意しながら考察する。社会ネットワーク分析では,人間関係をノード間の紐帯の有無や強度,ノード間の距離やノード媒介性などを量的に分析することが多い。しかし,農村部では経済活動と社会生活が不可分に展開しており,量的に把握することは困難である。そこで本発表ではノードを結ぶパスの性質に留意して分析した。パスの性質に関して,パスの基盤となる主体間関係のあり方は,大きく2つに分けられる。1つ目は定住に基づく拘束的なものである。いわゆる「地縁」や「血縁」,水利組合などの機能集団を通じた「結社縁」といった入脱退困難な関係で個人の自由で「選べない縁」である。2つ目はこれらの関係によって説明できない関係である。このような関係は居住地などとは無関係に取り結ばれ,入脱退が可能で選択的に取り結ばれる関係で「選べる縁」とされる。具体的には,経済取引に限定されたような関係などであり,契約解消により関係もノード間のパスとなる関係も途絶えるようなものである。3.結果 対象地域において,農家の所有耕地および借地面積は大きくても2.5haであるが,年3作行うために,実質的な経営耕地面積は5~6haとなっていた。農業従事者の平均年齢は60歳を超えており,近年に離農した世帯もみられる。作付品目については,専業農家や第1種兼業農家は多様な品目を栽培し,とくにレタスの割合が高くなっている。第2兼業農家や労働力の少ない第1種兼業農家は,米とタマネギのみの年2作といった作型を選択する傾向にあった。こうした農業経営形態のなかで,農家の世帯収入の大半を,専業農家は裏作である野菜作,兼業農家は農外就業から得ていた。各農家の農業経営自体は独立しているが,水稲作においては集団転作も含めて集落単位で管理されるようになっていた。また農業生産を展開するうえで,とくに農業機械の共有と堆肥調達,出荷をめぐり複数の農家間での共同作業や,農家間での取引が必須となっていた。 対象地域において農業機械の共有は,水稲作の移植機とコンバイン,タマネギ栽培の移植機と収穫機でみられた。機械共有をめぐるネットワークにおいて,水稲作デは収益性の低さから,集落などの社会集団が準拠枠となって,ネットワークを構成するノードが多くなっていた。一方,タマネギ生産に関する機械共有ネットワークではノードが水稲作に比べて少なく,ノード間のパスも「選べない縁」が含まれる場合もあるが,移植時期の調整といった農業経営の側面が条件となっていた。さらに発表では,堆肥調達と出荷においても機械共有と同様の分析を行い,これらのネットワークのあり方と農業経営との関係について考察を加える。
  • 野間 晴雄
    2015年 67 巻 2 号 152-153
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2018/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高橋 学
    1989年 27 巻 4 号 253-272
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the change in the topographical environment of the plains after the end of the prehistoric age, and also to clarify the relationship between the change and the land use. Geomorphological analysis for environmental reconstruction is employed. It consists of four different analyses: landform surface analysis, landform zone analysis, micro landform analysis I and micro landform analysis II.
    The purpose of landform surface analysis is to clarify the topographical change taking place in a time frame of 104 years (for example, the formation of terraces). Landform zone analysis can clarify the topographical change on a scale of 103 years order (for example, delta formation). These two analyses correspond to what was formerly called the history of topographical development. On the other hand, micro landform analysis I and micro landform analysis II are connected with the investigation of archaeological excavation. The purpose of micro landform analysis I is to clarify topographical change on a scale of 102 years. For example, a natural levee must have greatly influenced the location of a village. In micro landform analysis II, what is looked at is the topographical change which occurs every time a river floods. In geomorphological analysis for environmental reconstruction, we pay attention not to “natural topography” but to “topography of the human living environment”. In other words, geomorphological analysis for environmental reconstruction is not a mere history of topographical development; it includes the history of natural disasters and of land development.
    As the subject of our research, we used the Mihara Plain on Awaji Island in Setonaikai. In Shichigawa Okitaminami site, part of delta I in the Mihara Plain, minute topographical changes and the appearance of the land used from the end of Yayoi era to the Kofun (old tomb) era-about 1, 700 years ago-can be clarified by geomorphological analysis for environmental reconstruction. The following is a summary:
    1) The area surrounding the Shichigawa Okitaminami site was a shallow sea bed at the height of the Jomon transgression (stage III, about 6, 400y.B.P.). This sea area became a lagoon 2, 600y.B. P., when the sea level changed and a sand spit was formed at the inlet (stage IV).
    2) The accretion of natural deposits progressed rapidly here from the end of the Yayoi era to the beginning of the Kofun era. This accretion caused the area where rice fields could be developed to spread down the river. The loam brought by the flood has a negative aspect in that it buries the rice field and a positive aspect in that it changes swampland into dry land with high productivity.
    3) The rice fields are divided by a footpath in accordance with the level of the ground so that the difference in the height of each division would not exceed six centimeters. Where the incline is steep the rice field was smaller, where the ground is flat, the rice field is larger.
    4) When floods or accumulation occur, the rice fields revert to their original state. Therefore it can be assumed that this process occurred without delay in the Mihara Plain.
    5) Rice fields of stage IV16 are of two different kinds: high and dry, and low and wet. The fields can also be classified as good or bad in terms of the water supply.
  • 風力エネルギー
    2015年 39 巻 3 号 371-373
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 渡辺 和彦
    1988年 34 巻 V-1
    発行日: 1988/03/20
    公開日: 2017/06/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 稲見 悦治
    1959年 32 巻 5 号 246-255
    発行日: 1959/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is the one of noteworthy things to see in the narrow mountanious island country like Japan, how and to what extent the high and gradient lands are actually cultivated. And this kind of investigation has been done hitherto largely in the central mountanious district and in the skirt of various volcanoes. As a result, apart from the mutual relation between the farming land and its height in which the latitude of the place plays a large part, it has been reported, in the case of gradient land, that the gradient of the land suitable for cultivation should be smaller than 15°. And the same kind of investigation was applied to that of the Island of Awaji, one of the islands in Inland Sea (Setonaikai) where the cultivation of gradient lands is highly developed. It has been proved that the greater part of the Island of the Island of Awaji which has the gradient of 20° or more and is used as paddy fields or orchards, as expected before the investigation, exceeds the average gradientof 15°. Of course, most paddy fields or orchards have the gradient of 10_??_15° or of less than that. Therefore, the limit of the gradient in the farming land of the islands in the Inland Sea where almost all islands are cultivated to their sum mits, has an eminent difference compared with that of the United States, little difference compared with the average limit of the gradient in our country. There was little difference between the limits of the gradient in the farming land and that of urban dwelling area in the city of Ashiya. In short, the limit of the gradient both in farming lands and dwelling areas in the steeply sloping cities is to be under 15° in our country.
  • 世界思想社 2015年3月
    今里 悟之
    2016年 22 巻 2 号 57-58
    発行日: 2016/04/25
    公開日: 2017/05/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高橋 里佳, 嶽山 洋志, 美濃 伸之
    2022年 85 巻 5 号 657-660
    発行日: 2022/03/30
    公開日: 2022/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー

    An "onion shed" is a wall-less storage house with only a beam, roof, and frame, where harvested onions are bundled and hung to be dried and stored. Onion sheds were a common feature in Minami-Awaji city in the beginning of summer; however, due to challenges related to hanging onions, the number of sheds has declined. In this study, the spatial characteristics and actual usage of rapidly disappearing onion sheds were investigated to determine an effective way to continue their succession. As per the findings, the district housed 1,093 sheds of three alignments- “spread style (in farmland)” “spread style (in village)” and “lined up style.” And traditional sheds with tiled roofs and wooden pillars accounted for 17.9% of all onion sheds, which were inclined to be lost with farmland consolidation. Moreover, it became clear that livestock farmers and double-cropping farmers are working together in a small village.

  • 西村 十郎, 小林 尚司, 竹川 昌宏
    1986年 28 巻 73
    発行日: 1986/05/01
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 𠮷田 国光
    2012年 64 巻 2 号 103-122
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2018/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study aims at revealing how farmlands are managed by examining the roles played by the transfer of farmland rights in farm management and agricultural settlements; the study’s analysis is based on the social relationships among farmers that are involved in the process of transferring farmland rights for farmland maintenance. This study focuses on the spread and connection of social relationships among farm households. Past studies have often integrated the ties between farm households with territorial and kinship relations. This study focuses on the spread and connection of social relationships among farm households. This study classifies territorial relations on the basis of spatial spread as well as kin relations by degree of kinship. It also classifies various other social relationships after a careful consideration of each of their characteristics and analyzes them based on how these social relationships form layers, as explanatory variables, and who uses farmlands through the transfer of farmland rights as explained variables.

    The following area was selected as study area: the Kamihata settlement in Minami Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, located on the Mihara Plain of Awaji Island, where even small farms in the settlement show an intensive use of farmland all year around. On the Mihara Plain, the “three crop” rotation system—a combination of paddy rice, onions, and cabbages, or paddy rice, lettuce, or Chinese cabbages—has been widely promoted.

    On the Mihara Plain, the recipients did not attempt to increase profitability and the farmland transfers were motivated by non-economic factors. In the past, after a farm’s retirement, its farmland was generally transferred among farm households through kinship or same neighborhood relations in order to maintain the “farmland as a family property” and as “farmland of the settlement.” However, it gradually became difficult to secure farmland recipients solely through such relations. In order to sustain the farmlands within the settlement, farm households with a sufficient labor force were passively forced to take on the farmlands of landowners with whom they had no neighborhood or kinship relations. Consequently, full-time farmers with a sufficient labor force undertook the farming of additional farmlands simply because they were located in the same settlement. On the other hand, in the case of transfers of farmland rights extending to farms in other settlements, the main recipients were part-time farm households who took on these farmlands to sustain social relationships such as kesshaen or kinship relations with the landowners. In addition to transfers of farmland rights within the settlement, those outside the settlement were promoted based on the same district, kesshaen, or kinship relations. While same-settlement relations were the basis for sustaining farmlands within a settlement, territorial relations of a wider range than a settlement, kesshaen and kinship relations contributed to the sustainability of farmlands outside a settlement.

  • 成瀬 敏郎, 小野間 正巳
    1984年 22 巻 4 号 327-331
    発行日: 1984/02/29
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 後藤 拓也
    地理学評論 Series A
    2017年 90 巻 5 号 526-528
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2022/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *吉田 国光
    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
    2009年 2009 巻 203
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/16
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     日本の農政において低迷する食料自給率の問題は,長らく政策的課題として掲げられ,国内での食料の増産が求められている。その対応策の一つとして,農地の流動化による遊休農地の有効活用が挙げられているものの,農地流動は円滑に進んでいない。平野部において農地流動の停滞する多くの地域は,小規模な稲作兼業農家が離農後も農地を手放すことなく保有する場合や,専業農家が施設園芸などの商品価値の高い作物生産に傾倒し,水田に十分な労働力を投下していないところである。また,このような地域では,耕地1枚当たりの面積は小さく,農地の受け手にとって条件が悪いことも農地移動の障害となっている。これらの地域では,稲作が経済活動として機能しておらず,兼業農家は農外就業,専業農家はその他の作物の生産によって世帯収入を支えている。 しかしながら,このように小規模兼業農家が多く,稲作以外の農業生産や農外就業により世帯収入を支えている農家が多い地域においても,農地が有効に利用されている事例も存在する。このような地域では,耕地1枚当たりの面積は小さいものの,農業生産の形態や段階に応じて,農業者の農地への関わり方を変化させている。これは,農業生産活動の場は農地で共通しているものの,その形態や段階によって,農地の果す経済的な役割が異なることに起因している。
  • 渡邉 哲弘, 吉田 啓史, 舟川 晋也, 小崎 隆
    2006年 52 巻 13-3
    発行日: 2006/09/05
    公開日: 2017/06/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 吉住 佳与, 南條 正巳, 高橋 正, 桑名 健夫
    2006年 52 巻 13-2
    発行日: 2006/09/05
    公開日: 2017/06/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 藤江 康太郎, 北川 靖夫, 齋藤 萬之助, 豊田 新, 成瀬 敏郎
    2006年 52 巻 13-1
    発行日: 2006/09/05
    公開日: 2017/06/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 総合討論
    石田 志朗, 坂上 寛一, 粉川 昭平
    1989年 27 巻 4 号 357-360
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー