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クエリ検索: "中正区" 台北市
18件中 1-18の結果を表示しています
  • 大島 規江
    2020年 15 巻 110-117
    発行日: 2020/03/15
    公開日: 2021/08/15
    ジャーナル フリー


    におけるマルチ・エスニックな台湾の表象について明らかにする.台湾においてはその複雑な政治情勢から,人々の意識は歴史的遺物に対して積極的に向けられてこなかった.しかし,1980 年代からの民主化の流れのなかで,次第に台湾独自の経験に目が向けられるようになり,日本による植民地支配をも台湾固有の経験,すなわち台湾の歴史の一部として客観的に受け入れるようになった.1980 年代に古蹟指定された物件はすべて清朝時代の歴史的遺物であったが,1990 年代には日本時代の遺物も古蹟指定がなされるようになった.

  • 台北市の「社区規劃師」制度を事例として
    張 翠萍
    2005年 40.3 巻 79-84
    発行日: 2005/10/25
    公開日: 2017/07/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    の「まちづくり」活動を支援する仕組みとしての「社区規劃師」制度の実態を明らかにすることを通して住民主体の「まちづくり」の展開に資することを目的とする。行政資料の分析・整理、現地観察調査を行い、以下の結論を得た。 1)社区規劃師の支援によって、身近な生活環境を官民協働で取組んでいる「地区環境改造計画」の提案数と入選数が大幅に増加した。また、その入選数の半分以上は「社区規劃師」との協働によって地区住民団体が独自に提案したものであった。その結果、地区における環境空間が目に見えるように向上、利用者の好評を得た。「制度」は、一定程度の効果があったと言える。 2)都市と大学の連携で地域環境を創出するという視点から、大学に人材と設備活用の支援を求め社区規劃服務センタ -を十二行政区に設置したというユニークな手法は、示唆に富む。 3)社区規劃師の若手人材及び「社区権能」の育成教育は、物的空間整備や「ものづくり」以前に「ひとづくり」を重視するものとして評価に値する。一方、縦割の弊害をなくすため行政内部の支援体制づくりが不可欠であるが、さらに地区レベルへの自治体内分権が次の政策課題となる。
  • 二階堂 達郎
    2012年 6 巻 17-22
    発行日: 2012/05/15
    公開日: 2023/05/31
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 台北市における「オープングリーン」の取り組みを事例に
    蕭 閎偉
    2020年 55 巻 3 号 705-712
    発行日: 2020/10/25
    公開日: 2020/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


    の全域に地域住民による活発なOGの提案がなされている:仮説2) 住民主体によるOGの提案により創出された地域住民提案型OSでは、多様な空間利用が実現されている。本稿ではまず、背景としての

  • 蕭 閎偉
    2019年 54 巻 3 号 1452-1459
    発行日: 2019/10/25
    公開日: 2019/11/06
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス



  • 闕 銘崇, 田中 禎彦, 布野 修司
    1999年 64 巻 526 号 185-192
    発行日: 1999/12/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper clarifies the distribution and the building types of temples and shrines called Jibyou and Sindam in Taipei city. Ji mean Buddist temples and Byo mean confucian (taoism) temples in China. But, they also played a role as community facilities in the historical and political context of Taiwan societies which are consisted of migrants. It is said that the formation of the blocks is closely related to the distribution of temples and shrines. The major objectives is to discuss the urban structure of Taipei city focusing on the role of informal relegious facilities. This paper shows the increase of religious facilities are mostly seen in the newly developing suburbs (new town area) and especially Sindan occupy almost all the building types. This kind of facilities are not planned based on the ideas of modern urban planning. We have to learn a lot from the distribution of informal religious facilities for the community design.
  • その供給ネットワークと諸アクターの役割に着目して
    蕭 閎偉, 瀬田 史彦, 城所 哲夫
    2016年 81 巻 727 号 1991-2001
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     Homeless is a common issue in city area. In the case of Taipei city, Taiwan, Wanhua district is known as the area where most homeless gather and live.
     In this study, we define those private housings that are provided for ex-homeless as a next stage of temporary residence like shelter as ‘Homeless supportive housing’ (called HSH below). We first review the homeless policy in Taipei city and mainly focus on the supply network of these supportive housing. We also clarify the role of each actors who involved in the network including ex-homeless, social worker and house owner.
     We use research methods including literature review, interview and site survey and life history survey to conduct the case study in Taipei. We first realize that the HSH system has already established in the East Asian cases like Tokyo, Osaka in Japan and Seoul, South Korea literature review. We then review and summarize the homeless support policy in Taipei city based on the interview with social workers of Taipei city government. In order to make clear the present condition of homeless supportive housing in Taipei, we interview the house social worker and house owner. On the other hand, we also conduct life history survey to realize the life experience and living condition of ex-homeless, those who are the habitant of HSH.
     We first summarize several pattern and route for homeless to get into HSH accepting the rent subsidy from Taipei city government based on the analysis of life history survey. We also evaluate the effect of HSH using the statistic data and the data collected from the interview with social workers. We consider that HSH actually helps homeless to get rid of homelessness, however, issues like housing supply, low housing condition and life quality exists. Finally, in order to clarify the network system of HSH, we analyze the relation between habitant with house owner, house owner with social worker, social worker with habitant. We discover that HSH provides co-caring mechanism for both habitant and house owner since in most cases both of them are elderly. Habitant has very strong fiduciary relation with the social worker since social worker provides them with case-by-case consulting and life support. House owner also strongly trusts the social worker since they will introduce those who are willing to live a normal life and behave will.
     The HSH in Taipei has a different characteristic with the case of Japan or Korea while HSH is provided mainly by public sector. However, Taipei strongly relies on the supply from private sector. Public sector provides subsidy and financial support for homeless to get into HSH, however the life quality and living condition in not secured. In our future research, the actual life quality in HSH and how it influence the future planning of habitant is considered important.
  • 台北市における容積移転諸制度の運用に関する研究 その2
    蕭 閎偉, 城所 哲夫, 瀬田 史彦
    2017年 82 巻 742 号 3147-3157
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     “Transfer of development right (TDR)” has been considered as an important institution for the urban regeneration since recently. The TDR system is first released in 1990 in Taipei city. Today, there are many TDR institutions in Taipei, Taiwan. The important point is that all of them could be utilized overall the Taipei city, so the integrity between TDR and existing urban plan is important.
     We focus on the TDR institution for conservation of historical district in Dihua Street (DS), Taipei city, Taiwan. Previous studies have revealed the basic system and its historical background of the establishment of this institution. This study focuses on the analysis of the characteristic of sending site as well as receiving site of DS-TDR form the view of urban plan. Besides, we also analyze the meaning of the latest detail plan (revised) which is released Jun. 2016.
     We estimate the achievement of DS-TDR from both the view of sending site and receiving site based on the latest data. We consider that bias of the amount of receiving site exists, most receiving sites are located in Zhongshan district. What' more, although Datong district is also designated as the priority area for receiving site, there are only few cases as a matter of fact. The integrity between DS-TDR and existing urban plan is secured by the double-deliberation system of Taipei city urban regeneration committee and Taipei city urban design committee, TDR can still give impact to the nearby environment of receiving site. It will be a solution to integrate DS-TDR into the new type of urban plan TDR: Floor area bank. Actually, it is proposed as an article in the latest detail plan (revised) in 2016, however the residents of Dihua Street are still fighting against that. Based on our estimation of macro level about the integrity between urban plan and DS-TDR, we consider that the preservation is successful from the view point of sending site. On the other hand, the achievement of designated receiving site is not effective from the view point of receiving site.
     Besides, we consider although the preservation is successful and those historical building is now revitalized as community space, a huge amount is provided as the reward for it based on our estimation of micro level about the integrity between urban plan and DS-TDR.
  • -台湾台北市南機場地区の整建住宅団地を事例として-
    蕭 閎偉, 城所 哲夫, 瀬田 史彦
    2016年 81 巻 729 号 2463-2473
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study focuses on the welfare-oriented machizukuri (community empowerment) experience in housing complex community in Taiwan. We pick up Nanchichang community, a resettlement housing community in Taipei city as case study. First we indicate some critical issues and reveal the reason why it became a socially disadvantaged community today. Then, using research methods like site survey and interview survey, we research about the condition of welfare-oriented machizukuri and analyze how it has been conducted by the local community.
     In the case of Nanchichang community, they established two community welfare facilities by revitalizing old abolished facility. The design and construction were realized by community-participated approach. Today, Community bank and Community food bank provide several welfare supports for disadvantaged households in the community. Our focus is about to analyze “resource”, “human resource”, “institution” and “organization” has been utilized during each process of establishing these two facility.
     According to our research, we consider that the process of establishing these two facilities might be divided into three: (1) infrastructure construction period; (2) institution establishment period, and (3) independent operation period. In the first period, the community depends on public subsidy or external resource mainly. In the second stage, they try to build up institution and organization for independent operation for the next stage. Finally, they succeed on conducting various welfare services almost independently from external support.
     We propose some important applications and key factors as following for operating welfare-oriented machizukuri in housing complex community, especially socially disadvantaged community like Nanchichang through this case analysis:
     1. Their welfare support emphasizes educational support, which helps children from disadvantaged household to get better education which was not available from them before.
     2. They combine “community currency” system in community food bank with the service in community land, this make it possible for disadvantaged household to help others rather than only accepting support or help from others.
     3. Self-sufficient model is established for sustainable and independent operation by the community. This empowers the community to support not only the local people, but also more disadvantaged people and household outside the community somedays.
  • −「社会住宅」の入居者像とその立地的特性に着目して−
    蕭 閎偉, 岩﨑 暖
    2021年 27 巻 66 号 1009-1014
    発行日: 2021/06/20
    公開日: 2021/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study focuses on the new supply strategy of public rental housing “Social Housing” (SH) in Taipei City. Focusing on the features of residents and rent level of SH, this study evaluates the role of SH as public rental housing comparing with the existing rental Public Housing and private rental housing. Besides, this study analyzes the locational feature of SH by focusing on the accessibility to public transportation including MRT and city bus and comparing with the existing rental Public Housing. Finally, this study summarizes the position of SH in Taipei City based on the above analysis and comparison.

  • 台北市・宝蔵巌集落における「宝蔵巌国際芸術村」の取り組みを事例に
    蕭 閎偉
    2018年 53 巻 2 号 152-160
    発行日: 2018/10/25
    公開日: 2018/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 辻原 万規彦, 中村 泰人, 田中 稔
    1999年 64 巻 515 号 105-112
    発行日: 1999/01/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thermal environments inside the continuous covered walkways located in Southeast Asia under the tropical climate were investigated on field observations in summer 1996, and evaluated by calculating SET^* and equivalent temperature of radiation. Solar radiation influenced thermal environment inside the continuous covered walkways. In daytime, SET^* inside the continuous covered walkways was lower than outside, however the evaluation for SET^* did not show comfortable environments. In nighttime, the situation was reversed. Curve of shadow for horizontal surface showed that at Taipei the continuous covered walkways shade direct solar radiation, however at Singapore does not shade.
  • ―業態別小売店舗への来店者購買行動調査 (2002. 03) にもとづく実証分析―
    斎藤 参郎, 花園 祥子, 中嶋 貴昭, 岩見 昌邦, 曽 徳芳
    2005年 35 巻 1 号 177-197
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2007/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The location pattern of retail facilities and consumer behavior are closely interrelated. On the one hand, if consumers prefer to shop at a central commercial district rather than at suburban shopping centers, the city center retail sector would become more prosperous than suburban retail sectors. On the other hand, the introduction of a new shop category such as convenience store would lead to the change of consumer shopping behavior, which, in turn, would change the location pattern of retail establishments. Thus the investigation of how consumers of different generations allocate their shopping trips among different kinds of shop categories becomes quite important to figure out the future of retail environment.
    With this in mind, this paper aims to clarify the characteristics of daily shopping behavior of Taipei's consumers. More specifically, we first classify consumers into three generations: under 20s, 30s to 40s, and above 50s. Next we categorize the kinds of shops into the following 7 classes: department store, suburban shopping center, specialty store, supermarket, convenience store, neighborhood shopping street, and market. Then we picked up seven typical commodities: fresh foods, foods, home electric appliance, household utensils, personal belongings, street clothes, and home clothes.
    In our survey on consumer behavior at different store categories in Taipei, 2002, we conducted questionnaire interviews for randomly drawn shoppers at two shopping malls near city center. In the questionnaire, the respondents are asked how often they go shopping to buy each commodity, how much they spend per shopping trip of each commodity, and what kind of store category they most often visit to buy each commodity.
    From responses to these questionnaire items, we analyze how consumers of different generations allocate their shopping trips and expenses among different kinds of shop categories without distinguishing the kinds of commodities. Findings are as follows. Consumers under 20s allocate their daily shopping trips equally to several shop categories such as supermarket, convenience store, and market. However, daily shopping trips of 30s to 40s and above 50s are concentrated in the market category. As for the allocation of the monthly expenses to shop categories, consumers under 20s and 30s to 40s allocate the largest portion of their expenses to the department store category while those above 50s to the market category. Thus preferences under 40s is said to be oriented most to the department store while those above 50s to the market.
  • 繁田 岳美
    2009年 19 巻 1 号 56-58
    発行日: 2009/03/25
    公開日: 2017/04/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 台湾の官舎建築標準からみた住宅の特徴
    郭 雅電, 境野 健太郎, 高田 光雄
    2005年 2005 巻 51 号 53-58
    発行日: 2005/10/31
    公開日: 2012/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to clarify characteristics of the initial floor planning held by the Japanese style official residence in Taiwan by analyzing its basic plan composition, area ratio and space placement. The characteristics were examined for each residence class by the floor planning types and the space placement types which this study has set for analysis. The results are as follows:
    1) Official residence of various types based on the “Building Standard for Official Residence” held the common area distribution by spatial purpose regardless of the difference of the residence size.
    2) Official residence of small scale tend to reduce the hallway space and to place rooms around the entrance area.
    3) Official residence of large scale had improved functional division. By placing the hallway space, the public/the personal domain and the living/the water supply area were divided efficiently.
    4) The water supply area was placed in the opposite side to the entrance regardless of the space composition and the residence class.
  • 竹内 孝之(たけうち たかゆき), 池上 寬(いけがみ ひろし)
    2021年 2021 巻 149-176
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/11/18
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー HTML
  • スクォッター居住地と移転先としての原住民公営住宅居住者への調査を踏まえて
    蕭 〓偉, 全 泓奎, 城所 哲夫
    2016年 51 巻 2 号 145-152
    発行日: 2016/10/25
    公開日: 2016/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 任斗旭・台湾韓僑協会理事長を中心に
    天江 喜久
    2020年 1 巻 28-47
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/06/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    In this day and age of multiculturalism, little is still known about the history of Koreans living in Taiwan. By the end of World War II in 1945, there were nearly 2,800 Koreans living in Taiwan. While the majority returned to newly liberated Korea after the war, close to four hundred ethnic Koreans remained in Taiwan and came to be known as hanqiao, or overseas Koreans. Most men from this group found employment with the Taiwanese Fishery Company, which was forced to fill the vacuum left by Japanese employees who were repatriated after the war. Seasoned Korean fishermen assumed high positions as captains and chief engineers with the company, but soon faced economic hardship after gradually being replaced by local Taiwanese. This article looks at their plight as well as others in detailing a social history of ethnic Koreans in postwar Taiwan. It attempts to construct a narrative through the careful reading of archives as well as an oral history collected through personal interviews.One of the highlights of this article depicts a power struggle between Yim Duuk and Lee Sangman over the leadership of a local Korean association. Yim, who had a record of collaborating with Japanese authorities, defeated Lee who was a long-time Korean independence activist sent by the Korean provisional government in China. This article also looks at the struggles local Korean residents went through as well as how theybuilt institutions such as schools and churches to help maintain their Korean identity.
