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クエリ検索: "佐々木ひかり"
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 野中 壽子, 穐丸 武臣, 小泉 大亮, 渡邊 明宏
    2021年 2021 巻 90 号 28-36
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/07/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study examined how the size of playground in the nursery school is related to children's levels of physical activity in playing outdoor (in the playground and outside of the school) and physical ability. We measured physical activity levels of 42 children at 3, 4, and 5 years old, by accelerometer during nursery care for ten days.

    We found the following:

    (1) that the steps/hour of children at School B with a larger playground was higher than that of children at School A with a smaller playground in 3 and 4 years old, but was not in 5 years old, and

    (2) that there was a significant difference between two schools running-activity (LC7-9) time at all ages; School B was more than School A, however,

    (3) as a result of two-way ANOVA (schools vs ages) for physical ability, main effect by schools was not significant between two schools, main effect by ages was significant, and

    (4) there was a cross-correlation between steps/hour at 3 years old and jumping over at 4 years old, a running-activity time at 3 years old and jumping over at 4 years old.

    The playground size did not affect the physical ability, but it affected an activity levels in the playground, which was related to outdoor play in the playground and outside of the school). In conclusion, that outdoor play outside the school is not a substitute for outdoor play in the playground.

  • 野中 壽子, 小泉 大亮, 穐丸 武臣, 張 琬婧
    2017年 2017 巻 74 号 19-25
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/06/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study examined how the size of playground in the nursery school is related to children's levels of physical activity in playing outdoor (in the playground and outside of the school). We compared two nursery schools, School A with a smaller playground and School B with a larger playground. A total of 42 children (20 children from School A;22 children from School B) participated.

    We observed children's outdoor play for ten days in the morning and measured physical activity levels by accelerometer. We found the following:

    (1) that the activity level of children at School A with a smaller playground was lower than that of children at School B with a larger playground, and

    (2) that outside-of-the-school outdoor play is associated with higher activity levels than outdoor play in the school playground, however,

    (3) that both schools did outside-of-the-school outdoor play only once during the two week observation period.

    Given the vital importance of providing children with enough outdoor play, we must address playground size and use of outside-of-the-school outdoor play.

  • 玉木 彩水, 上田 憲嗣, 永浜 明子
    2020年 36 巻 13-19
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     本研究の目的は,「森のようちえん」を対象に,森・田畑・民家の各活動場所における幼児の身体活動量の変 容を,歩数量および3軸加速度計を用いた身体活動量(メッツ・時)を用いて明らかにすることであった. OMRON 社製の研究用活動量計アクティブスタイルプロ HJA-750C を用いて,3歳から6歳児,計5名の歩数・ 身体活動量(メッツ・時)を測定した.活動場所は,森・田畑・民家であった.歩数と身体活動量(メッツ・時) の2変量間の関係は,Spearman の順位相関係数を用いて評価した.比較の検定はフリードマン検定を行った. 有意差が認められた場合には,Bonferroni 型の多重比較検定を行った.その結果,1日の身体活動量・歩数にお いて活動場所間で有意な差が認められた(X²(2)= 8.4, p = .015).また,田畑の1日の歩数量および身体活動量 は民家と比較して有意に高かった(p = .013).したがって,活動場所による遊びの変化が身体活動量(メッツ・ 時)・歩数量に大きく影響することが明らかになった.森においては,1日の身体活動量(メッツ・時)と歩数相 関が認められ,歩数による身体活動の評価の妥当性が示唆された.一方,田畑・民家では,1日の歩数と身体活 動量(メッツ・時)の間には有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことより,本研究では活動場所によ り,身体活動量(メッツ・時)の併用が有用であることが明らかとなった.