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190件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 復帰株の性状について
    内藤 寛
    The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1954年 7 巻 2 号 70-71
    発行日: 1954/02/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    第1, 2報1) 2) には抗生物質耐性株の生物学的性状と養素要求性並びに抗原性の変異について報告したが, その後これら耐性株の復帰株について耐性株が示した解糖能, 養素要求性友び抗原性等の変異が耐性復帰に伴なうものかどうかについて実験をおこなつた。
  • 松井 雅男, 堤 英伸
    1994年 50 巻 1 号 7-12
    発行日: 1994/01/10
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is well known that there may be a critical conductivity which gives a good antistatic performance to electro-conductive fibers (ECF). However. in the past, this critical point was not clear because there was no accurate evaluation system to measure the antistatic properties. The authors recently developed a new measuring apparatus, (KB-system), which has excellent accuracy and reliability for evaluating the anti-static performance of fabrics. By using the KB system, the critical point has been determined to be 1×109Ω•cm for both carbon black-applied ECF and metallic oxide (semiconductor)-applied ECF. This value is one hundred times greater than that of antistatic fibers prepared by using antistatic agents. The results show the existence of essential difference in discharging mechanisms for ECF and antistatic fibers.
  • 中村 博, 松島 佐光, 内藤 寛, 吉沢 攻, 村野 順三, 島野 毅八郎, 後藤 敏夫
    1961年 15 巻 12 号 915-922
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the last five years and half, from January 1956 to June 1961 at the Sagamihara National Hospital, using the psittacosis antigen the complement fixation test and hemagglution test were made. The patients examined were consisted of 253 cases with primary atypical pneumonia and 216 cases with miscellaneous diseases excluding acute bronchtis.
    Epidemiological Findings:
    1) The incidence of the antibody of CF was significantly higher in the group of pneumonia (38.0 per cent) than in the group of the miscellaneous diseases (22.5 per cent). The incidence in the group of patients with pneumonia was already high in the age group of 0-9 years and showed significant difference among the age groups, while the miscellaneous diseases group showed an increase in incidence with age. These findings suggest that the group of pneumonia containins many psittacosis patients. The similar tendency was recognized on the HI antibody titer, too.
    2) The incidence of the antibody did not show any difference between male and female.
    3) The CF and HI titer was generally low. In the group of miscellaneous diseases no case of CF antibody titer indicates 2.4 ≤ and HI antibody titer 80 ≤. This indicated that the patients with CF antibody titer 2.4 ≤ and HI antibody 80 ≤ had recently been infected with psittacosis.
    4) Patients with a definite increase and or decrease in titer or an unusually high titer were found in 16 per cent (42 cases) in the pneumonia group. While in the group of miscellaneous diseases no cases were found. The clinical picture of these patients was in accordance with that psittacosis.
    5) In spring and fall more cases with psittacosis are seen than the other seasons of the year. And there is no significant difference between male and female. Among people who have had contact with pet bird, we have more patients with psittacosis than in others.
    Clinical Observations:
    1) Clinically the above described 42 cases have similar symptoms with those which are described in literatures. In general the symptoms are mild and the complications are hardly encountered.
    2) Many mild cases recover spontaneously and the serious cases are treated and cured by administering Penicillin, Chioramphenicol, Tetracycline and Erythromycine, Sulfonamide is nearly ineffective.
    3) There were no deaths.
  • (社)電気設備学会
    2006年 26 巻 1 号 41-42
    発行日: 2006/01/10
    公開日: 2015/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 内藤 寛, 中村 博, 塩田 浩政, 後藤 敏夫
    1963年 17 巻 2 号 93-102
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to know the status of adenovirus infections in Japan, both in-patients and outpatients from April, 1957 to August, 1962 at the Sagamihara National Hospital, Sagamihara City, one of the satellite cities of Tokyo, were studied by means of complement fixation (CF) test.
    1) The distribution of adenovirus CF antibody titer according to ages was studied on 571 patients without acute respiratory infection. Positive rate was low at the youngest group, 0-8 years, increased in proporttn to age, reached a plateau at the group of 17-20 years, maintained the plateau thereafter, and then decreased in much older age groups. The increase of the positive rate of CF titer in adult groups is due to frequent opportunities of being infected with adenovirus, indicating the widespreaed prevalence of adenovirus in the area.
    2) The incidence of CF antibody titer of in-patients was compared with that out-patients, CF antibody titer 8 of the in-patients was 27.1%, while that of the out-patients was 19.0%, that is, higher titers were more frequent among the in-patients. Moreover the distribution of CF antibody showed that the longer the patients stayed at the hospital, the higher the incidence of positives became, indicating a fact that adenovirus infections are liable to occur among people in a hospital.
    3) A fourpfold or greater increase and/or decrease in CF antibody titer was demonstrated in 36 cases out of 218 cases (16.3%) with acute respiratory disease without pneumonia and 32 cases out of 195 cases (16.3%) with primary atypical pneumonia which were given serum test more than twice.
    The cases were found throughout the year, though we had more cases in spring and summer than in other seasons.
    Clinical pictures of the disease were as the following:
    The beginning symptoms were chill and high temperature which took place suddenly and severely. The high temperature came down rather soon, in 4.8 days on an average. Many of the cases had a headache and languor, 1 case developed rash, 3 cases diarrhoea and 3 cases swollen cervical lymph node, As a local symptom, conjunctival hyperemia as well as acute respiratory symptoms appeared on 19% of the acute respiratory disease group and on 12% of the primary atypical pneumonia group. Roentgenograms revealed densities mostly at the lower area of the right lung. These densities disappeared in 20 days on an average.
    4) CF antibody titer had a tendency to increase about the end of the 1st week up to the maximum in the 2nd-3rd week, and then slowly decreased.
    5) We had no special treatment, and chemotherapy was generally ineffective. There were no deaths.
  • 出口 達也, 竹内 善徳, 浅見 高明, 中村 良三, 小俣 幸嗣, 高橋 俊哉, 石島 繁, 射手矢 味先
    1988年 21 巻 2 号 33-34
    発行日: 1988/11/30
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *内藤 寛士, Qiangfu ZHAO
    2018年 2018 巻 2F11
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/03/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 併用による耐性獲得の防止に就いて
    内藤 寛
    The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1953年 6 巻 2 号 86-89
    発行日: 1953/02/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    CARPENTER, et alは淋菌を使つてSulfathiazol, Rivanol lactate, Promin及びPenicillinについて単独及び併用による耐性獲得の状態を実験し, 4種を併用することによつて耐性獲得が全く防止されたと報告し, KLEIN&KIMMELMANはブドウ球菌を使つてStreptomycinとPenicillinとの併用効果について実験し, 両者にSulfadiazineを加えると耐性増強防止効果を認めたと報告し, 渡辺はブドウ球菌を使つてPenicillinとStreptomycinとの協同耐性について, 山川はチフス菌を使つて動物実験でPenicillinとChloramphenicolの併用による耐性増強防止を報告している。
    抗生物質は, 単独に用いるときよりも, 併用したときのほうが効果を増すことから考えても, 耐性獲得の場合にも, 単独に用いるときよりも2種以上併用したときのほうが或いは耐性獲得の防止に役立つのではないかと想像される。私は先に5種抗生物質 (Streptomycin, Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Aureomycin及びTerramycin) 単独に対する耐性獲得の状態について報告したが, これらの抗生物質を2種以上併用した場合にどういう耐性獲得の状態を示すか, どの組合わせのときに耐性獲得の防止に役立つかに就いて実験した。
  • II. ラット心電図記録用保定器の開発
    内藤 寛人, 吉井 輝雄, 福田 久夫, 内野 富弥, 鹿野 りえ, 小山 秀一, 本好 茂一
    1989年 22 巻 22 号 16-23
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2009/09/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • (中間報告)
    国立病院ウイルス病共同研究班, 中村 正夫
    1963年 17 巻 2 号 103-107
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Serological and clinical studies were carried out on 258 cases of outpatients who suffered from acute respiratory diseases from December 1961, to March, 1962. The cases were treated at the ten national hospitals belonging to our unit, For the serological study, complement fixation test of influenza A & B, adenovirus infection, psittacosis were applied. Cold hemagglutination test were also done. The following results were obtained.
    The etiological diagnosis were serologically determined in 111 among 258 cases (43.0 per cent).
    One hundreds and forty seven out of 258 cases (57.0 per cent) were remained serologically unexplained.
  • 古久保 拓, 平田 純生, 長末 京子, 安達 真美, 太田 美由希, 和泉 智, 金 昌雄, 田中 一彦
    2002年 33 巻 1 号 157S-158S
    発行日: 2002/01/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 前島 伸一郎, 駒井 則彦, 中井 三量, 兵谷 源八, 板倉 徹
    1990年 10 巻 3 号 205-209
    発行日: 1990年
    公開日: 2006/07/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    混合型超皮質性失語を呈した1例を報告し,局所脳血流からみた責任病巣と発現機序について考察した。症例は28歳の右利き男性で意識障害にて発症した。脳動静脈奇形の破裂による左頭頂後頭葉皮質下出血の診断で緊急手術を施行した。3週後には意識は清明となり,右同名半盲と失語症を認めた。言語学的には自発話に乏しく,発話は非流暢で呼称や語の想起は著しく障害をうけていた。しかし復唱は良好で,5~6語の短文でも可能であった。またしばしば反響言語を認めた。言語の聴覚的理解や文字の視覚的理解はともに単語レベルで障害をうけ,書字は全く不可能であった。CTでは左頭頂後頭葉に病巣を認め, Xe-enhanced CT では左大脳半球全体に血流低下を認めたが,言語野周囲の血流は比較的保たれていた。このことから本症例は言語野が周辺の大脳皮質から孤立した状態であると推察された。
  • (第2報) Penicillin-amidaseの生産条件の検討
    村尾 沢夫
    1955年 29 巻 6 号 400-403
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Penicillin-amidase producing ability of Pen. chrysogenum Q 176 visibly increased by the successive cultivation on the C-Medium containing sulfathiazol.
    2) The process of Pc-G inactivation penicillin-amidase was differed from the activites of penicillinase, and it was assumed that the process could be illustrated as Fig. 3.
  • 松井 雅男, 柏村 隆光
    1993年 49 巻 8 号 421-428
    発行日: 1993/08/10
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    There is considered to be a clear correlation between the electrical resistance and antistatic performance of fabrics. However, this correlation hasn't been established because of poor accuracy of the previous evaluation systems for fabric's antistatic performances. We found that the critical resistance to give a good antistatic performance is 1×1011Ω•cm, by using an accurate anti-static evaluation system (KB-system) newly developed by the authors.
    In addition, we propose a new antistatic guideline based on the newly determined “index of frictional static charge”, the integral of static charge for one minute after peeling. It was concluded that the electrical resistance measurement is not suited for evaluation of antistatic performance because of its inaccuracy and complexity.
  • 角田 新一
    1999年 30 巻 1 号 239-240
    発行日: 1999/01/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 生物学的性状と養素要求性について
    内藤 寛
    The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1953年 6 巻 5 号 251-253
    発行日: 1953/06/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    細菌が薬剤の耐性を獲得すると, その原株と耐性株との間に種々な性質の変化が生じて来ることは既に諸学者によつて報告されている。私は先に, 抗生物質耐性株と原株との間の変化の一部を報告したが, その後両者間の形態, 運動性, 解糖能, 発育状況及び養素要求性の変化等について実験をおこなつた。
  • 内藤 寛
    1961年 15 巻 12 号 907-914
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied on 206 cases of primary atypical pneumonia in broad sense and 283 cases of miscellaneous diseases except acute respiratory infections which attacked the patients from April 1957 to June 1961.
    The complementf ixing antibody against adenoviruses of the above cases were examined and the results obtained were as follows:
    1) Positive rate of antibody titer 8≤was 39.4% in the group of pneumonia, which was significantly higher than 21.5% in the group of miscellaneous diseases, In the group of miscellaneous diseases positive rates increased with age to 30-39, and had a tendency to decrease in advanced ages. On the other hand significant difference was hardly recognizable in the pneumonia group.
    Positive rates in female were significantly higher than in male but with no significant difference. Incidentally we might derive suggestions that adenoviruses were considerably spread among human beings rather than the diseases caused by them were mostly primary atypical pneumonia.
    2) In the process of the disease we had an increase or decrease of antibody titer 4≤as the diagnostic critarion of adenoviral infections, and we could detect adenoviral pneumonia in 22 cases (16.1%) out of 140 cases which were given serum tests more than twice.
    3) Regarding the occurence of the 22 cases of adenoviral pneumonia, no significant differences were recognized by year. However, a few more cases were found in spring and summer than in the other seasons, but some cases were found in every season.
    4) As for distribution by age, the disease was found from age 6-64, that is to say at all ages. Thirteen cases were male and 9 cases female.
    5) Clinical picture of the disease was as the following:
    The bgeinning symptoms were chill and high temperature which took place all of a sudden and severely. The high temperature came down in 4 or 5 days. One case developed conjunctival hyperemia, 8 cases acute rhinitis, 7 cases acute pharyngitis, 3 cases hoarseness and 3 cases swollen cervical lymphnode. Cough and phlegm always appeared; most phlegm was mucous and disappeared within 20 days. Physical findings in the chest were mild. Rales were ausculated in 11 cases, many of which were crepitant. One case developed diarrhea, and another nausea. Roentgenograms revealed densities mostly at the lower area of lungs, especially in the right lungs, and next on the upper area of right lungs. These densities disappeared in 11-30 days. Red blood cell sedimentation rate increased averaging 59mm and this returned to normal approximately in the 2nd-5th weeks. The white blood cell count was mostly remained normal.
    6) Complement fixing antibody titer had a tendency to increase about the end of the 1st week to a maximum in 2nd-3rd week, and then slowly decreased.
    7) The chemotherapy generally was ineffective, however, the therapy with antibiotics was found to be effective for cases with secondary infection. There were no deaths.
  • *内藤 寛樹, 三宅 雅哉, 迫 康浩
    2013年 23 巻
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2020/08/12
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 高橋 健彦
    2009年 29 巻 7 号 543-547
    発行日: 2009/07/10
    公開日: 2014/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 抗原性の変異について
    内藤 寛
    The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1954年 7 巻 2 号 66-69
    発行日: 1954/02/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    抗生物質耐性株の免疫学的変化に関する研究は, GEZON & FASAN1) が溶血連鎖球菌を, MCKEE & HOUCK2) が肺炎双球菌を, BOHNHOFF3) 4) が髄膜炎菌を, 山田等5) 6) が黄色葡萄球菌を, 浜田7) が肺炎双球菌をそれぞれ用いてペニシリシ耐性株についての実験を報告し, 横山8) はパラチフスA菌のベニシリン, ストレプトマイシン耐性株について, 中村9) は非病原性抗酸菌のストレプトマイシン耐性株についての実験をそれぞれ報告している。
    私は先に10) 抗生物質耐性株の生物学的性状と養素要求性について報告したが, その後これら耐性株の抗原性の変異について種々実験をおこなつた。