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クエリ検索: "十和田石"
10件中 1-10の結果を表示しています
  • *高木 みどり, 前田 浩孝, 石田 秀輝
    日本セラミックス協会 年会・秋季シンポジウム 講演予稿集
    2009年 2009F 巻 3I06
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 三森 一司, 相場 奈々子, 斉藤 円, 長沢 弥生
    聖霊女子短期大学 紀要
    2011年 39 巻 14-25
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2018/01/15
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • *佐々木 詔雄
    2008年 2008 巻 S-28
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2009/02/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 中村 貴司, 大川 浩一, 川村 洋平, 高畑 重幸, 中 秀男, 菅原 勝康
    2009年 56 巻 1 号 13-20
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/04/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Hinai green tuff is quarried in Odate-shi, Akita prefecture in Japan and used for architectural materials. Hinai green tuff suspension is generated from the cutting and the grinding process and it is necessary to treat the solution with precipitants. A chemical flocculant has been used as a precipitation agent for fine particles in the suspension. However, using a chemical flocculant agent produces a wasteful mixture of particles and flocculants, which are impossible to be used as a resource. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new precipitation method without using precipitants for green tuff particles. In this study, the zeta potential of Hinai green tuff particles in suspension was measured to gain the basic electrochemical properties of the colloidal suspension. We then developed a new precipitation method using sonochemical reaction at 200 kHz, 200 W. From results of the zeta potential measurement using an electrophoresis method, the particles exhibited −50 mV at pH 7.0 and 0 mV at below pH 4.0. Sonochemical reaction was applied to control the pH of the suspension to precipitate the Hinai green tuff particulate. When ultrasonic irradiation was applied to the Hinai green tuff suspension, the pH decreased to 4.0 in 80 min and finally reached 3.3 in 180 min. We successfully extracted pure Hinai green tuff particles as precipitates from the suspension using ultrasonic irradiation.
  • 和嶋 隆昌
    2015年 26 巻 2 号 23-27
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
     本研究では,産業廃棄物である砕石ケーキの抗菌剤としての有効利用を指向し,アルカリ反応を用いて緑色凝灰岩砕石ケーキから銀イオン担持能をもつゼオライト系物質の調製を試みた。緑色凝灰岩砕石ケーキは石英,長石,白雲母,緑泥石などのケイ酸塩,アルミノケイ酸塩から構成され,ケイ素とアルミニウムを主成分としていた。砕石ケーキを 0-4 M NaOH 溶液中にて 80, 120, 160℃で 24 時間加熱した結果,原料中の石英が溶解する条件で方沸石を含むゼオライト系物質が生成した。方沸石を含む生成物は高い銀イオン吸着能を示した。
  • 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 高畑 重幸, 中 秀男
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集
    2007年 32 巻 123 号 1-10
    発行日: 2007/06/05
    公開日: 2017/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 松葉谷 治, 中 秀男, 田中 富士夫
    2005年 121 巻 10,11 号 513-520
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2007/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The green tuff from Hinai town, Akita is popular for architectural materials because of its beautiful pale green color and thermal and moisture retaining properties. When this stone is quarried and grinded for making products, approximately 60% of all quarried stone becomes the waste stone and it is required to be utilized effectively. Hinai-Green tuff is a porous media and it has abilities to neutralize acids and elute some minerals. These abilities may be effective for growth of microbes and our research group carries out the development of effective utilizations of Hinai-Green tuff as microbial activator. In this paper, the effects of Hinai-Green tuff on pH adjustment and microbial activities are described.
    Hinai-Green tuff had an ability to neutralize both acid and alkaline water and especially neutralized acids effectivelly. For example, acid water of initial pH3 was neutralized to pH7 by adding 10(w/v)% Hinai-Green tuff into the acid water. Therefore, Hinai-Green tuff can neutralize acid soil and water and adjust acid environments to adaptable environments for microbes. Moreover, Hinai-Green tuff could buffer decrease in pH. The pH of water containing Hinai-Green tuff did not decrease rapidly with adding drops of 0.1M HCl, and especially the buffer action was strongly observed at pH 7 to 8. Hinai-Green tuff is very helpful to maintain pH appropriate for microbes for long time against decrease in pH caused by acid rain and/or acid metabolites of microbes. And pH adjustment effects of Hinai-Green tuff were caused by the ion exchange between Ca2+ leached from the stone and H+.
    Consequently, microbes grew actively in a medium containing Hinai-Green tuff because of its pH adjustment effects. However, microbes did not grow in a medium containing natural zeolite from Futatsui town, Akita. The effects of Futatsui-Zeolite on pH adjustment for acid were low compared with Hinai-Green tuff.
  • 川辺 金光, 杉本 文男, 今井 忠男
    2005年 121 巻 8 号 378-386
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2007/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    A borehole meter with a built-in laser displacement sensor has been developed for measurements of stress change and deformation in rock. The fundamental principle of the instrument is to rotate the laser displacement sensor sequentially around a borehole axis and measure the distance from the borehole center to the wall of the borehole for each rotation angle. It has the following features:
    1. Measurements can be made without contact way and its principle of measurement is simple.
    2. Resolution is high and the range of measurement is wide.
    3. Reliability is high because of many measuring points.
    4. The geometry of cross-sectional plane in a borehole can be evaluated.
    5. Measurements can be made at different depths in the borehole.
    The applicability of a borehole meter was investigated through the laboratory tests in the block models with a broken zone or a discontinuity around a borehole.
    As a result, the borehole meter was found to be available to the measurement in a situation where the broken zone or discontinuity exists. This means that the versatile monitoring can be performed at any depth of a single borehole in-situ rock mass with only one borehole meter.
  • 前田 稜太, 川添 未裕, 大池 達矢, 野口 太郎, 幡本 将史, 牧 慎也, 山口 隆司, 黒田 恭平
    2020年 76 巻 7 号 III_337-III_348
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     本研究では,緑色凝灰岩が多孔質且つミネラルを豊富に含む点に着目し,緑色凝灰岩の加工廃材を用いたミニトマトとニンジンの栽培試験と土壌の化学性,生物性への影響評価を行った.栽培試験の結果,緑色凝灰岩施用区ではミニトマトの収量とニンジンの根長が有意に増加した(p<0.05).土壌化学分析の結果,ミニトマト栽培では緑色凝灰岩施用によりNO3-–N濃度とCaO濃度が有意に増加した(p<0.05).16S rRNA遺伝子に基づいた微生物群集構造解析の結果,ミニトマトとニンジンの栽培試験において,緑色凝灰岩施用が検出率0.11%以下のマイナーな微生物群集構造形成に影響を与えることが示唆され,ニンジン栽培では緑色凝灰岩無施用区で土壌劣化を示すKoribacteraceae科が有意に増加した(p<0.05).

  • 実際の建築部材へ適用可能な計測法を実現するための要素技術の開発
    直井 聡人, 藤本 郷史, 原 紳
    2020年 85 巻 774 号 1013-1023
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Deterioration and aging of building components are significantly related to water movement. Such deterioration includes corrosion of re-bars and woods, concrete carbonation and color change of stones etc. Wettability of material surface is one of the important factor in the water movement phenomena. There has been many proposals to control wettability of building materials in the attempt to prevent deterioration. However, wettability against water and corresponding contact angle can change in the long term of building use stage. Therefore, it is important to measure and inspect whether the designed wettability performance is sustained, without destructive collection of material samples from existing buildings. As these as background, this paper present a novel contact angle measurement applicable to large surfaces of building materials. Firstly, analysis on the requirements the measurement method was conducted based on the literature survey of the existing contact angle measurement methods. Secondary, the measurement method satisfying the requirements is proposed and measurement apparatus to realize the proposed method is manufactured. The measurement accuracy of the proposed method was numerically and experimentally verified and appropriate range of measurement conditions were induced. Lastly, applicability of the proposed method for various building materials were experimentally shown.
