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クエリ検索: "単身赴任"
1,925件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 登坂 由香, 山田 裕一
    2000年 42 巻 6 号 A97-A98
    発行日: 2000/11/20
    公開日: 2017/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平賀 裕之, 保田 孝治, 佐野 敏明, 平櫛 順仁, 奥崎 健, 野村 俊也, 秋山 實利, 下原 康彰, 佐藤 哲史, 和泉 健, 奥 純一, 石井 明, 中野 寛二, 松浦 千文, 寺元 彪, 舛岡 亘, 赤松 和彦
    2006年 38 巻 5 号 437-442
    発行日: 2006/05/15
    公開日: 2013/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 佑子
    1994年 42 巻 1 号 104-114
    発行日: 1994/03/30
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper reviewed the findings about the psychological consequences of Tanshinfunin on transferees and their familles, and made suggestions for the future. Tanshinfunin is the relocation of company members, with their family left behind. Such study began in around 1980. Five approaches were found out in the studies: the family, the developmental, the industrial, and the social psychological approaches, and finally the cross-cultural approache. The family psychological approach had the lead based on the family stress theory studying the effects of family separation or father/ husband absence on family members' mental stress and family stress, and the moderators of the relationship between family separation and stresses. This paper also reviewed overseas studies on job-related family separation of air force families etc., though such cases might be somewhat different from the Tanshinfunin in Japan. The most important findings were that there were less findings compared with more data, and studies with clear-cut hypothesis must be emphasized in the future.
  • ストレス反応を中心として
    田中 佑子
    1995年 65 巻 6 号 428-436
    発行日: 1995/02/20
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    A transferred employee may take his family along (taido-funin), or have to temporarily move and live alone (tanshin-funin), leaving the family behind. Two hundred and thirty-nine (239) taido-funin transferees, 247 tanshin-funin transferees, and 225 non-transferred employees completed a 31-item questionnaire designed to measure stress responses on the present level. Factor analysis found five factors for the stress: feeling of instability, poor health, loneliness, loss of self-confidence, and feeling of elation. Results indicated that (1) in general, tanshin-funin transferees felt more stressful than the oher groups. However, family separation might not be as bad as expected, because while it did cause loneliness and poor health and decrease feeling of elation, the transferee self-confidence was actually increased. (2) The transferee rank did not affect the effects of family separation. (3) Besides, stress responses were measured on 31-items on the difference between present and past levels. According to the results, tanshin-funin transferees believed that psychological stress due to family separation was especially harmful. The effects of family separation depended also on the conceptual levels of measurement.
  • 久保 加津代
    2002年 2002 巻 36 号 61-72
    発行日: 2002/01/31
    公開日: 2012/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have found specific housing and living conditions of women scholars. According to our research, some women scholars have to live separately from their family to pursue their academic career. There is couple of features. 1. They believe one of the houses is their base. 2. They have strong family ties and are closely associated with their family. 3. Their main interests are on academic success. 4. They have many difficulties in their everyday life without any housing support.
    We have named this housing style as “Dual Habitation-Ryozumai”. We are sure that the verity of housing support system will be needed for the diversity of life style.
  • 夫の家庭への関与が家族システムについての認知に及ぼす影響
    並木 典子
    1992年 7 巻 2 号 91-102
    発行日: 1992/12/25
    公開日: 2011/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study attempts to compare job-induced separated families with non-separated families in terms of the relations between participation in and commitment to the husband's company and the husband and the wife's perceptions of their family system. Also, this study discusses how the connection between the husband and his family their influences his family system. The major findings about separated families were as follows: 1) Husbands began to worry about their spouses and children. However, the wives felt that degree of their husbands' participation did not correspond to the size of the problems. 2) A wife whose husband was concerned about his family's well-being felt that she must keep her home in good order. On the other hand, when the husband was not concerned about the family, the wife's expectation of the spouse's help did not induce the husband to contribute. 3) The frequency of husband's return to the home was related to his participation in the family, and the wife's perceptio was influenced by the frequency of the spouse's telephone calling.
  • 単身赴任と帯同赴任の比較
    田中 佑子, 中澤 潤, 中澤 小百合
    1996年 44 巻 2 号 156-165
    発行日: 1996/06/30
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examined the influence of husbands' absence on wives' psychological stress. Women whose husbands transferred with (N=180) or without (N=229) being accompanied by their families, completed questionnaires about stress reaction, childcare anxiety, children's problem behaviors, parent-child communication and fathers' cooperation with child-care. ANOVA analysis revealed that women who did not accompany their husbands (tanshin-funin) reported more stress reactions such as,“feeling lonely”,“anxiety” and “poor physical condition” than did women who accompanied their husbands (taido-funin). Results of path analysis indicated that (1) tanshin-funin wives' child-care anxiety accounted for twice as much variance in their stress reaction, compared with taido-funin wives', and (2) tanshin-funin children's early delinquent behaviors influenced their mothers' child-care anxiety and stress. In addition, tanshin-funin wives recognized that their spouses' father/husband role performance affected children's problem behavior and women's stress. These data suggest that physical husband/father absence does not have so much of a direct negative effect on their families' well-being, but physical absence plus functional absence lead to more child's problem behavior, and wives' child-care anxiety or negative stress.
  • ―MYヘルスアップ研究から―
    森山 葉子, 豊川 智之, 小林 廉毅, 井上 和男, 須山 靖男, 杉本 七七子, 三好 裕司
    2012年 54 巻 1 号 22
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/03/05
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2011/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 佑子
    1988年 36 巻 3 号 229-237
    発行日: 1988/09/30
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 横断的研究・縦断的研究を通じて
    田中 佑子, 中澤 潤, 中澤 小百合
    2000年 71 巻 5 号 370-378
    発行日: 2000/12/25
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of long-term husband absence on wives' stress reaction and child-care anxiety were examined in a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Women whose husband was transferred together with his family (taido-funin, N=180) and those without his (tanshin-funin, N=229) completed a questionnaire of their own stress reaction and child-care anxiety. Five years later, they were again asked to complete the same questionnaire. Of those who participated in the second survey, husbands of 25 wives were still away as tanshin-funin, those of 51 returned and rejoined his family, and 37 families remained as taido-funin. Results of ANOVAs were as follows: Women whose husband continued tanshin-funin reported more stress reaction than those whose husband returned. Expectation of long-term absence was more harmful than that of brief absence. Expectation of long-term absence was more harmful than actual long-term absence. Expectation as well as actual experience of long-term absence had worse effects on wives who had older children, e.g., of college age, than those with younger ones. Finally, no effect of prolonged husband absence was found on child-care anxiety.
  • ファルマシア
    1984年 20 巻 12 号 1181-1183
    発行日: 1984/12/01
    公開日: 2018/08/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原田 まつ子, 相良 多喜子, 宇和川 小百合, 塩入 輝恵, 斎藤 禮子, 平山 智美, 西村 純一, 苫米地 孝之助
    1995年 53 巻 6 号 403-411
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    の男性37人を対象に, 健康状態, 栄養素及び食品群別摂取量状況調査, 性格調査 (谷田部・ギルフォード法) を行い,
    歴3年未満と3年以上, 性格の情緒安定因子と向性因子の性格特性とこれらとの関連を検討し, 次の結果を得た。
    歴の3年未満の者は, 3年以上に比べて“風邪をひきやすい”と回答した者が多く (p<0.05), 関連の度合が大きい。
    歴の3年未満の者は, 3年以上に比べて, 栄養素の摂取量でみると, ビタミンAを除く全ての栄養素が低値であり, 食品群別において, 特に緑黄色野菜の摂取量が少ない (p<0.05)。
    3) 情緒不安定な者は平均または安定な者に比べ, また, 積極型の者は平均または消極型の者に比べ“風邪をひきやすい”と回答した者が多く, 有意差が認められた (p<0.05)。
    4) 栄養素及び食品群別摂取量では, 情緒不安定な者は鉄, 野菜類の摂取量が有意に少なく, また, カルシウム, ビタミンC, 豆類も野菜類と同様に, 情緒不安定の者のほうが摂取量が少なかった。
    一方, 積極型は平均または消極型に比べ, 脂質量が多く, 緑黄色野菜の摂取量は有意に低値で, ビタミンCは少なかった。
    5) 性格特性の情緒安定因子とは, カルシウム, 鉄, 豆類, 野菜類が, また, 向性因子には脂質, ビタミンC, 乳類, 緑黄色野菜とに関連が認められた。
  • 由田 克士, 中川 秀昭, 田畑 正司, 森河 裕子, 千間 正美, 西条 旨子, 高瀬 悦子, 石崎 昌夫, 山田 裕一, 城戸 照彦, 河野 俊一
    1993年 28 巻 1 号 37-41
    発行日: 1993/06/10
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    1990年4月から1991年2月にかけて, 健康診断を受診した30歳から64歳の676名の地方公務員を対象に, 食習慣および栄養摂取状況を調査した。調査結果を
    者と家族との同居者との間で比較検討し, 以下のような結果を得た。
    者は, 家族との同居者に比べて, 朝食や昼食の欠食や夜食などのよくない食習慣を示すものの割合が多い傾向がみられた。
    2. 対象者をBody Mass Index (BMI) が25以上と25未満に分けて, 栄養摂取状況を比較した。BMIが25以上では,
    者は家族と同居している場合に比べて, 総エネルギー, 脂質, ビタミンB2の摂取量が有意に多かった。25未満では,
    者は同居者に比べて, ビタミンAの摂取が低かったが, その他の栄養素については差はみられなかった。
    3. 健診成績を比較するとBMIが25以上では
    者は他者に比べてGOT, コレステロール, 収縮期血圧が高かった。BMIが25未満では両群で差は認められなかった。
    者と家族との同居者との食習慣, 栄養摂取状況の差は, BMIが25以上の群でより強く認められた。
  • 石川 詔子, 五十嵐 益恵, 浜野 美代子
    2001年 10 巻 1 号 67-71
    発行日: 2001/06/10
    公開日: 2017/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 佑子
    1987年 37 巻 6B 号 B96-B100
    発行日: 1987/02/15
    公開日: 2018/12/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • とくに単身赴任者の食生活と栄養
    木村 美恵子, 松本 晶博, 永井 清久, 糸州 嘉則
    1990年 43 巻 6 号 379-393
    発行日: 1990/12/10
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    A survey of the food habits of businessmen staying with or away from their families, working in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Sapporo, Japan, was carried out in September 1986. The following results were obtained. 1) Nutrient intake was as follows; 2, 200-2, 300 kcal total energy, 75-85g protein, 55-66g lipid, 260-280g non-fiber carbohydrate, 2, 500-2, 900IU retinol potency, 1.1-1.3mg thiamin, 1.3-1.5mg riboflavin, 58-77mg ascorbic acid, 370-500mg calcium, 10-11mg iron, 5, 000-5, 500mg sodium, 2, 400-2, 800mg potassium, 1, 100-1, 300mg phosphorus, 230-250mg magnesium, 14-18mg zinc, 2.4-2.8mg manganese, and about 1.2mg copper. 2) The percentages of energy intake were 15.2% for breakfast, 30% for lunch, 40-44% for dinner and 10.5% for snacks between meals on average. 3) Intakes of calcium and ascorbic acid in young businessmen away from their families were very low compared with the other groups and young businessmen were found to drink a large amount of alcohol every day.
  • 木本 喜美子
    2000年 12 巻 1 号 27-40
    発行日: 2000/07/31
    公開日: 2010/05/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 仙台市における事例
    相原 美智子
    1986年 44 巻 3 号 119-130
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    者168名に, 食生活状況を中心として調査を実施したところ, 次の結果を得た。
    1) 仙台市内の
    者は関東地方からが多く (東京, 神奈川等), 赴任年数は3年が多かった。年齢は40歳代以上が80%を占め, 全員が男性である。
    2) 赴任地において常に配慮している点は, 家族の問題に関して, 40歳代が“子どもの教育”, 50歳代以上では“家族の健康”であり, 自分自身の問題に関しては全ての年代が“健康”である。
    の日常生活において, 最も苦労しているのは食生活であった。
    者の60%が規則的に食事を摂取し, 不規則者は夕食に多くみられた。
    5) 食事作りに携わっているのは, 中高年齢層に多くみられた。
    6) 摂食の量は中高年齢層ほど“腹8分目”を心がけている。
    7) 偏食をしない者は68%であり, 偏食者は各年代に存在し, 長年の食習慣を改めるのは困難にみうけられた。
    8) 食品群別摂取状況をみると, 米, 小麦製品は全ての年代が毎日摂取しており, 魚肉類, 卵, 大豆類は若年齢層ほど摂取頻度が高い。油脂類は中高年齢層ほど摂取頻度が低く, 若年齢層と比較して差がみられた。緑黄色野菜は淡色野菜に比較して, いずれの年齢層においても摂取頻度が低かった。牛乳, 小魚類, 海藻類は中高年齢層に摂取頻度が高かった。
    9) 嗜好品の摂取頻度は, 酒は中高年齢層に, コーヒーは若年齢層に高く, タバコは30歳代に高く, 年代別特色がみられた。
    後は“太る”傾向にあり, 原因は, アルコール飲料の摂取量, 食事量等の増加, 運動不足, 食事の節制ができない, 等の理由であった。
  • 田中 佑子
    1996年 12 巻 1 号 43-53
    発行日: 1996/08/15
    公開日: 2016/12/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examined the effects of family separation on tanshin-funin employees' organizational commitment and family commitment, and of both commitments on their primary appraisal and stress reactions. Subjects were 247 tanshin-funin employees, who transferred without the accompaniment of their family, 239 taido-funin employees, who transferred taking their family, and 225 non-transferees. Factor analysis found four factors for organizational commitment; "continuance commitment", "work willingness", "value acceptance" and "utilitarian commitment". Four factors were found for family commitment: "mental bonding", "work willingness", "group orientation", "reason-ability of family" and "utilitarian commitment". Two factors were found for a primary appraisal: "their own problem" and "a family and domestic problem". The results indicated that: (1) "work willingness for organization" and mental bonding" became stronger due to family separation. (2) Tanshin-funin employees' "value acceptance" "group orientation" and both "utilitarian commitments" significantly influenced stress reactions through "their own problem" or "a family and domestic problem".
  • 戸川 可奈子, 中村 留美子, 高槻 京子, 中里 佳恵, 甲田 勝康, 金森 雅夫, 竹内 宏一
    1998年 40 巻 Special 号 589-
    発行日: 1998/03/20
    公開日: 2017/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー