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19,927件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 米軍占領下、沖縄の生存と労働
    謝花 直美
    2019年 15 巻 143-161
    発行日: 2019/09/30
    公開日: 2020/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    Few people know about an area called “Kinwan” which used to exist in the former Gushikawa village soon after the battle of Okinawa. The area was inhabited by group of Naha city people who returned from concentration camps evacuation or overseas after the war. Historicizing the District has been difficult because the area was formed by settlement of returning people but disappeared after they moved out to resettle.In this paper I tried to describe the District focusing on how the politics of occupation in Okinawa influenced the historical recognition of subjects. I concluded that the formation and the decline of the Kinwan District were largely influenced by politics of the occupation which also appeared in military labor and economic recovery of Okinawa.

  • 柴 静子
    2001年 44 巻 3 号 189-199
    発行日: 2001/10/01
    公開日: 2017/11/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This is a series of studies aimed at grasping the totality of home economics educators' visits to the United States as National Leaders from GARIOA funds and at considering their influence on the development of homemaking education in Japan under Occupation. The purpose of this first report is to give an outline of home economics educators' visits to the States and to make it clear that National Leaders' visits were an important part of educational policy for Occupied Areas. After examining GHQ/SCAP, CIE Records, the main points are as follows : 1. Dispatching National Leaders to the States was carried out under educational policy for Occupied Areas by the CIE in accordance with the recommendations of the "Report of the Educational Exchange Survey to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers". 2. Home economics educators dispatched to the State as National Leaders were engaged on 5 projects and consisted of 17 people. They included staff of the Ministry of Education, a university official, faculty members, teacher consultants, a princpal of senior high school and homemaking teachers. 3. According to the objectives set by the CIE, 17 home economics educators took past in study tours for 90 days between February 1950 and December 1951.
  • 山本 浩幾
    2007年 57 巻 12 号 567-574
    発行日: 2007/12/01
    公開日: 2017/05/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 砂本 文彦, 大場 修, 玉田 浩之, 角 哲, 長田 城治, 村上 しほり
    2021年 27 巻 65 号 521-526
    発行日: 2021/02/20
    公開日: 2021/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper aims to clarify the details on dependent housing and rest center under the allied occupation after the end of WWⅡ in Okayama.Okayama Prefecture had been requested buildings and housing following necessity for The Occupying Forces of the Allies, different from their intent. Despite the lack of housing due to the war, new dependent housing had no constructed in Okayama. Many existing buildings were requisitioned and there was a lot of friction among the owners of buildings and The Occupying Forces of the Allies.

  • 加納 実紀代
    2015年 11 巻 5-19
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー

    日本の原発導入は、1953 年12 月のアイゼンハワー米大統領の国連演説「原子力の平和利用」に始まるが、その年は日本の「電化元年」でもあった。テレビ放映が始まり、家庭電化製品が相次いで売り出された。54 年3 月には「原子力の平和利用」は国策として動き出すが、それにともなって電化ブームがおこり、55 年にはテレビ、電気洗濯機、電気冷蔵庫が「三種の神器」としてもてはやされる。


    下において流布した原爆の威力への肯定的評価やアメリカ文化の紹介によってかき立てられた電化生活への憧れがあった。1952 年4 月の独立後、原爆の人体への被害が報道されるようになるが、物理学者武谷三男は被爆国だからこそ「平和利用」すべきだという原発推進の論理を展開、『読売新聞』を中心とするマスメディアも、アメリカと協力して「平和利用博覧会」を主催するなどキャンペーンにつとめた。

    その一方、54 年3 月のアメリカの水爆実験によるビキニ事件をきっかけに、女性を中心に原水爆禁止署名運動が盛り上がり、55 年8 月には国民の3 分の1 以上という多数の署名が集まっている。原発導入と原水爆禁止運動は両立・同時進行したことになる。


  • 砂本 文彦, 大場 修, 玉田 浩之, 角 哲, 長田 城治, 村上 しほり
    2021年 27 巻 65 号 527-532
    発行日: 2021/02/20
    公開日: 2021/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper aims to clarify the dependent housing of Camp Eta Jima during the BCOF occupation. BCOF as a member of The Allied Powers was sent to Japan early in 1946. BCOF had occupied Hiroshima Pref. and stationed Camp Eta Jima former Naval Academy of Japanese Imperial Navy. 112 houses of dependent housing in Camp Eta Jima were constructed and planned by standard plans of GHQ/SCAP conducted by mainly United State. The construction was managed by Australian military officers and Japanese engineers and workers.

  • 沖縄戦と占領初期の那覇市民の生存
    謝花 直美
    2021年 17 巻 77-95
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Though it is a known fact that Naha citizens who evacuated to Northern Okinawa suffered severe famine during the battle of Okinawa and the early US occupation period, detailed situations of the damage still remain unveiled. This is because their evacuation during the war and forced relocation afterward have been told and recorded separately for different time periods. Their dispersion as a result of repeated relocation also made it difficult to see the whole picture. This article focuses on the famine among Naha citizens during these periods and describes their overall migration experiences transversally across the years, illuminating the situation that the poor and fallen food supply system of the occupation forces led to many deaths. Whereas returning home for people from areas other than Naha was the start of “reconstruction,” for Naha citizens, their processes of returning home were a series of desperate struggles to survive.
  • 村上 しほり, 大場 修, 砂本 文彦, 角 哲, 玉田 浩之, 長田 城治
    2020年 85 巻 778 号 2839-2849
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper aims to clarify procurement and construction process of Dependent Housing and private dwelling and buildings in occupied Osaka prefecture by the research of official documents in Japan and the United States.

     At the end of the war, modern architectures remained in the non-war-damaged areas of central Osaka. Unexpectedly, in Osaka, which became the base of the occupation army next to Kyoto in western Japan, they were requested on a large scale. In the procurement of buildings, the situation of disaster and hygiene and the scale of facilities were emphasized. The use of the requisitioned building was changed as needed, but 25 cases were not released until 1952.

     Privately owners have appealed to the Governor of Osaka Prefecture about the situation in which many properties are not returned even if the Treaty of San Francisco was concluded. As a result, the governor requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to release privately-owned buildings and private dwelling. The army facilities in Osaka city have been moved from the city center to several "suburbs". The "suburbs" recognized by the occupation forces were Sakai, Otsu, Amagasaki, and Nara.

     Former military grounds were requisitioned in the earliest days of occupation for example land around Osaka Castle, Kanaoka Camp in Sakai City. Because of the existence of the former Army National Land in Osaka Prefecture, it was possible to secure a vast site. In Hyogo prefecture, there was no former military grounds near the port of Kobe, lands for private owners were required, and the sacrifice of requisition in each city was different.

     The privately-owned requisitioned dwellings in Osaka Prefecture were located in the Hokusetsu area (Minoo, Ikeda) for the 5th Air Force, the suburbs of Osaka City area (Sumiyoshi, Abeno) and the Senboku area (Sakai, Takaishi) for the 25th Infantry Division. The Hamadera residential area and Ueno Shiba residential area, which were formed in Sakai city in the early Showa era, were requisitioned for the largest number of dwellings in Osaka prefecture.

     The "Hamadera Park DH" for the 25th division of the 8th army was constructed in Osaka Prefecture Hamadera Park ( in Sakai City and Takaishi City) from Sep. 1946 to Jan. 1948. This was the design supervision of the Osaka Prefecture Special Construction Division as Dependent Housing, and the construction of Obayashi, Zenitaka, and Asanuma groups. The 8th army 323th technical unit also conducted on-site instruction. It was used as the DH of Itami Air Force Base after 1952. Although the release movement was launched against the long-term entry of Japanese people to Hamadera Park, the decision to completely return it was delayed in Feb. 1958 when the return of Itami Air Base was decided.

     Consistent and enthusiastic negotiations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Osaka Prefecture have come to fruition. While the relationship between Osaka City and suburban residential areas outside the city remained unchanged during the occupation period, it became clear that the scope of the "suburbs" expanded and the army moved to other prefectures.

  • *松本 裕行
    2017年 2017s 巻 916
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/05/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    軍専用住宅の概要や(商工省工芸指導所1948),その建設方法と生活用品の仕様に関する分析(小泉ほか 1999),既存の一般住宅の接収に関する東京や京都を対象とした調査がなされてきた.また,接収にともなう改修工事の実例とその特徴,生活設備の産業技術的な側面に焦点を当てた調査も進められた(松本 2014・2016).
  • 何が変わらなかったのか(後編)
    大森 淳郎
    2021年 71 巻 12 号 2-21
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/01/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    軍の本質を体現するものとしてのラジオ。当時、放送現場にいた人々は、その体験をありありと語ってくれた。 後編では、アメリカの
  • 角 哲, 大場 修, 砂本 文彦, 玉田 浩之, 村上 しほり, 長田 城治
    2021年 86 巻 780 号 617-627
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー

     The purpose of this article is to clarify the construction process and features of Camp Crawford in Makomanai, Sapporo. It was named after Joseph Ury Crawford, advisor and U.S. railway engineer of the Hokkaido development commission (Kaitakushi). Upon the occupation of Japan, the general headquarters (GHQ) set the 9th corps, 8th army’s headquarters in Sapporo, chosen primarily because of Hokkaido’s location. Several notable cities in Japan were war damaged, hence had little facility stocks. Sapporo, on the other hand, was intact and had enough supplies. These were essential aspects in establishing the headquarters in Sapporo.

     GHQ ordered the Japanese government to construct 20,000 dependent housings (DH) in March 1946. This proved difficult because building materials were scarce, so some construction projects were stopped. However, deemed by the government as essential in the Cold War due to its strategic location, Camp Crawford’s construction continued and was erected quickly in Sapporo.

     GHQ appropriated the land of the Hokkaido Animal Husbandry Experimental Station Makomanai as the site. It was located south of Sapporo’s city center, about 4-6 kilometers away, upstream of Toyohira river. Jozankei railways was at the eastern side. These proved valuable to maintaining good living conditions and sanitation. Also, beneficial for swift construction.

     Private contractors organized a special union to construct the new camp. The union received the contract as a single unit. This approach was outstanding at that time since it can be recognized as the initial stages of a joint venture (JV) agreement. The JV was definitively established during the 1950’s in Japan. Construction was delayed but eventually completed as supply of building materials for this particular camp was a priority. 8th army head Eichelberger evaluated it as “too expensive.” Consider though, that the camp had several facilities and covered a vast plot of land. Also, the land area for one DH was the largest among all camps in Japan.

     The DH and troop housing (TH) were developed concurrently, a unique feature here since, typically in GHQ’s camps across Japan, these would be built separately. This camp’s site plan was influenced by topography and old facilities. TH and DH areas were situated in the eastern part of the site where it was dry and higher than the west. The service facilities were on the west amidst gently rolling terrain. TH was on the upper section of the site’s eastern part, laid out on a grid using the old farm road. Below it, the DH was arranged on curved roads, following GHQ standard. Several facilities were added, making the camp almost a small city.

     TH area had, among others, an office, PX, bakery, church, theater, clubs, library, gym, sports grounds, and golf link. DH area had detached and row houses using GHQ standards, except for the roof material. Instead, the roof was finished with sheet iron, characteristic of the cold region, and contributing to high costs. However, the GHQ used existing facilities and new buildings were simple. The camp was generally using excellent specifications when compared to Japanese buildings at that time.

     After derequisition, late 1950's, the site was transformed to the Japan Self-Defense Force Base and a prefectural residential area, Makomanai Danchi. The DH area was once used as Olympic village, the golf link for stadiums. Camp Crawford is the foundation of present residential suburbs.

  • 角 哲, 大場 修, 砂本 文彦, 玉田 浩之, 村上 しほり, 長田 城治
    2021年 86 巻 781 号 1083-1093
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This article has two purposes. One is to clarify requisitioning of land and buildings in the urban area of Nagoya. Another is to investigate the construction process and features of two dependent housing (DH) districts, American Village and Castle Heights, during GHQ’s occupation in Nagoya.

     On 26 September 1945, the vanguard unit advanced into Nagoya from Kyoto City which was the base of the 6th Army. Shortly, Nagoya became headquarters of the Tokai and Hokuriku regions (first charged areas were Aichi, Gifu and Shizuoka prefectures). In February 1946, the army’s occupation unit changed to the 5th Air Force and were stationed in Nagoya and Komaki. Before the arrival of the 5th Air Force, there were few buildings that could be requisitioned because of huge damages brought by the war. At that time, Aichi prefecture and Nagoya City was focused on war damage reconstruction. The project was carried out with Nagoya City as the enforcer. The main projects were land readjustment, road improvements such as two 100-meter-wide roads, and parks maintenance. This project was a remarkable achievement in the urban redevelopment carried out nationwide after WWII.

     GHQ ordered the construction of 20,000 dependent housing (DH) for the Japanese government on 6 March 1946. Then, the 5th Air Force planned an “American Village” close to Shirakawa town, an old commercial district in Nagoya. Furthermore, they planned “Castle Heights” near Nagoya Castle which was a former Japanese Army site, regiment headquarters, military housing and the like. During the construction, they demolished part of the former Japanese Army's facilities to create the site. As a result, Nagoya has two DH districts in the city center which was a notable feature recognized nationwide. Thereafter, local governments determined the site of the American Village in five days following the 5th Air Force request. The information on construction of the American Village was released as a prefectural notice on 1 June 1946. The measurement and planning of the American Village was carried out by the City of Nagoya as part of the war damage rehabilitation endeavor. This fact reveals that the construction projects for the occupation army and war damage rehabilitation were closely related.

     The American Village was completed in June 1947. It was designed according to GHQ’s guideline for DH construction. The DH district had nine types of houses with numerous facilities such as a church, club house, school, PX, softball ground, swimming pool and so on. Consequently, the American Village could be characterized as a small town. Castle Heights, on the other hand, was not of the same magnitude of the American Village, it was only considered a residential area.

     The 5th Air Force did not withdraw from Nagoya immediately after the Treaty of Peace with Japan took effect on 28 April 1952. This caused the late derequisitioning of land and buildings in Nagoya. It also affected war damage rehabilitation, especially with the two DH districts. The existence of the DH districts disturbed construction of the 100-meter-wide road (presently Wakamiya odori), Shirakawa Park, and two 50-meter-wide roads (presently Fushimi dori and Dekimachi dori). In fact, land and buildings owners and the City of Nagoya petitioned for release from the GHQ. The war damage rehabilitation was finally completed only after liberation.

  • 出口 雄一
    2006年 2006 巻 56 号 141-174,12
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2012/07/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 渡部 幹夫
    2007年 73 巻 6 号 243-252
    発行日: 2007/11/30
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Vaccination is of great value to us. Protection from inoculation is more than the prevention of infectious disease. It is a political theme of the worldwide security pact. However, there were fear and anxiety for vaccination in the world, particularly in Japan. Japan constituted the Preventive Vaccination Law in 1948 under Allied Powers occupation. It was very enforceable law unlike any other in the world. Its broad coverage of vaccination was made up by the policy of GHQ. The law obliged Japanese people to get inoculations with domestic vaccine. It seems hat many vaccination accidents that occurred later in Japan were caused by the poor vaccine production system. The risks of vaccinations were already mentioned in GHQ documents, but it was not regarded as important in the Preventive Vaccination Law of Japan. It also caused many problems with vaccinations. GHQ/5CAP PHW improved many problems in Japanese public sanitation in postwar years, but it is also true that they left some problems for the later in Japan. The Preventive Vaccination Law continued into effect without changing its legal force after the end of the occupation, and caused smallpox vaccination evils. The forced attitude, which is military medical in the Preventive Vaccination Law, was finally over in the legal revision in 1994. These historic facts are considered a possible reason of some Japanese vaccinations avoidance.
  • 鞆谷 純一
    2008年 60 巻 1 号 2-12
    発行日: 2008/05/01
    公開日: 2017/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 村上 彌穗若
    1895年 7 巻 68 号 275-301
    発行日: 1895/09/30
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐藤 洋一
    2020年 4 巻 2 号 120-123
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/04/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス



  • ―島根県を事例に―
    上野 満帆, 中間 由紀子
    2019年 55 巻 4 号 205-212
    発行日: 2019/12/25
    公開日: 2019/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    This study examined the policies and development concerning women’s education in occupied Japan (1945–1952), particularly Shimane Prefecture. The Ministry of Education had developed a plan to cultivate voluntary women’s groups. However, because the plan made it possible to use existing groups, it was withdrawn by the Civil Information and Education Section (CIE). CIE insisted that women’s groups should be composed entirely of volunteers. Based on the policies of the Ministry of Education and CIE, Shimane Prefecture encouraged the formation of voluntary women’s groups. However, in fact, it did so by using existing women’s associations to promote women’s education. The reasons for the responses were the connection between the Ministry of Education and Shimane Prefecture, the feudal character of rural society, and the existence of the Chugoku Civil Affairs Region. As women’s education developed in Shimane Prefecture, women gradually began acting with voluntary consciousness.

  • 小座野 八光
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1997年 1997 巻 26 号 37-58
    発行日: 1997/06/01
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Interference by Dutch colonial authority in Java's village administration was indirect in comparison with that in higher levels of administration. Chiefs of the higher administrative units such as kabupaten, kewedanaan and kecamatan were appointed as local administrative officials called pangreh praja. On the other hand, a village headman was a man of renown in his village who was elected through an election for mere form's sake. And a newly-elected village headman often had a blood relationship to his predecessor. So naturally he was not a modern administrative official.
    Assuming he was a modern administrative official, he must have had the two essential qualifications, namely occupational skills and the occupational loyalty. But village headmen had neither occupational skills nor occupational loyalty, because he was not a modern administrative official.
    After the beginning of Japanese occupation, Java's society rapidly became involved in the wartime economy. And village headmen, whose title was changed to kucho, meaning the head of ku, were made to bear the responsibility for all of the demands that the Japanese authorities made of the villages. In short, a village headman was required to be the lowest-level administrative official.
    The Japanese demands seemed to have two aspects. On one hand, a kucho was required to be a capable official with occupational skills to handle new tasks. On the other hand, he was supposed to be a spokesman with occupational loyalty to the Japanese authorities. But in fact, the majority of kucho could not sufficiently adapt themselves to these new conditions. For example, most kuchos were illiterate. Furthermore, many kuchos were dismissed or arrested on suspicion of non-cooperation with Japan.
    In February 1944, a new ordinance on the election and dismissal of kucho called Kucho Senkyo Himen Rei was promulgated in order to save this situation, but this ordinance had a structural defect. According to this ordinance, every incumbent kucho was allowed a tenure of 4 years starting on the 1st of March 1944. Consequently, an election was not expected unless an incumbent kucho was dismissed, retired or died.
    At this point, a short training course for kuchos called Kucho Koshukai was prepared to save this immediate situation. But these short training courses were usually only for a few days. In such a short time period, it was impossible for a kucho to improve his occupational skills such as literacy. I think the main purpose of this Kucho Koshukai was to cultivate the occupational loyalty of kuchos to the Japanese authorities, the other essential qualification for modern administrative officials.
    I assumed that the main requirement of kuchos was to have occupational loyalty. Thus, a kucho was merely a spokesman for Japanese rule in his village, and it was in fact difficult for him to improve his occupational skills.
    I used Sinar Baroe, an Indonesian daily newspaper, as the main historiographical source for this research. Sinar Baroe was published in Semarang city between July 1942 and September 1945 with permission of the Japanese authorities.
  • ―類型化によるシオニスト入植史へのアプローチ―
    *今野 泰三
    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
    2009年 2009 巻 408
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/16
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    分野と発表内容:1967年戦争においてイスラエルは、ヨルダン川西岸地区、 ガザ地帯、ゴラン高原等を新たに