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クエリ検索: "大主教"
281件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 太記 祐一
    2007年 72 巻 621 号 203-208
    発行日: 2007/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople was known as the imperial burial place of Byzantine Empire. Because of this unique feature, the church could be placed in the extraordinary position in the spiritual world. The purpose of this study is to clarify the religious character of this church. In this paper, through the description of the famous ceremonial book, "De ceremoniis", the deeds of the emperor were researched: after the ceremonial entrance to the liturgy, the emperor retreats in the gallery and attended the liturgy from there. It makes a remarkable difference, in compare with the imperial attendance in Hagia Sophia.
  • 宮野 裕
    2004年 113 巻 4 号 423-456
    発行日: 2004/04/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many scholars have pointed out that at the end of the fifteenth century, there were "Heretics" in Novgorod and that they either formed a sect of Judaism, or a group of iconoclasts or antitrinity proponents. However the problem of the heresy cannot be solved without discussing why and how churchmen judged them as heretics. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of such judgments. The author not only discusses the private view of the Archbishop of Novgorod, Gennadii (1485-1504), who first "discovered" the Heretics of Novgorod, but also investigate how his view differed from the official one. In the early days, Gennadii discovered the "Heretics of Markion and Messaria," who denied Christ, His Holy Mother and icons, and presented evidence of their heresy at their trial. In 1488, the council of Moscow accepted part of the evidence given by Gennadii and declared the three clerics changed to be heretics. However one diiak (the holy man of the church) was not convinced of this heresy for a lack of sufficient testimony. After the council of 1488, several others, who had settled in Moscow, were seen as heretics. At that time, the clergy of Novgorod was led by a priest of Arkhangelskii, Denis, and launched an attack on Gennadii. In addition to this group, a monk of Pskov, Zakhar, also attacked Gennadii and accused him of heresy. These counter-accusations were effective because Ivan III, the grand prince of Moscow (1462-1505), and the metropolitan Zosima of Moscow (1490-1494), were not very close to Gennadii, who immediately reaccused those groups as heretical. At the council in 1490, Gennadii's re-accusations were not accepted at first ; however, when the bishops who took part in the council arrested Denis and took him to the trial, Zakhar, Denis and the other clerics were condemned as the same heretics. It was this stage that finally Gennadii's orthodoxy was settled.
  • 「2016年ウガンダ総選挙」に働く死者のエージェンシー
    梅屋 潔
    2018年 83 巻 2 号 274-284
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper argues the effectiveness of a strategy by President Museveni's campaign for reelection to conduct a series of government re-burials of or commemorative ceremonies for great men with West Nilotic origin who had been murdered by then-President Idi Amin. The attempt is to describe the attitude of the Western Nilotic peoples in Uganda towards a series of events, and to confirm how individuals with voting rights are inseparably connected to the identity and sentiments of their ethnic group. The re-burials clearly show that modern presidential elections in Uganda have an emotional aspect as well as a civic one. The series of events, and the strategic effectiveness displayed, force us to rethink the universality of the idea of the concept of "citizenship." That concept—as with all concepts of Western origin believed to be universal—has been interpreted and appropriated reasonably within an autochthonous cosmogony, and might be seen to be interwoven with autochthonous concepts in Africa and other areas after being imported from the West.

    Because of the series of events, the people of Western Nilotic origin, or at least those who can assert to have some connection, supported President Museveni as he honored the great dead men of their ethnicity. This time, the reburial was an epoch-making strategy to address the issue, and even successfully managed to integrate people based on their ethnicity, even though the late Oboth-Ofumbi was not especially beloved by all his neighbors. Another issue was the role of religious and spiritual dimensions in peopleʼs voting behavior. The government's honoring of the dead positively affected people in neighboring communities. It can be said that the dead thus demonstrated agency to the living, having intervened in the actions of the living. In a sense, they—ontologically, the dead—shared a social space with the living in terms of personhood, which, for people of Western Nilotic origin, inevitably includes those who have already died. A consideration of the state of the dead can thus greatly influence their voting behavior.

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 門野 泉
    2010年 40 巻 111-127
    発行日: 2010/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chess provoked a scandal when it was first performed at the Globe Theatre in 1624. Due to the severe sarcasm it directed against Count Gondomar, former Spanish ambassador, and Catholic Spain, the play was banned by the Privy Council after 9 consecutive performances because it was considered that the King's Men had flouted the commandment that no contemporary Christian monarchs should be represented on stage. It seems certain that there were much more serious reasons why this play would have offended James I, who ordered an investigation into the offensive performances with the intent of making a severe example of the offenders. After strict interrogations, the Master of Revels and individual actors were found not guilty. After being given a stern warning, the King's Men were ordered to pay a light fine, and only Middleton was jailed in the Fleet prison. The decisions of the Privy Council appeared to be politically motivated and unfair. However, careful reading of the comedy reveals that the playwright portrayed James I as having innocent foolishness, lack of confidence, lacking both leadership and insight into human nature, and many other weaknesses as a king, in comparison with the Machiavellian Count Gondmar's superb political ability, sharp insight and brilliant tactics. There can be no doubt that the members of the Privy Council realized that Middleton's satire was focused not only on Spain but also on the King of England and his court. This would seem to explain why he received the heaviest sentence. Although this was an unfortunate outcome for him, when viewed from another angle, the punishment was a positive evaluation of his sharp satirical comedy, and therefore can be considered a "just reward" for his brilliant talent and sharp insight into human nature.
  • 太記 祐一
    2005年 70 巻 590 号 181-186
    発行日: 2005/04/30
    公開日: 2017/02/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to research the description of the famous ceremonial book, "De ceremoniis" which was compiled in the 10th century by the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos. It reveals an important roll of the religious processions in the middle Byzantine period. The ceremonies and the churches in Constantinople are divided in the two remarkable groups; 1.the old urbane basilicas (ex. Hagia Sophia) with the great religious feasts, supported by the conservativeness of the society. 2.the new palace-churches (ex. "Nea" the New Church) with the less important memorial feasts of the saints, created by the real political needs.
  • 今村 栄一
    2019年 51 巻 89-102
    発行日: 2019/10/15
    公開日: 2019/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Luther-Wittenberg 改革主体の考察
    冨本 健輔
    1958年 40 巻 15-
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2022/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中沢 敦夫
    1998年 62 巻 48-58
    発行日: 1998/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮野 裕
    2004年 75 巻 21-39
    発行日: 2004/11/10
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Исследователи давно считают, что в придворных политических проблемах на рубеже XV-XVI веков участвовали <<новгородские еретики>>. Эти проблемы представляли собой: 1)династическую борьбу за престол преемника великого князя Ивана III(1462-1505); 2)опалу выдающихся князей. По мнению некоторых исследователей, <<новгородские еретики>> стали причиной обращения к ереси Елены Степановны, матери внука Ивана III, Дмитрия Ивановича и князей Семена Ряполовского и Ивана и Василия Патрикеевых. Тот факт, что эти личности исчезли с исторической арены почти в одно время, усиливает вышеупомянутое предположение. Однако анализ исторических источников позволяет нам считатъ его неверным. Занимаясь проблемой <<новгородских еретиков>>, автор статьи думает следующее: Во-первых, нет основания считать,что дьяк великого князя Ивана III федор Курицын и Елена Степановна являлись еретиками и имели отношение к <<новгородским еретикам>>, уже осужденным на московском соборе 1490 г. Подозрение и новгородского архиепископа Геннадия (1485-1504), и Ивана III на них на <<новгородских еретиков>>, являлось способом оправдания расправы над ними. Именно по этой причине Генналий называл федора Курицына еретиком. Он видел в федоре даже руководителя еретиков, а Иосиф Волоцкий получил такое представление от Геннадия. Что касается Елены Степановны, то ее в ереси подозревал сам Иван III. Есть достаточно оснований утверждать, что Иван III, который раньше назначил Дмитрия Ивановича своим преемником, передумал и арествовал его и его мать для того, чтобы отдать престол князю Василию Ивановичу, второму кандидату на звание великого князя Московското государства. Во-вторых, нет основания думать, что опала князей Семена Ряполовского и Ивана и Василия Патрикеевых была связана с <<новгородскими еретиками>>. Что касается связей между князями, Федором Курицыном и Еленой Степановной то автор не отрицает их возможной связи, однако, не согласен с тем, что у них была солидарность как религиозная или политическая партия.
  • 細川 滋
    2003年 112 巻 10 号 1731-1732
    発行日: 2003/10/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • モートン委員会における国教会、カトリック教会の意見を中心として
    川田 昇
    1971年 1971 巻 23 号 69-91,206
    発行日: 1971/03/30
    公開日: 2009/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. In this article, the writer first examines the discussions on the matter of the law concerning divorce presented by both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Chunrch in the Royal Commission (Morton Commission) in 1952, and then shows why they opposed adding the hopeless breakdown of marriage as a judicial ground for divorce. The writer approaches the subject from the viewpoint of the sociology of law. This work is a primary step to the investigation into the process of the formation of the Divorce Reform Act 1969.
    2. At that time, both Churches were mostly concerned with how the increasing divorce rate could be reduced. They, therefore, asserted: “Whether explicitly on Christian ground or simply on grounds of national well-being, the [legal] principle [on marriage] should be to adhere as far as possible to Christian standard”.
    3. In the memorandum submitted to the Commission, the Church of England, in opposing the addition of the hopeless breakdown of marriage as a judicial ground for divorce, proclaimed as follows: “The purpose of the law must be to encourage the true principle of life-long marriage and to inculcate it into the mind of citizen”. And the law can discharge that function efficiently as long as the “doctrine of matrimonial offence” is maintained. From this point of view, they opposed adopting the “doctrine of breakdown of marriage”. They were afraid that the adoption of this doctrine would suggest that marriage was not a life-long union. In short they were afraid that this doctrine would deprive law of “moral incentive”.
    4. The witness of the Roman Catholic Church, on the other hand, agreed with the suggestion, made by a Commissioner, that the breakdown of marriage should be the only judicial ground for divorce. This was not because they understood that the reform based on the suggestion was the judicial acceptance of the social reality of marriage breakdown, but because the reform, by reducing the judicial ground for divorce, would make a divorce less frequent. The Roman Catholic Church was convinced that people would be able to overcome their matrimonial difficulties if divorce were made very difficult to obtain.
    5. The writer concludes that both Churches almost overlooked that a stringent law which was too oblivious of human experience was broken anomalies and concessions, flouted by widespread by defeat and deceit, and then failed to help morality and promote stability of the institution of marriage and family.
  • 清水 俊行
    2008年 83 巻 38-53
    発行日: 2008/11/07
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Александр Толстопятов (Архиепископ Пермский), которому посвящена статья, во время русско-японской войны служил лейтенантом морского флота и провел в качестве военнопленного четыре месяца в лагере г. Фукуока. Будучи человеком благочестивым, он молился о скорейшем возвращении на родину во время Божественной Литургии, которую служил японский священник в стране врагов. По возвращении домой его ждала блестящая офицерская карьера, но он, в 40 лет, оставив службу, неожиданно для всех поступил в Петроградский высший Богословский Институт и по окончании курсов сразу был рукоположен в священники, а потом принял монашеский постриг. После Октябрьского переворота он многократно подвергался аресту, заключению и каторге. После освобождения второго заключения, церковные власти назначили его пастырем в г. Пермьместо последнего служения о. Андроника (Никольского), в прошлом - японского миссионера. Напомним в этой связи, что духовным отцом-воспитателем о. Александра был будущий патриарх Сергий (Страгородский), который тоже дважды служил в японской миссии как помощник владыки Николая (Касаткина). Известно, что с тех пор, как они встретились впервые, митрополит Сергий высоко ценил проповеднический талант о. Александра и пекся о нем всю жизнь. Таким образом, между этими тремя людьми (то есть Сергием, Андроником и Александром) очевидна особая личная связь, которой они обязаны Японской Православной церкви во главе с владыкой Николаем. В частности, вероятно, именно в Японии, в трагических обстоятельствах, в о. Александре пробудился истинный христианин. Впоследствии и в России, в условиях гонений на церковь со стороны советской власти, ему не раз приходилось преодолевать неимоверные физические и духовные трудности, однако всякий раз он убеждался, что Бог его хранит. Можно сказать, что многие жертвы в своей жизни он был вынужден принести как человек, близкий к патриаршему местоблюстителю Сергию, с другой стороны, как наставлял его тот же владыка Сергий при хиротонии о. Александра на сан епископа Пермского, в своей жизни он следовал принципам св. новомученика Андроника, который в свое время принял святую мученическую кончину.
  • 宮野 裕
    2000年 67 巻 2-16
    発行日: 2000/10/14
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉村 貴之
    2000年 67 巻 45-60
    発行日: 2000/10/14
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 文化人類学
    2018年 83 巻 2 号 143
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田口 正樹
    2015年 64 巻 416-421
    発行日: 2015/03/30
    公開日: 2021/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 18世紀半ばのアメリカ植民地におけるイングランド国教会
    青柳 かおり
    2007年 227 巻 44-
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2022/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 阪口 修平
    2003年 112 巻 10 号 1732-1733
    発行日: 2003/10/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 澤田 昭夫
    1980年 1980 巻 19 号 118-124
    発行日: 1980/12/25
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ギリシャ正教会の特徴とグローバル化への対応
    内山 明子
    2019年 2019 巻 38 号 25-54
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/04/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス