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クエリ検索: "大町温泉郷"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 2007年7月19日(木)~21日(土)(長野県・大町温泉郷「黒部観光ホテル」)
    来山 正昭
    2007年 49 巻 9 号 639
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2019/04/16
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • -地域分析における自己組織化臨界状態に関する応用研究 その4-
    和田 尚之
    2010年 75 巻 649 号 651-657
    発行日: 2010/03/30
    公開日: 2010/06/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Based on the survey results from the Nagano Prefecture Tourist Site Users Statistics that were published in May 2009, out of 291 tourist sites that existed in Nagano in the last 16 years, 117 tourist sites were selected for Self-Organized Criticality analysis. These 117 tourists were extracted according to the criteria: 1) Annual users exceeding 100,000 people or 2) being a very well known tourist site. Based on the analysis results, the tourist sites that indicated being in Self-Organized Criticality are categorized into 3 groups. This is followed by a discussion of means of transportation to the tourist sites. As a result, relational characteristics were drawn out between the means of transportation and the number users in each group.
  • 中房 敏朗, 松井 良明, 石井 浩一
    2000年 13 巻 55-73
    発行日: 2000/03/31
    公開日: 2017/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩竹 要, 二口 克人, 山本 慎介
    2023年 65 巻 3 号 255-266
    発行日: 2023/08/31
    公開日: 2023/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    北アルプス東麓の葛温泉地域3 か所の温泉水の水素・酸素安定同位体比,トリチウム(3H)分析を行い,温泉水の起源,流動様式,熱源を推定した。葛温泉は,ナトリウム塩化物泉とナトリウム炭酸水素塩泉の中間型であった。トリチウムと水素・酸素安定同位体分析結果から,温泉水は天水起源で少なくとも1980年代後半よりも以前に,周囲の山岳地帯に降った降水と推定した。地下に浸透した水は,鮮新世花崗岩類で加熱され,高瀬川沿いの高透水部から流出していると判断した。

  • 伊藤 真人, 正木 智幸
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1987年 60 巻 9 号 567-592
    発行日: 1987/09/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    北アルプスにおける最終氷期前半以前の氷河前進期の年代と氷河の分布範囲については不明な点が多く,具体的な報告も少ない.そこで,古い氷河地形が残存している可能性のある鹿島川大冷沢流域を調査地域とし,トレンチ調査を含む現地調査を行なったところ,以下の事実が判明した. 1) 大冷沢上流域,北股谷の谷頭部には布引沢カールが,その下流側にはU字谷が,さらに西股出合から大谷原にかけても氷食谷が発達する.また,上流側より布引沢モレーン,北股モレーン,大谷原モレーンが認められ,氷河最大拡張期の氷河の末端は,標高約1,200m付近にまで達していたと考えられる. 2) 上記の氷食谷の形態やモレーンの位置,さらにアウトウォッシュ段丘(鹿島川第2段丘~第4段丘)の分布から,少なくとも3回の氷河前進期,すなわち古いほうから,大谷原期,北股期,布引沢期の存在が指摘できた.またターミナルモレーンこそ発見できなかったものの,大谷原期と北股期との間には,氷河前進期と考えられる西股期が存在する可能性がある.なお,これらの氷河地形の分布から復元される各氷河前進期の氷河は,氷河最大拡張期の大谷原期以降,徐々に上流側に縮小したかたちで分布していたことが推定される. 3) 大谷原モレーンのトレンチ調査や下流側の段丘の形成時期から,西股期を含め上記4回の氷河前進期の年代について検討した結果,大谷原期は少なくとも10万y. B. P. より以前,西股期は6万y. B. P.より少し前,北股期は2万y. B. P. 前後,布引沢期は北股期以降とそれぞれ考えられる.したがって大谷原期は,ヴュルム氷期(最終氷期)よりむしろリス氷期に対比されるであろう.
  • 内川 淳
    1987年 35 巻 1 号 14-28
    発行日: 1987/06/25
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) The Himekawa drainage area is one of the most heavy snow area in Japan with annual cover of 1.5-4.0m. This area is divided into two sub-areas, the northern and soutern parts, at Nakatsuchi, Otari Village by the depth of snow and the time of melting. In the southern part, the snow is very dry because the altitude is very high with very low temperature. The snow cover is the deepest in late February or early March and last to the middle of April. On the other hand, in the northern part, the snow is very wet because the altitude is very low with higher temperature than the south. And the snow cover is the deepest in late January or early February and it lasts to the early April, a month earlier than the south. For these reasons, the ways of removing snow on the roofs and of melting snow on the field and the kind of decorations for the New Year are different between two parts. Furthermore, the way and tools of snow treading to keep paths in the snow are different between two parts by the snow depth and topographic conditions.
    (2) Agricultural land utilization of this Himekawa area is restricted very strongly by the continuous show cover duration which reaches 120 days per year. Therefore, people in this area keep watching Yukigata (the shape of snow patches on the mountain high slopes) and common sayings which predict weather condition very valuably to make their original agricultural calendar by their traditions. Furthermore, they melt snow artificially to advance the season of seeding ricer and they contrive the way of seeding and cropping wheats which does not adapt to this area. From the viewpoints of the land utilization for forestry, the snow decrease the values of wood by bending trunks and breaking branches. On the other hand, the snow cover gives advantages for forestry such as preventing frost heaving, supplying water and preparing the roads to transport lumbers by sledding.
    People use snow as insulation for storing vegetables and as fields for sledding and skiing. Ski industries have been growing quickly since the middle of 1960's by developing and improving ski grounds, facilities, and accomodations in this area and by increasing numbers of trains on Oito-Line, Eastern Japanese Railways. As a result, industries and structures of population in this area have greatly changed.
    (3) It is recongnized that some cultures have been spread into this Kita-Azumi area from Toyama and Niigata prefectures. Technology of production such as Ecchu-Shibari (a way of bundling up harvested rice straws) and the way of making a charcoal kiln and life styles such as tree fences for wind breaking are spread from Toyama Prefecture. On the other hand, cultures for food such as Sasa-Zushi and Sasa-Dango (a kind of regional Sushi and dumpling wrapped by dwarf bamboo leaves) and Iwashino-Tsukedome (a salted sardine for preserving), a way of building houses protecting heavy snow cover and some technology of manufacturing sleds and skies are spread from Niigata Prefecture.
    Because of same natural environment of deep snow, the characterized local culture of this Kita-Azumi area was created by cultural interchange to Niigata Prefecture. Especially, in the settlements of Oami Todo and Yokokawa, Kita-Otari districts, Otari Village, which are located very close to the boundary to Niigata Prefecture, there are very strong effects of the Echigo (Niigata Prefecture) Culture.
  • 藪崎 志穂
    2012年 54 巻 4 号 229-247
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー