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406件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 榎本 千賀子, 櫻澤 孝佑
    2023年 7 巻 s2 号 s63-s66
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/10/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス




  • 大学間連携による地域の課題解決型デザイン教育の試み
    高橋 延昌, *小出 昌二, *塙 武郎, *大島 直樹, *皆川 全弘, *藤井 靖史
    2017年 64 巻 B8-05
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/06/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    地域を盛り上げようとした。2016年度は5 つの大学と協力団体等による合同ですすめられ,現地視察やシンポジウムを開催したり,調査や具体的な成果を通じて地域に貢献できた。
  • 新田 富也, 塚越 重明, 安達 正畝, 瀬尾 邦夫
    1995年 45 巻 252 号 201-212
    発行日: 1995/08/31
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Okuaizu geothermal field is located in the western part of the Aizu district, Fukushima prefecture, northeast Japan. A geothermal investigation in the area was commenced by Mitsui, Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.(MMS) in 1974. The Okuaizu Geothermal Co., Ltd.(OAG), a subsidiary company of MMS, Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. and Toshiba Corporation, took over this exploration in 1983.
    OAG has drilled fourteen production wells and three reinjection wells so far. The production zone of the field is formed by two fault systems, Chinoikezawa fault system and Sarukurazawa fault system. The reinjection zone is in the Oizawa fault system. These three fault systems have NW-SE strikes and are steeply dipping to NE. The Production wells are drilled by positive displacement control drilling to get many feed points in these declined faults. Major feed points are at a depth from 1, 000 to 2, 600m. The formation temperature at these depths is 200 to 350°C. Geothermal reservoirs governed by these fault systems are estimated to have a potencial to continue supplying steam to a 75MWe power station for 30 years. The production wells produce steam and water mixture. The steam is separated and supplied to a 65MWe power station. The commercial operation of power station began in May, 1995 and is operated by Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. An operational peculiarity in the Okuaizu field is that separated water containing dissolved silica is diluted with the overflow water from the cooling tower of power station before reinjection to avoid the scaling problem in the reinjection wells.
  • 安達 正畝
    2004年 54 巻 1 号 13-26
    発行日: 2004/05/20
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although the electric power generation using geothermal energy is classified as renewable energy, in the process to reach some renewable level of production there is often a considerable decline in steam production, and it causes an economical problem at several geothermal power plants in the world, including Japan. In the Okuaizu geothermal field in Fukushima prefecture, The Yanaizu Nishiyama Geothermal Power plant of the Tohoku Electric Power Company started operating by 65MWe in 1995, and Okuaizu Geothermal Co., Ltd. produces the steam used by this operation. Despite the fact that the steam production decreased in 2000 soon after the production had started, which caused the power generation output to fall until 38MWe, it succeeded in recovering up to 45MWe by now. From now on, it is needed to take measures that do not let the electric power to go below 45MWe. On the whole, the production decline trend of the Okuaizu geothermal field as well as almost all the geothermal fields in the world is to be harmonic trend. However, since a complicated factor is involved in each geothermal well, in many cases, a decline trend cannot be approximated with exponential or harmonic function curve. That the natural decline curve accompanying the pressure fall of the whole reservoir, as well as the decline or the increase curve by temporary cause and the overlap that is peculiar to each well make prediction more difficult. The writer examined the decline curve of each well in the Okuaizu geothermal field and concluded that there are three typical curves in this field: (1) the parabola decline curve by the physical blockade in the well bore by carbonate or sulfate scale, (2) the sharply irregular trend by the physical blockade of the geothermal fluid passing in the reservoir by mud water and cuttings and (3) the harmonic decline curve accompanying the pressure fall of the whole reservoir. The measure for the case (1), which is the well bore stimulation using hydrochloric acid was done successfully. For the case (2), which is the well bore stimulation using river water, was done with fruitful result. Enhanced Geothermal Systems, which means injecting water into the reservoir, are going on of preliminary tests as the measure for the case (3); the return current is not recognized yet.
  • 伊東 克巳, 若井 正一
    日本インテリア学会 研究発表 梗概集
    2000年 12 巻 99-100
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2022/06/01
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • とくに構造支配について
    佐藤 徳左衛門
    1962年 1962 巻 59 号 193-197
    発行日: 1962/07/01
    公開日: 2011/03/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently there have been studied widely about the mine and it's structure control and author was too interested in them and has been studying for many years.
    And as the result of his researching for them, he has found out a few notable facts that the mine is not only a simple thing which was formed on some mixing points of a simple structure, but it is a more complex structure and so on.
  • 押部 郁朗, 鎌田 一宏, 斉藤 有佳, 今野 一美, 柏木 久美子, 乳井 恵子, 管 麻理恵, 栗城 康一, 阿部 和彦, 小山田 睦美, 山中 克郎
    2022年 72 巻 2 号 73-83
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー HTML



  • 佐藤 高士, 古林 敬顕, 根本 和宜, 中田 俊彦
    2020年 35 巻 1 号 論文ID: 35.15
    発行日: 2020/01/31
    公開日: 2020/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー


    地域においては年間160 ~ 180 ha を継続的に伐出・造林する必要があった。三島町西方地区での伐出システムの生産性評価の結果,急傾斜林地では3.3 ~ 8.3 m 3 /person-day,緩傾斜林地では38 ~ 53 m 3 /person-day の労働生産性を示した。森林を伐出するための必要人員は,はじめの50 年間は34 ~ 110 人, 50 年目以降は34 ~ 76 人となった。労働生産性について他地域との比較を行ったところ,緩傾斜林地ではオーストリア等の林業先進国と同等程度の労働生産性であった。一方,急傾斜林地では現況のわが国と同等かそれ以上の労働生産性であり,林業先進国と同程度の生産性の実現のためには林内路網の拡充や実働時間の見直し等の施策が必要である。

  • 杉村 乾
    2012年 ceis26 巻
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2014/09/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 東原 雅実, 堀田 敦史, 福田 宗弘, 中島 敬史
    1988年 38 巻 208 号 147-158
    発行日: 1988/05/31
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new soil-gas geochemical exploration method called "Fingerprint" was developed by KLUSMAN and VOORHEES (1983) for the direct detection of hydrocarbons. It has been proved to be very effective and technically advantageous over conventional geochemical methods to detect buried fault/fracture. In this technique, soil-gas is adsorbed on activated charcoal and is analyzed by Curie point desorption mass spectrometry. New interpretation technique has been introduced to extend applicability of the technique to geothermal exploration and various field tests have been performed since 1985. In this paper, basic ideas and the results of our interpretation technique on Fingerprint data for fault/fracture detection and geothermal reservoir definition are explained:
    (1) Fault/fracture detection: "Gas feature diagram" (HIGASHIHARA et al., 1988) is a plot of cluster number on log-transformed Total Modified Ion Count (TMIC) vs High Mass Gas Ratio (HMGR) diKgram after clustering all mass spectra into several categories. This diagram is used to distinguish anomalous population which indicates existence of fault/fracture from the background population. The anomaly which is plotted in the high TMIC and high HMGR area and the background which is plotted in the low TMIC and low HMGR area are clearly divided by a nonpopulated zone. All the members of anomalous population are classified into the different cluster categories of mass spectrum pattern from those of background population.
    (2) Geothermal reservoir definition: Newly developed interpretation techniques using gas feature diagram are also applied to the Okuaizu geothermal field. In a geothermal area, the catagenesis zone (VASSOYEVICH et al., 1970; where heavy hydrocarbons are inferred to be generated) is located at higher levels in the crust due to the high temperature gradient. At first, anomalous population which is due to fault/fracture should be eliminated since they do not represent an effect from geothermal reservoir. It was found that the data from the Okuaizu geothermal reservoir zone tend to fall into the high TMIC and high HMGR area compared with the other background data of the same area on the gas feature diagram.
  • 関 陽児
    2001年 52 巻 11-12 号 493-571
    発行日: 2001/12/28
    公開日: 2015/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    地熱地域に分布する下部中新統滝沢川層を主な対象として,貯留槽深度における,現在の地熱活動による母岩の変質を記載するとともに,変質に伴う化学成分の移動傾向を明らかにし,変質帯の成因を考察した. 滝沢川層は地熱系の貯留槽深度(地表下1000~2000m) および地熱系外西方の地表に広く分布し,流紋岩~デイサイトの溶岩および同質火山砕屑岩からなる. 地熱系外の滝沢川層は,イライト,緑泥石を特徴鉱物とし基質の脱ハリ,粘土鉱物化,方解石化,黄鉄鉱化を伴う広域的な続成変質を受けている. 地層温度約100℃以上の領域を現在の地熱系の温度影 響範囲内(「地熱系内」)とみなすと,そこに分布する滝沢川層には,中新世の広域続成変質に現世の地熱変質が重複した結果,四つの変質帯,すなわちイライト・緑泥石+帯ーイライト帯,カオリナイト帯,混合層粘土鉱物帯が形岐されている.--- ---変質帯と地熱系の地質・温度・水理構造や流体の化学性状などを合わせて考察すると,系内にみられる多様な変質帯は,それぞれが系内に分化した物理化学条件やその変化に対応して形成されたと考えられる.すなわち,イライ卜・緑泥石+帯はC02ガスに富む高塩濃度の地熱流体が貯留槽中を移動しつつ周辺母岩中に浸透することにより,イライト帯は相対的に透水’性の高い岩石中を地熱流体が沸騰しつつ浸透することにより,カオリナイト帯は貯留槽深度周辺における気液分離で生じたC02 ガスが浅層の地下水に吹き込むことで生じた低温の炭酸酸性水と母岩との反応により,混合層粘土鉱物帯はカオリナイト帯が形成された場の最も外側で低温の浅層地下水により,それぞれ形成された.
  • 西 祐司, 石戸 経士
    2012年 34 巻 2 号 71-90
    発行日: 2012/04/25
    公開日: 2012/10/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Okuaizu geothermal field, we carried out continuous self-potential (SP) measurements in 2000, 2002 and 2004 to monitor field-wide shut-ins associated with regularly-scheduled maintenance of the Yanaizu-Nishiyama geothermal power plant. Thirteen stations for SP measurements were distributed in the central area of the Okuaizu field, at each of which two or three non-polarizing electrodes were set at one meter depth to check the station reliability. SP changes of 5 to 10 mV associated with the shut-in and re-start of production wells were detected at a few stations located in a low resistivity area in the vicinity of the Sarukurazawa fault. In order to evaluate the observed SP variations, numerical simulations of changes in reservoir conditions due to fluid production and successive “SP-postprocessor” calculations were performed based upon a simplified reservoir model. The reservoir region of the model is divided into deeper and shallower parts, both of which are represented as MINC double-porosity media. In the final model, the matrix permeability of the deeper reservoir needs to be smaller than 10-20 m2 to reproduce the rapid increase of the produced fluid enthalpy as observed in the first a few years of the power plant operation. In contrast, it is required to assign the matrix permeability to be 10-18 m2 or more for the shallower reservoir to reproduce the observed SP changes associated with the short-term shut-ins. This combination of deeper and shallower reservoir properties also reproduces long-term SP changes revealed by repeated SP measurements in 1996 and 1998, and long-wavelength micro-gravity decline between 1997 and 2000. In conclusion, continuous SP measurement to detect short-term SP changes such as associated with field-wide shut-ins is thought to provide additional useful constraints against which reservoir models can be calibrated.
  • 根本 和宜, 中田 俊彦
    2019年 15 巻
    発行日: 2019/12/04
    公開日: 2019/12/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    In considering climate change mitigation measures, it is important to consider woody biomass such as forest resources sustainably. This study aims to evaluate woody biomass for heating consumption of households considering the amounts of available woody biomass in the Okuaizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. GHG emissions of households heating systems such as kerosene stove, air conditioner with high or low energy efficiency, heating systems that use woody biomass resource are evaluated and compared.

  • 久島 桃代
    2010年 62 巻 3 号 127-138
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2012/08/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 異常帯の分布状況とその成因を説明する作業仮説
    東原 雅実
    1993年 15 巻 3 号 231-252
    発行日: 1993/07/25
    公開日: 2009/08/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The mass spectral data of soil-gases obtained through a “PETREX Fingerprint” survey (Sakai, 1986, 1987) in the Okuaizu geothermal area of Fukushima Prefecture were subjected to principal components analysis in order to identify the detected gas components. The soil-gas composition at three of his sampling points was also analyzed by using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer to help the identification. On the basis of the results of these analyses, some of the detected gas components were interpreted as follows:(1) Components m/z43, 57, 71 and 85 are due to undecane and possibly other paraffins with carbon numbers greater than 6.(2) Component m/z106 corresponds to molecular ion of xylene and/or ethylbenzene.(3) Component m/z136 corresponds to molecular ion of monoterpene. Among the gas components, components m/z43, 57, 71 and 85 and component m/z106 directly reflect a geothermal structure of the Okuaizu geothermal area as follows:(1) An anomalous zone characterized by high emission of components m/z43, 57, 71 and 85 is found on up flow zones of the hot water system.(2) Anomalous zones characterized by high emission of component m/z106 also seem to be predominant on the same zones. The distribution of component m/z136 does not appear to reflect the geothermal structure. These distributions of gas components m/z 43, 57, 71 and 85 and component m/z106 are explained by the following hypothetical process:(1) Paraffin, xylene and ethylbenzene are generated by thermal cracking of organic materials in rocks of recharge zone. (2) Fluids containing the hydrocarbons are conducted into the geothermal reservoir by geothermal convection. (3) High temperature of the geothermal reservoir causes the hydrocarbons to vaporize. (4) The vaporized hydrocarbons form gas bubbles and ascend toward the surface, causing anomalous hydrocarbon concentration in the soil-gas
  • 今井 秀喜, 安達 正畝, 高橋 幹男, 山口 光男, 家城 康二
    1988年 38 巻 209 号 291-301
    発行日: 1988/06/30
    公開日: 2009/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sulfide scales were collected from a test well of the Oku-Aizu geothermal field. Veinlets composed of similar sulfide minerals in the country rocks were also obtained from the drilled cores. Both were deposited from the compressed geothermal hot water in this area. These minerals are listed in Table 1. The analyses of the geothermal water are shown in Table 4. From the analytical data, the pH of the geothermal fluid is calculated to be 4.47 at 250°C in the case of activity coefficient equals to unity.
    Two kinds of rock alteration are recognized in this area. The one is alteration caused by the neutral to alkaline hot water. The other is due to the acid hot water. The minerals of both alterations are shown in Table 3. The rocks along fissures containing the present compressed geothermal fluid are subjected to neutral to alkaline alteration. From these facts, the relation log fo2 pH-log f s2 of the environment of the geothermal fluid is shown in Fig.9. The acid alteration occurs sporadically in this area. The acid alteration would be referred to the vapor-dominated system, separated by boiling from the compressed hot geothermal fluid. It might condense to acid hot water during cooling.
    In Japan, the epithermal gold deposits are classified into two types. The one is gold (silver) -quartz (adularia) vein, surrounded by the rocks suffered neutral to alkaline alteration; adulariazation, sericitization and/or chloritization. The other is the massive silicified rock containing gold, which is surrounded by the rocks subjected to acid alteration; kaolinization and alunitization. The both types of gold deposits might be attributed to the same phenomena as the two kinds of geothermal fluids stated above.
  • 角田 伊一
    1977年 28 巻 1 号 25-26
    発行日: 1977/03/01
    公開日: 2017/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松浦 俊也
    2010年 60 巻 28-29
    発行日: 2010/10/01
    公開日: 2017/07/07
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 鉱山地質
    1991年 41 巻 227 号 201b
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鉱山地質
    1991年 41 巻 227 号 201a
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー