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5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • *阪口 哲男, 中尾 茂岳, 前田 亮, 杉本 重雄, 田畑 孝一
    1999年 7 巻
    発行日: 1999年
    公開日: 2017/09/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     The Internet enables people to share documents written in various languages worldwide. Many documents on the Internet are provided by the WWW. Most of them are markupped with HTML tags. The tags which indicate document elements are very useful for full-text retrieval. The author considers that a full-text retrieval system for tagged multilingual documents is very important to get useful information. This article describes a multilingual full-text retrieval system for tagged documents. It has functions to store and retrieve SGML, XML, and HTML documents. The system handles character code sets both IS0-2022-JP-2 and Unicode for multilingual texts. It is developped with Java for portability. This article also discusses the performance issues of the implemented system.
  • 藤田 慎之輔, 寒野 善博
    2019年 84 巻 763 号 1223-1230
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     In recent years, optimization methods are used for many computational design methods in the field of architecture and architectural engineering. Optimization methods are roughly classified into heuristic methods typified by genetic algorithms and mathematical programming methods. Although the latter is inferior in versatility, it has an advantage that the calculation is fast. Along with the development of computers, mathematical programming methods have been developed dramatically and are used in various fields as a solution to optimization problems. Among them, the gradient method, which is the most classical method, is a method devised at the dawn of mathematical programming method, has been used for many years in various fields because of ease of algorithm implementation. Since the convergence is slow, a simple gradient method is rarely used nowadays. However, since the acceleration scheme of gradient methods greatly improve the convergence speed of the above solution, it has attracted attention in recent years as an effective solution method for solving a large scale problem. In fact, in fields other than the architectural engineering, accelerated gradient methods (AGM) are extensively used, for example, in machine learning for big data. In this paper, the computational performance of AGM is verified using a general benchmark problem. Furthermore, AGM is applied to equilibrium analysis of trusses with nonlinear elastic materials. Since solving the stiffness equation is synonymous with minimizing the total potential energy, equilibrium analysis can be formulated as a total potential energy minimization problem. AGM is used for solving such a problem and the effectiveness of the proposed method is discussed.

     First of all, the minimization problem of Rosenbrock function is solved as a benchmark problem to verify the computational performance of AGM. A quasi-Newton method based on the BFGS formula (BFGS), a truncated Newton method (TNC), a conjugate gradient method (CG) are compared with AGM. As a result of the verification of the benchmark problem, it was shown that AGM can solve large-scale problems at the fastest speed.

     Based on the result of the benchmark, using AGM for large-scale structural analysis with material nonlinearity is considered in this paper. Since solving the stiffness equation is equivalent to minimizing the total potential energy, equilibrium analysis can be formulated as a total potential energy minimization problem. The gradient of the total potential energy is equivalent to the unbalanced nodal force vector. Therefore, equilibrium analysis of trusses with nonlinear elastic materials is performed by applying AGM by utilizing unbalanced force as a gradient in this paper.

     Equilibrium displacements of some three-dimensional truss structures which have a total of three restoring force characteristics of linear, bilinear, and high-order nonlinear are calculated by minimizing the total potential energy. As a result, it was observed that the AGM quickly converged to the optimum solution stably regardless of material properties. According to a comparison experiment between BFGS, TNC, and CG, it was confirmed that AGM is the fastest in calculation time, especially for large scale truss structures.

     In this paper, the effectiveness of AGM and its applicability to equilibrium analysis of trusses with nonlinear elastic materials were confirmed.

  • −緑視率計算と植栽計画指標検討への応用−
    藤井 健史, 山田 悟史
    2020年 26 巻 63 号 802-807
    発行日: 2020/06/20
    公開日: 2020/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    Using GPGPU, we developed a method to calculate the solid angle of landscape elements with an omnidirectional field of vision, via intersection detection. We confirmed that the processing speed was approximately 500 times faster than the processing speed achieved using a single CPU. Furthermore, the developed method was applied for the calculation of the omnidirectional green visibility of models with randomly arranged trees. Thus, the relationship between the shape and number of trees and the omnidirectional green visibility was analyzed statistically. These results can be considered as an index of the green visibility rate when planning the arrangement of trees.

  • 竹内 幹雄, 小松 秀昭, 中谷 登志男
    コンピュータ ソフトウェア
    2003年 20 巻 4 号 355-362
    発行日: 2003/07/25
    公開日: 2012/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Javaの高速化の研究が盛んになされているが,数値計算の分野では依然Fortranに水をあけられたままである.その理由の1つに,浮動小数点演算の厳密な正確さ(accuracy)が原因で最適化が困難なことがある.とりわけ,融合型積和演算(fused multiply-add (FMA))命令や,再結合(reassociation)を利用できないことが,Javaの性能に大きく影響している.この論文では,浮動小数点演算の正確さに関する投機(floating-point (FP) speculation)を提案する.FP speculationは,既存アーキテクチャの余ったハードウェア資源(浮動小数点レジスタと演算ユニット)を利用して,各最適化対象に対し正確さの異なる2通りの計算(投機計算と検算)を同時に実行することで,Javaの言語仕様を満たしつつ平均実行時間を短縮する.
  • 千葉 滋, 立堀 道昭, 佐藤 芳樹, 中川 清志
    コンピュータ ソフトウェア
    2004年 21 巻 6 号 427-437
    発行日: 2004/11/25
    公開日: 2008/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー