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  • 大同西冊田遺址採集瓦の研究
    向井 佑介
    2014年 16 巻 23-49
    発行日: 2014/06/07
    公開日: 2024/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    北魏は平城の都を造営するにあたり、直線距離で四五km離れた西冊田遺址から瓦塼を輸送していた。西冊田遺址の北魏瓦は、鄴城などから出土する五胡十六 国の瓦と類似し、北魏初期に道武帝が山東六州から移住させた工匠がそれを製作したと推定される。西冊田遺址の所在する桑乾河上流域は、北魏が大量の人戸を移住させて農耕にあたらせた地域であり、そのなかで農耕よりも窯業に適した場所に造瓦工房が設置された。そこは河川によって平城と桑乾河上流域の両方に瓦を輸送することのできる立地であった。しかし五世紀後半にいたって西冊田遺址での瓦生産が終焉をむかえると、こうした遠距離輸送の瓦生産体制も解体し、工人らを都城から離れた場所に集住させる北魏初期の瓦生産体制から、中央官府で直接的に工人を管理する体制へと変化していくことになる。
  • 鈴木 開
    2014年 123 巻 8 号 1435-1470
    発行日: 2014/08/20
    公開日: 2017/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Diplomatic relations between the Jeoson and Qing Dynasties were first established in 1637, marking the most important event in the history of the Korea's foreign relations to date. However, the circumstances leading up to that event have still not been made sufficiently clear. This article takes up the 1627 Chongmyo 丁卯 War, which marked the Qing Dynasty's first invasion of Korea as the starting point in the process by which diplomatic relations between the two countries were established. First, the author examines the relations between the Jeoson Dynasty and the Jurchen Kingdom of Aisin Gurun, the Qing Dynasty's predecessor, leading up to the 1627 invasion. Although the Jeoson government at the time had emphasized friendly relations with the former Ming Dynasty, it also was planning to dispatch envoys to Aisin Gurun in order to resume diplomatic negotiations. However, Aisin Gurun, out of intimidation by the forces of Ming General Mao Wen-Long 毛文竜 and a serious famine, decided to launch an invasion of Korea. The attack was thwarted by internal strife within the Aisin Gurun ranks over lack of preparedness in their military operations, and the disorganization also posed difficulties in suing for peace. The author then turns to diplomatic relations in the wake of the Chongmyo War. Due to differences in perception that arose between Hong Taiji, who remained in the Aisin Gurun capital of Shenyang, and Amin, the commander in chief at the front, two different peace treaties were concluded with Korea, one at Kanghwa, the other at Pyongyang. The Jeoson Dynasty chose ally to itself with Aisin Gurun based on the former treaty, since it agreed with Hong Taiji that this treaty did not specify the political superiority or advantage of either party. The author ends the article with an examination of the first dispatch of envoys by the two states based on the Kanghwa Treaty. He concludes that the extremely proactive attitude shown by the Jeoson government resulted in the withdrawal of the Aisin Gurun army from Uiju on the northern border. Furthermore, in the peace negotiations there were no discussions of exchanging tributary gifts on a regular basis or opening trading posts on the border, indicating an agreement far different from setting up mutual relations of friendship between the two states. From that time on such fluidity characterizing Jeoson-Aisin Gurun relations would continue to a certain extent, which is directly attributable to the vagueness of the peace treaty concluded after the Chongmyo War.