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クエリ検索: "座間味村"
187件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 遠藤 晃
    2010年 20 巻 1 号 1_106-111
    発行日: 2010/08/31
    公開日: 2011/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新保 輝幸
    2016年 52 巻 2 号 76-82
    発行日: 2016/06/25
    公開日: 2016/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    This study analyzes policy instruments for conserving hermatypic coral ecosystems in Japan. First, it reviews the regulations for conserving coral reefs in marine protected areas and, second, analyzes the necessary regulations against each type of deterioration factor. As a result, present guidelines are not sufficient for preventing degradation by overuse. To supplement these, the government provides a method that they officially authorize, that is, voluntary rule agreed by local stakeholders under the framework of the Ecotourism Promotion Law. However, the effectiveness of this approach is limited. Moreover, a case study of the Kerama Islands shows strong stakeholder incentive for establishing this rule is necessary for convention creation. Additionally, it is important to design the consensus building framework to save transaction costs.
  • 宮内 久光
    1998年 53 巻 4 号 283-296
    発行日: 1998/10/28
    公開日: 2017/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper identifies attributes of the newcomers from other prefectures and reveals some of the processes and characteristics of their spatial movement. The results of research can be summarized as follows: 1. Newcomers are classified into two types. Type I newcomers are those who repeatedly travel to Zamami Village in order to work there as temporary employees in the diving-service industry and for private concerns. Type II newcomers are those who reside permanently in Zamami Village to become managers of the diving-service industry, and females who marry residents of Zamami Village. 2. As for Type I newcomers, females account for 59 percent. And 81 percents of them are in the age range of 20 to 29. Additionally, most of them migrated from metropolitan areas such Tokyo, Kanagawa and Osaka. The main motives are "yearning after the blue marine waters" and "to enjoy the simple life-style of islands in Okinawa which could not be experienced in their homelands in mainland Japan." 3. As for Type II, the diving-service managers of newcomers can be classified into two groups. The first groups started in the diving-service before 1990. At that time, scuba-diving was not a popular marine sports in Japan, and therefore their early-on experience rarely enabled them to be employed by scuba-diving companies. By contrast, the second groups started diving-service after 1990, they became employed diving instructors or management positions immediately. 4. A mainland Japanese female who marries in Zamami village is called Yamato yome. The number of them has increased every year, especially after 1990. A questionnaire survey revealed that most of them formerly lived in a metropolitan area and, having come to the islands, were inclined to marry simply because they were thoroughly impressed by the wonderful natural environment of Zamami Village.
  • 当山 昌直
    2020年 43 巻 29-38
    発行日: 2020/03/19
    公開日: 2022/10/24
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 古謝 安子, 宇座 美代子, 玉城 隆雄, 小笹 美子, 船附 美奈子
    2003年 69 巻 2 号 35-46
    発行日: 2003/03/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Questionnaire study on the concern of 245 inhabitants regarding funeral practices and sur vey on the situation of old people's hospitalization in the isolated islands of Zamami village with out crematorium were carried out in 2000. The relationship of funerary practice and care of old people are discussed. 1. Traditionally the funeral practice involves burial of the dead followed by exhumatio: after several years whence the bones are cleaned by their relatives. All people died in the is lands have been practiced in the islands from 1990 to 1999. 2. Concern of the respondents for the funeral practice is influenced by experience of bone cleansing. Most of the respondents over 50 years old who have experienced bone-cleansing, sup port cremation. About 40% of the respondents below 50 years old who have little experience, support free of the funeral practice. About 90% of inhabitants choose to have cremation after their death. 3. Among the patients over 65 years old from islands without crematorium who were hos pitalized in 4 hospitals in mainland Okinawa, those over 90 years hospitalized for terminal care constituted the high number, accounting for 23.1% from Zamami. The non existence of the crematorium facility and concern of the inhabitants seem to exert considerable influence on the lives of old people in isolated small islands.
  • 高橋 勅徳
    2007年 13 巻 204-213
    発行日: 2007/10/31
    公開日: 2018/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高橋 勅徳
    2020年 17 巻 2 号 124-134
    発行日: 2020/10/31
    公開日: 2021/06/08
    ジャーナル フリー HTML



  • 藤田 陽子
    2003年 34 巻 3 号 367-378
    発行日: 2004/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the value of the coral reefs in the Kerama Islands in Okinawa and to clarify the reasons for biases in the responses to the questionnaires. This research was conducted at Zamami village in March 2003, and the respondents to the questionnaires were passengers on ships between Naha and Zamami. The questionnaire is based on “Contingent Valuation Method” (CVM), which is used to evaluate the non-used value of the environment. In this questionnaire, we used the “double-bounded two-choice approach” in order to determine the passengers' willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of Kerama's coral reefs.
    Coral reefs are very important resources for ecology and the economy, especially in island areas like Okinawa. They have several public functions that provide material and spiritual benefits to human beings with regard to fisheries, ocean biodiversity value, purification of the ocean, underwater views, coastal protection, resources for tourism and recreation and so on. Recently, however, the drastic changes in certain environmental conditions have caused considerable damage to the coral reefs. We should recognize the necessity of protecting the coral reefs in order to retain their public functions; hence, we attempted to define the value of conservation of the Kerama coral reefs.
    First, we estimated the passengers' WTP for the conservation of the Kerama coral reefs, using the Turnbull method, which is a type of survival analysis. The results revealed that the average WTP per person was 3, 995 yen, and the total value for the annual passengers traveling to Zamami village was 367, 488, 065 yen per year.
    Second, we considered protest responses in order to assess the reliability of CVM as a method of evaluating environmental value. A total of 94 protest responses were obtained in this research, and we analyzed the reasons for which the respondents expressed objections to the scenario presented in this questionnaire. We clarified four factors: The method of payment, the taxable, the area of conservation, and the misunderstanding of the scenario presented. Closely performing a pre-test can solve some of these problems.
    While CVM is one of the small-number methods that can measure the non-used value of the environment, such as biodiversity conservation, its results are debatable due to its hypothetical character. Therefore, we will continue to examine the reliability of CVM by repeating this research.
  • 関口 恵史, 小倉 剛, 佐々木 健志, 永山 泰彦, 津波 滉遵, 川島 由次
    2002年 42 巻 2 号 153-160
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2008/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    座間味島に移入されたニホンイタチ(Mustela itatsi)の在来動物に与える影響を把握するために,夏季および秋季の食性調査を糞分析により行った.その結果,検出された餌品目は多岐にわたり,その中で昆虫類は両季節を通じて出現頻度および乾燥重量比とも顕著に高く,座間味島のニホンイタチは昆虫類を主食としていることが特徴的であった.昆虫類以外の主要な餌品目構成には季節的な変化が見られた.夏季には,昆虫類に次いで爬虫類,哺乳類および甲殻類が高い比率を示し,秋季には哺乳類が高い比率を示した.夏季と秋季における比較では,爬虫類のみに有意差が認められ,秋季の爬虫類の乾燥重量は夏季に比べ大幅に減少した.近年,移入種による在来種(特に固有種)への影響は重大な問題となっているが,今回の調査結果から,座間味島のニホンイタチが在来爬虫類に重大な影響を与えていることが示唆された.また,爬虫類の繁殖能力が他の餌品目に比べて低い点を考慮すると,今後,ニホンイタチが爬虫類に及ぼす影響は深刻になると予想される.さらに,座間味島のニホンイタチは島の上位捕食者であると考えられ,その他の在来種の生存を脅かすことに加え,農業被害や人畜共通伝染病の伝播を引き起こす可能性もあり,一刻も早い対策が求められる.
  • 堀本 雅章
    2013年 61 巻 2 号 61-73
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2023/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中西 敬, 比嘉 義光, 谷口 洋基, 新垣 善憲, 松下 紘資, 西村 博一, 葛西 博文, 小田島 勉
    2021年 77 巻 2 号 I_937-I_942
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 小倉 剛, 平山 琢二, 須藤 健二, 大泰司 紀之, 向井 宏, 川島 由次
    2005年 9 巻 2 号 49-58
    発行日: 2005/01/07
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    To ascertain the northern limit of dugong habitat, this study investigated the distribution of dugong and seagrass in the Tokara Islands (Nakanoshima and Takarajima) and Amami-Oshima, in the Ryukyu archipelago. No dugong habitat and seagrass was found in Nakanoshima and Takarajima. In view of the seashore landscapes of the Tokara Islands, dugong habitat was not established from Kuchinoshima to Takarajima. Four dugong sightings occurred at Kurosaki and Yanosaki, in Kasari Bay at Amami-Oshima. The fact that that witnesses were a fisherman and a diver adds credibility to the sightings. In addition, colonies of three species of seagrass (Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halodule uninervis) were observed in Kasari Bay, distributed over a large area of the bay. These findings suggest that dugong habitat is established around Kusari Bay, and therefore, that this bay is the northern limit of dugong habitat in the Ryukyu archipelago.
  • 神谷 大介
    2009年 39 巻 2 号 267-281
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tourism is an essential industry in Okinawa prefecture. The number of tourist increase year by year, with approximately 5.7 million tourists in 2007. Development of the tourism industry and an increase in tourists causes various social problems in this small island society. One major problem is a lack of water. Inhabitants of Okinawa prefecture are troubled with not enough water, because Okinawa has a subtropical oceanic climate and is composed of very small islands in the Ryukyu archipelagos. Some water resource developments have been done since Okinawa's reversion to Japan in 1972. However, water demand has increased with an increase in population and tourists so the risk of drought has increased.
    This paper focuses on the risk of drought by describing the changes in the regional social environment, water use and availability of water. Particularly, a risk assessment was carried out on the relationships of the tourism industry and quantity of water use. At first the water service enterprise of the island regions and information on water resources were gathered by survey of persons in charge of water supply services, and the relationship of these factors to island social problems determined by a structural model. Second, changes in the social environment due to tourism and effects of the promotion of tourism on water demand were clarified. Third, we analyzed the quantity of water necessary to meet the water demands of tourism. In addition, to it is described influence to give to water use in tourism supplies it with water in limited water supply. This study is a start for social planning of sustainable resort islands, and important for clarifying the carrying capacity of tourism based on water resource management.

    JEL Classification: Q01, Q25
  • 大森 信, 車 淑禎, 磯川 晴章
    2015年 62 巻 2 号 98-109
    発行日: 2015/08/25
    公開日: 2019/03/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    Species composition and abundance of planktonic copepods in the Nansei Islands, including Okinawa, have not been well studied. We undertook a study in 1995, investigating the occurrence of copepods at the AMSL station (26°10.48′N, 127°16.21′E) located in a channel just outside the fringing reef between Akajima Island and Gerumajima Island, Kerama waters in Okinawa. Samples were collected monthly by vertical net haul using a NORPAC net with a 100 µm mesh aperture. 103 species of adult copepods were identified. Together with an additional 7 species collected from a nearby coral reef lagoon, a total of 110 species are distributed in Kerama waters. Species of the genera Clausocalanus, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus, Bestiolina, Oithona, Oncaea and Microsetella were found to be the dominant taxa within the samples. Abundances of the adult copepods varied from 58 to 962 inds. m-3, with an average of 336 inds. m-3. Differences in the number of species, Shannon-Wiener species diversity index and Sheldon’s equitability index were not statistically significant (t-test p > 0.05) between the hot period from July to October (surface temperature > 27˚C) and the cold period from January to March (surface temperature < 22˚C). Species such as Calocalanus pavo, Parvocalanus elegans, Acrocalanus monachus, Oithona rigida, and Farranula gibbula occurred in the hot period but not in the cold period. Cosmocalanus darwini, Clausocalanus arcuicornis, C. pergens, Ctenocalanus vanus, Lucicutia flavicornis, Pleuromamma gracilis, Oithona decipiens, and Agetus limbatus occurred in the cold period but not in the hot period. Bestiolina similis, Farranula concinna and Microsetella norvegica occurred more abundantly in the hot period than the cold period, whereas Paracalanus aculeatus appeared in significantly greater numbers in the cold period than in the hot period (p < 0.05). Total number of species, species diversity and equitability were highest in February, indicating inflow and mixing of copepod assemblage from the surrounding waters when wind force is strongest and the surface temperature is lowest.

    In order to compare the specific composition of adult copepods in the AMSL station with a nearby station in the reef lagoon, samples were collected in the reef lagoon at Hizushi Beach (26°11.22′N 127°16.27′E) in October of 1998 using a hand net with a 100 µm mesh aperture. The net was hauled by a SCUBA diver at high and low tides during both night and day. Species that have been reported as abundant in closed lagoons were very few or did not appear at all at the Hizushi station. Despite the close proximity, however, the composition varied. Daytime species composition at the AMSL station, in both September and October, showed the greatest difference when compared to night samples at the Hizushi station. Among the samples at Hizushi station, species composition was most similar between the day/high tide and day/low tide, whereas it differed considerably between the day and night/high tide, indicating stronger influences of light conditions than tidal conditions.

  • 古謝 安子, 與古田 孝夫, 豊里 竹彦, 小笹 美子, 當山 裕子, 宇座 美代子
    2012年 78 巻 5 号 109-119
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/11/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study investigated deaths and feelings about funeral rites among residents of Okinawa's Aguni Island, which has no crematory. We collected information regarding the deceased from the village office, and conducted interviews about funeral rites with residents aged 20 or older.
    In total, 284 residents died between 1986 and 2006, 30% of whom died on the Island and 70% off the Island. The most common causes of death were heart disease for men and old age for women who died on the Island, and malignant neoplasm for who died off the Island. Most who died on the Island were buried, whereas majority of the deceased off the Island were cremated. Based on the analysis of 202 respondents, 54.1% of men and 26.1% of women in their 20s to 40s had experience with bone cleaning, while over 80% of those aged 50 or older had such experience. Ninety percentage of those in their 70s or older wished to be kept or to die on the Island, and 30% of them wished to be buried after death.
    Local community efforts and involvement of a nursing home helped maintain the traditional funeral rites on the Island. In contrast, off-islanders are adapting to changing funeral rites.
  • 岡部 勇一, 福田 浩, 清倉 孝規, 新藤 一彦, 山口 初代, 宮平 真由美, 伊良波 朝人, 當山 弘哲, 上野 睦弘, 為近 恵美
    2011年 49 巻 1 号 255-259
    発行日: 2011/02/10
    公開日: 2011/12/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    We developed a “ubiquitous” healthcare system using active tag technologies. Our system does not require any kind of PC operation, and the workload borne by users is low. In addition, we developed a data browsing terminal (called the Kiosk terminal) for our system. The terminal also uses active tag technologies and does not require any keyboard or mouse operation to browse data. We are currently conducting a field trial of our system in Zamami village, Okinawa, supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Unlike another system using USB data transmission technologies, our system can collect vital data without fail. Heavily used facilities can be revealed by analyzing the usage frequency of active tag data receivers, and such knowledge is important for optimizing the system. After the installation of Kiosk terminals, the average number of steps per day of Kiosk users, as recorded by their pedometers, increased by more than twice that before installation.
  • 寺崎 竜雄, 土屋 俊幸
    2019年 65 巻 1 号 81-91
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    観光旅行者の行動の多様化にともない観光行動による地域資源の劣化・喪失や地域住民の生活環境の悪化が生じている。その対処策として地域社会が主導して観光旅行者の行動を調整・制御しようとするローカルルールが着目されている。本研究では,ローカルルールの内実を整理・類型化する枠組みの提示を目的として,沖縄県内の各所で制定・運営されているローカルルールを網羅的に抽出し比較分析を行った。関係各所への聞き取り調査などを通して46の事例を特定して内容を個別に検証した結果,各ローカルルールは,1) 守るべき対象,2) 適用(調整・制御)対象となる観光行動,3) 制定・運用の仕組みの3つの主要な構成要素に沿った分類軸によって整理・類型化できることがわかった。さらに,この枠組みに基づいて各ルールを類型化した上で,ローカルルールの現状と課題を考察した。
  • 田村 實
    2009年 11 巻 1 号 9-22
    発行日: 2009/12/01
    公開日: 2010/08/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―その2 座間味沖における観測実験―
    岩上 寛, 浦 環, 藤井 輝夫, 浅川 賢一, 小島 淳一, 浅井 輝之, 東 直人, 福地 鐡雄
    2000年 52 巻 7 号 316-319
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2008/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 張本 文昭, 川端 雅人, 大村 三香, 石川 銘徳, 小山 真由美, 音野 敬子, 金城 昇
    1998年 2 巻 1 号 39-45
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー