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331件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 髙木 義隆
    2021年 2021 巻 31 号 43-53,100-99
    発行日: 2021/10/31
    公開日: 2022/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー

      1. A series of Lanting xu rubbings collected by You Si, a prime minister in the late Southern Song period, are called You Xiang-bens. This study overviews the dissemination routes and whereabouts of existing You Xiang-bens.

      2. Yufu ling zi cong shan-ben, one of the You Xiang-bens (Vol. 1, No. 2) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) is deeply connected with Lu Jishan-ben (National Palace Museum in Taipei) and Chen Jian-ben (The Palace Museum in Beijing). Taking into account the relations of Lu Jishan-ben and Chen Jian-ben with the major three lineages of Lanting xu, both versions are important in the research of lineage.

      3. Since Zhang Cheng-keben (Shanghai Library) contains many questionable points, Yufu ling zi cong shan-ben is regarded as the oldest among Ling zi cong shan-bens with a reliable date of creation. Lanqianshanguan-ben is generally considered as written after a model.

      4. The Lanting xu texts in printed version after the Southern Song period appear as “Ling zi cong shan-ben” and “Yang (怏)” in the 15th line is represented with “Kuai (快).” Considering that the Dunhuang manuscript uses “Ling (領)” and “Yang (怏)” whereas the character “快 Kuai” is inserted in small handwriting in the Yufu quezi-ben of You Xiang-bens (Vol. 1, No. 5), Ling zi cong shan-ben is presumed to originate in the insertion in the manuscript version of the text.

      5. Yufu quezi-ben is the origin of Lanting xu in the Yingshang-ben version. Considering that Yufu ling zi cong shan-ben was edited in almost the same period as Yufu quezi-ben, Yingshang-ben cannot be the origin of Ling zi cong shan-ben.

      6. The author recommends that versions of Lanting xu that are not Ling zi cong shan but share some characteristics with Ling zi cong shan-ben should be categorized as Ling zi cong shan-leiben. An Old Copy (Tokyo National Museum TB-1352), Yufu quezi-ben, and Yingshang-ben are included in this group.

      7. Bazhu di’er-ben is presumed to be close to Ling zi cong shan-leiben and to have been created later than the original handwriting version of Yufu quezi-ben. Gu Wenbin-ben, which shows a close resemblance, is introduced here.

  • 小谷 俊哉, 窪田 陽一
    1993年 13 巻 405-412
    発行日: 1993/06/01
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 光井 渉
    1992年 19 巻 27-53
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2018/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -墓地領域に着目して-
    渡邉 美樹
    2011年 76 巻 669 号 2255-2262
    発行日: 2011/11/30
    公開日: 2012/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study conducted research on the Buddhist temples area in Yanaka district in Taito, the graveyard area, by using old maps and data. The temple and graveyard area of Edo, Meiji, Showa periods and the present are piled on the map, and the overlapping situations were analysed. As a result of the analysis, the following findings and consideration were obtained.
    1. According to the Gofunai-Gisya-Bikou, six precincts of temples were the leasehold from Kanei-ji, nine were from Gyokurin-ji and four were from Kanou-ji.
    2. Only one of the all 72 temples was abolished after the anti-Buddhist movement in the Meiji era.
    3. Almost all of the temple territories that were confiscated by the Land Requisition Orders were secured for graveyard.
    4. Almost all Government lands in temples in the Meiji and Taisho eras were used as graveyards after the gratuitous conveyance in the Showa era.
  • 渡邉 美樹
    2014年 79 巻 697 号 837-844
    発行日: 2014/03/30
    公開日: 2014/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study uses historical maps and data to research the Buddhist temple area in Komagome. The temple and graveyard areas of the Edo, Early-Meiji Period, Beginning of Taisho Period and the present day are layered on a map, and the overlapping images are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the following findings are observed:
    1. In the Edo Period, many temples were transferred from the neighboring areas, for example, Kanda, Yushima and Hongo. Of these, nine temples' were using the Rinso-in's territory.
    2. After land requisition in the early Meiji Period, in almost all cases, less than half of the bestowed land was authorized as a precinct temple area. Leased or taxed land in the Edo Period were authorized as a private land.
    3. Some of the temple area was disposed and returned as private land due to the self-clearing petition appealed by the superior of the temple.
    4. By the end of the Meiji Period, many temple areas, inside and outside the precinct were disposed. In many cases, graveyards remained on the original temple area.
    5. The shape of the main street in the Edo Period can be seen in this area, and that of the town house block inherited from the Edo Period can be seen in some places. On the other hand, the high-rise apartment, located along the main street, overlooks the cemetery from the balcony of the apartment.
  • 松浦 茂樹
    2021年 65 巻 3 号 113-140
    発行日: 2021/08/01
    公開日: 2022/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー

    赤堀川と権現堂川は,上利根川と中・下利根川をつなぐ流路であり,人工的に整備された。その整備は,権現堂川が戦国時代末期,赤堀川は近世初期である。権現堂堤は,権現堂川,その支川島川に沿った約10km の堤防で,戦国時代末期に一部造られたという。この堤防が決壊すると,埼玉平野で広く氾濫する。赤堀川拡幅と権現堂堤は密接に関係していた。赤堀川の流下量が増大すれば権現堂川の流下量が少なくなり,権現堂堤はそれだけ安全となるからである。 権現堂堤は宝永元年(1704)以降,度々決壊しており,とくに天明6年(1786),享和2年(1802)出水が大きな被害を出した。天明3年の浅間山噴火による大量の火山灰により,利根川河床が上昇したからである。天明6年の大氾濫は,日本堤で守られている隅田川右岸の浅草,日本橋などにも溢れるほどであった。享和3年,権現堂堤は大きく強化され,これ以降,決壊することはなかった。だが,その上流部の羽生領などで湛水害が増大し,赤堀川の拡幅,権現堂堤での圦樋の埋設などを強く要求した。文化6年(1809),赤堀川はその沿川や,その下流部の反対を押し切って拡幅された。 羽生領などでの根強い要求は,天保年間(1830~43)に実を結んだ。逆流樋門の移転,圦樋の埋設などが行われた。また,権現堂川流入口の杭出しが千本杭と言われるほど強化された。この千本杭に対し渡良瀬川下流部が強く反対し,3 年後にその撤去に成功した。それに合わせて赤堀川も再び,拡幅されたと思われる。さらに,江戸川流入口にある棒出しも強化されたが,渡良瀬川下流部は,これに対しても強く反発した。なお天保8年(1837),幕府役人が権現堂川締切りを主張した。 権現堂堤は,享和3年の強化以降,地元から「

    内囲堤」と呼ばれた。江戸市中を守る堤防との意があるが,江戸の氾濫状況から考え,江戸市中を守ることを主目的に強化されたとは判断できない。幸手領など日光街道が通って いる埼玉平野の防備が,主目的と考えている。

  • 梶ヶ山 真里, 溝口 優司
    Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)
    2004年 112 巻 1 号 37-57
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    内出土江戸時代人標本とはあまり似ていなかったが,男女ともに,頬弓幅が非常に狭い,という特徴を持っていた。男性の頬弓幅は牧野家藩主の平均値に最も近く,女性は北陸現代人や徳川将軍正室・側室の平均値に非常に近い値をとる。これは,今回報告した資料の中に富裕階層の人骨が比較的多く含まれていることを示唆するものかもしれない。さらに,マハラノビスの D2距離によれば,全体としては男性混合標本は東北地方現代人に,女性混合標本は中国地方現代人に最もよく似ていた。江戸時代人骨に見られる大きな変異の原因や現代日本人の形成過程を明らかにするには,今後も引き続き,人骨と環境要因に関する遺跡別のデータ収集が必要である。
  • 李 佶勲
    2007年 72 巻 621 号 237-242
    発行日: 2007/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is to consider how "Kaishochi" (the open space in the block), which was planned in initial Edo town, transformed into the housing lot, emphasizing on Nihonbashi area. To understand the changing process of "Kaishochi" I based my analysis from three historical maps and historical records of "Machibure". The analysis of this paper consists of four contents; (1)the formation process of "newly developed alley" when "Kaishochi" became the housing lot (2)how to build "newly developed alley" from the view point of "Machibure" (3)several types of "newly developed alley" when "Kaishochi" is built on the housing lot (4)several types of "Kaishochi" when its incorporated into certain surrounding city later on. Due to peculiar land formation process of Edo called "Kaishochi", the urban space of Edo town changed by mutual adjustments between townspeople and the image of the mature society is evident.
  • 高木 義隆
    2013年 2013 巻 23 号 25-34
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2014/04/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Impressions of seals possessed by the Jin emperor Zhangzong 章宗 (1168-1208), known as the “seven imperial seals of the Mingchang 明昌 era,” are found on many renowned works, and they provide important evidence for determining the routes of transmission of these works. There are discrepancies between references in the Yunyan guoyan lu 雲烟過眼録 (Record of Clouds and Mist Passing Before One’s Eyes) by Zhou Mi 周密 (1232-98) of the early Yuan and the texts of extant seal impressions, but since the mid-Ming the extant seal impressions have been looked upon as the seven imperial seals of the Mingchang era. By classifying the extant seal impressions of the seven imperial seals, I was able to discover a group of reliable seals centred on those used on the scroll Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). In addition, the seal impression on Wang Xizhi’s 王羲之 letter “Sending Regards to a Friend”(National Palace Museum, Taipei) may also be considered reliable, even though it does not belong to the above group. Consequently, the seal impression on “Twelve Months’ Correspondence with Friends” (National Palace Museum, Taipei) may also be regarded as reliable and can be considered to have been one of the seals in the possession of the emperor Zhangzong.
      On the basis of the classification of seal impressions, I also examine Zhangzong’s calligraphy in the “slender gold” (shoujin 痩金) style, and I have determined that the inscriptions on Exotic Gift from a Tributary State (National Palace Museum, Taipei), Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk, and Lady Guo Sightseeing in Spring (Liaoning Provincial Museum) ought to be regarded as benchmark works of Zhangzong’s calligraphy in the “slender gold” style. In addition, the calligraphy attached to the Admonitions Scroll (British Museum) did not originally belong to the painting, and it is questionable whether it is genuinely in Zhangzong’s hand. The method of differentiating calligraphy in the “slender gold” style by the emperors Huizong 徽宗 and Zhangzong as described by Lu You 陸友 may be considered reasonable.
  • 明暦大火後から享保期までを対象として
    森下 雄治, 山崎 正史, 大窪 健之
    2012年 47 巻 3 号 721-726
    発行日: 2012/10/25
    公開日: 2012/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 渡邉 美樹
    2013年 78 巻 685 号 715-723
    発行日: 2013/03/30
    公開日: 2013/06/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study uses historical maps and data to research the Buddhist temple area in Nishi-Asakusa. The temple and graveyard areas of the Edo, Meiji periods and the present day are layered on a map, and the overlapping images are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the following findings are observed:
    1. According to the Gofunai-Jisha-Bikou, 90 temples existed in this area in the early 18th century.
    2. A comparison between the Kanei-Edo and the Meireki-Edo maps, indicates that the temple area in Nishi-Asakusa greatly expanded after the Great Fire of Meireki.
    3. Almost all temples were moved from Edo's central area during the Edo Castle expansion and the reconstruction following the Great Fire of Meireki.
    4. In the Meiji and Taisho periods, each temple area had six types of resistered holders: (a). the temple's precincts, (b). government precincts, (c). personal precincts, (d). the temple's graveyard, (e). government graveyards, and (f). personal graveyards.
    5. Of 90 temples, 47 were still existent in this area in 2010.
  • 篠田 明恵, 福井 恒明, 中井 祐, 篠原 修
    2004年 23 巻 157-164
    発行日: 2004/06/15
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Shinto-shrines were one of the most important elements of Castle town in Japan, such as creeks and streets. We consider them impossible to move because they are established on their site. However, in Edo city, they were frequently moved by the governors from the development of the city to the end of Edo era. The purpose of this study was to understand how they treated and located the Shinto-shrines from the viewpoint of city planning in Edo city. In the study, the location and transference of 110 shrines were plotted on the map, the reason of transfer, the condition of the site, and the tendency of location were analyzed. As a result, the study has shown that the principles of Shinto-shrines' location was changed as following: 1) before Edo era, they were located as religious element and indirect government system, 2) in the beginning of Edo era, the construction of the castle preceded the shrine location, 3) after the middle of the era, they were treated as the stock of the land from the standpoint of city planning, but the religious meaning was not lost to the last. These results are unique and not mentioned in the previous study of castle town.
  • 山本 博子
    1999年 48 巻 1 号 61-63
    発行日: 1999/12/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地学雑誌
    1896年 8 巻 4 号 217a
    発行日: 1896/04/10
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地学雑誌
    1896年 8 巻 4 号 217
    発行日: 1896/04/10
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 明治東京の氏子域に関する復元的考察(その3)
    小南 弘季
    2019年 84 巻 762 号 1827-1833
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper is continued from ‘The establishment of ‘Ujiko-iki’ in the early Meiji period-A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 1)’ and ‘Revising small-scale ‘Ujiko-iki’ after the abolition of Ujiko shirabe- A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 2)’. A term ‘Ujiko-iki’ means a territory where Ujiko, which means a worshiper to a specific Shinto shrine, live around the Shinto shrine. Ujiko-iki area is very important for research of urban history in comprising the most basically part of the city. The purpose of this paper is classifying Ujiko-iki in Tokyo in patterns especially from the side of spatial characteristics and discussing about peculiarity of the metropolitan Tokyo in the modern transition period.

     Firstly, specific characteristics of ‘Ujigami’ shrines in Tokyo is described by analyzing an investigation ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ which was made to determine Ujiko-iki and shrine ranking in 1872. In chapter 2, ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ is analyzed to comprehend a situation of Ujiko-iki before the abolishment of Ujiko shirabe. As a result, it is defined that there have been four phases until Ujiko-iki were formed and only shrine which was over certain criteria established by Shajigakari of Tokyo Prefecture was authorized to possess Ujiko as a ‘Ujigami’ shrine.

     In chapter 3, the reality of ‘Ujigami’ shrines and rekkaku, which means gaining any of shrine rankings to a shrine, in the city area of Tokyo is described by comparing ‘Ujigami’ shrines with the shrines which possessed some Ujiko in the Edo period. First point is that there were many shrines which possessed a small number of Ujiko towns as an ‘Ujigami’ shrine. Especially it is noteworthy fact that Shajigakari suspended the determination of Ujiko of shrines which have not been gained any ranking with an exceptional flame ‘Sonsha-gai’ against the principle of Gosha precepts. Second point is that large-scale shrines that possessed adequate Ujiko, which was basically over 10 hundred houses, to be ranked as Gosha equally existed around the city area of Tokyo.

     Then, in chapter 4, spatial characteristics of Ujiko-iki in Tokyo are described by analyzing how to divide previous samurai residential area into each Ujiko-iki in the point of view of the scale of Ujiko-iki while comparing to the distribution of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo in Meiji period generally divided to success the territory of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. From the viewpoint of specific character of territory gained to each shrine, Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo, which were established in the early Meiji period, are classified into three types. Type A is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a traditional widely region. Type B is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a small-scale region from the old time and an area of only a town. Type C is Ujiko-iki which owns bigness and political symbolism only for Hie-Jinja Shrine and Kanda-Jinja Shrine. Shrines with Ujiko-iki of Type A have been called ‘Sochinju’ traditionally, which has been worshiped as a shrine to guard a territory larger than a village or a town and are generally most old in that region with some legends concerned about the creation of the region. In Tokyo, Kanda-Jinja Shrine and Hie-Jinja Shrine (Type C) are in the center of the city and Type A are scattered equally around two cores and Type C lie beside and in Type A.

     The following is a summary of the above. Shajigakari formed Ujiko-iki and organized a modern administrative system of shrine by reevaluating the traditional spatial characteristic.

  • 「寺社書上」より神社の勧請と再興、遷座の分析を通して
    小南 弘季
    2020年 85 巻 767 号 183-190
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Tokyo has a lot of shrines and these form complex and diverse Ujiko-iki areas at present. These territories were inherited from a situation of the faith in Edo period critically. In this paper, specialties of Ujiko in the city of Edo are understood deeply through analysis of enshrinement, reconstruction and relocation of shrines described in “Jisha Kakiage”.

     Firstly, the distribution of Ujiko is restored from “Jisha Kakiage” and then the following three points are pointed out. First issue is that there were some shrines to account samurai residences as Ujiko. Second issue is that there were some towns to belong to several shrines. Third issue is that there were some shrines to have Ujiko towns locating in separate places.

     In chapter 3, it is discussed that there were two types tutelary shrines for Edo castle town and for each town, samurai residence or temple in the city of Edo by analyzing enshrining and reconstruction of shrines described in “Jisha Kakiage”. Successive shoguns have enshrined new shrines and intervened some shrines by reconstructing these buildings or certificating lands. The intervention to shrines by shoguns has been strengthening the personal inclination than tutelary shrines against the whole Edo castle town. On the other hand, inhabitants in the city of Edo have enshrined new shrines and refurbished old shrines for tutelary shrines against each personal territory. While these tutelary shrines in same cases overlapped, there two types tutelary shrines. Almost of shrines to account samurai residences as Ujiko formed a territory of Ujiko above a whole district. This fact indicates that the relationships based on territorial acknowledgement between So-chinju, which is a big tutelary shrine guarding a wide district, and Ujiko of these shrines were established in the city of Edo. These shrines are almost same to tutelary shrines for Edo castle town in this chapter and divided territories of Ujiko without overlap. However, some communities of Ujiko consisted of a few towns or samurai residences were settled over the wide district territories of Ujiko. The above multi-layered territory is most important character of the shrine religion in the city of Edo.

     In chapter 4, relocations of shrines are described in the transition of the city form of Edo from a medieval town to the premodern castle town by analyzing relocation of shrines described in “Jisha Kakiage”. Relocation of shrines were able to be classified continuous relocation or advanced one from the viewpoint to increase or decrease their precinct lands. The latter relocation has been executed by the shogunate government or sometimes Daimyo families in order to convert a meaning of shrine as an object of faith. Through these relocations, a lot of shrines were converted into tutelary shrines of new towns or whole districts developed for city functions. In the other words, the shogunate government and inhabitants in the city of Edo activated the land of Edo with shrines like the following. One is to build a shrine by enshrining or relocating from other places as a tutelary shrine. Other is to refurbish an original shrine of the land. Then, these shrines were sometimes relocated by the demand of the shogunate government or self-control and changed their place to guard. Some towns changed relationships as Ujiko when shrines were relocated to another place and the degree of faith swayed.

  • 鈴木 浩平
    1991年 100 巻 45-52
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2020/11/12
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 岡山醫學會雜誌
    1899年 11 巻 112 号 135-137
    発行日: 1899/05/31
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 李 佶勲
    2010年 75 巻 649 号 775-780
    発行日: 2010/03/30
    公開日: 2010/06/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is to consider the trend of the substitute Lot which was given to the town (to take up the subject) to protect against fire during the Genroku period - Kyoho term.
    This paper consists of two contents: 1. The urban special configuration of the protection space against fire, the original lot and the substitute lot using Kanda Sakumacho ,2. The social structure of the original lot and the substitute lot through "Noh Play Look" and the labor (tax) of Minamidaikucho. As for the relation between original lot and the substitute lot, the social structure and the urban spatial configuration consist of different layers. Townspeople of the original lot and the substitute lot did their labor and enjoyed "Noh Play Look" together beyond the urban spatial structure of the town. The space and society by the original lot and the substitute lot were accomplished by different mechanism, but it is certain that Edo city was accomplished by these.