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クエリ検索: "愛知県司法書士会"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • ー司法書士会作成の消費者教育教材の分析ー
    小牧 美江, 田實 美樹
    2012年 32 巻 91-102
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2022/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer's Associations, in their regions, developed educational materials from the standpoint that a contract is a juristic act Their materials dealt with contracts related to everyday life and relevant consumer matters. The aim was to acquire understanding of basic principles of civil law, especially contract law, and then to think from and act upon those principles; in other words, to gain the ability to take action when there is a sense that something legally wrong or dangerous has occurred. This type of consumer education would be defined as & quot; consumer education by means of law-related education & quot;.
  • ──埼玉県と愛知県の比較から──
    原田 峻
    2022年 34 巻 87-101
    発行日: 2022/05/30
    公開日: 2024/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー

     The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident had caused long-term and wide-area evacuation nationwide, and the issue of how to support people who “want to return but cannot return” emerged in various places. In this paper, while comparing Saitama and Aichi prefectures, the achievements and issues of wide-area evacuees’ support over the past 10 years have been clarified.

     The two prefectures have some common characteristics. In both the prefectures, private organizations have held exchange meetings, legal counseling / mental care, individual visits, and published information magazines in cooperation with prefectural offices, municipalities, and experts. While providing such support in multiple layers in both the prefectures, it has been also aimed to provide support with as wide a frontage as possible to the evacuees of various backgrounds and positions. The biggest issue, common to both the prefectures, is how long and till when to continue the support for the evacuees.

     However, different local governance was formed depending on the initial response of the prefectural office and the number of evacuees. In Aichi Prefecture, with the background in traditional disaster response and collaborative rule making, support such as establishment of public-build and private office, utilization of evacuee lists, and individual response had been developed. On the other hand, in Saitama Prefecture, in the absence of these conditions, support groups had restrictions on the use of personal information. Another difference is that in Aichi Prefecture, under the scale of about 1,200 evacuees, the construction of macro-meso-level network and micro-level individual support were developed in tandem. In contrast, in Saitama Prefecture, there were more than 7,000 evacuees at the maximum, and it was difficult to discuss the macro-meso-level and micro-level support at the same place.
