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クエリ検索: "日本軍"
5,254件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 日本軍の「蒙疆」占領と回民の植民地経験
    澤井 充生
    2016年 2016 巻
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/04/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 鞆谷 純一
    2010年 62 巻 4 号 278-293
    発行日: 2010/11/01
    公開日: 2017/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 有坂 寿洋
    2018年 121 巻 1195 号 49-
    発行日: 2018/06/05
    公開日: 2018/09/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 浅井 得一
    1963年 10 巻 4 号 1-31
    発行日: 1963/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    泰緬鉄道については, はじめて耳にする人もあると思うので, 正編とやや重複のきらいはあるが, その概要についてしるすことにする。
    は昭和17年5月のビルマ全土の占領をもって, 南方進攻作戦を成功のうちに終了した。しかし連合軍の
    占領地域に対する反攻は, インド洋方面においてまず開始され, 昭和17年の後半になると, ラングーン-シンガポール間の航路は, 連合軍の航空機と潜水艦による攻撃のために危険となって, ほとんどとだえてしまった。このため17年6月から安全な陸路としての鉄道の建設が始まったのである。
    ビルマとタイを結ぶ鉄道の建設は, イギリス側でも調査をしたことがあり, トングーからチェンマイに至るもの, モールメンからビサヌロークに至るもの, メルギーからチュンポンに至るものなどのルートが考えられていたが, のちに
    が鉄道を建設したサム・オン峠 (いわゆるThree Pagodas' Pass) を越えるタンビザヤ-ノンブラドック間のルートについては, 工事が困難であるとして, 具体的な計画は何も立てていなかったようである。 (第1図) タンビザヤ-ノンブラドックのルートは, 地形的に見ればそれほどけわしいものではなく, 最高点のサム・オン峠も海抜450mしかない。イギリス側が困難なりとしたのは, おそらくここが世界的に名高い悪性マラリアの浸淫地であつたからではなかろうか。そして
    このルートのタイ側はメクロン川およびその支流ケオノイ川の谷に沿っており, 雨期には川を利用すればビルマ国境に近いところまでさかのぼることができる。ジャングルの主体は竹で, 株をつくってはえているから, 株と株の間は自由に通行できるが, 1つの株の竹と他の株の竹は上方で互にからみ合っていて, 道を開くために下方を切っても, 竹は倒れず, また焼いても燃えない。工事にはこのような思わぬ困難が待っていたのである。雨量は年に3,000mm内外であるが, その2/3は5月から9月までの雨期に降るから, ケオノイ川は氾濫の危険があり, またビルマ側は多くの川がこのルートを横切っているので, 流木を伴う急流のために, 橋が流失するおそれがある。
    工事はビルマ側およびタイ側から同時に始められ, 昭和18年10月17日に東西の軌道がタイのコンコイターで連接され, 1年余りで完成した。
    の鉄道2個連隊を基幹とする部隊のほか, ジャワ, シンガポール, ビルマから集めたオランダ, オーストラリア, イギリスなどの連合軍の俘虜と, タイ, ビルマ, マライ, ジャワ, 仏印などの現地人の労務者がこの工事に従った。俘虜は昭和18年8月には47,737名 (うち患者27,053名, 就業率42%) に達し, 現地人労務者は多いときには10万名ぐらいいた。
    工事に従う者の多くがマラリアにたおれたほか, 昭和18年の初めにはコレラがビルマ側で発生し, 4月にはタイ側に波及, マラリアやコレラのために
    1千, 俘虜1万, 現地人労務者3万の死者を出している。雨期には食料の輸送が不円滑となり, 奥地方面約100kmの間は, 栄養失調のための犠牲者も出た。
    軌間はlmで, 日本からC56型機関車および貨車 「トム」 が送られビルマ, タイ, マライ, 仏印からも機関車, 貨車が集められた。軌条はラングーン-マンダレー間の複線およびイェ線の一部をはずしてもってきたり, マライの東部線をはずすなどおもに現地のものを利用したが, サイゴンに集結してあった大本営手持ちのもの120kmも使った。
    鉄道は完成したが, 最初の計画の1日の輸送量1方向3,000tは, 工事をいそいだためその1/3の1,000tに変更された。すなわち1列車100t (10t貨車10両), 10往復20列車という案で, これは5個師団分の常続補給量であり, 絶対に欠くことができないものであった。しかし開通後間もなく空襲が始まって, 昼間輸送は困難となり夜間を主として1日に3列車の運転がせいいっぱいというところであった。停車場には必ず密林内に待避線をつくり, 昼間は列車をここへいれておくのである。また輸送は主として貨物と患者のみに限り, 健康な兵員は線路に沿って歩かせた。列車の時速も20kmにすぎなかったが, 航空路を除けば, これはビルマ-タイ間の唯一の連絡路となり, ビルマにおける20万の
    への補給は, 細々ながらこの1本の鉄道によってささえられていたのである。
    の引揚げに使われたのち, こんどはイギリス軍に指揮された
    の俘虜の手によって, その大部分が撤去されてしまった。シンガポールの繁栄を守るため, あるいはビルマ, タイ2国の接近を警戒するためにイギリスがとった処置は, 大きな犠牲をはらって建設したこの鉄道をふたたびジャングルの中にうずめてしまったのである。
  • ──「慰安婦」問題の位相
    小浜 正子
    2014年 19 巻 5 号 5_16-5_24
    発行日: 2014/05/01
    公開日: 2014/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高浦 秀明
    1987年 7 巻 163-170
    発行日: 1987/06/20
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では、戦前に東京でつくられた橋梁を実例として、その形態の変遷を時代的背景や他のインダス卜リアルデザインどの関連で考察する。ほぼ年代順に、東京の変革, 過渡期の構造、シンポル化、デザインの洗練と大きく4つのテーマに整理し、流れを把握する。
  • *高田 明典, 小林 政能
    2009年 2009f 巻 704
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/11
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    3. 旧
     JX写真をNARAに送付したのは米国防衛情報局(DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency)である。演者らの調査では、NARAが所蔵する内地分の空中写真には、JX写真が今のところ含まれていない。このことから、JX写真は、戦後内地で接収されたのではなく、外地(戦地)で接収ないし鹵獲されたものと考えられる。
    今里悟之・長澤良太・久武哲也 2004.アメリカ議会図書館所蔵の旧
    永井信夫・小林政能 2006.米国国立公文書館で確認した
  • 「軍隊起源説」の検討を視点にして
    鈴木 秀人
    2020年 65 巻 205-223
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/03/17
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
     In 2012, a high school student who was the captain of a school basketball team committed suicide after suffering repeated corporal punishment from the head coach, who was a physical education teacher.
     This sort of tragic incident always prompts discussion about the current state of Japanese sports clubs. However, although such incidents occur repeatedly, Japan has not been able to eradicate violence in sports clubs.
     The purpose of the present study was to examine the reasons why Japanese society has tolerated corporal punishment by coaches or seniors in sports clubs, focusing on a popular belief that the roots of these practices lie in behavioral patterns that were prevalent in the old Japanese military during the Second World War.
     Initially, the paper proposes reasons why many people in Japanese society have believed and shared this view for a long time, although it has not been proven. Secondly, an attempt is made to reveal this as a problem for ordinary people who have consciously or subconsciously accepted corporal punishment as an intrinsic aspect of sports clubs, rather than considering it as an issue specifically for coaches or seniors.
     The following points were clarified:
     1) For critics of corporal punishment, the “military origin theory” supports their opinions powerfully. Because this logic demonstrates the relationship between sports clubs and the old military, it is able to emphasize the problematic and inhuman nature of corporal punishment in sports clubs. This is one explanation for why this belief has been shared by many Japanese people for so long.
     2) The “military origin theory” is a way of shifting the responsibility for violence in sports clubs away from the perpetrators. This has been supported by the general feeling of Japanese ordinary people against the old Japanese military.
     3) The existence of violence in sports clubs reflects a degree of maturity in the general public viewpoint about sports by a considerable proportion of Japanese who do not or can not distinguish between hard training and violent behavior.
     Consequently, this belief negates the chances that many Japanese people consider corporal punishment in sports clubs to be their own problem.
  • ー沖縄戦・集団自決の死生学 ー
    山内 健治
    2008年 2008 巻 H-8
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/05/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 白石 さや
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1975年 1975 巻 5 号 132-146
    発行日: 1975/12/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 林 博史
    2007年 53 巻 65-70
    発行日: 2007/12/25
    公開日: 2018/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大内 淳義
    1963年 33 巻 8 号 519-527
    発行日: 1963/08/01
    公開日: 2020/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ──軍用列車運行予定表の分析──
    柿崎 一郎
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    2010年 2010 巻 39 号 52-85
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2016/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー

    The aim of this article is to describe the characteristics of Japanese military transport on Thai railways during World War II, by analyzing the train schedules now held in the National Archives of Thailand. These schedules contain such data as the number and type of carriages on each train together with their origin and destination for almost every day from the beginning of the War until September 1945. Although the author initially compiled the data from these schedules hoping to grasp the overall volume of Japanese military transport, it soon became evident that the data did not cover all types of activity, because there were not enough train movements from Malaya to Thailand in the schedules. This forced the author to complement the schedules with an analysis of bills for Japanese military transport issued by the Thai railway department. The author divides the war time period into four stages for analysis: 1) front-line-expansion (December 1941-June 1942), 2) construction of the Thai-Burma line (July 1942-October 1943), 3) the opening of the Thai-Burma line (November 1943-December 1944) and 4) network division (January-September 1945).

    During stage 1), the main transport flows were found on two routes: from Bangkok to Malaya via the Southern line and to Phitsanulok or Sawankhalok via the Northern line, corresponding to the Malaya Operation and the Burma Operation, respectively. Other flows originated from Cambodia to the same destinations via the Eastern line and Bangkok. During stage 2), flows from Bangkok to Malaya and from Cambodia to Bangkok still existed, although their volumes were reduced. On the other hand, new flows emerged from either Bangkok or Malaya to the starting point of the Thai-Burma line to supply its construction. Stage 3) experienced an increase in transport due to the opening of Thai-Burma line and the Imphal Operation. Flows to Malaya and the Thai-Burma line still accounted for the majority of the transport, but flows to the Isthmus of Kra and the North also increased to supplement the Thai-Burma line. Finally, during stage 4), transport volume further expanded, while the total distance of transport dramatically dropped, as many lines were halted at several points due to Allied bombing, to the extent that all long-distance transport was suspended, except on the Eastern line.

    The characteristic features of wartime Japanese military transport through Thai railways are threefold: 1) long-distance railway transport as a substitute for maritime transport, 2) supplementary transport to the Burmese front-lines, and 3) the existence of commodity transport unrelated to troop movements. This transport concentrated on supplementing the Burmese front-line rather than transport to Malaya, except during the Malay Operation period. As Japanese forces arrived at Saigon or Singapore for deployment to Burma, military transport on Thai railways became the main form of long-distance “international” movement. Before the War, Thai railways were of little importance as international lines compared to maritime transport. This “international” railway activity, while limited only to military transport, eventually emerged for the first time in Southeast Asia through the creation of “international” rail links with Cambodia and Burma, and a shortage of maritime vessels during wartime. Furthermore, there was a considerable amount of commodity transport apart from troop movements, a fact which has not been sufficiently dealt with in the “official” histories of the War.

  • 南 龍協, 西澤 泰彦, 砂本 文彦
    2021年 86 巻 784 号 1752-1763
    発行日: 2021/06/30
    公開日: 2021/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the background and process, its characteristics of establishing the Japanese military bases in Seoul during the early modern era of Korea, and to establish it in the history of urban history in Seoul. In 1882, the Japanese army established a military base in Seoul for the first time, followed by several relocations, and finally in 1904 built a permanent base with brick barracks in Pil-dong near Namsan Mountain. The characteristics of the establishment of Japanese military bases in Seoul and the relationship between urban formation in Seoul are summarized as follows.

    First, the Japanese military bases in Seoul are closely related to various events surrounding Korea in the early modern era, and was established following changed according to the following process. (1) In the wake of the ‘Imogunran’, the first Japanese military base was established at three locations in the northern part of Namsan Mountain (1882-1885). (2) In the course of the ‘Sino-Japanese War’, a second base was established in the ‘old Samgunbu’ in front of the royal palace (1894-1896). (3) Under the influence of ‘Agwanpacheon’, which the King Gojong escaped to the Russian legation in 1896, the Japanese military base was relocated from the ‘old Samgunbu’ to the ‘Yanghyangcheong’ and ‘old China telegraph office’ (1896-1904). (4) With the conclusion of the ‘Komura-Webber Memorandum’, a permanent base was established in Pil-dong. (1904).

    Second, the establishment of the Japanese military bases in Seoul were linked to the location of the Japanese legation. Because the Japanese military stationed in Seoul was aimed at guarding the Japanese legation under the ‘Jemulpo Treaty’, the site had to be set up near the Japanese legation. However, the military base in the ‘old Samgunbu’ reflected the special situation of the Sino-Japanese War.

    Third, around 1900, the method of setting up a base by the Japanese army changed from ‘borrowing land and facilities’ to ‘owning land and building new facilities’. After the signing of the ‘Komura-Webber Memorandum’ the Japanese troops, which were able to stably station their troops, tried to build a permanent base with the residents in mind. However, when a permanent base was constructed in Seoul, the permanent ownership of the base and the protection of Japanese residents were important a big concern, which was different from the establishment of a base in homeland Japan.

    Fourth, the Japanese military bases were in line with the formation of the Japanese settlement, which occupies an important position in the formation of the city of Seoul in the early modern era. In 1885, the first Japanese settlement was set up near the previously existing Japanese legation and Japanese military base. In 1896, the Japanese military base was moved at both ends of the Japanese settlement street in response to the protection of Japanese residents and the expansion of the Japanese settlement towards Namdaemunno Street. In 1902, the new Japanese military base constructed in Pil-dong that was near the Japanese legation and Japanese settlement. After all, in urban structure of Seoul, northern foot of Namsan Mountain was formed as a Japanese settlement. It is probable that the beginning of urbanization in the area at the northern part of Namsan Mountain was the result of the establishment of the Japanese military bases, which played a role in protecting Japanese residents.

  • ―シンガポールにおける記憶の視覚化―
    城殿 智行
    2017年 2017 巻 27 号 337-342
    発行日: 2017/01/01
    公開日: 2020/04/02
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 日本語教育史におけるその位置付け
    松永 典子
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1998年 1998 巻 27 号 73-96
    発行日: 1998/06/01
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been pointed out that there are some crucial differences about the nature of the Japanese language education in the Japanese territories of Southeast Asia. It, however, is difficult for us to recognize the differences because “assimilation policy” and “kominka policy” have been interpreted imprecisely.
    The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the case in Malaya with that in the other territories of Southeast Asia on the Japanese language education under the Japanese occupation (1941-45) and direct our attention to the case in Malaya within the framework of the history of Japanese language education.
    In the early period Military Administration of the Japanese occupation, the Gunseikambu (Military Administration) attached a great deal of importanceto primary education as a means of popularizing the Japanese language. In the middle period Military Administration, however, it shifted the emphasis to the Japanese teaching coordinated with the spiritual training of Rensei Kyoiku. In the late period Military Administration, it emphasized more on strengthening Japanese language education and primary education.
    But at the final stage of the late period, the Gunseikambu shifted to relaxing its language policy, because the policy that instructors employed only Japanese as a teaching language was implemented too soon, so that it failed.
    For the reasons stated above, the Gunseikambu played a minimal role in the education policy, particularly during the initial and middle periods of the Japanese occupation. We can confirm that the Japanese language education policy in Malaya during the late period was more directly influenced by the Japanese language education policy of the Japanese government than that in the other Japanese territories of Southeast Asia.
    This policy in Malaya, however, was entirely based on the kokugo (national language) ideology, and the same teaching methodology used to teach in Japan and the Japanese colonies was employed in Malaya. Therefore, we can say that the Japanese language education policy in Malaya was ideologically a copy of the internal Japanese language education policy itself in some school, and it was most influenced by the kokugo ideology in the Japanese territories of Southeast Asia. But it eventually failed in Malaya because Japanese was not a Malayan common language nor the kokugo Malayans. In this sense, the nature of the Japanese language education in Malaya was different from that in the Japanese colonies.
  • 鞆谷 純一
    2006年 57 巻 5 号 312-322
    発行日: 2006/01/01
    公開日: 2017/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊ヶ崎 曉生
    1996年 63 巻 1 号 85-86
    発行日: 1996/03/30
    公開日: 2009/01/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 土井 茂則
    1982年 1982 巻 21 号 90-96
    発行日: 1982/03/30
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 荒 哲
    2021年 62 巻 3 号 32-62
    発行日: 2021/09/15
    公開日: 2021/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー HTML


