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クエリ検索: "春化"
537件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 富田 豊雄, 輪田 潔
    1961年 3 巻 8-9
    発行日: 1961/03/25
    公開日: 2017/12/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 後藤 虎男
    1976年 26 巻 4 号 307-327
    発行日: 1976/12/01
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 化学と生物
    1970年 8 巻 7 号 418-424
    発行日: 1970/07/25
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 斎藤 秀幸, 斎藤 隆
    2011年 23 巻 1 号 3-11
    発行日: 2011/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    カブの花房形成の品種間差異における低温処理期間と低温処理後の日長反応について, 花成強度を求めて検討した. 前報までに用いた‘耐病ひかり’を対照品種として, 現在のカブの春播き(晩抽性)経済品種8品種を用いて, 催芽種子に3℃で21~35日間低温処理を行った結果, 低温感応性が高い品種‘耐病ひかり’, ‘玉波’, ‘はくれい’, 低温感応性がやや低い品種‘健明’, ‘雪だるま’, 低温感応性が低い品種‘たかふじ’, ‘白鷹’, ‘福小町’, ‘CR白涼’の3つのタイプに分類することができると考えられた. 次に, 上記9品種のうち7品種を用いて, 催芽種子に3℃で14~35日間の低温処理後に8および24時間の日長処理を行った結果, いずれの品種でも, 8時間日長に比べて24時間日長で花房形成が促進された. さらに, 低温感応性が異なる3品種‘耐病ひかり’, ‘雪だるま’, ‘福小町’を用いて, 催芽種子に3℃で14~42日間の低温処理後に8, 12, 16および24時間の日長処理を行って低温と日長の花房形成に対する影響を検討した. ‘耐病ひかり’と同程度に花房形成するには, ‘雪だるま’では1週間, ‘福小町’では2週間以上‘耐病ひかり’よりも長く低温処理を要しており, 両品種の低温感応性は低いと考えられた. また, いずれの品種においても, 12時間日長に比べて, 8時間日長ではさらに長い低温処理で花房形成され, それに対して, 16時間日長で1週間あるいは1~2週間, 24時間日長で2週間それぞれ短い低温処理で花房形成されると考えられた. 以上のように, 春播き(晩抽性)とされる経済品種間においても低温感応性あるいは日長感応性の品種間差異は大きいと考えられた.
  • 中條 博良
    1979年 48 巻 Supplement1 号 227-232
    発行日: 1979/04/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中条 博良
    1970年 39 巻 4 号 451-456
    発行日: 1970/12/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments were carried out to make clear the process of devernalization of winter wheat, variety Norin No. 27. (1) The plants vernalized immediately after sowing for 30 or 40 days at 1°, 4°, 8°, 11°, and 15°C, respectively, were exposed to relatively high temperature of 12°, 18°, or 24°C for l0 days. The vernalization effect achieved at 1°C or 4°C were reversed markedly by the subsequent exposure to high temperature such as 18°C or 24°C. The effect obtained at 8°C or 11°C, on the other hand, were reversed a little by the same treatment. (2) The plants vernalized immediately after sowing at 1°C for 30 days were exposed to high temperature varying diurnally for 1 week. Among the plants which were exposed to various combinations of temperature being equal to mean temperature, the plants exposed to high temperature varying diurnally emerged the flag leaves on the same date as those exposed consecutively to a constant high temperature or emerged somewhat earlier than the latter. (3) The plants vernalized immediately after or 15 days after sowing at 2°C for 30 days were exposed to high temperature (25°C) under the light of different intensities. The vernalization effect was reversed markedly by the high temperature treatment under dark condition. This vernalization effect was reversed by the high temperature treatment more markedly under high light intensity than under low light intensity.
  • *柳田 元継, 岩渕 雅樹, 小川 健一
    日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集
    2003年 2003 巻
    発行日: 2003/03/27
    公開日: 2004/02/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 石原 愛也
    1960年 28 巻 3 号 316-320
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The experiments were carried out to follow the process of vernalization in winter wheat plants, var. Norin no. 64, under the field condition in late autumn and winter seasons. At successive stages, some of the growing plants in field were removed to the continuous light condition under the temperature of about 20°C, and the affected degree by natural vernalization in the plants was estimated by counting the number of leaves newly formed before flowering in the main stem, subtracting the number of determinate leaves at the time of the removing from the final leaf number. It was found that the vernalization progressed almost to the completion during one or one and a half month from sowing time. The results indicated that the vernalization under the field condition proceeded with a similar rate as that of seeds treated at 5°C, even though the temperature in the field was higher than 5°C, f.i., the daily mean temperature was 15∼7°C during the vernalization period in one experiment. From the examination of shoot apex development, it was suggested that in the vernalized plants the production of leaf or bract primordium is activated, which in turn leads to the spikelet initiation
  • 石原 愛也
    1963年 31 巻 3 号 297-308
    発行日: 1963/04/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The experiments were conducted in order to find out the effects of daily alternating temperature and photoperiod on the progress of vernalization, that is defind as the process leading to ripeness-to-flower, in the growing plant of wheat, Norin No. 64, medium cold requiring variety. The relation beween the progress of vernalization in plant as manifested by the vernalization test, and the turn-over of morphogenetic ability in shot apex, revealed by the excised stem tip culture, were also determined. From the results of these eyperiments, following inferences may be drawn; 1), The rate of vernalization depends on temperature and not on photoperiod. The vernalization in growing plant may complete within one month even under as high a mean temperature as 19°C. These facts may be explained by the information contained in the following paragraphs, 2) and 3). 2). The daily lower temperature at night apparently controls the rate of vernalization, while higher temperature during daytime has little effect on the rate. The fact that the daily day temperature above 30°C permits the rapid vernalization, when the daily night temperature is below 10°C, suggests the devernalization in the plants grown under field conditon to be improbable. 3). Althogh low temperature promotes the onset of vernalization, it is not a requisite for its completion. The turn-over of morphogenetic ability in shoot apex occurs in the earlier cold-requiring phase of vernalization.
  • 中条 博良
    1961年 30 巻 1 号 56-60
    発行日: 1961/10/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The reversal of the short day vernalization effect by high temperature and by long days were studied to make clear the role played by short day vernalization in the heading of barley. Low temperature vernalization was reversed at 18°C or more high temperature and this effect was more pronounced as the temperature was high. When the different degrees of temperature were given during the short day treatment, the short day vernalization effect was most pronounced at 18°C and was less pronounced as the temperature was higher than 22°C, though the heading was hastened more or less by the short day treatment even at 30°C. After the short day treatment the retardation of the heading by the high temperature treatment was less pronounced than the above case. The short day vernalization effect indicated early to be stable to the high temperature treatment as compared with the low temperature vernalization effect. In plants which had received no chilling at the stage of sprouted seeds, the hastening of the heading by the short day treatment at 26°C or 30°C was not so large as that at the open air, but in plants which had received chilling, the hastening of the heading by the short day treatment under both temperature conditions were same. There was no relation between the decrease of the short day vernalization effect by high temperature and the winter habit of varieties. In the variety "Kobinkatagi No. 36", such a decrease was something different from those in other four varieties. The hastening of the heading by the short day treatment which was proceeded under different conditions of temperature was more largely affected by the high night temperature than by the high daytime temperature. This reduction of the hastening was closely related to the length of time of the high temperature treatment during 24 hours. This fact suggests that the decline of the short day vernalization effect by high temperature depends more on the partial destruction of the effect of short day treatment by high temperature than on the retardation of the short day reaction by high temperature. This devernalization of the short day effect is pronounced at about 26°C or more high temperature. The short day vernalization effect was reduced when long days were intercalated among short days. This devernalization effect was more pronounced when long days were intercalated separately than when intercalated in a series. The short day vernalization effect was completely reversed when one short day and one long day were given alternately. This devernalization effect was more pronounced when long days were intercalated among the former half of short days or when the temperature during intercalated long days was high. The short day vernalization effect was pronounced even at high temperature such as sprouted seeds could not be chilled. This fact suggests that the short day vernalization effect may play an important part in the heading of barley sown in autumn.
  • 平野 寿功, 菅 洋
    1963年 13 巻 1 号 42-47
    発行日: 1963/03/20
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 後藤 虎男
    1975年 25 巻 4 号 221-228
    発行日: 1975/08/30
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    東北地方に作付される大麦・小麦品種の冬期間における発育過程を明らかにしようとした。得られた結果は次のようである。 1)秋播性大麦では
    終了後まもなく幼穂形成を開始する。しかし,その後の幼穂発育は,関東育成はドリルムギを.除いては遅く,小穂段数の決定する時期は3月中旬となる。 2) 関東地方の春播性大麦では,越冬前に幼穂分化が進み,穎花分化期に達し,幼穂は凍死する。 3) 東北地方の春播性大麦は例外的たハヤチネムギを除げば幼穂形成はやや遅れ,穎花分化は融雪期以降となる。特に,細稈2号の幼穂形成は遅い。 4)東北地方の秋播性小麦品種では,
    終了後も幼穂形成は開始せず,幼穂形成の開始は3月下旬の融雪期以降である。 5)東北地方では大麦の耐寒性は一般に小麦より劣るが,両者の幼穂発育の差がその一因と考えられる。耐寒性増大のためには,播性程度が高く,しかも幼穂形成の遅い品種を育成する必要がある。
  • 菅 洋
    1961年 11 巻 1 号 10-18
    発行日: 1961/03/25
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 斎藤 秀幸, 斎藤 隆
    2003年 72 巻 4 号 329-334
    発行日: 2003/07/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    カブの低温感応による花房形成に対する低温処理中の高温処理の影響について検討した.'ひかり'の幼苗を9℃で低温処理中,17, 24および30℃の高温に,1日当たり4,6および8時間遭遇させる断続低温処理を行った.温度処理終了後,花成の様相を調べ,花成強度を求めた,さらに,花成強度を用いて連続低温処理に対する断続低温処理の
  • 中条 博良
    1962年 31 巻 2 号 150-154
    発行日: 1962/12/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The difference in the short day vernalization effect as affected by the temperature during or after the short day treatment was studied. The short day vernalization effect was not marked when low temperature was given during the short day treatment. There was a trend toward an increase in this effect with the rise in that temperature up to 18°C or 22°C. Variation in the heading date of the plants treated with short day under different temperatures was smaller than that of control plants. These were also true with respect to the difference in the short day vernalization effect as affected by the temperature after the treatment. The difference in the short day vernalization effect under different temperatures showed similar trends in any variety of different winter habits. The plants were treated with short day and were given various combinations of temperatures during the darkperiod and during the photoperiod. The short day vernalization effect under the low temperature during the darkperiod or the photoperiod was not marked. This effect increased with the rise in the temperature during the darkperiod up to 14°C or 18°C or with the rise in the temperature during the photoperiod up to 18°C or 22°C. The emergence of the final leaf was hastened by about one month when the plants were sown and treated with ten short days out of doors in October, while it was hastened by only 3 days when the plants were sown in the glasshouse and treated with ten short days out of doors in December.
  • 井上 知昭
    2002年 71 巻 1 号 127-132
    発行日: 2002/01/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    夏咲き系'Prima Donna', 春咲き系'Royal Rose'および冬咲き系'茅ケ崎11号'の3品種を用いて, 種子
    日数(1℃で0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60日間)と栽培時の日長(8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 24時間日長)を組合わせ, 最低夜温15℃で発らい・開花に及ぼす影響を調査した.種子無
    では3系統とも8時間日長で最も高節位で, 遅く発らいした.発らい節位には顕著な系統間差がみられ, 夏咲き系が高く, 冬咲き系が低く, 春咲き系は両系統の中間であった.3系統とも種子
    処理日数30日の発らい節位は, 種子無
    に対して夏咲き系ではほぼ14時間以上で, 春咲き系ではほぼ12時間以上で顕著に低下し, 冬咲き系では日長の影響は小さく, いずれの日長でも顕著に低下した.さらに, 種子
    処理日数60日の発らい節位は, 3系統ともやや低下したが, この段階でも夏咲き系では日長間差が大きく, 春咲き系で小さく, 冬咲き系では差が認められなかった.発らい節位と第1花の開花節位の差は, 種子
    の有無に関わらず, 冬咲き系ではいずれの日長でも, 春咲き系では12時間以上, 夏咲き系では16時間以上の日長でほとんど生じなかった.しかし, 夏咲き系と春咲き系では種子
    処理日数が短く, かつ短日ほど発らい後のアボーション, 栄養芽および落らいの発生が多く, 発らい節位よりも開花節位は高くなった.以上の結果, 3系統とも種子
    処理日数は30日以上で, 栽培時の日長は夏咲き系で16時間以上, 春咲き系で12時間以上, 冬咲き系ではいずれの日長でも開花が顕著に促進されることが明らかになった
  • 中條 博良
    1965年 33 巻 4 号 394-398
    発行日: 1965/06/15
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To make clear the varietal difference in critical daylength of short day vernalization response of barley, sixteen naked varieties and seventeen covered varieties of barley were treated for three weeks under 8, 11, 14, and 20 hour daylength. Almost all the varieties showed the pronounced short day vernalization effect under 8 hour daylength. Under 11 and 14 hour daylength, however, there was difference in short day vernalization effect among the varieties. The varieties were classified into three grades, i. e. A, B, and C on their short day vernalization response under S, 11, and 14 hour daylength compared with that under 20 hour daylength. The trend of short day vernalization response of the varieties under 11 of 14 hour daylength which depended on their critical daylength was not parallel with that under 8 hour daylength. The schematic curve of short day vernalization response under different daylength was discussed.
  • 石原 愛也
    1961年 30 巻 1 号 88-92
    発行日: 1961/10/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study is concerned with the requirement of low temperature for the vernalization of apical and lateral buds. The in-vitro-culture method was used to ascertain the vernalized condition of the excised buds. The results obtained are summarised below. 1) The excised bud consisted of shoot apex and two or three primordia placed on the agar medium containing glucose and minerals, can be vernalized by low temperature. The retention of vernalized condition in excised stem tips of vernalized plants has been reported earlier. Considering this together with the present finding, it may be concluded that the vernalized condition in the buds is attained by the response of the apical tisshe itself to low temperature. 2) Regardless of the temperature condition during the initiation and development of the lateral buds, they are found to be in vernalized condition, if the seed has been treated by low temperature. This may be called as indirect induction in buds by low temperature.
  • 吾妻 浅男, 犬伏 貞明
    1986年 55 巻 2 号 221-227
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2007/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    スターチス•シヌアータの種子低温処理による超促成栽培の技術体系を確立するために, まず自然条件下で種子低温処理苗の脱
    が起こる時期を調べた. 次に, 種子低温処理した幼苗を脱
    を回避する温度条件に保った冷房ハウス (昼温27°C±2°C, 夜温17°C±2°C) で育苗し, 高温を受けるときの苗齢と脱
    1. 催芽種子を2~3°Cで30日間低温処理したのち, 幼苗を戸外の自然条件下で育苗したところ, 9月11日より早く低温処理を終えた株は高温の影響を強く受け, 種子
    による抽だい, 開花促進効果が低下あるいは完全に消失し, 脱
    2. 種子低温処理後の幼苗を冷房ハウス内の涼温条件下で育苗すると, 苗齢が進むにしたがって
    の効果が安定し, 展開葉が2~3枚以上に生長した苗は, 9月1日以降に自然の高温条件下に移しても脱
    は起こらなかった. さらに, 展開葉が8~10枚以上に生長した苗は, 8月下旬以降に自然の高温条件下に移しても脱
    は起こらなかった. これらの株は抽だい, 開花が著しく早まり, 1月までの早期の切り花本数が著しく増加した.
    3. 種子低温処理後の幼苗を脱
    が起こらない温度条件で育苗することによって, 低温処理時期を早めることができた. 低温処理後の幼苗を高冷地あるいは冷房ハウスで育苗して脱
    を回避し, これらの株を8月下旬~9月上旬の早期に定植すると10月から切り花出荷することができた. この栽培法と現在行われている抑制栽培を組み合わせることによって, わが国でのスターチス•シヌアータの周年栽培が可能になるものと思われる.
  • 天笠 正, 小川 正巳, 禿 泰雄, 米原 徹
    植物化学調節学会 研究発表記録集
    1991年 26 巻 52-53
    発行日: 1991/10/14
    公開日: 2018/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー