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731,157件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 中村
    2007年 54 巻 2 号 185-187
    発行日: 2007/06/20
    公開日: 2011/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *安田 明太, 小森 健太郎
    2004年 2003 巻 1040
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/04/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【はじめに】 本邦における医学統計学への関心はあまり高くない。筆者は理学療法研究における統計学の現状あるいは問題点などについて、第37、38回日本理学療法学術大会で述べたが、今回は
    水準とは統計学的検定のための目安となる確率の大きさのことであるが、慣習的に世界水準で5%がよく用いられる。 また、最近の傾向ではパソコンの普及によって簡単にP値(
    【方法】 第38回日本理学療法学術大会抄録集より、統計的検定がされている演題を対象に次のようなことについて調査した。
    確率の値を記したのものは最近の傾向とはいうものの22件と少なかったが、そのうち等号、 不等号の両方共を使って記載しているものは11件であった。両方が記載されているもので、
  • 羽鳥 好律
    2017年 71 巻 1 号 96
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2019/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川上 昭吾, 渡邉 康一郎
    2010年 50 巻 3 号 1-14
    発行日: 2010/03/03
    公開日: 2022/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー


    味受容学習はオーズベルによって提唱された先行オーガナイザ(Advance Organizer AO)を使う演繹的思考過程を重視する学習理論である.先行オーガナイザは,学習の始まりに使うものであり,それ以降の学習に見通しをもたせるような一般的で抽象的な概念である.私達研究グループは,図やモデルも先行オーガナイザとして使うことができることを明らかした.先行オーガナイザを使うポイントは,学習者に「わからないな.どうしてだろう」という疑間をもたせた状態にして(これを私達は「モヤモヤを作る」と呼んでいる)おくことである.本報告ではモヤモヤ作りと先行オーガナイザを「資料」として整理した.なお,「先行オーガナイザ」は研究上使っている言葉であり,授業では「ヒント」を主に使い,「これからの学習の核となる見方」という言い方もしている。同様に,

  • 奥田 敏治, 堀内 統, 大塚 隆信
    2005年 48 巻 2 号 363-364
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/07/30
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 高瀬 信忠
    1957年 1957 巻 43 号 38-42
    発行日: 1957/03/10
    公開日: 2010/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    水文統計学の発達にともない, 確率降雨及び確率洪水の概念が一般に普及して, 河川計画の合理化に大いに貢献しているが, 実際上は確率論の根本をなす水文諸量の無作為性の吟味が十分行われていない。この論文は年最大日雨量及び年最大洪水流量の多くの資料について, 最近発展してきた時系列論的な解析を行い, その統計学的な取扱いと性格を示したものである。
  • 岡田
    , 村上 聡
    2020年 56 巻 6 号 499-503
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平野 敏右
    1998年 37 巻 1 号 1
    発行日: 1998/02/15
    公開日: 2017/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 逆向促進について
    久原 恵子
    1971年 42 巻 5 号 251-255
    発行日: 1971/12/10
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present experiment was designed to test the following hypothesis: When meaningfully learnable materials have been incomplete by learned and equivalence between new materials and the stored information has not yet been realized, inserted learning of the new materials which can be subsumed meaningfully by an identical transformation rule may facilitate retention of the original learning.
    Three lists of ten paired associates were presented (See Tables 1 & 2); the stimulus term was always a word and the response term consisted of nonsense syllables (NS), one to three in number with connectives. 43 college students served as Ss and were divided into experimental (M) and control (R) groups. Both groups learned List 1, being followed by List 3. Group M was then asked to learn List 2 while group R was required List 2′. All items in List 2 and half of List 3 (3a) can be learned meaningfully after rote learning of List 1. List 2′ and the other half of List 3 (3b) require rote learning.
    The effect of inserted learning was assessed by comparing Ss' performance on tests of List 3 before and after the learning of List 2 or 2′. When S's responses to individual items were classified into four categories (perfect; all three NS correct, but one or more errors in order or in connective(s); incorrect NS; no answer) only experimental Ss who had learned meaningful List 2 showed improvement in List 3a (See Tables 3 & 5). When responses were classified into six or more sensitive categories, the performances of both group Ss showed improvement. Performance in 3b, which had been much lower than that in 3a, showed no improvement in either case.
  • 佐久間 鼎
    1928年 3 巻 1 号 73-78
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    1960年 3 巻 2 号 65-72
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2021/08/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 熊沢 浄一, 中牟田 誠一, 百瀬 俊郎, 原 三信, 原 孝彦, 南里 和成
    1974年 22 巻 4 号 635-641
    発行日: 1974/06/25
    公開日: 2011/03/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. A series of thirty-two male adults with acute gonorrhea were treated orally with pivampicillin at a dose of 2 capsules q. i. d. for 4 consecutive days, at the Urological Department, Kyushu University Hospital, or at the Urological Clinic, Sanshin-Kai Hara Hospital.
    2. Assessed on days 2-4 of pivampicillin therapy, therapeutic response was excellent in 17 cases and good in 4 cases ; eventually, the treatment was remarkably effective in 81% of patients and produced significant improvement in 100% of cases.
    3. Signs of gonorrheal recrudescence were evident in 2 out of 15 cases on re-examination conducted at 6 to 11 days after the conclusion of 4 day study medication. One of these two patients was seen shortly after heavy drinking of alcohol whilst no such particular inducing factor was noted in another patient.
    4. Nausea was encountered as side reaction in 2 cases (9.5%), except which no serious adverse side effects were observed during the study treatment.
  • 丸山 隆司, 野田 豊, 橋詰 雅, 安藤 正一, 御影 文徳, 西岡 敏雄, 本城谷 孝, 岩井 一男, 木村 一之, 西沢 かな枝
    1979年 19 巻 1 号 1-7
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The genetically significant dose (GSD), per Caput mean bone-marrow dose (CMD) and leukemia significant dose (LSD) from orthopantomographic examinations have beenestimated on the basis of a nation wide survey. The annual number of orthopantomographicexaminations in 1974 was estimated to be 1.65×106. The organ or tissue doses weremeasured with an ionization chamber and a thermoluminescent dosimeter placed on variouspositions of the RANDO phantom. The resultant GSD, CMD and LSD was 0.088 pradper person per year, 66 μrad per year and 61 μrad per person per year, respectively.
    The risk of stochastic effects associated with dental X-ray diagnostic examinations includingintra-oral radiography was estimated using data on the number of dental diagnosticexaminations and a weighting factor recently recommended by the International Committeeon Radiological Protection. The annual total effective dose of dental X-ray diagnostic examinationsfor adult patients was 86.2 krad (0.862 kGy) for intra-oral radiography and 20 krad (0.2 kGy) for orthopantomography, with a total 106.2 krad (1.062 kGy). The InternationalCommittee on Radiological Protection has concluded that the mortality risk factorfor radiation induced stochastic effects is about 10-4 rad-1 (10-2 Gy-1). The total stochasticrisk from dental X-ray diagnostic examinations was estimated to be 0.13 person per yearfor the whole adult population in Japan.
  • 英語動詞の過去形の学習
    久原 恵子
    1972年 20 巻 1 号 15-21
    発行日: 1972/03/31
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    英語の複合動詞の現在形を刺激語, 過去形を反応語とする対連合学習をさせる。そのさい複合動詞の過去形はその中に含まれている単純動詞の過去形と同じ変化をするというルールを与えて単純動詞の現在形と過去形の関係との間に等価を確立しやすくした場合と, ルールを与えず, 等価の確立が困難な場合との比較, および単純動詞の過去形が既習でここで与えたルールを使って等価を確立しうる複合動詞と, 未習で等価を確立しえない複合動詞との比較によって等価の確立が習得と保持に及ぼす効果を明らかにしようとした。単純動詞のリスト (リスト1) の学習をさせた後, ルールを実験群にのみ与え, 統制群には与えない。その後複合動詞のリスト (リスト 2) の学習とテスト, さらに新しい複合動詞のリスト (リスト3) の学習, リスト2と3と未出の動詞のリスト (リスト4) についてのテストを行なった。その結果リスト2と, リスト3の習得において実験群の方が統制群より
    にすぐれた成績を示した。リスト4の構成については, 群間に
    な差はみられなかった。単純動詞既出の複合動詞についての方が, 未出の複合動詞についてより, その習得と保持が
  • 山下 拳人, 森田 千瑛, 土居 更紗, 山口 理佳, 日沖 義治, 村上 貴士, 古野 俊佑, 兒玉 隆之
    2017年 7 巻 1 号 29-34
    発行日: 2017/04/14
    公開日: 2017/04/15
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 新谷 しづ恵
    2015年 26 巻 7-14
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/07/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Some studies show that the meaningful reception leaning using advance organizers is effective for student's scholastic achievement. Adnance organizers are divided into explanation organizers and comparision organizers. I investigated which advance organizers are effective. I studied “ Power and Movement ” of science, this time. It was significant that explanation organizers are more effective than comparision organizers for students to take in new leaning contents in cognitive structure.
  • 塩田 憲三, 三木 文雄, 加藤 康道, 斉藤 玲, 松本 慶蔵, 清水 喜八郎, 真下 啓明, 深谷 一太, 国井 乙彦, 長谷川 弥人, 藤山 順豊, 上田 泰, 斉藤 篤, 中川 圭一, 渡辺 健太郎, 可部 順三郎, 鈴木 達夫, 勝 正孝, 藤森 一平, 松浦 健雄, 福島 孝吉, 伊藤 章, 小田切 繁樹, 山作 房之輔, 関根 理, 渡部 信, 金沢 裕, 岸川 基明, 山本 俊幸, 北浦 三郎, 岡本 緩子, 右馬 文彦, 西沢 夏生, 河盛 勇造, 原 耕平, 斉藤 厚, 那須 勝
    1973年 21 巻 8 号 1535-1563
    発行日: 1973/11/25
    公開日: 2011/03/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    One of the characteristics of amoxycillin is said that its absorbency from digestive tract is better than that of ampicillin, and that the blood concentration of amoxycillin is nearly twofold as that of ampicillin. In the purpose to investigate how this good absorbency reflects on the clinical effect, 16 institutions throughout the country have performed the comparative test of the effectiveness by 3 administration methods; amoxycillin 1 g per day, amoxycillin 2 g per day, and ampicillin 2 g per day.
    The treated patients consisted of 95 cases of pneumonia and 8 cases of pulmonary purulent inflammation. Having excluded the drop out cases due to various reasons, a statistical analysis was made on the results obtained from cases of pneumonia amoxycillin 2 g in 30 cases, amoxycillin 1 g in 24 cases, and ampicillin 2 g in 16 cases.
    The items tested were the symptomatic findings as temperature, pulse rate, respiratory frequency, cough, sputum (amount, Property, and odour), dyspnoea chest pain, breast râles, cyanosis, dehydration symptom and blood pressure, and the clinical test results as thoracic X-ray finding, arterial blood gas, leukocyte count and its classification, erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, hematocrit value, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, and electrocardiogram. The improvement degree classified by each item above described, was sought from the values obtained before the administration of drug, after 3 days of administration, and after 7 days of administration, and the investigation was made to confirm whether there is a significant difference among three drug methods. As to the finding of thoracic X-ray, the films of each case were collected at a certain place, and they were compared and judged following a fixed standard by a small committee composed of several doctors.
    The investigation was made to confirm whether there is a significant difference among three drug methods by comparing the above improvement degrees classified by cases, the judgment results of clinical effects by each physician in charge, and the judgment results of effects in each case by the effect judgment committee composed of several doctors.
    The effects classified by causative bacteria were not compared, as there were too few cases in which causative bacteria were determined exactly. The examination was made separately on the cases in which Mycoplasma pneumonia was diagnosed by measuring the value of Mycoplasma CF antibody.
    Results : No significant difference was observed among three drug groupes drugs on the improvement degrees of each symptom and finding, although the only degree of CRP tended to be the best with 2 g of amoxycillin at a risk ratio of 10%, while the worst with 2 g of ampicillin. No significant difference was noticed in all the improvement degrees of other symptoms and findings.
    No significant difference was observed among three drug groups on the results of effect judgment by each physician in charge and that by effect judgment committee either with all cases and with the cases excluded Mycoplasma pneumonia.
    No significant difference was noticed as well among three drug groups on the appearance frequencies of side effects such as digestive tract disorder, allergic reaction, hepatic disorder and renal disorder.
    The comparative investigation was not performed on pulmonary purulent inflammation, as the cases of the disease were too few.
  • 有意味学習の優位
    波多野 誼余夫, 久原 恵子
    1969年 40 巻 4 号 192-200
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    We defined here the process of meaningful learning as follows: identifying equivalence (in the widest meaning) between incoming information and stored information, by transforming the former. An experiment of successive paired-associate learning was undertaken to compare the learning performance between 2 conditions of preceding learning (List 1 & 2), under one of which Ss could learn meaningfully, though Ss of both conditions were required to learn the same material. In one condition, Ss could learn meaningfully, i.e., they could find equivalence between stored information (lexical meaning of words) and learning materials of List 3, by displacing components in the response term of the List 3 (using associations learned in List 1 & 2) and integrating them by connectives; in the other condition, Ss could not find equivalence by such transformations and had to learn material of List 3 in rote manner. (See Table 1) 32 undergraduate students served as Ss.
    Results: the effectiveness of meaningful learning (as against rote learning) was clearly shown. (See Table 7) Furthermore, two different alternative explanations of the results were eliminated by using auxiliary lists. (See Table 3)
    The first alternative is that integration of R terms of List 3 could be facilitated by the fact that specific combinations of NS learned in List 2 were used as components of List 3. This facilitation effect was proved to be negligible, however, by the performance of control gr., Ss of which learned List 3′ which had the same R terms as, but different S terms from, List 3, so that the pair could not be learned meaningfully. (See Table 8)
    The second alternative is that the effectiveness of meaningful learning could be explained in more traditional manner, that is, by facilitating effect of mediated association and positive transfer by the common element. However this aiternative was also rejected by the performance of another control gr., Ss of which learned List 3″ which had the same S terms and the same components (NS) of R terms but had different inappropriate connectives. (See also Table 8)
  • 根井 正利
    1956年 5 巻 4 号 213-219
    発行日: 1956/03/30
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 熊沢 浄一, 中牟田 誠一, 百瀬 俊郎, 原 三信, 原 孝彦, 南里 和成, 王丸 鴻一, 日高 正昭, 永芳 弘之, 喜田 浩, 清原 宏彦
    1974年 22 巻 4 号 629-634
    発行日: 1974/06/25
    公開日: 2011/03/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thirty-eight patients with urinary tract infection were treated with pivampicillin at the department of urology, Kyushu University, and other 4 hospitals.
    Satisfactory results were obtained in 96.3% of 27 non-specific acute urinary tract infection cases, whereas 27.2% of 11 complicated cases.
    Satisfactory result was obtained thus in 76.3% in total.
    No serious side effects were noted except for 20.0% of all cases with gastro-intestinal disorders.