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クエリ検索: "朱権"
14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • 三谷 陽子
    1976年 1976 巻 38 号 b1-b38
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三谷 陽子
    1976年 1976 巻 38 号 100-63
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大渡 忠太郎
    1897年 11 巻 126 号 291-296
    発行日: 1897年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山根 新次
    1922年 34 巻 3 号 136-143
    発行日: 1922/03/18
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三谷 陽子
    1977年 1977 巻 41-42 号 1-26,en1
    発行日: 1977/08/31
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 陳 応時[著], 山寺 三知[訳]
    2011年 28 巻 3-10
    発行日: 2011/03/19
    公開日: 2018/07/19
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 日本伝統音楽を中心に
    二見 淑子
    1976年 1976 巻 39-40 号 d41-d51
    発行日: 1976/10/23
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 東洋音楽研究
    1976年 1976 巻 39-40 号 302-292
    発行日: 1976/10/23
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 草野 美保
    2014年 10 巻 27-35
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2022/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    China has a long history of eating flowers,and this tradition has been handed down to the present day through the centuries. The main study on flower-eating culture was presented in Chinese classical works describing medicinal values of plants. Another closely related subject is ethnobotany. Since the 1990s, several field works have been conducted in the Yunnan province, which have already generated several reports on the subject. Most classical works are mainly concerned with the types of flowers and their medicinal values. Because of this, the author examined several classical cook books from Song to Qing Dynasty and focused primarily on the methods of preparation of flowers for eating purposes.

    Flowers were used for health beverage in Song and Yuan Dynasties. In Ming Dynasty, the usage has been expanded to cooking. In Qing Dynasty, flowers were used as seasoning ingredients to add special flavor to dessert.

  • 永島 榮一郎
    1941年 1941 巻 7-8 号 147-161
    発行日: 1941/04/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 金 〓哲
    1995年 47 巻 1 号 21-45
    発行日: 1995/02/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The main issue in the rural geography of Korea has been the regional impacts of rapid rural-urban migration. In the process of industrialization since the 1960s, rural areas lost more than half of their population during the period 1970-90. Depopulation rates were about 25% in the 1970s and 35% in the 1980s. As a result, almost all of rural Korea, excluding areas near metropolitan areas, have been undergoing depopulation at rates in excess of 3% per year.
    In this paper, the current research on rural depopulation of Korea has been reviewed with three sub-themes, that is, its cause, the pattern of rural-urban migration, and regional impacts.
    The rural areas in Korea were transformed to scarce population areas as a result of the rapid rural-urban migration since the 1960s. The main cause of rural-urban migration has been the urban-oriented national policy, the so-called growth centre strategy. The national planners selected a few metropolitan areas as growth centres and fostered a regional disparity. This led to the migration of, particularly, highly educated rural youths to urban areas seeking non-agricultural occupations and increased incomes. In addition, remote mountainous areas in which most of the underground resources are found, have been experiencing more severe depopulation since the 1970s, due to the new energy policy, namely, the transfer from a coal-oriented to a petroleum-oriented policy and the restrictions placed on utilization of forest areas. In this process, the most severe depopulated areas in Korea shifted from plain agricultural areas near metropolitan areas (1960s) to remote mountainous areas (1970s and the first half of the 1980s) and agriculture areas remote from metropolitan areas (after the latter half of the 1980s).
    With this background, the pattern of rural-urban migration in Korea can be characterized as follows from the current research:
    First, single migration and chain-migration has been the mainstream of rural-urban migration in Korea, especially after the 1970s. Seasonal migration is rare. Second, the high selectivity of age and education is conspicuous due to the aforementioned characteristic. Third, rural-urban migrants by reason of educational objectives show a trend towards step migration.
    And also, the regional impacts of rapid rural-urban migration on the rural areas can be characterized as follows from the current research:
    First, the elderly and the female agricultural labour force have replaced the young generation, owing to the absolute deficiency of the young labour force.
    Second, despite the severe shortage of labour force, the use of agricultural machinery har not been adopted by the peasants due to the lack of financial capabilities and low cost-benefit efficiency.
    Third, rural-urban migration in Korea has never led to an increase in cultivated landownership of remnant farmers. The migrants' lands were leased for tenant farming by the remnant farmers at high rent (almost half of the harvest). At the same time, a great increase in landownership by urban residents was witnessed.
    Fourth, in contrast with Japanese cases, the increase of tenant farms have brought about the standardization of farm size with an increase in cultivated land of remnant farmers. In spite of the increase of cultivated lands through tenancy, those farmers however have never been considered as belonging to the middle class, and their agricultural revenue has more often than not been less than their living expenses during the last thirty years.
    Fifth, the lack of labour force in rural areas has led to extensive but partially intensive land use. While the farmers changed their management to less labour-intensive farming, they had to adopt a market-oriented and labour/capital-intensive farming method in order to meet the increasing demands for cash.
  • ―「水品」の歴史的変遷、理論、実践―
    趙 方任
    2020年 2020 巻 30 号 268-282
    発行日: 2020/01/01
    公開日: 2020/04/09
    ジャーナル フリー









  • 鄭 祖襄, 山寺 三知
    2005年 22 巻 3-83
    発行日: 2005/03/19
    公開日: 2018/07/19
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • その資料的意義
    岸辺 成雄, 平野 健次, 張 世彬, 上参郷 祐康, 三谷 陽子, 蒲生 郷昭, 蒲生 美津子
    1977年 1977 巻 41-42 号 57-138,en5
    発行日: 1977/08/31
    公開日: 2010/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー