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クエリ検索: "松平頼聰"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 永吉 雅夫
    2002年 51 巻 1 号 18-28
    発行日: 2002/01/10
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―高松藩弥千代姫の物語 ―
    *西村 美樹
    2022年 2022a 巻 S106
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/10/05
    会議録・要旨集 フリー







    公とその正室,大老井伊直弼の息女弥千代姫を中心として,高松の歴史について認識して頂くとともに,様々な伝統・文化・芸術・食に触れ,体験し,楽しみながら学べる2時間半のライブパフォーマンス&食事の催しである(表1). なおこれは筆者が一部の企画と実施に直接関わったものであり,イベント参加者に対するアンケートおよびヒアリングは,アクションリサーチの手法を組み合わせた分析と位置づけられる(中村,2007).




    ・山本達也・岡本岳大 2022. ポスト・コロナ時代における 「旅」 の価値の変質に関する検討. 清泉女子大学紀要, 121-140.

    ・秦泉寺友紀 2018. 観光における食文化の位相と真正性―イタリアを事例として. 和洋女子大学紀要, 59, 13-22.

    ・梶谷克彦 2015. 日本における地域イベントの時代変容に関する研究. 日本感性工学会論文誌, 14 (3), 433-442. ・伊藤裕康 2011. 「物語 (り)」 としての 「伝統」 社会科地理学習における伝統の扱い方. 社会科教育研究, 2011 (114), 77-90.

  • 竹中 龍範
    1987年 1988 巻 20 号 39-46
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    At the beginning years of Meiji era the Takamatsu Clan carried out a series of educational innovations. Among them were the establishment of the Institute of Western Studies and sending three students to England. The students were Junkichi Yamada, Shuji Matsuda, and Kozo Takahara. They had been studying English in Osaka when they were selected as the students to be sent to England on scholarships from the clan. They left Yokohama on March 3, 1871. While they were studying engineering in England, the Japanese Government replaced the clan in 1872 to provide them with new scholarships. Thus they worked for Koubu-sho (Ministry of Engineering) after they returned to Japan and made a large contribution to the development of modern Japan.
  • 西村 正守
    1974年 20 巻 1 号 44-52
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2022/10/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 裕子
    1977年 86 巻 2 号 177-195,242-24
    発行日: 1977/02/20
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    In March Cf 1868, the Meiji government's regulations against Christianity were made public. These new regulations in terms of content were inherited directly from the Bakufu. This decision was due to the complicated state of national affairs which included attacks on the government by the remnants of the Bakufu army and the ongoing clashes between foreigners and anti-foreigners. However, once these regulations were issued as law, the government had to preserve them, lest any change weaken its own authority and become a source of criticism against the government by those elements opposed to the new Meiji regime. The exiling of the thirty-four hundred Christians from Urakami Village in Nagasaki was the largest concession the Meiji government could make to foreign countries. This decision was implemented in December of 1869 despite delays resulting from the war. At first, the regulations concerning Christianity had no connection with the plan to make Shinto the established religion. However, this link was made during the government's efforts to retain the anti-Christian regulations. Accordingly, though the government promised generous treatment to foreigners after the Urakami villagers had been exiled, the government did not have any concrete plans to carry out its promise. Only in the fall of 1870 did Christianity become a subject of lively debate in the government, and that was simply because there was a fear of a problem possibly taking place in Kagoshima, the home of many important people in the government. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which had been receiving a constant stream of protests from foreign countries, understood that the problem of Christianity in Japan was an important one in foreign affairs. Yet, it had little power in the government and so did not participate in the making of government policy decisions concerning this issue. Nonetheless, the Foreign Ministry had continued to appeal to the government to keep the promises it had made to other countries. In the spring of 1871 the central government's suppression of the rebel forces ended in success. In July of the same year the "han" system was dissolved and replaced by the "ken" system of local government. As the government continued to centralize power and to institute organizational changes in the governmental system, it then began to show its willingness to change its policy by its handling of the Imari Incident in Saga and its release of those Urakami villagers who had given up their belief in Christianity. Also emerging at this time were demands for the end of any anti-Christian regulations by members of Japanese governmental missions in Europe and America. In February of 1872 when the government's concern over the discontented elements in Japan had come to an end, the enforcing of anti-Christian regulations also came to an end. In this way we can see that while the Meiji government's policy towards Christianity was a concern of Japanese foreign policy, essentially it was influenced more by domestic political factors and changes during this Period.
  • 猪飼 隆明
    2005年 2 巻 1-22
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2024/04/19
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 明治最初期の府県庁舎に関する史的研究(下)
    石田 潤一郎
    1985年 5 巻 68-106
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2019/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー