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クエリ検索: "沖縄県立八重山高等学校"
8件中 1-8の結果を表示しています
  • *東田 盛善
    2021年 68 巻
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/12/15
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


  • 東田 盛善
    2013年 47 巻 4 号 244-245
    発行日: 2013/12/31
    公開日: 2017/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新田 重清
    1980年 18 巻 4 号 281-293
    発行日: 1980/02/29
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recent archeological interests in Yaeyama district are as follows:
    1. Characters and dating of the neolithic aceramic culture which has been chronicled as to be of the First Period.
    2. Problem about the “Red Ware” which was newly discovered.
    3. Re-examination of previous chronological framework about the prehistoric sites.
    1. Recently the Funakuya, Kanda and Nagura-B shell mounds, which have been known as the sites of the neolithic aceramic culture, are investigated in purpose to find out any occurrence of pottery. But no pottery fragments were discovered from the includes of all the sites. In the chronological framework, the site of the neolithic aceramic culture has been regarded as the oldest and as fundamental of the Yaeyama prehistorical culture. Referring to the stratigraphic relationship between the Otabaru and the Kanda sites, however, it became clear that the previous idea should be re-examined. Many data recovered hitherto and comparative study of the cultural remains reveals that this culture had developed in not so old age but probably during from 5 to 13 A.D. The culture was characteristically developed near the river mouth, on the sea coast or sand dune accompanying with no pottery but stone artifacts and shell artifacts. Usage of the earth-oven cooking together with fire stones is supposed. The stone artifacts are composed of stone axes in abundance, beat-stones and whet-stones. The stone axes are large-sized in comparison to those of the other periods and, in relatively many cases, polished or semi-polished. Characteristic technique making the stone artifacts may be pinpointed on the polished-blade, which seems to have been pursuited by the following Yaeyama prehistorical cultures. Considering by the location of the sites and the combination of cultural remains, the life of this period may have been supported through fishing and esculent culture, namely, Imo-Culture.
    2. Recently the Fune No. 1 site and the Otabaru site in the Ishigaki Island yielded new form pottery which differs from the prehistoric pottery reported previously from Yaeyama district and called as Yaeyama style pottery (provided with external lugs). This pottery was named Red Ware because of reddish tint. The ware is hard baked with generally thick wall and designed by nail impression. Red Ware-type includes the associated potteries without design and with ox-horn handle. This type of potteries is widely distributed in the Yaeyama Islands and is thought to be the oldest among the pottery cultures without imported chinaware. Besides, it became clear that it precedes the aceramic culture by stratigraphic survey of the Otabaru and Kanda sites. The Red Ware culture accompanies stone axes which are generally small sized, and beaten or semi-polished. A 3, 850±75y.B.P. 14C age is measured for the Otabaru site including the Red Ware. This age is not incompatible with the stratigraphic sequence. Standing upon the 14C age, a gap exists between the Red Ware and the following aceramic culture. Beside of this problem, searching the culture anteceded to the Red Ware is a subject to be progressed in the comming future.
    3. Judging from the situation mentioned above, it become necessary to re-examine the previous chronicles, Development of the Red Ware culture may have been antecedent to the “aceramic culture of the first period” in the chronicle proposed by the Waseda university. After this aceramic culture, culture yielding Yaeyama style pottery accompanied with imported chinaware appears. The pottery and the Red Ware are belonged to the same lineage, although they are separated by the aceramic culture from each other. Therefore, it can be presumed that peoples who ceased to use pottery once in the aceramic culture began to use pottery again. Social background of the repeated usage of pottery beyond a gap is also the subject to be solved in the future.
  • 奥間 朝春, 高江洲 瑩, 宮城 稔
    1990年 38 巻 3 号 310-311
    発行日: 1990/06/20
    公開日: 2017/07/13
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 十塚 正治, The Super Science High School Consortium, 佐藤 陽一, 田中 雅嗣
    Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)
    2016年 124 巻 2 号 85-91
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/12/20
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    平成20~24年度に文科省のスーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)コンソーシアムとして日本国内(八重山諸島,宮古島,沖縄本島,佐賀県,兵庫県,宮城県,青森県)の高校と共同で,Y染色体DNAとミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)のハプログループを解析し,日本各地における頻度分布を調査した。その結果,Y染色体ハプログループに関してはDE*は佐賀県,青森県と比較して,琉球地域で高い割合を示した。ハプログループC1は佐賀県,青森県と比較して,琉球地域で高く,逆にC3は佐賀県,青森県と比較して琉球地域で低い結果となった。ハプログループO2b1は沖縄本島において低頻度を示したが,O2b*, O3の頻度は地域間で大きな違いはみられなかった。mtDNAに関しては,佐賀県,兵庫県,青森県と比較し,琉球地域においてハプログループM7aは高頻度を示し,N9aは低頻度を示すことがわかった。N9bは頻度数値がどこも小さいが,青森,琉球地域に対し,中間に位置する兵庫・大阪・京都と佐賀が比較的低かった。日本本土と琉球地域ではY染色体DNAとmtDNAのハプログループの頻度に違いがみられることがわかった。

  • 東田 盛善, 佐竹 洋, 張 勁
    2011年 60 巻 5 号 203-213
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/05/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 坂上 憲光, 李 銀姫, 山田 吉彦, 川崎 一平, 仁木 将人, 小野 林太郎, 石川 智士
    2014年 62 巻 3 号 3_47-3_52
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reports an ocean environmental education conducted in Ishigaki Island through the cooperation with Ishigaki city and Junior Chamber International Japan Yaeyama. The purpose of this educational activity was to create the opportunity for high school students in Ishigaki city to promote the interests in ocean environment. In this education, the students assembled underwater observation robot kits by themselves and observed underwater environment using the robots. We also conducted a questionnaire survey at the beginning and the end of the monozukuri class. The result of the survey indicated that our educational activity was effective to create positive change in the students.
  • 伊藤 寿茂, 柿野 亘, 北野 忠, 河野 裕美
    2016年 78 巻 1 号 87-96
    発行日: 2016/07/20
    公開日: 2018/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー

     イシガイ科の淡水二枚貝6種(ヨコハマシジラガイInversiunio jokohamensis,イケチョウガイHyriopsis schlegeli,マツカサガイPronodularia japanensis,カラスガイCristaria plicata,ドブガイモドキCristaria tenuis,ドブガイ類Sinanodonta sp.)の塩分耐性を実験水槽内で調べた。
     まず,各種成貝の塩分耐性を判断するために,様々な塩分に調整した水槽に各種成貝を種別に収容して,経時的に生残率を記録した。様々な塩分に保った飼育水にヨコハマシジラガイの成貝を収容したところ,6 psu以上の環境下では全ての個体が斃死した。低い塩分(3~6 psu)の飼育水に各種成貝を収容してから,徐々に塩分を上昇させたところ,6~8 psuの時点でヨコハマシジラガイとイケチョウガイ,ドブガイモドキ,ドブガイ類は,ほとんど全ての個体が斃死した。生存個体のあったマツカサガイとカラスガイは,さらに塩分を10 psuまで上昇させたところ,全ての個体が斃死した。
     次に,幼生の塩分耐性を判断するために,カラスガイとドブガイモドキの幼生を寄生させた宿主魚類を水槽内で継続飼育し,魚体からの幼生と稚貝の出現状況を確認した。魚体に寄生した幼生が稚貝へと変態する期間(186~236時間)より前に,飼育水の塩分を0~3 psuから11~33 psuまで上昇させて再び0 psuまで下げる操作を行ったところ,全ての実験区で変態を完了した稚貝が生きた状態で出現した。
     イシガイ類の成貝は6~8 psu以上の塩水中で生残することが出来なくなるが,幼生は宿主に寄生中であれば,11~33 psuの塩水にさらされても生存し続けることが示された。イシガイ類は幼生期に汽水域や海域を介して分散する可能性がある。
