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231件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 山口 宏, 小川 高志, 横山 敬
    1991年 70 巻 12 号 1143-1150
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Gas hold-ups were measured in a 240mm dia. and 2400mm high three-columns-in-series reactor of the 2.4ton/day NKK direct coal liquefaction process. All measurements were carried out under high pressure in i) two-phase creosote oil/ hydrogen system at room temperature, ii) two-phase anthracene oil/hydrogen and iii) three-phase Illi-nois No.6 coal slurry/hydrogen systems at high temperature by the following three diffe-rent methods; “gas shut-down”, “neutron attenuation” and “gas purge” techniques.
    For system i), the gas hold-up, εG, obtained by the three methods showed no signifi-cant difference and increased with the superficial gas velocity, UG. εG at a given UG in-creased with the pressure up to 12.8MPa and then leveled off with the further pressure in-crease. These variations of εG could possibly be attributed to those of the bubble size. The change of εG with UG for system ii) was found to be equivalent to that for system i), if changes in UG and the gas-liquid equilibrium composition due to evaporation of light anthracene oil fractions to the gas phase were appropriately evaluated. Furthermore, εGS for system iii) agreed reasonably well with those reported for coal liquefaction pilot plants and high pressure bouble column.
  • 武田 哲也, 野上 義信, 井口 憲二, 鹿住 登, 今田 邦弘
    1995年 32 巻
    発行日: 1995/10/26
    公開日: 2017/03/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Gas holdups in the PSU coal liquefaction reactor were determined by a differential pressure method under the conditions of 170kg/cm^2G and ambient temperature to 450℃. For all velocities tested, gas holdups in the PSU reactor increased with increasing superficial gas velocity and this slope was approximately constant.
  • 小野 文慈, 山本 雄二
    日本機械学会論文集 C編
    1998年 64 巻 623 号 2659-2665
    発行日: 1998/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    The limiting ability of oils to build up hydrodynamic lubrication film was investigated using a plate-on cylinder testing apparatus on sliding condition. The oil viscosity entrained into the conjunction zone was estimated by comparing the values of the film thickness and coefficient of friction measured during testing and theoretical ones under oil starvation conditions. There was a critical sliding velocity above which the oil thickness and friction force inversely decreased with increasing the sliding velocity. Below the critical sliding velocity, the oil film thickness and coefficient of friction measured were nearly equal to the theoretical ones. The reduction in oil thickness and friction compared with theoretical ones of the supplied oil resulted from preferentially entraining the lower viscosity components of the supplied oil into the conjunction region.
  • 齊藤 和美, 早川 邦夫, 中村 保, 田中 繁一, 野末 卓哉
    2006年 47 巻 546 号 606-610
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Damage to and fracture of dies of cold forward extrusion of a bolt part former was detected by use of a fractal property of acoustic emission (AE) during a practical manufacturing operation. Two conditions of lubrication, with and without vegetable oil, were employed. A fractal dimension m of AE amplitude was used to detect damage to and fracture of the die. The extrusion rate was set to 100 pcs./min. A decrease in m was observed after a certain number of repetitions of extrusion N under both conditions. Under the condition without vegetable oil, the die insert was completely ruptured by N = 2850. The m took a minimum value at N = 2807, and then increased. The progress of the defects on the surface of the workpiece showed good agreement with the change in m. Under the condition with vegetable oil, the die insert was completely ruptured by N = 11000. A decrease in m was observed at N = 9000. A fast overload fracture with a ratchet mark was mainly observed on the fractured surface of the die insert under the condition without vegetable oil. The region of stable crack propagation around the die radius was dominant under the condition of lubrication with vegetable oil.
  • ダブルナット方式の特性
    小渕 信夫, 大塚 二郎
    1986年 52 巻 3 号 528-534
    発行日: 1986/03/05
    公開日: 2010/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, an approximate equation which expresses the relation between the friction torque of double-nut type ball screw, Td, and the mean coefficient of friction, μ (μ=(μ12) / 2, μ1 ; the coefficient of friction under the forward drive, μ2 ; that under the back drive), is derived, and a method to evaluate the friction characteristic of double-nut type is proposed. The friction torque of double-nut type, Td, is measured experimentally under the preload of 653, 1 307, 1 960 N, and the revolution speed range of 20-1 500 rpm, for each oil of # 83, # 56, # 32, at two conditions of oiling (flooded ; A and dropped ; B). It is clear from these results that the mean coefficient of friction, μ, is from 0.002 to 0.007 within the limits of these experiments, and the relationship between μ and dimensionless number, ηN/ Pm is not always linear. In addition, the effects are discussed of the kinematic viscosity of oil and the revolution speed of screw shaft, being found that Td is sum of load term, Td, and the speed term, T., the estimated formulae are obtained of Td and Ts at each condition of oiling A and B.
  • 中学生の体格および食事
    羅李 澄美, 武藤 静子
    1972年 30 巻 6 号 252-263
    発行日: 1972/11/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    台湾の北部, 中部, 南部の中学生1,534名 (男509, 女1,025) を対象に実施した体格調査および24時間食事記録調査から次のような結果が得られた。
    1. 対象生徒の身長は男女平均それぞれ158.4および154.1cm, 体重はそれぞれ44.9および43.0kgで, 身長, 体重共に男児では中部, 女児では南部に大きかった。
    2. 食事に用いられた穀類の中では米飯の喫食率が80% (朝, 昼, 夕それぞれを60, 91, 88%) を占めるが, その他低頻度ながら20種余に及ぶ多様な穀類製品が見出された。
    3. 野菜, 海藻, 茸, 果実などを伴わない食事は朝食および昼食に20~30%, 夕食には10%以下。献立に現われた種類は64種類に上り, 1人1日平均3.50種 (1日に同一種を2回以上食べることもある) をとる計算になる。出現頻度の高い順は淡色野菜, 果実, 緑色野菜類, 根菜類, 瓜類, その他であった。
    4. 蛋白性食品の中では豚の利用が多く, 肉のほか, 肝臓, 骨付, 腸, 血, 足, 皮, 舌, 胃, 脳, 心臓, 肺, 火腿などがみられ, 1日平均1回の割で摂取されていた。臓物類の利用は北部に圧倒的である。その他の獣肉および臓物の頻度は豚にくらべると著しくひくかった。
    5. 獣鳥肉類合計の出現頻度は蛋白性食品中最高, 魚介類が第2, 卵が第3位, 乳は最低位であった。動物性食品の利用は1人1日平均3.4回となる。
    6. 豆類では大豆製品の種類も使用頻度も多く2日に1回の割で用いられ, 他の豆類を合わせると1日平均0.75回の出現頻度となる。
    7. 献立としては穀・芋類, 蛋白性食品, および野菜果実類3者の組合せが68%を占め, 欠食は朝と昼にわずか (0.5%程度) にみられたのみであった。
    8. 間食をとらなかったものは対象の過半数を占め, 殊に北部に多く, 南部に少なかった。間食の種類は果実および果実汁が最高, 穀類, 牛乳がこれにつぎ, 菓子類の頻度はひくかった。
  • 切削剤の冷却効果に関する研究(2)
    山本 明
    1956年 22 巻 258 号 350-354
    発行日: 1956/08/05
    公開日: 2010/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • (第1報) 搾油条件の脱色に及ぼす影響
    畑 忠太, 湯木 悦二
    1956年 3 巻 3 号 118-121
    発行日: 1956/08/20
    公開日: 2009/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 菜種油の色調の濃淡及び脱色の難易は搾油に於ける前処理条件及び搾油時の条件に大いに影響される。
    2. 菜種を加熱して強圧することにより,又圧扁圧蒸した同一条件のものでもこれをケージプレスによる場合よりエキスペラーで強圧することによつて脱色は困難となる。
    3. 菜種油の色素はカロチノイドを主体とし,このものはアルカリ処理によつてかなり脱色され,白土にはほとんど吸着される。又加熱によつても破壊される。
    4. 搾油の条件によつて400mμ付近に極大をもつ褐色々素の生成がみとめられ,このものはアルカリ処理によつても加熱によつても破壊し難い。
  • MQL給油条件における工具損傷形態と工具寿命
    *廣崎 憲一, 新谷 一博, 加藤 秀治, 兼氏 歩
    2006年 2006A 巻 F03
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/03/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 小林 和弥
    2017年 82 巻 4 号 251-262
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2019/05/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    Injection of low salinity water yields incremental oil recovery (5-20%) with lower operation cost and less environmental load in comparison with other enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technologies. However, mechanisms how the decrease in salinity of injection water improves oil recovery are controversial because someone gets promising results, but another does not with their specific experimental setting (e.g., different rock and different crude oil). Recently, wettability alteration is supposed to play a key role for improving oil recovery by low salinity water. It is the process that salinity change affects wettability initially evolved in reservoirs by interaction among crude oil-brine (formation water)-minerals. Here in this review, core experiments for low salinity water injection are summarized to specify requirements that low salinity water has promising effects to improve oil recovery. Secondary, I analyze and summarize experiments and theoretical simulations that discuss interactions among crude oil, brine, and minerals depending on salinity (and pH). This aims at looking for a universal view for the interactions existing in reservoirs. Finally, it is demonstrated that the evolution of initial wettability in reservoirs can be divided into two processes; contact of crude oil to a mineral surface mediated by brine and adsorption of oil molecules on the mineral surface. These two processes are significantly related to the requirements of low salinity water injection. Besides, interactions significant in the two processes are specified; disjoining pressure (surface charges of crude oil and minerals) and molecular interactions (e.g., cation bridging, acid-base interactions), respectively. From the view point of crude oil-brine-mineral interaction, it is crucial to investigate oil-molecule-specific / ion-specific / mineral-specific surface charge and molecular interactions for elucidating mechanisms of enhanced oil recovery by low salinity water injection.

  • 製油条件のペースト状レシチンの品質に及ぼす影響
    吉富 和彦, 渡辺 寿, 徳永 敏一
    1961年 10 巻 9 号 540-542
    発行日: 1961/09/20
    公開日: 2009/10/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of processing and extracting soybean on the color of lecithin as the criterion of quality has been studied.
    Browning of soybean lecithin in the miscella desolventizing process was investigated.
    Considerable coloring of lecithin occurred in the miscella concentrating process followed by further browning in the stripping process.
    It was found to improve the color of lecithin by dehulling soybean before extraction and to increase the yield of lecithin at the elevated extraction temperature, resulting the color to be darker.
  • 加藤 明英
    1982年 17 巻 9 号 731-733
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2010/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    燃料油の低質化に起因する機関の障害を最少限にし, 機関が健全な運転を続行するためには燃料油の前処理機器の果たす役割は極あて大きい.ある意味では, これらがあって初めて船内での低質燃料の使用が可能になっていると言っても過言ではない.
    本文は, 遠心式油清浄機, フィルタ, ホモジナイザの代表的処理機器に低質油の議論の基礎となる燃料油の分析技術を加えて, 各分野の専門家の執筆により構成した.
  • *児玉 英也, 河田 圭一
    2018年 2018A 巻
    発行日: 2018/08/20
    公開日: 2019/02/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


  • 山本 雄二, 平野 冨士夫, 橋本 正明
    日本機械学会論文集 C編
    1979年 45 巻 389 号 90
    発行日: 1979/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 加藤 秀治
    2021年 87 巻 3 号 275-278
    発行日: 2021/03/05
    公開日: 2021/03/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡本 隆彦
    2020年 61 巻 710 号 81-85
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    Unlike mild steels, cold rolling of high-strength steels gives rise to various problems, the causes of which are related to the high tensile strength, which is a property of the material, the high degree of work hardening, and the fine-scale composition. Furthermore, these characteristics make it easy to generate slip during the rolling of high-strength steel. In this report, the simulation of this rolling slip and its influence on slip occurrence when changing the conditions of rolling oil, which is the lubrication factor, were investigated. On the basis of these conditions, we developed a rolling oil for high-strength steel with excellent slip resistance.

  • 経日変化
    小野田 晄治, 三枝 雄吾
    1962年 11 巻 2 号 69-72
    発行日: 1962/02/20
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous report, the antistatic effect of the surfactants on propylene fibres relating to their stability for temperature, humidity and for heat-setting has been studied.
    In this paper, differences in degree of antistatic effect of them on the above mentioned fibres by prolonged storage were investigated.
    Alkyl-phosphates, quarternary ammonium type cationics and betain type amphoterics gave good results even after 90 day storage, and in the case of other surfactants, the diminutions of the antistatic effect by prolonged storage were comparatively low.
  • 高橋 研, 鈴木 大輔, 永友 貴史
    2019年 85 巻 876 号 19-00181
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/07/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    If bearings for gear units of railway vehicles are damaged by seizing, parts of the bearings come off and damage the gear and the gear box, which may lead to the leakage of the gear oil and the defective rotation of the wheel sets. Tapered roller bearings are mostly used in the gear units in Japan. The sliding speeds at the contact surface between the roller end and the inner ring flange of the pinion bearings are higher than that of the gear bearings. In the pinion bearings, therefore, seizure may occur by metal-to-metal contact from inadequate lubrication between the roller end and the inner ring flange. In order to prevent seizure of the bearings and to improve the reliability of the gear units, it is important to clarify the causes of the inadequate lubrication and the mechanism developing from inadequate lubrication into seizure of the bearings. In this work, the effects of bearing rotational speeds and loads, gear oil temperatures and flow rates, and endplay (internal clearance of bearings) values on the performance of the bearings have been investigated by using a rotation testing apparatus for pinion bearings. As a result, it has been clarified that the heating value from bearings increase as the oil temperature decreases and as the oil flow rate increases. In addition, it has been found that the endplay value is greatly reduced when the rotational speed of the bearing rapidly accelerates to high speed under conditions where the temperature of the gear oil is relatively low.

  • 人見 勝人, 中村 信人
    1978年 81 巻 721 号 1309-
    発行日: 1978/12/05
    公開日: 2017/06/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 河合 望, 中村 保, 瀬古 昇一
    1978年 81 巻 721 号 1309-
    発行日: 1978/12/05
    公開日: 2017/06/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー