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862件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 中村 陽一
    1997年 47 巻 3 号 116-122
    発行日: 1997/03/01
    公開日: 2017/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    情報主体としての市民・生活者の視点と位置づけを決定的に欠いた従来の地域情報化論の帰結として, 地域社会における市民の多様な諸活動と結び付いた地域情報基盤整備はきわめて立ち遅れている. そこで重要なのが, 地域社会のネットワーク化とボランタリーな市民活動の方から地域情報(化)のあり方を考察することである. そこから見えてくるのは, 自ら生活と社会のデザインを行なおうとする人びとによる生活の場からの多様多層な「地殻変動」にもとづいた多元的な社会経済システムに見合う地域情報化の必要である. 特に, 複合的なネットワーキングやNPOなど民間非営利の「市民セクター」を支えるものとして, その重要性はきわめて高い.
  • 上野千鶴子「女性革命兵士という問題系」をめぐって
    松井 隆志
    2005年 1 巻 4 号 1-24
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2018/03/16
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • ―サウンドデモにおける祝祭的次元についての考察から―
    出口 雅敏
    2009年 2009 巻 E-33
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/05/28
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 奥田 浩司
    1992年 41 巻 9 号 43-52
    発行日: 1992/09/10
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 〈生き方〉としての基地反対運動と命の民主主義
    比嘉 理麻
    2022年 87 巻 1 号 044-063
    発行日: 2022/06/30
    公開日: 2022/12/08
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ――ろうそくデモと政党の変化を中心に――
    安 周永
    2015年 17 巻 185-211
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2020/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉田 悠加, 西村 忠己, 細井 裕司
    2007年 50 巻 1 号 52-60
    発行日: 2007/02/28
    公開日: 2010/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    補聴器は難聴によるコミュニケーション障害を改善させるだけでなく, コミュニケーション障害を改善することで難聴者に何らかの良い影響を及ぼしている可能性がある。そのことを検討するため今回難聴者32名に対して補聴器装用前と長期間装用後にアンケートを行い, 装用が心理・社会的側面及びコミュニケーションストラテジーに与える影響について検討した。その結果, 心理・社会的側面に関する項目ではいずれの項目でも装用前より長期間装用後の方が良い結果であった。装用開始後複数回評価が可能であった難聴者については装用期間が長くなるにつれ, 良い結果が得られた。以上のことから補聴器の装用はコミュニケーション障害によるストレスを軽減し, 心理・社会的側面に良い影響を及ぼすと考えられる。
  • 吉田 悠加, 西村 忠己, 天白 奈里, 細井 裕司
    2005年 48 巻 5 号 543-544
    発行日: 2005/09/05
    公開日: 2010/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 出口 雅敏
    2008年 13 巻 44-58
    発行日: 2008/09/30
    公開日: 2021/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The street protest action that crowded and was called "Sound demonstration (Sound Demo)" by young people during for several years came to be shown in the city in Japanese various places. The marcher dances the road, it walks, and this is a demonstration of the track where the sound speaker and machine parts for DJ were piled up to the head though this is a sink because of a large sound as for the dance music. This thesis pays attention to this sound demonstration that appeared in a Japanese society in recent years, and examines it as "Festival" or "Urban Festival". The sound demonstration starts sending the political expression in a festivity dimension. However, because it violates and disturbs the boundary of the festival and the demonstration, the police overreaction might be invited, and the boundary of the festival and the demonstration be made visible. However, intentional use of the festivity also gives birth also to the strategy that opposes the enclosure of such a festivity. That is, it is concluded that "Festivity as the strategy" is a device thought out to make the situation advantageous by reading the combat rule of demonstration that rules the scene of the action directly in a different way in this thesis.
  • 池野 重男
    2014年 64 巻 6 号 269-
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2018/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 冷水 来生
    1980年 18 巻 3 号 1-6
    発行日: 1980/12/30
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 太地町における反捕鯨活動の批判的考察
    野村 康
    2013年 11 巻 2 号 91-105
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Direct action is often regarded as a response to democratic deficit because it can sensitize the general public to the cause of the marginalized, stimulating communication among individuals of different walks of life in society. However, such theoretical discussion has mainly been limited to domestic situations, despite the development of transnational activism in practice. This paper examines a case of trans-border direct action - a contentious anti-whaling protest by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in a town in Japan. It illustrates that trans-border direct action can be detrimental to democracy for sustainability, largely because of the disparity of power related to communication in the global society. Such action might even pave paths for the powerful to pressure the weak. At the international level, the group legitimized its civil and uncivil forms of disobedience by using advanced English language and media skills to overwhelm the voices of local actors. At the local and national levels, the group's action lacked support and legal-democratic efforts through communication and discussion with stakeholders. Thus, the group failed to save the lives of cetaceans and to strengthen anti-whaling activism. Re-examination of the nexus between radical activism, communication and sustainability that involves social and cultural diversity is recommended.
  • 中島 和子
    1977年 1977 巻 11 号 70-89
    発行日: 1977/03/25
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大屋 定晴
    2013年 50 巻 2 号 43-55
    発行日: 2013/07/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    In 2011, global mass protests emerged, such as Occupy Wall Street movement. This paper considers how we can locate American anti-capitalist movements within the global justice movement. Since the protest against the 1999 WTO Ministerial Conference, the movements against neoliberal globalization have extended with a great variety, involving anarchists/autonomists. The latter's characteristics are symbolized by "Direct Action" or "horizontalism". Contemporary anarchist discourses (David Graeber, Marina Sitrin, and Massimo de Angelis) and Postmodern Marxism (Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri) have diffused, and we can see their influence on the Occupy movements in the United States. But the global justice movement subsumes the other oppositional wings; NGOs, some Marxist trends, popular education movements in Latin America, etc. Above all, according to Graber, "Marxism has tended to be a theoretical or analytical discourse about revolutionary strategy" and "[a] narchism has tended to be an ethical discourse about revolutionary practice". How then can we understand the relation between the anarchist's "ethics" and the contemporary Marxist's "theory"? How can we relate anarchist-autonomist views with logics of Marxists who have participated in the global justice movement, such as David Harvey and Samir Amin? Starting from this problem, we can derive five points to consider. 1. How to understand the "outside" of capital - Anarchists and Postmodern Marxists emphasize the creation of "outside" of capital. They suggest somewhat spontaneous emergence of the "common", the "outside", as a result of historical transition from industrial to biopolitical economy (Hardt and Negri), or as a process of "value struggles" (De Angelis). But Marxists propose the analysis of conditions of that emergence. Besides theorizing about capital accumulation/circulation process, theories of "co-evolutionary process" (Harvey) and "under-determination" (Amin) are attempts to study the non-economic conditions of "outside" creation. 2. Imperialism - Hardt and Negri regard the concept of "imperialism" as outdated, and De Angelis underestimates it. On the contrary, Harvey and Amin defend its contemporary importance. This opposition is based on the different interpretation of capitalist time-space. Marxists in question focus on the geographical agglomerations of capitalist activities, while Postmodern Marxists and anarchists emphasize the flattening "space" of capital. 3. State - Direct Action's discourses include the equation of state with capital. Hardt and Negri also identify the "Empire" with capitalistic domination, although considering the "nation-state" as obsolesced. Amin and Harvey oppose these opinions, because they consider the state as an institutional place/space where the capital accumulation process relates to, and collides against, the "co-evolutionary process" or "under-determination". So the "territorial logic of power" in states can hinder the demands of capitalist power. 4. Structural dilemma in social movement's organization - Occupy Wall Street tried to become a hallmark of participatory and democratic decision-making. This "horizontalism" could get Marxists consent. However, Harvey is cautious about a "fetishism of organizational form". Because we need "general rules" to resolve problems at wider scale, progressive anti-capitalist movements must accept hierarchical structures. 5. Position of intellectuals - Contemporary social movements include self-education processes. This poses the question about the position of intellectuals. Anarchists and autonomists condemn the leadership of intellectuals as a justification of hierarchical

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • ジョージア州を中心として
    中島 和子
    1985年 1985 巻 19 号 38-60
    発行日: 1985/03/25
    公開日: 2010/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *廣安 知之, 澤田 淳二, 日和 悟
    2017年 JSAI2017 巻 4B2-OS-23b-4
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/07/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



  • ——被逮捕者に対するまなざしを通じて——
    富永 京子
    2014年 2014 巻 27 号 122-133
    発行日: 2014/09/10
    公開日: 2015/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The theory of social movements has studied political protests with regard to their occurrence, duration, development and participants. Previous research has clarified that diverse factors are involved in all of these elements. Although policing, arrests and interrogations are also essential elements, few researchers have examined them as they occur in contemporary Japan. In this paper, the author conducted a case study based on interviews with arrested activists and their colleagues. From the analysis, the author clarified that arrested protesters are labeled as “radical protesters” both by the police and by people they know in their private lives. On the other hand, policing plays a role in an initiation that makes these protesters more committed to social movements. An arrested activist is recognized as a hero by some protesters. In this way, social movements can develop their sense of solidarity. However, other organizations often regard those arrested as deviant fellow-participants.
  • 照井 信雄
    1972年 21 巻 5 号 36-49
    発行日: 1972/05/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 「政治の否定」から「政治的対抗」へ
    三谷 太一郎
    1968年 19 巻 63-103,229
    発行日: 1968/09/30
    公開日: 2009/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The leading motif of the Japanese socialism which was formulated during the third decade of the Meiji Era (1897-1907), and which took for its model the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (S. P. D.), was “parliamentarism”, to be exercised by the “middle class”. In other words, it was expected that socialism would be brought about by an influential political party similar to the S. P. D. In this sense, socialism required the art of “politics” to obtain a parliamentary majority.
    During the next decade, however, the major theme of Japanese socialism shifted drastically from “parliamentarism” to “direct action”, because of the influence of the first Russian Revolution and also because of a growing scepticism towards the S. P. D. This shift was symbolized by Shusui Kotoku's well-known article “The Change of My Thought”. According to Kotoku, socialism could be achieved only through the “direct action” of workers.
    At the same time, the political party came to be regarded as useless or harmful for the socialist movement, and thus “politics”, as an art of gaining a majority, was rejected. The “rejection of politics”, to use Hitoshi Yamakawa's term, became increasingly strong along with the disappointment which followed the S. P. D.'s decision to support Germany's participation in World War I.
    It was the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 which again changed the attitude of Japanese socialists towards “politics”, and divided it into three directions. The first of these was anarchism or anarcho-syndicalism, which was represented by Sakae Osugi's rejection of Bolshevism and adherence to a “rejection of politics”. The second was state socialism, represented by Motoyuki Takabatake, who identified Bolshevism with state socialism and opposed the “rejection of politics”. The third was Marxism, represented by Yamakawa, who evaluated positively the leadership of the Communist Party in the Russian Revolution and changed his position from a “rejection of politics” to “political confrontation”. This “change of direction”, as Yamakawa called it, along with Osugi's death in 1923, meant that “direct action” or the “rejection of politics”, as the legacy of Meiji socialism, ceased to be the leading motif of Japanese socialism in the Taisho Era.
  • 「きこえについての質問紙」 の解析
    鈴木 恵子, 原 由紀, 岡本 牧人
    2002年 45 巻 6 号 704-715
    発行日: 2002/12/28
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    難聴者の自己評価に基づいて聴覚障害の実態を数量化することを目指した 「きこえについての質問紙」 を, 難聴者394例 (未補聴群155例, 補聴群239例) に実施した。 6種の下位尺度のうち聞こえにくさの3尺度 (比較的よい条件下の語音聴取, 環境音の聴取, 比較的悪い条件下の語音聴取) が聴力を直接反映するスコアを示し, 日常生活上の聞こえにくさの軽減に補聴器が有効であることを明示した。 軽度難聴で良条件下に比し悪条件下で, 語音の聞こえにくさ及び補聴によるその改善が著しいことも示された。 聞こえにくさに直接関連した行動, 聞こえにくさに由来する情緒反応, コミニュケーションストラテジーの3尺度は聴力と明らかな関連を示さなかった。 心理・社会的問題の軽減やコミュニケーション上の工夫習得のためには, 補聴器適合に留まらないリハビリテーションプログラムが必須と考えられ, また難聴者の属性をさらに詳細に掘り下げる研究の必要性も示唆された。