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  • 脇村 孝平
    2021年 67 巻 4 号 41-57
    発行日: 2021/10/31
    公開日: 2021/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー

    We are still suffering from the disaster of COVID-19. A look into the experience of the cholera pandemic during the 19th-century would give us a great deal of insight on how to deal with the existing crisis. The cholera pandemic was a literal “pandemic” that swept the world six times in the 19th century. It was an unparalleled plague that had a profound effect on the progress of history. As it is well known, cholera was “endemic” to the Bengal region of India. However, for some reason, it became malignant and spread not only in India, but throughout the world, resulting in it becoming a pandemic. By reviewing the discussions of the International Sanitary Conferences, which began in 1851, this paper found fierce disagreements over how the European countries at the time prevented the spread of cholera from the east. First, we take up the controversy concerning the implementation of maritime quarantine during the cholera pandemic, meaning, the dilemma that arose between the epidemic prevention measures and economic activity. This issue translated to there being a conflict between continental European countries (such as France), which insisted on a strict quarantine measure, and Britain, which insisted on a loose quarantine measure called “medical inspection” because of free trade. Second, we focus on the issues surrounding the Red Sea route. There were growing concerns that the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would result in the spread of cholera to Europe, especially through this route. There were conflicts between the continental European countries (such as France), which insisted on discriminatory and strict quarantine measures against Muslim pilgrims in the Red Sea, and Britain, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and Persia, who opposed the continental European countries. The conflicts were so fierce from the 1st (1851) International Sanitary Conference to the 6th (1885) one that they did not see any agreement in the form of concluding an International Sanitary Convention. However, since the 7th conference (1892), consensus building started progressing gradually, and finally, during the 11th (1903) conference, it became possible to conclude an international sanitary convention in a cohesive manner. The international standard for the quarantine system, embodied in the International Sanitary Convention ratified in 1904, made a clear distinction between the medical inspection carried out in European waters and the quarantine implemented in the Red Sea. In the Red Sea in particular, the pilgrims to Mecca were subjected to “discriminatory treatment”. Thus, it is fair to say that it was a clear case of “double standards” and “Eurocentrism.” Finally, I would like to make the following statement: although hegemonic Britain was characterized by an “ethnocentric” diplomatic stance, it may also be possible to make a certain positive evaluation that it adhered to “realism.”

  • 芳賀 裕理, 松林 薫, 新西 誠人, 河内 康高, 大塚 哲雄
    2023年 31 巻 1-12
    発行日: 2023/03/28
    公開日: 2023/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    2022年2月24日,ロシアはウクライナへの侵攻を開始した。当初の予想に反し戦闘が長引く中,ロシアの主要輸出品である原油・天然ガスの価格が高騰。エネルギーの6割をロシアに頼っていた欧州連合(EU)は深刻な打撃を受けた。一方,米欧諸国はロシアに対し強力な経済制裁を発動し,有力企業のロシアからの撤退も相次ぐ。この戦争をきっかけに,中台問題が国際社会の抱える巨大リスクとして急浮上した。「世界の工場」として世界第2位の経済規模を持つに至った中国が台湾の武力統一に乗り出せば,世界経済に与える打撃はロシアのウクライナ侵攻と比べ物にならないからだ。特に中国との関係が深い日本は,ロシアのウクライナ侵攻によってEU が受けた以上の打撃を被る公算が大きい。本論文では,台湾有事が発生した場合に生じる日本経済への影響と,日本企業が備えるべきリスクについて考察する。